Imágenes de páginas

ing medium, provided that its price is large enough to insure a good class of buyers. EDWARD E. HIGGINS,

Manager, Success Magazine.

Subscribers provide the backbone of mail order advertising value. Those who buy their magazines by mail will buy their goods by mail. But those who buy by mail, buy to buy cheap and are the same class that are the backbone of those who supply goods "just as good."

Conversely, the buyer at the newsstand looks for no premium; he pays his money and takes his choice, and the best is good enough for him.

The publicity advertiser that aims to convince that his goods are the best-"A little higher in price, but—", will find his clientele among the news-stand buyer. He will get few answers to his keyed ad, but he will sell his goods. Upon this lies the undoubted value of the city newspaper for publicity business.

There is, however, a third class to whom both the mail order and the publicity organs are valuable if wisely used; namely, the Direct advertiser, whose claim is to be the "ONLY ONE," to whom both news-stand buyers and country subscribers will respond if his ad is right.

Magazines should be rated:Mail order. Publicity.

100 per cent.

as Ellis list.

60 per cent. 40 per cent., as Delineator. 40 per cent. 60 per cent., as McClure's. 25 per cent. 75 per cent., as Strand. HENRY W. BELLSMITH, Strand Magazine.

For 99 honest advertisers out of 100, subscription circulation is infinitely better. Why? Briefly, because it goes into homes, is read by more people per copy, has the confidence of readers, and, most important of all, it goes into the hands of purchasing people. Looking through any reputable publication, one is astonished at the number of advertisements

The Home


Is a clean monthly family paper, of direct interest to women in town and country.



guaranteed for

every issue. Its reading matter and its ads are high class. No objectionable advertising accepted.

Its March Issue

Will Close February 18,

and prospects are that the publishers will begin refusing ads for lack of space long before that date.

Rates 60 cents a line

$75.00 a quarter page,
$250.00 a page.

P. V. Collins
Publishing Co.

523-525 Seventh St., South, Minneapolis, Minnesota.

914 Schiller Building, Chicago, 1010 American Tract Society Building, New York.

See also Ad of North Western Agriculturist (Weekly) on page 125 of this Magazine.

[subsumed][ocr errors]

The Real Thing.

A paper that has achieved a great success in a great field is a great medium to be represented in. The better class of German farmers from Ohio to the Rockies every week, look for the

DeutschAmerikan. Farmer.

Published at Lincoln, Neb.

The real educational farm paper published for German farmers in America. Edited by a practical farmer who is in close touch with the German farm population in this country; who has the knack of getting at the root of things, and whose articles are reproduced in the agricultural columns of Eastern German papers.


The Deutsch-American. Farmer has the largest circulation of any weekly farm paper published in America, in any language, and is the only German farm paper run on a strictly cash in advance basis.

All subscriptions paid in advance. Lowest flat rate 35 cents per line. Circulation 149,331

which appeal, primarily, to the householder and his family. The man or the woman with a home has a thousand wants-needs for articles advertisedthat are unknown to migratory dwellers in hotels, boarding houses and furnished apartments; and it is the latter class that are the largest patrons of news-stands. Having no permanent addresses, they buy their literature as the whim strikes them. The current magazine is skimmed through and thrown aside. Perhaps one person, or at most two, have seen it, and its usefulness is over.

Those who conduct homes must supply not only purely personal needs, but must have all the manifold impedimenta of a home. As a rule, they have families. Visitors, too, come and go, many of them making more or less extended incursions into the magazines on the family center table. Familiarity with a periodical begets confidence, and this confidence extends to the advertisements as well as the editorial matter.

Last of all, subscription circulation is steady, reliable, permanent. It doesn't jump up or down from month to month. The advertiser knows he gets what he pays for. F. FAYRAM,

Publisher The Housekeeper.


Answering your favor of the 10th inst., regarding the value of Subscriptions vs. News Stand Circulation to the advertiser, naturally I feel that the subscription circulation is the only real valuable circulation to the permanent advertiser, because The Literary Digest only guarantees yearly subscriptions. I think you should have qualified your statement with the word "yearly" or "annually"; also, that the space is too small to intelligently cover the question. We do not believe that short time subscriptions are much better for permanent advertisers than the news-stand sales, but we do feel that when an advertiser can reach practically the same audience for a year, that he will have an opportunity to

convince them by repeated arguments that his goods are what he claims. To get the full cumulative value of advertising, you must have the yearly subscription circulation.

