Imágenes de páginas

Cock-a-doo-dle doo,

My dame has found her shoe,
And mas-ter's found his fid-dling stick,
Sing doo-dle-doo-dle-doo.


My dame will dance with you,
While mas-ter fid-dles his fid-dling stick,
For dame and doo-dle-doo.

[blocks in formation]

Bob laid the lad-der at the foot of the steep steps.

Luke had bad luck when he went to feed his well-fed pig.

Ben had been to the mill for beans, when he met Ned. Ned had no need to meet Ben.

Will strolled a mile past the mill to wile away the time.

Tim walked down the road some time ago, rod in hand.


I'm a pret-ty lit-tle thing,

Al-ways com-ing with the spring;
In the mead-ows green I'm found,
Peep-ing just a-bove the ground;
And my stalk is cov-ered flat
With a white and yellow hat.
Lit-tle chil-dren, when you pass
Light-ly o'er the ten-der grass,
Skip a-bout and do not tread
On my meek and low-ly head;
For I al-ways seem to say
Chill-y win-ter's gone a-way.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

ska- ski- sku- sla- sli- slo- slu

Jen-ny is slim, but she skips and skates


Ben-ny slays the slow slug on the slab. Car-ry's slate cut the skin on Ben's skull. Har-ry slams the door and gets a slap for it.

Fan-ny slid on the slide and slipped. Dan sculls his slim skiff with skill.






I have a lit-tle sis-ter,

They call her Pret-ty Peep;
She wades in the wa-ter,

Deep, deep, deep!

She climbs up the moun-tain,
High, high, high!

Poor lit-tle thing,

She has but one eye!

[blocks in formation]

fee-ble grum-ble nib-ble peb-ble scrib-ble

Fred is nev-er i-dle. In the morning he gets up early and goes to the sta-ble, for he has to sad-dle and bri-dle the po-ny.

If it is dark, and he is not a-ble to see, he takes a can-dle with him.

Du-ring the day, he has to keep the sheep out of the corn, and see that no

dogs or hawks med dle with the feeble lambs.

He sits by a brook of clear wa-ter that runs over pret-ty peb-bles, and plucks the bram-bles while his sheep nib-ble at the twigs that over-hang the


Some-times Fred will scrib-ble on bits of pa-per, and draw as well as he can.

În cold weather, he goes to a shed and kin-dles a fire. There he sits on a bun-dle of dry straw, feel-ing quite happy, for he nev-er grum-bles.


Crow a-way, dear Ba-by,
Rum-ple Tom-my's hair;
Crow a-way and tug a-way,
Tom-my does not care.
Ba-by won't hurt Tom-my;
Tom-my likes the fun.
Tug a-way and crow a-way,
Dar-ling lit-tle one.

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