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to avoid comparisons with the dishonest faker.

But Time seems to think it has all Eternity for the job.

Publishers here and there, are doing much to protect honest advertisers by scrutinizing with greater and greater care the copy offered them, but even yet there is a large proportion of the reading public which takes all advertising with the proverbial grain of salt. The elimination of the faker, and a little higher regard for the exact truth on the part of the legitimate advertiser will help remove the feeling of uncertainty which hampers the inflow of orders.


The growth of advertising men's clubs and the interest manifested in them, is one of the encouraging signs of the business. Americans are often accused of having something like a mania for organization; two men cannot have an idea in common on religion, art, ethics, business or what-not, without feeling an irresistible impulse to form a league or a society or club or association. But even so, the organizations are usually

harmless and often productive of much good. Certain it is that the advertising men's associations of the country headed by the Sphinx of New York and the Agate of Chicago, are doing a good educational and ethical work.

One of the younger clubs is the Adz Club of Peoria. Its third Monthly Dinner was given on Thursday Evening, May 18. The speakers and their topics


Character in Advertising-Mr. H. M. Pindell, Editor of the Peoria Journal.

The Real Function of AdvertisingMr. Marco Morrow of the Long-Critchfield Corporation, Chicago.

Political Advertising-Hon. Frank J. Quinn, Peoria.

The Science of Modern Business Building Mr. J. D. Kenyon of the Sheldon School, Chicago.

About one hundred members of the club and their guests were present.

Though only a few months old, the club has already awakened a lively interest not only in better methods of advertising but in better methods of business in general.

There are a good many cities in the country which need just such a club.

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OW is the farmer and his family benefited by advertising?

This is a question for our candid consideration. We often hear the complaint that the current literature of the day is filled up with advertisements; such persons forget that the insertion of advertisements cheapens the price of the periodical or paper, thus bringing them within the reach of the masses.

Time was when only a few who were well to do could afford the luxury of a paper, and a weekly or monthly at that, and these were loaned all over the neighborhood. It was an especial favor to get to read news-perhaps a month old. But in this advanced age, all families can be supplied with magazines, secular and religious periodicals, and each day receive a newspaper giving transpiring events on dit.

Then I am wondering how we would feel if we picked up a paper or periodical and failed to see any advertisements in it. I think there would be "an aching void" in our hearts and minds if we failed to see the benevolent nurse handing to us the delicious cup of healthgiving Baker's Chocolate, or if we missed the smiling face of the man with his ladle over his shoulder and his dish of Cream of Wheat. Or, suppose that Pettijohn's gamboling cubs failed to show up in their varied performances. And then the sweet baby faces that peep through the flowers of the wreath

around Pears' Soap. Yes, we just feel like saying "Good Morning" to the energetic, happy looking boy with his sack of Saturday Evening Posts, and a host of others, with whom we have grown so familiar that they just seem to belong

to us.

I, as a farmer's wife-having lived on the farm all of my life-know something of its cares, demands and obligations; that there is a demand for training and management, as well as for labor to make ends meet, and to get the most out of the smallest outlay. Home duties crowd out much of the social life, and we have to depend to a great extent on reading in order to keep the mind exercised and healthy and by so doing, come in contact with the very best minds of the literary world.

The farmer who attends to his business closely, looking after his crops and stock, making it his study how to insure the greatest amount of grass or grain to the acre, and how to get the greatest increase in pounds of beef or pork at the least expense, has but little time to investigate what others may be doing in the great busy fields of labor among the world's active workers. So he has to depend, to a great extent, on the advertising medium which brings him and his family into closer relationship with the business world.

Through this medium, he can have an insight and explanation of the manufacturers' wares of every description and kind, right at his own fireside, for dis

cussion as to their merits or demerits. All new inventions and all improvements over old methods. Nothing left out from the smallest article to the largest that can be made use of in city or on farm, we may become acquainted with what is being done and thereby become more thoroughly posted and educated in the progress and permanent advancement of our race.

Some have a natural gift for writing and others for illustrating advertisements, which for wit, genius and art, show master minds. Such advertisements are a source of instruction, giving entertainment and amusement that pay well for the reading. It is true, however, that there are a number of misleading articles advertised as "Free," which are attractive in presenting a temptation to the average person, in the thought of getting something for nothing, which usually ends in getting nothing for something. I would be glad if they were left out.

As to all things that my husband and myself have been induced to buy through advertising mediums, I could not begin to tell. The last thing we received by express was a beautiful registered Ser tel Collie Pup from a firm at Red Key, Indiana, advertised in the Farm Star, and here let me mention that I have not noticed any advertisement in that paper which I would wish left out.

Mrs. Mary E. Brown, Montezuma, Ind.

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The farmer needs other things as well as implements, seeds, etc. Advertisements of household goods, wearing apparel, groceries, books, magazines, ali interest me.

Advertising has induced me to buy several things. Seeds, implements, etc., and I get most of my supplies from a general supply house which I first saw advertised in an agricultural paper These things kept constantly before the readers in an attractive way will induce a trial.

I often see things advertised in farm papers I would like to see excluded. First of all, intoxicating liquors. How can a paper be working to uplift the farmer and keep constantly before his eyes a big advertisement of "Free Whiskey," "Old Rye," etc., "for the stomach's sake." Whiskey and a farmer make a very poor mixture. Also "Free" watches, jewelry, or diamonds for selling pills, pads, etc. Baking Powder for 50c a pound with a fine piece of china or kitchen ware "given away" when you can buy better baking powder for 10c and the free ware for 20c. Farmers, as a general thing, are willing to pay for what they get and are not hunting things that are given away.

