Imágenes de páginas

ment of this kind is shown in the Standard Stock Food herewith reproduced. Not only is the illustration used in this advertisement attractive, but the meaning is there. It fits the text. The heavy black border around the group of pigs makes the illustration stand out like a sore thumb, and where is there a farmer or stockman that could pass this advertisement without reading it? They all know that weaning time is the period of the animal's life when it should be carefully watched, and the text is cleverly written on this point. This advertisement should bring good returns. They offer to send goods on trial to convince everyone that Standard Stock Food has merit and the manufacturers are not afraid to stand back of it with a good, strong guarantee.

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are strong and brought out well, and the argument is such as to make the reader want to read it through.

The advertisement of F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Co. shown herewith, is a good advertisement. Illustrating jumping the rope, foot ball and hop-scotch, games which are suggestive of what children's footwear are subject to in the way of hard usage, cannot fail to attract attention. The text of the advertisement is good, the story is simple and well told. However, it could perhaps have been improved upon as regards the display. This advertisement could also have been made stronger by showing the trade mark in, say, the lower right hand corner-just below the sentence in the reading matter "Look for the trade mark, etc." The advertisement appears rather crowded in showing the trade mark where it is now shown, and it does not stand out as it should. Taking it all in all, however, the advertisement is one that will be read and remembered.


McDonald Bros., of Pleasant Hill, Mo., the originators of Pitless Scales, are putting out an advertisement reproduced herewith, that is artistic. The hog shown in this illustration is especially good, and the whole advertising shows careful work in preparation throughout. The illustration occupies nearly half of the space, but nevertheless it tells its part of the story convincingly, and is perhaps more effective than if more of the space had been given to reading matter. While there is considerable text in this advertisement for the small space, the display lines

In reproducing the advertisement of the Angle Mfg. Co., the reader will observe at a glance that there is but one thing that attracts attention and that is the Angle Lamp. It is a regular Angle Lamp advertisement from beginning to end. This is as it should be. It is not necessary to show an illustration of a big, burly brute of a man talking into the face of a little skinny one in a

tone of voice something like this: "Say, can't you see! then get an Angle Lamp, etc." in order to attract attention. Space can be used to better advantage by using illustrations and matter that is entirely foreign to the subject in hand. The Angle Co. are offering to sell this lamp on 30 days' trial, which is a pretty strong guarantee that the lamp will be satisfactory and that it will do all they claim. It inspires confidence with the prospective customer and does not leave a doubt in his mind as to whether the lamp is not as represented.

As an example of a good illustration out of place, we are reproducing the advertisement of R. H. Macey & Co. Here is a case where the bright illustration naturally conveys the idea that Macey & Co. have just issued a new poultry catalogue; when as a matter of fact, this concern does not handle poultry supplies at all. We happen to know that of the first week's replies to this advertisement, more than 100 asked for a chicken catalogue. The illustration is

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Agricultural Paper published in Minneapolis that is willing to back its claims with money. It is



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The publishers

of the American Newspaper Directory will pay $100 to the

verts its accuracy.

Circulation Now Over

84,000 Copies.

No other Minnesota Agricultural paper has this guarantee.

Merely telling the public that your article is first-class is no more than advertising to the people that you are advertising. Of course, your article is excellent, if you are advertising. If it was not of the best quality, you are presumptuous in seeking publicity, and really making a mistake to attract any more disappointed customers. Now, to keep on advertising a fact that everybody knows should be true, has but one power of influence and that upon the memory, and even that power after a continued repetition loses in effectiveness.

The explanation and description of the qualities of your article's excellence is that which you want to exploit and that which the buying public wants to know. You sell good baked beans. That fact vaguely impresses the memory. The residents of Boston recall that other firms are in the business of selling beans. But you sell the baked beans that are flavored with tomato sauce. That qualification affects the appetite, the memory, the reason-and the sales.

Advertisers should always carefully examine the publications they think of using, before finally making up their lists. If a paper is edited in a careless and slovenly manner, cut it out. If an editor does not possess either the ability or gumption to do his work well, his paper does not deserve the business, and indeed, careless editing minimizes the value of the advertising columns. There are a sufficient number of agricultural papers that

are edited with ability, to choose from.

As an example of farm papers that are carefully edited, none stands higher in this respect than Hoard's Dairyman. The subscribers of this able publication are enthusiastic regarding it. Here's a testimonial from the issue of March 24th:

"Editor Hoard's Dairyman:

"There is nothing published that deserves to rank in the same class with Hoard's Dairyman. I cannot afford to be without it. A single issue often contains information worth treble the price of a year's subscription."

If you want to cover

Illinois, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri and Minnesota, use


Prairie Farmer

These states have been its territory for 64 years. There is no other agricultural paper published that is so close to the representative farm families of the Mississippi Valley, and they constitute the backbone of our agricultural prosperity. The influence it wields and the confidence it inspires, is the secret of its unusually strong pulling power for reliable advertisers the only kind it will represent. Make it your salesman. It will call every week at

42,000 Homes


and carry conviction to every member of the family.
for sample copy and rates. The more you investigate, the
more likely you are to use




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G. F. HUNNICUTT, Editor Southern Cultivator. The Southern Cultivator and Dixie Farmer, published semi-monthly at Atlanta, Ga., issued its 62d Anniversary. Number the 1st of last month. This was indeed a superb issue of 64 pages with cover in colors. The editorial and contributed articles are of a high order, and the farmers of the South are certainly to be congratulated on having such an able and wise counsellor as they have in this publication.

A paper that has been published consecutively for sixty-two years, and that stands for the highest ideals in its special field, has an influence with its subscribers that cannot be over estimated.

The fact that this anniversary number contains 128 columns (11 inches to the column) of paid advertising, shows that advertisers appreciate its value as an advertising medium of unusual excellence. Nineteen thousand seven hundred and twelve agate lines of advertising in one issue from the leading advertisers of the United States is an endorsement seldom equalled, and speaks volumes for the Southern Cultivator.

The present editor, G. F. Hunnicutt, whose portrait appears herewith, is a son of the late editor, Dr. J. B. Hunnicutt. He was born 42 years ago on a farm in Coweta County, Georgia, and was graduated from the University of Georgia. His life has been devoted to scientific farming, trucking, and literary work. He could not have received a better education or training to fit him for the position of editor-in-chief which the death of his father imposed on him.

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