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Among recently recorded deaths is that of Dr. W. Rutherford, Professor of Physiology in the University of Edinburg. He is principally noted for his researches on the liver, his work "The action of Drugs on the Secretion of Bile," published in 1879 being the standard authority on the subject.

Dr. Rutherford commenced life as a pharmacist at Jedburgh, but gave it up to study medicine,


Michigan druggists are threatened with an addition to their other numerous woes of a $500 Liquor License fee.

The druggists of Minneapolis are considering the nickel-in-the-slot telephone plan as a means for correcting the "may I use your 'phone" nuisance.

Politics prevailed in the scrap between Governor Tanner and the Illinois Board of Pharmacy. The latter refused to dismiss the secretary for "political reasons," and now the Governor has fired the Board.

A $1,600 drug store robbery is reported from a Missouri town. The Pharm. Era (from which we cut the item) has scarcely recovered its equilibrium since receiving the despatch. $1600 from a drug store! Whew!

Indiana Pharmacists after years of struggle have at last secured a pharmacy law. A year ago they secured the passage of a law, but the Governor refused to sign it, but they secured his acceptance to the present act before submitting it to the Legislature.

Several of the large American Chemical Companies have amalgamated under the title of the General Chemical Company of Phillipstown, N. Y. The The capital is $25,000,000. The objects of the amalgamation are to secure more economical working and less competition.

A bill is before the Legislative Assembly, of Albany, N. Y. to wipe out the abuse now existing in New York, where the Board of health enters into competition with private firms in the manufacture and sale of Antitoxin. Druggists handling the Board of product are obliged to do so on a 10% basis.

A bill was introduced in the Senate at Albany on Wednesday, March 8th, prohibiting department stores from dealing in any patent or proprietary medicines or drugs whatsoever, or putting up or furnishing upon physicians' prescriptions or otherwise any compound, mixture or combination of ingredients containing medicines or drugs.

An effort was recently made in Kansas to legislate a man into pharmacy, a special bill being introduced with that object. The friends of pharmacy were wise and offered no objections, but killed it more effectually by ridicule. As the bill passed through its various stages numerous names were added of people who had no notion of becoming pharmacists. The climax was reached when the Lieutenant Governor's name was added. The ridiculousness of the whole thing was apparent, and speedy death was the result.

An insurance company in Denver endeavored to establish that phenacetin is a narcotic. The court ruled otherwise, and the company had to pay the amount of a policy on a man's life which they were trying to beat the widow out of.

Some practical joker sent Edward Thimme, sec'y. of Shorter Hours League, an infernal machine. This on investigation proved to be a package of cowhage. The "infernal" phase of the incident applied more to the language induced rather than the nature of the machine.

The Physicians of Muncie, N. J. have purchased a drug store, named it the Physicians Drug Co., and Their incorporated a company with $20,000 capital. object is to counteract the influence and work of the counter prescribing druggist, who they claim is ruining their business.


The Telephone nuisance in Chicago drug stores has been solved by means of the Slot machines. stead of the instrument now being a cause of annoyance and loss to the druggist, it has become a source of revenue, besides serving the good purpose of making the public pay for their 'phoning.

The supreme court has given a decision in favor of the government in the Dunlap alcohol case, which was brought to recover duty on alcohol which according to plaintiff should have been free under a clause in the Wilson Tariff Law of 1894. The U. S. government held the contrary and the court of final resort has decided in favor of the government. The decision means a saving of many millions to the treasury.


The French society for the encouragement of agriculture are discussing the substitution of alcohol for petroleum for lighting purposes. The idea is that alcohol could be produced from beetroot. The growing of beetroot would encourage agriculture.

Pharmacists are licensed in the Transvaal according to the following schedule based on the yearly turnover. A turnover not exceeding $12,500 pays a fee of $37.50. From $12,500 to $25,000 the fee is $50. Up to $37,500 the fee is $75, etc., information as to volume of business to be furnished by pharmacists.

The Atlantic Refining Co.

This firm have placed on the market pharmaceutical oils and petrolatums that for excellence and elegance commend themselves to the critical pharmacist. The pharmaceutical castor oil offered is water white and almost tasteless, and at a price but a trifle above that usually asked for ordinary East India oil.

