Imágenes de páginas
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"The strongest point in Finlayson's criticism of Mr. Drummond's theory of spiritual biogenesis is his demon. stration that the New Testament contains so many dif ferent metaphors for describing conversion that to confine one's self to the figure of the creation of life alone, is to fall into a serious error. He quotes the passage 'Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light;' and continues Here the man who is spiritually dead is actually called upon to arise out of his death. Such an exhortation may well caution us against turning metaphors into laws. This sentence contains in brief the gist of the whole criticism of Mr. Drummond's book.". Spectator, Oct. 31.

Fiske, J: The idea of God as affected by modern knowledge.

Flaubert, G. Madame Bovary; [illust.] par A. $VFF F61M


Giffen, R. Progress of the working classes in the last half century, with note on Amer. wages. c55.8sol (Econ. tracts.) Giry, A. Documents sur les relations de la royauté avec les villes en France de 1180 à 1314; préc. d'une préface par E. Lavisse.

EMF G44 Glenco. Gallienus redivivus; or, Murther will out, etc.; account of the de-witting of Glencoe, etc. (Clarendon Hist. Soc.) 8E-8c54 Personal memoirs. Vol. 1. 65 G767 65.G767.2

Grant, U. S. Same.

Gray, G: Z. Husband and wife; or, the theory of marriage and its consequences; with introd. by Rt. Rev. F. D. Huntington. Greig, T. W. Ladies' old fashioned shoes; illust. from originals.


"That so pretty a book could be produced about old shoes would seem impossible prior to experience. But Mr. Greig, or his artist has treated a lowly subject so feelingly, with so much artistic effect, that some of the eleven chromolithographs which illustrate his book are pictures in themselves, and all are at least pleasant to look at. A disappointing yet charming book. idea is excellent, but it is only half worked out, as far, that is, as the letterpress is concerned. The plates leave nothing to be desired." - Saturday review, Oct. 24. Half-way; an Anglo-French romance. (Harper's handy ser.) VH133

Hamilton, W. Parodies of the works of English and Amer. authors. 2 v. VEC+9H18

Harris, S. The coaching age; illust.

"If any one is too lazy to read The coaching age,' the book is illustrated with some of Mr. Sturgess's best pictures. A glance at them at once shows the delights, the incidents, and the perils of the coaching days.". Academy, Jan. 2.

Hatton, F. North Borneo; explorations and ad

ventures on the equator; with biog. sketch and notes by J. Hattton, and pref. by Sir W. Medhurst. A4R64.H28

"The diaries contain some interesting mineralogical matter, along with many natural and graphic notes of adventure illustrating the character of the country, and some very curious native customs." - Academy, Jan. 2. Hay, M.. C. Lester's secret; a novel. (Harper's handy ser.) Vн32L Heath, F. G: Sylvan winter; illust. by F: G. Short. JVSE H35S

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Hoyt, H: M. Protection versus free trade; the scientific validity and economic operation of defensive duties in the U. S. CX.H85 Hunt, W: The Somerset diocese, Bath and Wells. (Diocesan histories.)

Hutchinson, Mrs. L. A. Memoirs of the life of Col. Hutchinson; ed. from the original mis. by Rev. J. Hutchinson; added, letters of Col. H., and other papers; rev., with add. notes, by C. H. Firth. 2 v. 5E H973.2

"No more delightful example of the Puritan life can be anywhere found than in the story of Colonel Hutchinson's courtship. In political satire, in historical narrative, in fervent disquisition, her style is at once vigorous and plastic. Her sketch of English history has a power of expression marvellous when compared with the ordinary historical writing of her age." Spectator, Oct. 31.

Iddesleigh, Earl of. Pleasures, dangers, and uses of desultory reading.

Jackson, Lady C. C.. The Court of France in the 16th century, 1514-59. 2 v. 8FY9H-1J13 "First, Lady Jackson has no real knowledge of the period of which she writes; secondly, she could not write about it if she had that knowledge. A book writ ten in such circumstances can have little or no value." — Athenaeum, Jan. 9.

