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To the Agricultural

Nearly nine hundred million dollars of de-
posits are in the banks of the states which make
up the principal field of the Kansas City Weekly
Star. This territory includes Kansas, Nebraska,
Missouri, Oklahoma, Indian Territory, Texas
and Colorado.

Containing nearly one seventh of the population of the United States, these states raise over a third of the corn crop and a third of the wheat crop of the entire country and they possess more than a third of all the cattle and hogs in the country.

Over ten million people, whose banks hold nearly nine hundred million dollars, who produce eight hundred million bushels of corn and two hundred million bushels of wheat annually, and who possess sixteen million hogs and twenty-five million cattle, live in the Kansas City Weekly Star's territory.

Where is there another field with such resources?

You cannot reach this great territory without the use of the

Kansas City Weekly Star

It circulates almost exclusively among farmers and its circulation is guaranteed to exceed two hundred and thirty thousand one year paid-inadvance subscribers.


carrying twelve columns of paid advertising, and having a circulation of twelve hundred subscribers.

When he sold the publication in July, 1904, it consisted of fifty-six pages, four columns to the page, 101⁄2 x 141⁄2 inches, carrying one hundred and twenty columns of general advertising, and a circulation of twenty-five thousand.

Mr. Earle is a man of acknowledged ability as a business manager, possessed of great energy, and the publishers of Prairie Farmer are to be congratulated on securing his services.




Beginning with the first issue in February the Prairie Farmer will appear with a new heading-a miniature representation of which is presented herewith, and the publication will be improved in typographical appearance, style of makeup, and will be vigorously pushed by all modern and up-to-date methods.

W. A. Merrifield, who was for twentythree years with the Stover Manufacturing Company, Freeport, Ill., as SecretaryTreasurer and Manager, assumed the general management of the Challenge Wind Mill & Feed Mill Manufacturing Company of Batavia, Ill., the first of the year. Mr. Merrifield's long connection with the Stover Company made him thorough



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6,000 Prosperous Texas Truck Farmers in our 1905
Truck Farmers Directory
Revised ac-

Sent postpaid on receipt of only $2.00.
curately every January. Issued every March. 7.500
copies. 6,000 go to truck growers gratis.

A few reliable, decent advertisements (the other kind
must stay out) taken at $25.00 a page, (7x10); $15.00,
half page; $10.00, one-fourth page; $5.00, one-eighth
page. Special position and two color work extra.
The Truck Farmer Publishing Co.
Troupe, Texas.

Dallas, Texas.

Jeff G. Jones, Mgr.

Test Farm and Orchards near Troupe. The Truck Farmer (monthly magazine in colors) is a good medium for strictly reliable, decent advertisers. Let us tell you more about it.

Poultry Gazette

The great poultry journal of the Middle West. Biggest in amount of advertising carried. Best in results. Covers best territory. Sworn to circulation, at least 25,000 monthly. Reach all these people through their chosen medium. Rate 11 cents per line, flat. Kansas City, Mo. Topeka, Kas. Don't miss it. Address, Gillies Publishing Co., Topeka, Kansas.

accepted the position of Western Manager of Pearson's Magazine.

Mr. Meyer is a man of acknowledged ability and Pearson's Magazine is to be congratulated on securing his services as Western Manager.

The International Advertising Association announce in their Bulletin No. 6 that the Trade Mark Bill, on which the special committee of Messrs. Smith, Steuart and Kramer have rendered special service, passed the House of Representatives without opposition on January 14th.

The Senate Committee were to give a hearing on this bill on Jan. 20th, but up to the time of going to press their action had not been learned. There is little doubt, however, that the bill will receive favorable action by this committee and its speedy enactment is confidently expected.

The matter of substitutions will soon be vigorously agitated. The I. A. A. has in preparation an article on the subject which will be sent broadcast through the press of the country, and much good is anticipated from the agitation which will follow.

The Locomotive Firemen's Magazine is recognized throughout America among railway officials and employes alike, as a thoroughly progressive and up-to-date railway technical educational magazine.

It was established in 1876 and has been published monthly since that time. It now has a circulation of more than 68,000 copies monthly, and has established for itself a popularity and prestige in the homes of railway men not enjoyed by The any other publication in the field. Magazine is printed on high-grade paper, 196 pages, and is profusely illustrated.

The Poultry Annual of Farm and Home, Springfield, Mass.-their regular issue, dated Feb. 1, 1905-was elaborate, unique and interesting in every way. Regarding this issue the Phelps Publishing Company have this to say:

"This issue contains the announcements of 234 advertisers, representing space from full pages down to three lines. There is a total of 977 inches, or 13,678 agate lines. Not one line was taken at a cut rate, no rebates or rake-offs, simply to make a showing. Every advertiser paid our card rates, which gives him circulation at seven cents an inch per thousand. So far as we know, no agricultural paper, either weekly, semimonthly or monthly, ever printed as much advertising in a single issue as is contained in The Poultry Annual. The nearest approach that we have record of was the November 15, 1903, issue of Farm and Home, which contained 64 Columns, or 10,752 agate lines. We are proud of our record, since it proves that our efforts during the past quarter of a century to give the farmers of the country an agricultural paper that stands for something, and advertisers a medium in which the element of failure to get profitable returns is reduced to a minimum, is most thoroughly appreciated."