Glycoline (Alboline) is another article to which they wish to direct special attention. Α liquid petroleum product, colorless and tasteless, for nasal spraying purposes. Here also their price is very much below that of similar products on the market.

For the other articles of their list we refer to their advertisement on page 425. Write for quotations before purchasing.

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March 30th.-Trade continues of good seasonable proportions, and markets are generally firm or advancing. An exception is to be found in opium, which is still further depressed. Quinine is booming, present prices being fully double those of a year ago; the Amsterdam sale of bark on the 23rd resulted in prices 65% higher than the former one; some think the light shipments of bark from Java are due to the large quantity required to keep the Java quinine factories going, and that European and American manufacturers are paying excessive prices for their supplies. Camphor is firm on a generally believed report that Japan will make it a government monopoly. Cantharides are cheap. Cream tartar easier. Rumors are still current that phenacetin will be advanced by a combination. Ergot, no demand; price much lower. Cod Liver Oil easier. Oil peppermint much depressed.


WANTED.---Assistant; must be a first class man, with knowledge of telegraphy. Write fully, stating age, experience, salary required, etc. BOX 25, PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL, Toronto.

FOR SALE.-One of the best paying drug businesses in the city of Toronto. Prominent corner. Good dispensing trade. Clean stock. Low rent. Satisfactory reasons for selling. For all particulars address Editor PHARMACEUTICAL JOURNAL, 287 King St. West, Toronto.

FOR SALE OR LEASE.-A drug business in the western part of the province in a go ahead town. Either for sale or a suitable person can have it under lease, as both the store and property belong to the present party, and his reasons for disposing of it is on account of other business interests. It has a good dwelling with modern improvements over store, and it is a rare snap for any married man, as he can have a lease for one or more years with privilege of purchasing. For further terms and conditions address "ESCULAPIUS," care PHARM. JOURNAL.

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Nux Vomica and strychnine are advancing. Cin- ACTIVE SOLICITORS WANTED EVERYchonida is higher and scarce. Copper sulphate and carbonate continue firm. Carbolic acid has advanced. Borax is holding up well. Sodas are affected by competition between the Solvay and electrolytic processes. Glycerine is strong, and makers will duplicate recent sales. Gum arabics are firm for Soudan sorts, the home consumption increasing. Ipecac and Golden Seal are still dear. Spices are generally off, demand being light. Mercurials hold the advance. The Iodine situation is complicated by the Japanese production outside the syndicate, said to amount to 70,000 to 80.000 lbs. per annum. Linseed oil has advanced, and likely to go higher. Spirits turpentine firm. White and Red Lead decidedly dearer, in sympathy with the metal.

WHERE for "The Story of the Philippines," by Murat Halstead, commissioned by the Government as Official Historian to the War Department. The book was written in army camps at San Francisco, on the Pacific with General Merritt, in the hospitals at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in the American trenches at Manilla, in the insurgent camps with Aguinaldo, on the deck of the Olympia with Dewey, and in the roar of battle at the fall of Manilla. Bonanza for agents. Brimful of original pictures taken by government photographers on the spot. Large book. Low prices. Big profits. Freight paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy unofficial war books. Outfit free. Address H. L. Barber. Gen. Manager, 356 Dearborn Street, Chicago.



Non Secret


New Designs,

Many Styles,

Reliable Prescriptions.


Ask our Travellers or write for par-
ticulars. 200 to 400 per cent. profit.

Frederick Stearns & Co.,

Manufacturing Pharmacists,





Kindly mention this Journal when writing to Advertisers.





CARLTON WORKS, Erskine Street, Hulme, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND. And 1, GLASSHOUSE YARD, Aldersgate Street, London, E.C., England.

Beg respectfully to call the attention of buyers to their new enamelled and
beautifully decorated Tins for Linseed, Liquorice, and Chlorodyne Lozenges.


Each Tin holds 7 lbs., and is given with the Lozenges. Besides affording security for the Lozenge keeping in any climate, the Tins provide a handsome Show Case for the Counter, and will, no doubt, lead to an increasing demand. Every Wholesale House in or out of London can supply, or indents may be sent direct to Manchester.


Kindly mention this Journal when writing to Advertisers.

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