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children; now I want to find a competent person, who will take the charge of these little children for a few hours of every day, instruct them and make them happy. In order that the teacher of this infant school should be well paid, my funds must be considerably enlarged; and if you think it proper, I would like to have some aid from you, father."

"I have great doubts about such institutions, Amy."

"What are your objections, father?"

"In the first place, I much doubt the expediency of teaching the poor; it makes them discontented."

"But, father, most of them are babies, what they learn cannot harm them, if knowledge were ever so dangerous; the principal object is to enable their mothers to work for their support. You know not, dear father, what the poor suffer; I have been among them, and I know what they endure.”

"Let me tell you, Amy, that I do not approve of your going among the poor; you are in danger of taking some disease; it is not a proper employment for a young lady in your station of life, and with your prospects. This duty, if it be one, should be left to those who are nearer their own level."

"I should be sorry, father, to leave to the poor all the luxury of doing good. If you had been with me, sometimes when I have had the happiness to lessen some of their sorrows, you would not wonder that I take the pleasure I do in visiting them. Oh, father, I have witnessed such gentle patience under acute pain, such calm faith, such holy trust under the severest trials —"

"I always avoid such scenes," replied her father; "Providence has taken care of me and mine, and I am grateful. As I could not therefore be a good counsellor to those who suffer, and as my nerves are too weak to bear the sight of misery, I keep out of the way of such things."

"But, would it not be well, father, to save these little children from suffering, if we could?"

"Where are the fathers of these children? Why do not their fathers support them?"

"Some of them are dead, some are worse than dead vicious; others are absent, and others are incapacitated for labor by disease."

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"You are meddling, Amy, with things out of the sphere of a young lady's walk of life; the wisest and best have agreed that the poor ought not to marry. All the cases you have

stated are the necessary results of the present vicious state of things: it is only interfering with the wise designs of Providence, to attempt to prevent the natural consequences and legitimate punishment of what should never have existed. Poverty, my daughter, would die out of itself, but for the mistaken efforts of benevolent enthusiasts. I make it a matter of conscience to do nothing towards perpetuating vice and misery; the public good requires it, I owe this to the station I hold in society."

Amy still continued her hopeless appeal to her father's heart.

"Did not Jesus, father, preach particularly to the poor? Were not his instructions particularly calculated to elevate the poor?"

"So far from it, my daughter, that his instructions were, I think, intended to make them quiet and submissive under all the trials of life. Jesus was careful never to meddle with any of the existing relations of society, even that most abject poverty where a man does not possess his own body slavery. Wise and pious men think it sanctioned by the conduct and teachings of Jesus Christ."


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house, all this was so natural and easy,
it no longer required an effort; neither
she neglect her duties to herself, to her o
mind; but Edward's example had kindled
her heart a higher ambition than she h
ever before felt. There was stirring in Amy
soul, that feeling of discontent, which is e
the first motion towards the attainment of
higher degree of excellence than we have y
reached. She had hitherto been in the hab
of giving a portion of the money she had
her own disposal, to those who had the car
of the poor, to be employed by them f
their benefit. She now resolved to be h
own almoner, and to exercise that high
charity which bids us give our time, o
thoughts, our active sympathy to the po
Amy soon found that this kept in exerc
all the best faculties of her mind, and cal
upon her for continual sacrifices. She
obliged to practise the strictest economy b
of time and money, in order not to negl
any of her duties at home, and to h
enough to give to the needy. In order to
a good adviser to the poor, she was oblige
think of all their circumstances and rel:

duties and rights. Religion became t
mind a more deep, and
ad affe

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