Imágenes de páginas

And dressed her in her vel-vet coat,
So beau-ti-ful and neat;

And she told me it was God

Who had clothed her with such care, And taught her how to breathe so sweet Up-on the e-ven-ing air.

I asked the lit-tle twink-ling star,
Who taught him how to shine,
And run with such a stead-y pace
A-long his prop-er line;

And he told me it was God

Who had made him shine so bright, And trim his lit-tle ti-ny lamp

To cheer the win-try night.

Since all things then look up to God,
The flow-er, the star, the bird;
And all o-bey His ho-ly laws,

And lis-ten to His word;

I too, al-though a child, will try
His bid-ding to obey;

And I will learn to please Him too,
And serve as well as they.

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par-tridg-es own-er threw

La-zy Tom was a boy who was fond of mis-chief. One day he threw bricks at the tink-er's ass which was bray-ing on the com-mon. Then he went o-ver the brow of the hill to the brink of the broad riv-er, and filled a lit-tle boy's cap to the brim with wa-ter.

Com-ing home, he was throw-ing stone at a brace of par-tridg-es, when he broke a pane of glass in a cot-tage win-dow.

When he saw what he had done, he hid be-hind a tree; but a brave boy who was pass-ing and had seen the stone thrown, caught him, and held him fast till the own-er of the cot-tage came. Many a blow Tom gave him, which made his nose bleed; but the man, who was bluff and angry, came out and thrashed the cow-ard well.

He did not brag in the vil-lage of his doings that day.

What bliss to be un-der warm blankets when the bleak winds blow!

I like bread, but not bran.

Oh! Bob! what a black blot you have made on that blank page.

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Lit-tle po-nies trot with eas-y tread. Mice end their tricks in traps set in pan-tries.

The tru-ant trusts that no trace of him will be found.

The true gar-den-er trims a-way all use-less trash from his trees.

Climb steep hills light-ly clad. "Click, clack!" says the clock in the clo-set.


Clogs crush clods of clay.

Cling close to the rope as you clamup the cliff.

The Cuck-oo comes in Ap-ril,
Stops all the month of May,
Sings a song at Mid-sum-mer,
And then he goes a-way.



When God had made land and sea, with all the plants that grow, and fishes that swim, and beasts that roam, he made man.

He made man's body out of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nos-trils the breath of life.

He called the first man Ad-am, and gave him Eve to be his help-mate and the moth-er of all man-kind.

He placed them in the love-ly gar-den of Ed-en, to en-joy its rare fruits, to lie on moss-y banks a-mong flowers sweetsmell-ing and ever-bloom-ing, to walk in the shade of trees ev-er green and full of sing-ing birds, and to bathe in fountains of clear wa-ter, ever run-ning and spark-ling in the sun.

No wild storm-winds blew there, but a gen-tle breeze sighed a-mong the branch-es. Nor rain, nor snow, nor hail was known, but the dew-drops fell light-ly on the grass. The sun shone by

day, and the stars twink-led mer-ri-ly by night, for no black thun-der-clouds darkened the sky.


The busy day is near-ly done,
The dark, still night is com-ing on;
I'll pray Al-migh-ty God to keep
His care a-round me while I sleep.

I fear I have not been so good
In all things as I know I should;
Not so o-be-di-ent, nor so mild,
Nor hum-ble, as be-comes a child.

Lord! if an-oth-er day I see,
Teach me a bet-ter child to be;

For Thou, who mak'st the birds Thy


Wilt lis-ten to an in-fant's pray-er.

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