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The Policy of the
Public Ledger

The PUBLIC LEDGER'S single appeal for patronage
will be on its merits as a complete newspaper with
a news service better than ever before, and special,
strong features to be found only in its columns. Ingenious
schemes for forcing circulation will be tabooed. No money will
be spent on what is not essential, to influence people to read it
regularly; but money will be spent to make the PUBLIC LEDGER
the best morning newspaper ever produced in Philadelphia.

To make it known to the public the PUBLIC LEDGER Will take in large doses the medicine it prescribes for others—the only medicine that has stood the test of time and proved efficiency-advertising.

No premium or gift of any sort will be offered as an inducement to subscribe for the PUBLIC LEDGER; no cut rate will be offered, no clubbing plan or other seductive lure will be considered. The PUBLIC LEDGER must stand on its own

merits as a newspaper. It has no patience with patent medicines, either for the individual or as a stimulant for newspaper circulation. They are as useless for the one as for the other. No subscriber will be sought who does not want the PUBLIC LEDGER for its intrinsic merit-for what he finds of interest in its pages. The reader who is "induced " to try it by some "gimcrack" gift or extraneous appeal is of no value either to the PUBLIC LEDGER or to the advertisers who employ its columns.


A. T. SEARS, Jr., Western Representative

Home Insurance Building, Chicago

Independence Square


Public Ledger Company

Cyrus H. K. Curtis, President

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