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That's a Southern Colloquialism, and it "means a heap' to the Southerner. A man that "totes fair" can get anything he wants in the South.

For 23 Years

Farm and Ranch

has "toted fair" with both its
subscribers and advertisers.

There are a host of the former and over 40,000 of the latter and they are all loyal friends of this progressive Farm Weekly.

Your advertisement in its columns is proof to its readers that you will "tote fair" with them. If the publishers don't know that you will "tote fair" you'll have to wait till they are assured that you will. The least evidence to the contrary will bar you out.

The subscribers of Farm and Ranch
are a prosperous family of generous
buyers. You can get a generous share
of their trade if you "tote fair"
and advertise in

Farm and




among the people-therefore the favorite
among advertisers. The

American Poultry Journal.

The oldest poultry paper in the country, the strongest in editorial ability, the richest in valuable information.

Its first care is to please its readers, then the advertising feature is easy.


get the American Poultry Journal. Its cir-
culation is guaranteed. You talk only to
people who are interested and want to
listen to any good, reliable proposition.
No other kind can find its way to the
columns of

Send for sample copy and rates.
325 Dearborn St., Chicago.

The Land THE climate is delightful

[blocks in formation]

winter and summer, the atmosphere salt laden and perfumed by thousands of blossoming orange, lemon, guava and grape fruit trees, and the most fragrant of flowers.

A land of perfect health, ideal living and a panacea for many ills of body and mind.

Manatee booklet and Florida illustrated sent free on receipt of 10 cents for postage.

J. W. White,

General Industrial Agent, Portsmouth, Virginia,

Seaboard Air Line Railway.

New Fields

Need but little fertilizer.
Small space brings large
return for the investment
in the Farm and Garden
department of the

New York

Here new methods, ways
and means are discussed
with our readers and much
practical information
given. Poultrymen, man-
ufacturers and seedsmen
use the WITNESS and from
results know that it is


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

is the leader in its territory in influence and results to the best advertisers, as it has been for half a century.

Its territory, the great Mississippi Valley, is the richest in the world.

It will not fail to receive your copy, if you really think it worth while to reach a class of farmers who always have

money, and who never before had so much as they have now.




St. Louis, Mo.

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