Kemp, D. Yacht architecture. Koehler, S. R. Etching; an outline of its technical processes and its history, with some remarks on collections and collecting: illust. "The first connected history of etching ever written." Nation, Dec. 10.

Laghi, F. Teoria dei trattati internazionali. Pte. générale. 1882.

"Après une esquisse historique de l'origine et du developpement du droit concernant les traités internatio. naux, le jeune professeur de Parme nous présente un exposé des notions et des principes fondamentaux de la matière, sans oublier les questions pratiques concernant la validité, l'inviolabilité, la nullité des traités et les moyens d'en garantir l'exécution, les règles de leur interpretation, la manière dont il doivent être exécutés et les causes de leur extinction. Le second volume donnera les arrêts des tribunaux pour chaque espèce de traités et conventions internationales. Une dissertation sur les concor Rev. de droit int., v. 15.

dats complétera l'ouvrage."

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Lex talionis; a declamation against Mr. Challener, etc. (Clarendon Hist. Soc.) 8E-8c54 Longfellow, H: W. Poetical works; with pref. notice, biog. and critical, by E. Hope. (CanterW5P 186 1884 bury poets.) Lowe, C: Prince Bismarck; an historical biog. 5G B54L

2 v. "Mr. Lowe has brought out with remarkable distinctness the essential qualities of Bismarck's character, and even those who do not agree with his opinions will appreciate the vigour and lucidity with which he describes the complicated conditions of German political life during the last forty years.". -Athenæum, Jan. 9.

Lyall, E. In the golden days. 3d ed. VL981 "It is refreshing to turn from productions always empty and sometimes mischievous, and with nothing noble or elevated in them from beginning to end, to a vig orous study of such life and character as are really worth reading about. Such a study Miss Lyall has giv en us. The golden days are the days of Charles II., and those days when they were at their darkest, just before the end of the King's reign when the surface goodnature which had looked like real kindness of heart had worn off, and revealed the cruel nature beneath. But it was a time when English life had great interest, and when strong developments of character were not unfrequent. Some of the scenes are remarkably vivid." Spectator, Aug. 29.

Maitland, F. W. Justice and the police. (The Eng. citizen.)

"The learning and industry which Mr. Maitland brought to bear upon such an abstruse subject as 'The pleas of the Crown of the County of Gloucester' in the reign of Henry III, are equally conspicuous in this slight sketch of our modern judicial system." - Spectator,

Oct. 3.

Martel, le comte de. Les historiens fantaisistes: M. Thiers, Hist. du Consulat, etc. 1883-85. 2 v. XVF1 T34M "Pourquoi tant d'aigreur? pourquoi tant de chicanes? pourquoi même ce titre? M. de Martel s'est-il figuré par hasard que le crédit du Consulat et de 1 Empire' ou de la Révolution française,' etait à la merci de quelques inexactitudes? Mais il y en aurait bien plus encore qu'il n'en signale que ces livres fameux ne cesseraient pas pour cela d'etre tout ce qu'ils sont: les premiers où l'on ait raconté ces vingt-cinq ans d'histoire,et ceux auxquels il en faut toujours revenir, parce que ce sont toujours ceux qui resemblent' le plus.". - Rev. d. D. Mondes,

1 oct.

