Imágenes de páginas

Nominatival form of Genitive

and Accusative cases page 40, note; 293.

Noun of relationship 149, p. 527, a. 579; derivative 161; diminutive 156, 167, p. 544, a.692; of excess 448, p. 539, a. 611; of location 449, p. 541, a. 598; of instrument 450, 542, 599; of superiority 609; with Mim 597.

Number, of nouns 79, p. 508,

a. 566; ordinal 209, a. 687; cardinal 74, 192; a. 686; fractional 204, 690; adverbs 197, 688.

Numerals: and numeration by letters 12; p. 521; a. 685. Nunation 48, 661, 669 a. Object: definite page 40, note, 291; indefinite page 40, 109, 251, 291.

Objective: case 83, 129, 281; participle 402, p. 548, a. 604. Oblique cases of relative pron. 411.

Of, sign of genitive case 81.
Omission, of letters p. 560.
On, how rendered 282, 237, 426,

One, how rendered 189, 191.
Onomatopoeia 502.

Optative tense 365-75; approaching to the suppositive past 376.

Or, how rendered 200. Order of construction 410. Ordinal numbers 209, a. 687. Orthographic signs 19, 20, 42. Orthography, the Turkish 55; the rules of 56-57. Own, how expressed 146. Participles 395; Subjective mood 401; p. 549; a. 601, 633; Objective mood 411; p. 548, 555, a. 604. Passive verbs 254; the formula of 265-67; compound 274; derivative 277. Past: habitual 335; participle

401, 405; suppositive 379. Personal pronouns 63, 92-106.

Pluperfect tense 349; of participles 401, 402, 406. Plural 68; p. 508; a. 571, reg. masc. 573, reg. fem. 576, irregular 636. Possessive: pronoun 95-106; a. 673; case 81; affixes 96. Potential verbs 283. Prepositions or postpositions 230-37, 451-54; p. 557; a. 671. Present tense: continuative 300; indicative 318-25; progressive 320; subj. participle 403; of subjective verb 65. Preterite tense 342. Primitive verbs 257; a. 586. Professional nouns 157, 164. Pronouns: personal 63, 92; demonstrative 64, 141; possessive 95; adjectival 138; reflexive 145; interrogative 169; indefinite 178; p. 680; a. 672. Punctuation, marks of 2. Qaf, the letter 33, 522, 88, 89. Quadriliteral verbs 595. Quality, adj. of, p. 553; a. 606. Quantity, adverbs of 465. Quiescent letters 42, 700. R, the letter, how articulated, page 8; 11.

Reciprocal verbs 255; the formula of 268; derivative 280. Reflexive: pron. 145; verbs 256, the formula of 265-67. Relationship, noun of, 149; p.526; a. 519.

Relative: pronoun 397, p. 397, a. 675; clause 410. Religions and denominations page 146.

Rest, postpositions indicating 237, 453.

Roots, Persian 554. Ar. 593.
Salutation 482, page 379.
Self, how rendered 145.
Sentences, order of 410.
Services, the Christian 504.
Servile letters 259; a. 587.
Shedda, the sign of 45.
Signs, orthographic 19, 20,
Simple verbs 257; a. 586.
Solar letters 663.

Solecisms 507, 583, 660. Some, somebody 135, 190. Subject: when pronoun omitted 70, 102, 120; of the infinitives in genitive 292; as an object 293; of participles and gerunds 329.

Subjective mood 399-410. Subjunctive tense 377-83. Substantive verb 309; present tense 65, 72; preterite 73; conditional 238. Substitution p. 558. Superiority, noun of 222; p.559; a. 609.

Superlative adj. 224-27; a. 606. Suppositive tense 377-83. Surnames 168, a. 6692. Symphonious terminations 698. Synonymous words 696. Tenses: present 318, aorist 326, past 341, dubitative 351, future 357, optative 365, suppositive 377, necessitative 384. Ténveen 48, 661.

Térjiyi Bénd page 303, in the

Térkibi Bénd page 303.
Terms of endearment 167.
The the, how rendered 346.
There is, how expressed 76.
Though, how rendered 239, 240.
Titles: of respect 69, honorific

To thank, page 384.

To, how rendered 232, 237, 453.

Transitive verbs 251, double 270,

the formula of 262-64, compound 272, derivative 276. Triliteral verbs: primitive 589; derivative 613.

Turkish equivalents, for some English prepositions 453, conjunctions 479.

Unconnected letters 24.
Upon, how rendered 82, 237.
Ústûn 21, 22, 23.

Variative numerals 198.
Vav, four kinds of 30. [p. 550.
Verbal nouns 288-99, 443-50;
Verbal adjectives, regular 436,

irregular 437-42; p. 553; a. 606. Verbs: accelerative 286, auxiliary 272, causal or causative 253, derivative 276-282, the finite 306, infinitive of 247, passive 254, potential 283, reciprocal 255, reflexive 256, substantive 65, 72, 73, 238, 252, 309. Persian 545; Arabic 584-632.

Vowel: letters 16, hard 22, soft 23, signs 20, simple and double 6.

Vowelled letters 42.
When, how rendered 426.
Without, how rendered 160.
Words, denoting obligation 391.
Writing, four kinds of 3.
Y, the letter, 9, 41; inserted to
avoid hiatus 41, 53, 91, 284,
287, 528, 543.

Yaf, yef, the letter 34 IV.
Yet, how expressed 239.
Yuk (plum, lack) 193 b.

دار مستادده ق . ف . وينطير مطبعه سنده طبع او

Printed by C. F. Winter, Darmstadt.

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جنا بالوں کو نر گران رونق افزای فصول را زمان تنزاهت ذات على الحجز والنقصان روح جسم جهان و نو هيتم عليان ولد
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پادشاه معد لیقوان و شهنشاه تميم الاحشا ولی نعمت بی انسان توفر حضرترني الى آخر الدوران اریکه بیاری شوکت و شان

بورسون أمين .

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