Imágenes de páginas


Fublic buildings. Relative to the erection of a public
building at Fall River, Massachusetts.

Public buildings. Relative to an additional appropriation
for the repair of the Government building at the corner
of F and Seventeenth streets

Public buildings. Relative to a post-office building at
North Providence, Rhode Island

Public buildings. Relative to a site for the erection of, at
Cincinnati, Ohio...

Public property. Letter from the Secretary of State trans-
mitting inventory of the, in the public buildings and
grounds of the District of Columbia..
Public property. Letter from the Commissioner of Agri-
culture relative to, in the public buildings and grounds..
Public property.
Letter from the Postmaster General
transmitting inventory of, in the Post-Office Department.
Public property. Letter from the Secretary of War relative
to, sold by the War Department since July 1, 1865.
Public property. Letter from the Secretary of War relat-
ing to the same subject as above...

Public property. Letter from the Secretary of the Navy
relative to the sales of, by any officer of the Navy Depart-
ment since June 30, 1865

Public property. Letter from the Secretary of the Treas-
ury relative to money paid into the Treasury by the War
Department for sales of

[blocks in formation]


Quartermaster's Department. Relative to officers and em-
ployés of the..

[blocks in formation]


Railroads. Letter from the Secretary of the Interior trans-
mitting a map showing land grants to, &c
Raymond, Professor. Report of, on mining statistics
Recorder of deeds. Relative to an appropriation for records
in the office of the, of the District of Columbia............
Receipts and expenditures, general, of 1869. Report of the
Treasurer of the United States of the
Receipts and expenditures of 1867. Letter from the Sec-
retary of the Treasury transmitting statement of..
Receipts and expenditures of 1868. Letter from the Secre-
tary of the Treasury transmitting statement of..
Receipts and expenditures of 1869. Letter from the Secre-
tary of the Treasury transmitting statement of.
Reeve, ex-Colonel J. V. D. Relative to the case of
Reform School. Annual report of the board of trustees of
the, of the District of Columbia

[blocks in formation]

Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands. Letter from
the Secretary of War relative to

[blocks in formation]

Register of the Treasury. Annual report of the.

[blocks in formation]

Revenue and marine steamers. Relative to, on the lakes.
Rhode Island. Relative to a light on Bullock's Point, Prov-
idence River..

[blocks in formation]

Rhode Island. Relative to a post-office building at North

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Rivers and harbors.

Relative to the improvement of the
harbors of Sandusky, Ashtabula, and Waukegan
Rivers and harbors. Relative to appropriations for im-
provements of the northern and northwestern lakes.
Rivers and harbors. Relative to the survey of, of Long
Island Sound

[blocks in formation]

Rivers and harbors.

Haven Harbor and
Rivers and harbors.
Connecticut River

Relative to the improvement of New
Housatonic River, Connecticut..
Relative to the improvement of the

[blocks in formation]

Rivers and harbors.

Relative to a survey of the Mononga-

mouth of the Mississippi River
Rivers and harbors.
hela River...
Rivers and harbors.

Relative to the survey of the dam in
the Ohio River near the mouth of the Cumberland River.
Rivers and harbors. Relative to the improvement of the
Wisconsin River

Rivers and harbors. Relative to removing obstructions in
the Missouri River...

Rivers and harbors. Copy of the report of the arbitrators
for the improvement of water communication between
the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan...
Rivers and harbors. Relative to the contract with Corne-
lius Daly for dredging the harbor of Ogdensburg, New

Relative to the improvement of the

[blocks in formation]

Rivers and harbors. Relative to establishing a light to
mark the shoals known as "Wood's End Bar," Province-
town, Massachusetts.

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the bay and harbor of

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the navigation of the
Delaware River


Rivers and harbors. Relative to the present condition of
the Mississippi River between Alton and Saint Louis
Rivers and harbors. Relative to the harbor at Mobile,


Rivers and harbors.

Relative to the improvement of Mo-

bile Harbor, Alabama..

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the need of further im-
provements in the harbor of Black River, Ohio......
Rivers and harbors. Relative to the Apalachicola and
Chattahoochee Rivers...

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the cost of removing ob-
structions in the East Chester Creek..

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the Coosa and Tennessee

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the improvement of the
Connecticut River below Hartford..

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the survey of certain
rivers in the Southern States...

Rivers and harbors. Relative to the Chippewa River, Wis-
Rivers and harbors.
gartown Harbor, Massachusetts

Relative to the improvement of Ed-

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Rivers and harbors. Relative to the surveys ordered by
Congress, with a view to connecting the waters of the
Tennessee River and Atlantic Ocean

Roumania. Message of the President relative to the perse-
cution of the Jews in..........


Salt Lake. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
the carriage and freight to, by the Colorado River..
San Francisco. Tonnage to and from...
Santisteval, Juan Carlos, et al. Private land claim of..
Scott, Brevet Lieutenant General Winfield. Statue to the
memory of..

Seamen. Letter from the Secretary of State transmitting
returns of relief and protection to American, during the
year ending September 30, 1871.

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Seamen. Bill to regulate marine hospital charges for sick
or disabled foreign.

[blocks in formation]

Seaton, C. W. Appropriation for, for use of a patent
Ship-canal. Relative to a, between Chesapeake and Dela-
ware Bays...

[blocks in formation]

Signal stations. Letter from the Secretary of War relative
to the establishment of

[blocks in formation]

State, Secretary of. Letter from the, relative to an appro-
priation for the service of the foreign claims commis-

State, Secretary of. Letter from the, transmitting returns
of relief and protection of American seamen during the
year ending September 30, 1871..

State, Secretary of. Letter from the, transmitting a state-
ment of the payments made from the contingent fund, &c.
State, Secretary of. Letter from the, transmitting inven-
tory of public property in the public buildings and
grounds of the District of Columbia..