"Ce livre est curieux et mème amusant. M. de Martel a enterpris de faire connaître le degré de confiance que M. Thiers mérite comme historien; il emploie un moyen très simple; il met en face des dires de M. Thiers les documents que l'auteur de l'Histoire du Consulat, et de l'Empire,' a consultés ou prétendu consulter; il conclut que à tout instant M. Thiers écrit exactment le contraire de ce que contiennent les pieces.... Peut-on dire que, malgré tant de défauts, tant de rapidités et d'à peuprès, M. Thiers ait été un historien fantaisiste?' Après tout, son œuvre est énorme; elle embrasse une vaste pé. riode pleine de grands événements de toute sorte, et dans ce vaste recit auquel manquent trop souvent les recherches exactes et minutieuses, circule néanmoins l'esprit général des choses. Blâmons les détails, regrettons que les menus faits ne soient pas toujours fidelement preséntés, mais l'ensemble demeure, l'ensemble est animé du souffle de cette intelligence que M. Thiers regardait comme la qualité essentielle de l'historien. et on y trouve en outre, selon un mot de Sainte-Beuve, ce don de narrer que n'ont pas bien des esprits intelligents." A. Chuquet in Revue critique, 8 déc. 1884.

Mason, T: Public and private libraries of Glasgow.


Middleton, T: Works; ed. by A. H. Bullen. 4 v. (Eng. dramatists.) VED M58.2


Miller, G. T. Bird-ways. Murray, D: C. Rainbow gold; a novel. (Franklin Sq. lib.)

"Strongly interesting, healthy and robust in tone, and permeated with the true romantic flavour." - W: Sharp in the Academy, Nov. 7.

Negri, G. Bismarck, saggio storico. 1884.

5G B54W Nicolson, A. Memoirs of Adam Black. 5DS B562 "Although the biography of Adam Black appears somewhat late in the day, it is written with taste and judgment. Mr. Nicolson does well to let his hero, who was essentially a self-made man, speak as much as possible for himself. In February 1861, Mr. Black began to write exclusively for the benefit of his family his


autobiographical reminiscences. They were finished in 1872, when Mr. Black was in his eighty-ninth year, have been placed at Nr. Nicolson's disposal, and many extracts from them are introduced into his Memoir' by Mr. Nicolson, who says, indeed, that he would have preferred to have given them, with some alterations and additions, instead of his own narrative, which is only second-hand.' These fragments of autobiography are especially interesting, in that they throw light upon the early struggles of a man whom Alexander Russell cescribed as our best citizen of his own generation.' Spectator, Oct. 24.




Old Miscellany" days; a selection of stories from Bentley's miscellany;" illust. by G: Cruikshank, 1837-43. V9B401 O'Meara, K. Madame Mohl; her salon and her friends; a study of social life in Paris.

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Parker, J. Early history of Oxford, 727-1100 prec. by sketch of the mythical origin of the city and university. (Oxford Hist. Soc. Pub.) SEZOX P22 "The long chapter devoted to the Mythical origin of Oxford' gives a very complete account of the once famous myths, and displays considerable industry. The best part of Mr. Parker's book is undoubtedly his work on Oxford itself, as it appears in Domesday, in the various hints to be gleaned in other writings, and in all the city has to tell of its own early days in what remains from them both above ground and below." Pattison, M. Sermons.

Peard, F. M. Near neighbours. 2 v.


"Well sustains the reputation Miss Peard has already acquired as a quiet and charming writer, yet one also by no means destitute of reserve power."- Academy, Jan.


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"Une étude psychologique, un roman de mœurs de la société italienne qui se passe à Rome, dans la rue Ri petta, en face du fleuve. Le sujet est fort simple. Tout l'intérêt est dans le développement des caractères et dans les scènes de la vie du monde où excelle Mme. Pierantoni." C. Coignet in Rev. pol. et lit., 31 mai. Poe. E. A. Poetical works; with pref. notice, biog. and critical, by J. Skipsey. W5P P75 Poynter, E.. F. Madame de Presnel. 2 v.

VP878M2 "A charming story, full of originality and character." Saturday rev., June 13.

Pratesi, M. In provincia. 1883.

VIF P881

"It is the real reality of humbler Italian life, seen with marvellous accuracy of vision, but selected with admirable instinct for the beautiful and important; it is the work of a fastidions and wayward fancy, but exe. cuted by an eye which can portray anything; it is essentially what the art of the future must be, if it is to be anything at all: impressionism directed by idealistic selection." Vernon Lee in the Academy, July 14,


Radisson, P: E. Voyages; an account of his travels and experiences among the North American Indians, 1652-84; transcribed from orig. mss., with hist. illlust. and an introd., by G. D. Scull. (Prince Soc.) 964-8193

Rice, II. Sketches of Western Reserve life.