Every man who is interested in graphic arts-whether from a purely artistic or a commercial point of view-will find Penrose' Process Year Book for 1904-5 a mine of information concerning modern reproduction methods, as well as a perpetual delight to the eye. It contains 53 full-page color prints; 100 full-page supplements by various half-tone processes; and numerous illustrations introduced in the text-all the "show work" of the best process engravers of Europe and America.

The articles, contributed by leading authorities, cover practically every phase of the art and science of engraving, with special reference to the past year's progress. The American Agents for Penrose' Process Book are Tennant & Ward, 287 Fourth Avenue, New York, who will send the book, express prepaid, on receipt of price-$2.00.

50,000 Interested Poultrymen and Farmers Are the Subscribers of the Reliable.

The subscription list of the RELIABLE is increasing constantly-throughout the world as well as in America. Our advertisers have an established trade in foreign countries.

The advertising rates are based on a guaranteed circulation of 45,000 copies per month. Since they were determined we have found it necessary to increase our guarantee to 50,000 copies per month. Even this monthly guarantee will be exceeded when the year closes, June 30, 1905. The extra business that will result from the increased circulation (over 75,000 copies) is gratis. The advertising rates are net cash.

May we not have your advertising contract for 1905? You need simply state the number of inches you expect to use during the year. The yearly rate is $2.80 per inch. You can then apportion the space as you wish; increase or reduce it as it is advisable.

We want your advertising. We expect you to receive results from it very promptly. RELIABLE POULTRY JOURNAL PUB. CO., QUINCY, ILL.


Farmer and Stockman

will head your list if you have a proposition that will
appeal to the most progressive class of
farmers in the west,

The Live Stock Breeders

Our paid list includes over 30,000 of the largest breeders and the
biggest farmers in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Ter-
ritory. This is Guaranteed.

The Farmer and Stockman is published at Kansas City, the center
of a great agricultural district and the second largest live stock
market in the world.

No other paper has so strong a hold on the live stock raisers of
the west for no other paper gives such valuable information
edited by the best live stock and agricultural experts.

Study the value of this part of the country as an advertising field
and the Farmer and Stockman will head your list, for

It is the only paper that covers the field.

Office 403 Century Bldg.

[blocks in formation]

Kansas City, Mo.

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The Life of An Advertisement. Accounts of advertisements that have produced results long after they appeared in mediums have been published in Advertising Magazines. Here is an instance of a 22-inch advertisement bringing an inquiry twenty-four years after its insertion in the Rural New Yorker. This splendid Farm Paper is not one of the sort that the subscribers use to build fires with. It is so ably edited that it is of permanent value to farmers, who read it carefully and preserve it for future reference.

Here is the letter that tells about an inquiry being received twenty-four years after an advertisement had been inserted in the Rural New Yorker:

SANDWICH, ILL., Jan. 3, 1905. Long-Critchfield Corporation, Publishers "Agricultural Advertising," Chicago. GENTLEMEN :

Who says it does not pay to advertise? The advertiser should not look for immediate results either.

Here is a case which has recently come to our notice:

A farmer in New York State wrote us for prices on one of our small Corn Shellers, and in replying, sending printed matter, etc., we asked what had brought our machine to his notice-if he had run across one of our advertisements, and, if so, in what paper. His reply is received today and with it he sends us a copy of the Rural New Yorker of June 26th, 1880, in which appeared a small single column 21⁄2-inch ad of the Sheller and this, he states, is what brought out the inquiry.

We give you the item thinking it might be of interest to you.

Yours very truly,

A. E. Woodward.

Uncle Sam is on the lookout for publications that carry advertisements of guessing schemes. Recently, the Herald and Republican, two weekly papers published at Angola, Ind., were denied admission to the United States mails on account of advertisements of a local firm offering a box containing forty dollars in bills to the person holding a certain lucky number. The postoffice authorities claim that this kind of advertising is a violation of the ruling applying to lotteries.

We base our claims as to what we

can do for you on what we have done and are doing for other Responsible Advertisers,


is doing things for its advertisers. We can prove this by sending you testimonials from some of the largest advertisers in the country. As to circulation you get what you pay for or your ad runs free. Every experienced advertiser knows that Scandinavians are mail order buyers and make the best kind of cash customers. They read English but they prefer to read their own language and to keep up with the times. The most progressive subscribe for


Skandinaven Bldg., Chicago.

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