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Why, the butter of Minnesota creameries sells for over $25,000,000 a year, and twelve years ago there was hardly a creamery in the state. We hark back to twelve years ago because that was the beginning of time

-so far as we were concerned in this subject. That is when we bought The Northwestern Agriculturist with its 9000 monthly circulation, and changed it the same year to 9000 semi-monthly, which has grown, in spite of all our blunders and timidity, to over a third of a million a month.

We have watched this Minne-
sota agriculture develop
seen it lift



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every week or no pay for space. We prove it or you can ask Long-Critchfield Corporation about it; they know. Address any reliable advertising agency or the

P. V. Collins Publishing Co.,

511-25 Seventh St. South,

Minneapolis, Minnesota.


914 Schiller Building, CHICAGO-
B. W. Rhoads in charge.

1010 American Tract Society Building, New York -The Fisher Special Agency in charge.


On Friday evening, April 21st, Mr. Robert Lee Dunn, of Collier's Weekly, delivered before the Press Club of Chicago, his now famous lecture, "First in Korea."

Mr. Dunn started for the scene of hostilities some time before war was declared, and was so fortunate as to be at Chemulpo at the time the two Russian war ships were destroyed by the Japanese fleet. His series of pictures includes the battle and destruction of the two ships, and are said to be among the finest of all naval pictures ever taken. The lecture gives a new view of the great conflict. Mr. Dunn came to the Chicago Press Club from the New York Press Club, where his lecture was received with the greatest enthusiasm. That Club fraternally tendered the services of Mr. Dunn to the Chicago Press Club, and the tender was accepted with gratitude by the Board of Directors.

Mr. Einar W. Meyer, formerly western advertising manager of Success, is now manager of the eastern office of the Red Book Corporation, with Mr. S. L. Schmid as his assistant. The eastern office is 150 Nassau St.

TheOklahoma Farm Journal

There is a reason for its remarkable success.

It is authority in the Two Territories and Farmers and Stock Raisers look to it for guidance and help. It's a pleasing story and they all tell it. We could print hundreds just like these:

Fitzhugh, I. T., Mar. 16. I find your paper to be of great value to me.-S. L. Carroll.

Hobart, Okla., Mar. 14.-I haven't much of an idea about farming, but with the help I get from your paper think I will beat some of my men neighbors.-Mrs. M. A. Stahl.

Mulhall, Okla., Mar. 15.-Your paper is all O. K. Sorry your agent did not find me sooner.-S. G. Frey.


Coyle, Okla., Mar. 15-Here's my newal. Have been a member of the F. J. family for one year, and hope to remain one. We could hardly get along without Aunt Alice's and Uncle John's spicy letters; in fact, could hardly get along without any part of the paper.-G. B. Pratt.

Ingersoll, Okla., Mar. 15.-Enclosed is $1.00 for three-year subscription to the Farm Journal. Through mistake I subscribed for the at Guthrie, but it does

not fill the bill for me.-Wm. Wardell.

Medford, Okla., Mar. 13.-It's a paper that no farmer can afford not to take. The women folks find as much help in it as I. -G. W. Deahl.

Lamont, Okla., Mar. 14.-Here's $1.00 for your paper for three years. I like it.A. E. Black.

Pawnee, Okla., Mar. 10.-Your paper is a good one-the best I ever read.-Albert Messecar.

Hennessey, Okla., Mar. 10.-You can count on me being a subscriber as long as I live in Oklahoma, for it's the only farm paper for the Oklahoma farmer.-C. A. Courtney.

Holdenville, I. T., Mar. 10.-I have read your paper one year with interest and can truly say to every farmer and stock raiser in the two Territories that it's worth many times the subscription price.-Harry Ev

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The Farm Journal is subscribed for, read, studied, and preserved. No one gets it until he pays for it in advance. It circulates in the richest country, naturally, in the United States and advertisers overlook a good thing if not represented in it. Circulation, 22,505. Rate, 10 cents per agate line flat.

Farm Journal Company,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

C. A. Allen, 112 Dearborn Street, Chicago.

Fisher Special Agency, 150 Nassau Street, N. Y


Your Subscription to



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Over 40,000 farmers' families receive it every week. It is edited by scientifically trained agricultural writers. in our exclusive employ, printed on fine book paper and splendidly illustrated. The class of advertising filling its columns speaks for its pulling qualities. You cannot get the best results from the above territory without using it. Send for sample copy and rate card.



proved for any issue
during the year.

Farmers' Tribune

Sioux City, Iowa.


In Indiana

Last year's farm prod-
ucts in Indiana were
worth $204,425,000.
Could your business
be bigger in Indiana?


Farm Star

guarantees 60,000 each
issue the coming year,
almost all of it on daily
mail routes.

There is really no
other way to cover the
country in Indiana.




is the most fertile region in the Western country.

More farmers are attracted this way than ever. Each new home established creates more wants. The farmers who have lived in this territory for years are wealthy. The Inland Empire is a fertile field for advertisers.


is the only farm paper within a radius of 200 miles of Spokane, Washington.

Sample copy and rates of advertising, free for the asking.

Subscription price, fifty cents per

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"The Best That Money Can Buy"

That is what they say about
our Advertising Space. Our
Editor is a practical farmer,
living on a farm, and is in
close touch with our readers.
Every week there will be
found interesting discussions
which are being carried on
with our

146,367 READERS

on farm topics. By placing
your advertisement in the


Published at


you will have an opportunity to talk about your goods to this interested, diligent class of German farmers, at a rate of 31⁄2 cents per inch for every thousand farmers you reach.

Flat rate 35 cents
per line.

"It has been brought to the attention of the Department in a number of cases that Publishers of newspapers are presenting their publications for mailing with so-called supplements which are manifestly illegal. These alleged supplements consist of calendars; sheet music; patterns; blocks of post cards; series of cut-out animal pictures; animal masks; plastographs; cut-out dolls, soldiers and naval vessels; circulars; hand-bills; special detached advertisements; card-board spectacles; sheets containing disks of soluble paint to be used in coloring outline drawings, etc., etc."

He rules according to Section 457 of the Postal Laws and Regulations, that "by no reasonable interpretation of the law can such articles as those mentioned be held to be "germane" to a newspaper, or to be "matter supplied in order to complete" what is left incomplete in the paper itself. The privilege accorded to a publisher to mail his newspaper at the subsidized second-class rates carries with it no right to those rates for any other matter than the newspaper itself and such supplemental matter as is really "germane" and otherwise meets the requirements of law. Upon other matter sent in the mails the publisher must pay the same rate as any other citizen."

He recognizes that these practices do not originate in a purpose to defraud the government of its lawful revenue, but are moreover doubtless due to competition, and the following is the ruling:

"Postmasters will therefore promptly notify all publishers of newspapers in their respective cities that until September 1, 1905, their publications, even though containing such inclosures, will be accepted at the regular secondclass rates. They will, however, advise them that such alleged 'supplements' as are herein mentioned do not meet the legal requirements of 'mailable matter of the second-class;' and that on and after September 1, 1905, the legal rate will be charged upon such matter according to its character."


Worst Kind of Theft.

About the meanest man on earth is the one who steals another's brains. By this I do not mean the man who takes another's ideas and improves them, but the one who trades on the brains, courage and risk taken by another man in creating some great industry. The most familiar type of this sort is the "substituter," the man who tries to substitute some other article on which he makes a large profit for the standard and well-advertised article. When the proprietor of some standard remedy on which he has spent the best years of his life and hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising it, and built up a large business, persuades you through his advertisements to try that remedy, he stakes his reputation and his

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