Richard, II:, and Williams, J. C.

ment. (Imperial parl.)

Ritchie, Mrs. À. I. T. Mrs. Dymond.

975 R36 Disestablish


"It is interesting to note that a longer experience of life has shown one novelist that if not more amusing' it is less melancholy than she thought. Not that there is not a fair proportion of melancholy in the present book; but it is, so to speak. rather in the accompaniment than in the tune." - Athenæum, Dec. 26.

Roe, Mrs. J. H. The bachelor vicar of Newforth; a novel. (Harper's handy ser.) VR624B "If the writer fails in the region of romance, it must be admitted that she has a very agreeable and natural way of describing the doings and sayings of society in au English seaport. The whole story is bright and readable, and correctly reproduces many of the lighter phases of modern society without degenerating into flippancy." Athenæum, Dec. 5.


Ross, M., and Cooper, H. S.

Highlands of CanAHXC16 R

tabria, etc.; [illust.]. Rossi, V. de. Studi di diritto internazionale privato in relazione alla legge italiana. 1880. "Les Studi'sont 1 le système hypothécaire par rapport au droit international; 2 le droit de réciprocité et de rétorsion; 3 la condition juridique des étrangers vis-à-vis de la législation italienne; 4 quelques ques tions de procédure civile internationale, exécution des jugements anglais en Italie et des jugements italiens en France; 5° quelques questions de droit maritime international, juridiction des notaire sur les navires marchards étrangers, visite de ces navires; 6 la faillite dans ses rapports avec le droit international. Les livres de M. De Rossi se recommandent en général par la clarté de la forme et la bonté de la critique." E. Brusa in Rev. d. droit int., 1883, no. 1.

Roy, J. L'an mille, formation de la légende de l'an mille, état de la France 950-1050; illust. (Biblioth. de merveilles.)

"Conclusion de l'auteur: Les arguments des partisans d'une terreur universelle,à l'approche de l'an mille, ne peuvent soutenir l'examen d'une critique loyale, car ils ne reposent sur aucun texte concluant, et ils ont contre eux les témoignages des écrivains contemporaines; en outre, l'état politique, religieux, littéraire, et artistique de la France à cette époque prouve que l'on ne redoutait nullement le Dies irae." — Bull, tin critique, 15 juin. Saillens, R. Nos droits sur Madagascar et nos griefs contre les Hovas examines impartialement, avec une préf. de F: Pussy, etc.

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"Si l'on veut connaitre le vrai Cousin et constater jusqu'à quel point la philosophie adoucit les mœurs de T'homme, qu'on lise les aventures d'Etienne Moret ra contées non par un panegyriste, mais par un historien, M. F. Sarcey. On verra le secrétaire du grand eclectique aux prises avec les exigences, les rudesses,et l'ava rice de son patron, amené enfin par le desespoir au suicide." - Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 5 sept. Seeley, J: R. A short history of Napoleon the First. SFHR SE3 Shedd, W: G. T. Doctrine of endless punishment. Slaughter, P. Memoir of W: Meade, D. D. 3d ed. repr. from v. 4 of " Memorial biographies." ¶65 M46s

Smith, G. Life of W: Carey, D. D., shoemaker and missionary, professor of Sanskrit, etc., in the College of Fort William, Calcutta.


"There have been many lives of Dr. Carey, and he deserved many, but this is the fullest and the best. Though his external history was uneventful, though he was not a man of genius, and though his direct success as an evangelist was not great, he was in many ways not only the first, but the greatest of the Non-conformist missionaries who since his time have occupied so large a portion of the heathen world." - Spectator, Nov. 21. Société de l'Histoire du Protestantisme Français. Bulletin hist. et lit.: Souvenir du 2e centenaire de la révocation de l'Edit de Nantes. Stanford, E: Parliamentary county atlas of England and Wales. etc.