Most everything is advertised in some farm papers. I like to see those things advertised that will lessen the farmer's work, educate and improve his condition generally anything he needs on the farm and in the house.

S. A. Penn, Wellsville, Mo.

DVERTISING has a greater educational value than most people think.

It is the one main high

way that must be traveled

by all who would succeed. There are many other things necessary, but no difference how good the goods are, they must become known to sell.

I read all sorts of advertisements. That is one way we all have of keeping posted

on what's doing in the world. One may read of certain things having been accomplished; if he has even noticed an advertisement of some article manufactured for the purpose of doing such things he at once associates the thing, and possibly the firm's name and the accomplishment, in his mind.

A large percentage of the farmers are broader minded and have some knowledge of more things than any other people on earth.

Advertisements of things we hope to be able to use some time, such as telephones; easier and better methods of transacting all sorts of business; methods and appliances for accounting; methods of and places for educating the children, and scores of other things. In fact, the limit of one's imagination is the only limit to the advertisements of things that appeal to a person.

Advertising has induced me to buy thoroughbred hogs and poultry. Also a number of improved implements, stock food, woven wire fences, household goods, and, in fact, I do not buy much of anything without pretty thorough study of the advertisements.

Most of the better class of farm papers now exclude nearly all fake advertising, and are becoming more strict year by year. They will not be perfect in that line until they become responsible

for the reader's money who loses through a fake advertisement appearing in their columns.

One publication I get now publishes an agreement at the head of its Advertising Department to refund any money lost by its readers through any advertisement in the paper. It seems a bold proposition, but a close study of its columns will not reveal a shady concern among the whole bunch. There are enough good reliable people buying space, to support every first class publication now in existence, and the quicker the line is drawn between the first class and the others, the better for all honest people.

As to the things not now advertised that I would like to see advertised in farm papers, would say that farmers are not bound for life to their occupation. No other class of people are so able physically, mentally, or financially to change occupations.

I once knew two young farmers who became interested in an advertisement of a Flour Mill and bought one, in fact, traded their farm for one.

Another neighbor became interested in the advertisement of some people who manufactured machinery for making artificial ice. In less than 18 months, he was located in an Oklahoma town making ice, also lots of money.

W. R. Hall, Breckenridge, Mo.

"From Tacoma to Paradise Park" is the title of an art album, just made by Barnes-Crosby Company for A. H. Barnes, Tacoma, Washington. The scenes are on the line of the Tacoma Eastern Railway. This album is 9 x II inches and consists of a series of choicest halftone prints on one side of single sheets of heavy toned art paper, bound with silk cord in suitable covers. The only text is a descriptive line

under each engraving, of which there are forty in the album. A reduced halftone of one of the illustrations appears elsewhere in this issue. The engraving and printing is Barnes-Crosby's best work, and this is sufficient praise. The scenes of mountains, glaciers, waterfalls, lakes and torrents, indescribably beautiful, are from photographs made by A. H. Barnes for this album.

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F anyone is in doubt as to the value the G. P. A.'s place upon advertising, let him send a postal card to the Passenger Departments of the various lines of American travel, asking for information regarding a pleasant place to spend a vacation.

A few days ago, the writer adopted this means of learning what the men who have charge of the advertising of the railroads have to say on this seasonable subject, and the net result to date is fifteen pounds, four ounces of superbly printed and charmingly illustrated booklets and folders, and each mail adds to the aggregation of delightful persuasiveness. I am undecided whether to take any vacation now, two weeks in advance of the fixed time, in order to avoid being "snowed under," or put the printed matter into a packing case and order it shipped to "advertiser's camp" and spend my all too short vacation reading the interesting literature.

As a compromise, I have decided to briefly review some of the printed matter of the gentlemen who are engaged in educating American business men to get the vacation habit, and as vacation literature is seasonable for the June issue of AGRICULTURAL ADVERTISING, it will be given the right of way in this number.

The Lewis & Clark Exposition, which opened at Portland the first of this month, will be a pronounced success, if liberal advertising on the part of the Western Railroads can make it such.

The Chicago and Northwestern, C. B.

& Q., Northern Pacific, Union Pacific, Canadian Pacific, Denver & Rio Grande, Santa Fe, C. R. I. & P., C. M. & St. Paul; in fact, all of the western roads have booklets or folders, advertising delightful summer trips to the Exposition.

One of the best booklets on this event is issued by the Northern Pacific, 52x82 inches, 64 pages, with map in colors and large bird's eye view of Exposition on reverse side, 15 x 8 inches. The text is by Olin D. Wheeler. The halftones which appear on nearly every page are excellent. As a historical hand book of the Exposition, it is everything one could wish. "Wonderland" 1905, by the same author, is another superb book of this road. Both in size and excellence of execution, it is the most pretentious R. R. book of the season. It treats in detail of "The Shores of Kitchigami; The Sepulchre of Lame Deer; the Yellowstone Wonderland; The Lewis & Clark Exposition; The Shasta-Northern Pacific Route; size 91⁄2 x 7 inches-126 pages profusely illustrated; covers in blue and gold.

The Passenger Department of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway have just issued a 66 page book, 61⁄2 x 81⁄2 inches, with covers in olive green, red and sepia, "The Lakes & Summer Resorts of the Northwest." A valuable feature is a list of Hotels and Boarding Houses at the various summer resorts, Fishing and Hunting Grounds, reached by this road. The name of house, proprietor, distance from station, number of guests, and price of board per day and week are given.

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