Imágenes de páginas

There was an old Wo-man did eat an


When she'd eat-en two she'd eat-en a cou-ple.

There was a Horse go-ing to the mill,
When he went on he stood not still.

There was a But-cher cut his thumb, And when it bled, the blood did come.

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Kate Green had a new doll sent to her. It had a red face, and blue eyes, and brown hair. She made it a hat, and a frock, and a pair of shoes, for she could work well, and took much pains to be


Rose gave her a nice bit of blue silk; and, when she had cut it out, Kate said that her doll should soon have a smart cloak.

"Can you tell me," said Rose, "what silk is? I do not think that you know." "Yes, I do," said Kate; "the silkworm spins it for us. The poor worms work hard, and make long silk lines, and these are put in a frame and made into silk, like this bit of blue silk you gave me."

"And," said Rose, "do you know that the silk-worms feed on leaves?

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"Yes," said Kate; "Tom has got some silk-worms. He keeps them in a box,

and gives them let-tuce leaves. They spin all day long, and then he winds the silk on a bit of card; but it is not blue."

"No, my love, the silk is white or yellow, and it can be dyed red or blue, or green or black, as you like. Your doll's cloak is a nice pale blue, and will look well with the red frock. I like to see you fond of a doll and dress it, for this will teach you to work, and make your own clothes when you grow up to be a tall girl."

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"DING-DONG! Puss-y-Cat,
Where have you been?"
"In the pan-try for a rat.'
"What have you seen?"
"Up up-on the shelves,
What saw I there?

Big rats by them-selves—

One, two-a pair.

"Brown skins, smooth and sleek,

Eyes black and small,

Ears up to hear a squeak,

Tails a-gainst the wall.

"Bread and cheese and lard to steal,

Cake to nib-ble at."

"Rat, rat, hear me squeal!

Don't you smell the Cat?"

"Run, rats, to your den! Puss-y has a paw!

Don't you come back a-gain

Pussy has a claw!"





val-leys plants spark-ling tan-gled

swim white

be-gin-ning glit-ter twin-kle swim

shine sea blue wor-ld moun-tains

In the be-gin-ning, God made this world and all things in it.

He made the Sun and Moon, and all

the lit-tle Stars that twin-kle and shine in the sky.

He made the Land, and cov-ered it with tall moun-tains and deep val-leys, with trees and plants of ev-er-y kind, and with the green grass and the spark-ling riv-ers.

He made the Sea, too, with its blue waves and white spray, and filled it with the fish-es that swim a-bout a-mong its rock-y caves and tan-gled weeds, and the pret-ty shells that glit-ter deep down on the yel-low sand.


Simple Simon.



Sim-ple Si-mon met a Pie-man

Go-ing to the fair;

Said Sim-ple Simon to the Pie-man,
"Let me taste your ware."

Said the Pie-man un-to Si-mon,

"First give me a pen-ny;"

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Said Sim-ple Simon to the Pie-man, "I have not got a-ny.'

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