Sturgis, J. R. John Maidment.


"It is a study of egoism; but the satire is so mild, the subtlety so very subtle, the touch so light, the discretion so entirely well-bred and careful, that the author's meaning, obvious as it is, seems somehow to have lost its force, and is whispered away"- Athenæum, Jan. 9. Sumner, W: G. Protectionism; the ism which teaches that waste makes wealth. CX SU6P Protectionism' rather exceeds its predecessors in trenchant name-calling and berating. Prof. Sumner has carried the thing so far that everybody can see that he has stepped out of the sphere of the economic into the merely partisan sphere." Albert Shaw in the Dial, Dec. Tennyson, A., Lord. Tiresias; and other poems.


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"L'un des plus jolis et des plus achevés récits qu'il nous ait donnés."- Rev. d. D. Mondes, 1 nov.

"Le décor, le cadre, le paysage, l'accessoire, le détail pittoresque, tout cela, avec lui, nous charme toujours. A peine s'aperçoit-on que le fond du tableau est toujours un peu le même, comme dans les fusains d'Allongé. Maintenant je me demande à propos de sa dernière toile s'il n'etait pas possible de se mettre en plus grands frais d'imagination pour la scène à encadrer. Il ne me semble pas trouver là une invention bien neuve." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 7 nov. Tolstoi, Count L.. N. Ma religion.

War and peace; an historical novel; tr. from the French by C. Bell. 2 v. VBG T58W Townsend, L. T. The art of speech. 2 v. x11 T66 Whittier, J: G. Poetical works; selected with pref. notice, biog, and critical, by F. Hope. W5PW614 1885 w54 w63

Wigglesworth, E: Reflections. Wilson, Col. Sir. C: W. From Korti to Khartum, etc. 8wsU2.w69 "Every day, and sometimes several times a day, Sir C: Wilson made entries in his field note-book. The evidence, therefore, is as fresh and valuable as if it had been delivered before an historical tribunal every evening. Sir C: Wilson was, moreover, the best witness whom lovers of the exact truth could have called. The simplicity with which the tale is told does not prevent it from being one of the most interesting and exciting military romances which we have ever read." Athenæum, Dec. 19.

Woods, Rev. L. History of the Andover Theological Seminary. DW3 AU2W

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Astor, W: W.

Valentino; an historical romance of the 16th century in Italy. VAS8V "The author has reproduced the horrors of a time when treachery was the only thing to be relied on; but he has reproduced them with undoubted accuracy, and with certain gentlemanly restraint which takes off the most repulsive edge of the details. Intrigue and plot dovetail into each other very cleverly, and the reader reads, but is not thrilled; it deals with horrors but it does not horrify. The book certainly has value, as a literary picture of the time it deals with.". Critic,

Jan. 16.

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Briggs, G: N. Popular education; lecture, Feb. 4, 1851.

Brooke, Rev. S. A: Notes on the Liber studiorum of J: M. W: Turner; illust. Butler, W: A. Domesticus; a tale of the imperial city. VB972D Cable, G: W. The silent South; with the freedman's case in equity and The convict lease system. B6S C11 Mr. Cable boldly, strongly, and convincingly tells the South that it is on its honor in its treatment of the Freedmen, now that bayonets from Washington are withdrawn; that the case will not down,' but must be settled; that civil rights are one thing, social equality quite another; that the former must ultimately be given and secured; ... and that the irregularity in the treat