[blocks in formation]

State, Secretary of. Transmits a list of employés in his De-"
partment during the year 1871

[blocks in formation]

State, Secretary of. Relative to an appropriation for the
work on the new State Department..

[blocks in formation]

State, Secretary of. Report of the, on the commercial re-
lations of the United States for the year 1871

[blocks in formation]

Storms. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to the
expenses of the observation and report of, by telegraph
and signal

[blocks in formation]

Subsistence Department. Letter from the Secretary of
War relative to the number of enlisted men on extra
duty, and of civilian employés in the
Subsistence Department. Estimate of appropriations to
reimburse the, for Indian supplies

[blocks in formation]

Surveying service. Letter from the Secretary of the In-
terior relative to an appropriation for the, during the
fiscal years ending June 30, 1869, and 1872

[blocks in formation]

Sutherland, Robert. Petition of, for pay for certain mili-
tary services...

[blocks in formation]

Soldiers. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to,
discharged for minority

[blocks in formation]

Soldiers. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
clothing issued to disabled, at the national asylums..
Solicitor of the Treasury. Annual report of the....
Southern States. Message of the President relative to law-
lessness in th

[blocks in formation]

State Department. Letter from the Secretary of State
transmitting a statement of the payments made from
the contingent fund of the

State Department. Message of the President relative to
the preservation of the records in the.....

[blocks in formation]


State Department. Letter from the Secretary of State rela-
tive to an appropriation for the work on the new


Teamsters. Letter from the Secretary of War relative to
the status of, in the quartermaster's service...
Territories. Relative to the act of January 22, 1867, making
appropriations for penitentiaries in certain..

Territories. Relative to an appropriation for the expenses
of continuing the geological survey of the
Texas. Relative to money appropriated for the State of,
under the acts of March 3, 1859, and June 21, 1860.
Texas. Statement of the expenditures for construction
and repairs of buildings at each of the forts and military
posts in

[blocks in formation]

Texas. Report concerning the history and character of
certain claims of the State of.

Texas. Relative to the political complexion of affairs on
the frontier of ....

Tonnage. Letter from the collector of customs at San
Francisco relative to, to and from San Francisco
Trade and tonnage. Relative to, for the year 1870, with
the west coast of Mexico, Central America, South
America, Sandwich Islands, &c...
Treasurer of the United States. Annual report of the...
Treasurer of the United States. Transmits general state-
ment of receipts and expenditures for year 1869...
Treasurer of the United States. Report of the Committee
on Expenditures in the Treasury Department on the con-
dition, &c., of the office of the

[blocks in formation]

Treasurer of the United States. Letter from the Secretary
of the Treasury transmitting draught of bill for the re-
lief of the..

[blocks in formation]

Treasurer of the United States. Report of the, for third
and fourth quarters, 1869, and for first and second
quarters, 1870.

[blocks in formation]

Treasury Department. Letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury transmitting statement of the contingent ex-
penses of the ...

Treasury, Secretary of the. Annual report of the

Papers accompanying the above.

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Vol. Part.

No. Page.

Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits estimates of appro-
priations for fiscal year ending June 30, 1873..

Index of the above..

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Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits statement of re-
ceipts and expenditures for the year 1867 ...


Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits statement of re-
ceipts and expenditures for year 1868.


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Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits statement of re-
ceipts and expenditures for year 1869 ..
Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits draught of bill en-
titled "A bill in aid of the laws requiring the delivery of
manifests in certain cases"...

Treasury, Secretary of the. Communicates relative to
balances of appropriations unexpended on the 30th June,
1871, the amounts appropriated for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1872, and the net expenditures for the quarter
ending September 30, 1871...

Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits copy of report of
the special agent in charge of the fur-seal fisheries at the
islands of Saint Paul and Saint George, Alaska .......
Treasury, Secretary of the. Communicates relative to
banks in the city of New York, concerned or interested
in promoting an artificial scarcity of money.
Treasury, Secretary of the.
amount redeemed of the
Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits estimates of defi-
ciencies in appropriations required to complete the ser-
vice of the fiscal year ending June 30, 1872, and prior

Communicates relative to the
twenty millions five-twenty

Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits draught of a para-
graph in relation to the expenses of national loans
Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits two petitions pray-
ing for relief in consequence of the loss of certain United
States notes destroyed by fire in Chicago....
Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits answer to resolu

tion of December 18, 1871, relative to the suspension or
mustering out of Brigadier General George W. Balloch..
Treasury, Secretary of the. Communicates relative to the
number of persons employed and compensation paid in
the collection of customs during the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1871, in the United States, &c.....
Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits an estimate of the
number of pounds of paper that will be required to re-
place the present national-bank circulation, &c
Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmits answer to a resolu-
tion of April 18, 1871, relating to any appropriation out of
which mail contractors may be paid for service in the
late insurgent States prior to May 31, 1861
Treasury, Secretary of the. Relative to the erection of a
public building at Oshkosh, Winconsin
Treasury, Secretary of the.
compensation to the late
the port of Ounalaska...
Treasury, Secretary of the.
ufactures not produced in
Treasury, Secretary of the.
public building at Fall River, Massachusetts
Treasury, Secretary of the. Relative to a deficiency in the
appropriation for the current fiscal year on account of
the expenses of beacons and buoys.

Relative to an allowance for
deputy collector of customs at

Relative to the arts and man-
the United States......
Relative to the erection of a

Treasury, Secretary of the. Transmitting draught of a bill
relating to trade by sea on the northeastern frontier.....
Treasury, Secretary of the. Relative to establishing a light
to mark the shoals known as "Wood's End Bar,” Prov-
incetown, Massachusetts..



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