Imágenes de páginas

Jen-ny blushed be-hind her fan, and thus de-clared her mind,

"Since, dear-est Bob, I love you well, I take your of-fer kind;

Cher-ry pie is very nice, and so is currant wine,

But I must wear my plain brown gown, and never go too fine."

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God made the trees in the wood, and dressed them out in their robes of green. He filled them with the hap-py birds that sing their glad songs as they sit on the branch-es sway-ing in the breeze.

He made the grass that grows in the mead-ows, and the horses and cows, the sheep and the goats, that crop the sweet ver-dure or lie at rest a-mong the daisies and but-ter-cups and clover.

He made the corn grow in the fields,

and wave in the breeze, to fill with a rich har-vest the farm-er's yard, and the mill-er's sacks, and the ba-ker's ov-en.

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I'll tell you all a-bout the Swan,

Down by the mill in the vale;

He spreads his wings, and then he can
Pad-dle a-long, and sail

Just like the ship I saw to-day,
Start from the har-bour in the bay.

He stretch-es out his grace-ful neck,
Over the lil-ies and reeds;
And glides a-long up-on the beck,
Over the tan-gled weeds:
His shad-ow on the stream he sees,
Un-ruf-fled by a pass-ing breeze.

His wings are whit-er than the snow,
Fall-ing in feath-er-y flakes;

The swan is proud of the pomp and show,
Proud of the glit-ter he makes:

The ducks and geese and coots stand by, And show re-spect when he draws nigh. Editor.

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shop on the gar-den plot. Aunt Jane is pleased to watch their pranks as she plaits pret-ty rush-es into a bas-ket for Ba-by. She has placed him on her plaid, where he prat-tles pret-ti-ly, and looks as plump and ros-y as a young prince. Aunt Jane is not prim, but fond of lit-tle folks and their fun.

The chil-dren are proud of their plans for show-ing their goods. They pluck some laur-el leaves from the plants near, and place them on a plate. Then they lay on them the prunes or dried plums that Aunt gave them.

"Pray," says Aunt, "will you sell Ba-by a prune?

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"Oh, yes!" say the lit-tle girls, "with pleas-ure.

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Then they press Aunt to take one, too; but Aunt smiles, and says she will get one when they close their shop.

Milk comes from the Cow.

We make butter and cheese of (
Wool comes from the Sheep.

We make clothes of ( ).

Lea-ther comes from the Ox.

We make boots and shoes of



Silk comes from the Silk-worm. We make rib-bons and dress-es of

Hair comes from the Horse. We stuff so-fas and chairs with


Down comes from the Duck. We stuff so fas and pil-lows with ( ).

Drag-on-fly! drag-on-fly! fly o'er the brook, Sting all the bad boys that for the fish look; But let all the good boys catch all the fish they can,

And then take them home to be fried in a pan. With nice bread and but-ter they shall sup upon their fish,

While all the lit-tle naugh-ty boys shall on-ly lick the dish.

ra-ven daugh-ter knees croak tum-bled A Farm-er went trot-ting up-on his gray mare, Bump-it-y, bump-it-y, bump, bump, bump; With his daugh-ter be-hind him, so young and so fair,

Lump-it-y, lump-it-y, lump, lump, lump. A ra-ven cried "Croak," and they all tum-bled down,

Bump-it-y, bump-it-y, bump, bump, bump, The mare broke her knees, and the Farm-er his


Lump-it-y, lump-it-y, lump, lump, lump.

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