For the advertiser who simply lives from hand to mouth, as it were, and only attempts to sell one article to each person, there is probably little difference between the two circulations. But, for

the advertiser who wants to build up a permanent business and who must do it by convincing the public that his goods have the merits he claims, the newsstand circulation is not very valuable to him. The news-stand buyer, as a whole, usually looks for something sensational, something to pass away a few moments of time, so he buys the magazine which temporarily interests him. Whether he ever takes it to his home, or whether he has a home to take it to, is a matter of theory. We know that the news-stand sales of certain magazines are largely increased when they advertise special features for any issue, so that one is justified in supposing the news-stand buyers are a very changeable class and such circulation very unstable.

On the other hand, some of the advantages of the paper with subscription circulation are: Non-fluctuating, uniform issues, gets to the right people in the homes, has a distinct influence on the family, in which the advertising has a part; is usually carefully saved, goes to largely the same people each issue, thus giving opportunity for cumulative effect of advertising, better class of people generally, and is sure to be read through. R. HOWSER, JR.,

Western Representative, The Literary Digest.

As to the relative value of subscription or news-stand circulation to the advertiser, I should say from experience that the former is much more valuable than the latter.

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goes regularly every month into more than Three Hundred Thousand Homes. It especially appeals and is a source of helpfulness to the woman who employs one servant or who has no servant at all. It is to her an oracle and friend. can depend upon every advertisement in its columns because it accepts only such advertising as it can guarantee. Its readers pay for it-no indiscriminate sample copying--hence every copy is valued. ERGO. It is no wonder that advertisers find it a profitable medium.

Try It For Yourself.

Forms close one month before date of issue.

The Housekeeper Corporation Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I offer as an illustration, the following: If a gentleman is introduced to one by a personal friend whom he has known for a long time, and in whom he has implicit confidence, he is ready to place the fullest confidence in whatever the person introduced may have to offer; while if he were introduced by a casual acquaintance whom he had only met once or twice and about whom he knew very little, the case would be entirely different; he would be apt to take whatever he said —especially, if it called for any outlay on his part-with a good deal of caution.

The publication that is subscribed for by the year is looked upon as a valued and trusted friend, while the publication that is only purchased to while away an hour is simply casually read and thrown aside. The element of confidence in the latter case is lacking.

Publications that depend largely upon news-stand sales for their circulation must rely a great deal upon "showy" and "catchy" covers, just as a salesman who is compelled constantly to meet new customers feels the necessity of dressing well in order to make an impression. You are apt to look at a stranger's clothes to start off with, but should you afterwards meet him a number of times, it is up to him whether he is a man or merely a tailor's dummy.

My experience with the New York Magazine has taught me that a handsome cover is not necessary to hold subscribers. It is the reading matter that counts. It does not follow, however, that a handsome cover is a detriment.

To my mind, the news-stand magazine appeals largely to people who have a few minutes to spend and want some magazine to help them kill time. If this is so, it stands to reason that the advertisements will not appeal with very great force to the reader.

The publication that goes regularly into the home and is read by all members of the household, gains the fullest confidence and comes to occupy the place of

a trusted adviser on all subjects treated therein, including its advertising pages. Especially is this so provided the objectionable and unreliable advertisements are excluded therefrom.

I believe that advertisers generally consider that subscription circulation is much more valuable to them than newsstand circulation. This certainly holds true in regard to the general publicity advertiser who expects to gain the confidence of the public only by using space in a publication year in and year out. New York Magazine,

W. J. KENNEDY, Adv. Mgr.

The outside of your factory is more important than the inside, and what your competitors are doing is of absolutely no importance as compared to what the public thinks of your goods.

Public opinion is the keynote of business success, and he who neglects it cannot succeed. By advertising you can sway the mighty tide of public favor as the moon sways the tides of the ocean. You see this done every day. You can do it yourself. From Advertisement of Curtis Publishing Co.


Under the Same Management

No large sample copy editions.

No clap-trap premium schemes.

A circulation obtained and maintained on merits of the paper. Clean advertising col


Covers Illinois thor.

are among the many reasons
why you should use the

Farmers' Review


[blocks in formation]

N. W. Agriculturist,

The Only Farm Weekly in the Hard
Wheat Belt, and Wheat Over A Dollar.

Will Our Readers Buy

Seeds, Farm Implements, Stock, Family Supplies, Furniture, Clothing, Medicines, Luxuries, Modern Necessities, Etc.?


Do Advertisers Appreciate the Value of the
N. W. Agriculturist?

Ask Long-Critchfield Corporation. Ask all the leading Advertising Agencies.

Use Your Own

By examining any recent issue, and noting how the best advertisers are crowding its columns.

There's A Reason For It,


Circulation 75,000 weekly. Rates 35 cents a line; 500 lines at 30 cents; 1,000

lines at 28 cents.

P. V. Collins Pub. Co.,

523-25 Seventh Street, S.,


Also see ad of the Home Magazine on page 121 of this issue.-P. V. C. Pub, Co.

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