ment of the negro must be done away. Not all readers, North or South, will agree with Mr. Cable's statements; but they certainly must admit that here is a book to be considered, and either accepted in the main, or refuted in the main." - Critic, Jan. 9. Caddy, Mrs. F. Footsteps of Jeanne D'Arc; a pilgrimage. 5FD244C "The result of close study as well as of devotion to the subject. Mrs. Caddy is not a mere antiquarian dryasdust; she is keen to enlighten the dusty record by a touch of the human nature that makes all the world kin. The main facts in the career of Joan of Arc are well set forth alongside of delicate and occasionally effective descriptions of scenery, She has evidently made a study of the architecture and topography, and is able on not a few points to set Murray and others right. In an appendix there is an excellent and exhaustive Bibliography, as well as a 'résumé' of the various ways Joan has fared at the hands of historians and dramat ists." - British quarterly rev., Jan. Cavour, C. B., conte di. Lettere, edite ed inedite ; rac. ed illust. da L: Chiala. 3 v. v15c31 Church, R: W: Discipline of Christian character. Clark, E: E. Boston blue book. 1886. AE C69 Collier, R. L. English home life. Colquhoun, M. J. Primus in Indis; a romance. (Harper's handy ser.) Vc713P

Cotton, H: J. New India; or, India in transition. EA594 c82

"Mr. Cotton makes the most effective appeal for the Indian people as against officialism with its overbearingness and prejudice, and against bureaucracy, with its iron hand under velvet glove, that we remember to have recently read." British quarterly rev., Jan. Crane, T: F: Italian popular tales.

VIL C85 This collection, drawn from the best Italian sources, is the first comprehensive one which has appeared in English.". - Atlantic monthly, March.

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"The best of her works." - Brit. quarterly rev., Jan. Cumberland, S. C. The Rabbi's spell; a RussoJewish romance. Cumming, C. F. G. Wanderings in China. 2 v.



A3.c91 "One of the most informing books on China that has ever been written in English. She has such a faculty for seeing thoroughly what she does see, and for getting to know all about it, that she is able to produce a work packed full of interesting facts about actualities' in China, and most readable and entertaining from beginning to end." - Contemporary rev., Feb.

Dalriad, pseud. The crofter in history.

8DT D16 "Not only pleasantly and clearly written, but giving a bearing of some of the evidence on both sides of this much-vexed question.". Saturday rev., Feb. 13. Dame Wiggins of Lee, by a lady of 90; ed. with add. by J: Ruskin; illust. by K. Greenaway.

Daudet, A.

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VEP D18 Stories of Provence; [tr.] by S. L. (Harper's handy ser.) VFG'D2658T

Lee. Translated from "Lettres de mon moulin." Dawson, G: Biographical lectures; ed. by G: St. Clair. 5B.90132

"He discourses of individualities as diverse as those of Queen Elizabeth and John Bunyan, Dean Swift and Thomas Hood, Cromwell and Cowper, and seems so much at home with all of them that we incline to think of each in turn as the friend whom he would single out from all the rest as the boon companion of his spirit. And yet Dawson is not one of the hero-worshipping whitewashers. One of his greatest triumphs in this line is his portrait of Queen Elizabeth." - Jumes Ashcroft Noble in the Academy, Feb. 13.

Dickinson, Mrs. E. E. New light, on Mormonism; with introd. by T. Weed.

"Her leading purpose seems to be to show that the Book of Mormon had its literary origin in an historical romance written by Solomon Spaulding, but never published by him, and never intended to serve the purpose to which it has been perverted. ... The book is vigor. ously and clearly written, and makes a strong impres sion of the wickedness of this great delusion of modern times." - James H. Fairchild in Bibl. sacra, Jan. Disraeli, B., Earl of Beaconsfield. Correspondence with his sister, 1832-52. VE5 B35 "Not a dull or uninstructive page in this volume.". Athenæum, Jan. 23. Dixwell, G: B. Reviews of Bastiat's Sophisms of protection,' Summers' Argument against protective taxes,' and Perry's Farmers and the tariff.' Repub. from the Bulletin of the Nat. Wool Assoc. 1882. CX D64 Du Boisgobey, F. de. Le cri du sang. 2 v.

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VFF D855CP "Les romans de M. du Boisgobey sont d'une lecture sans fatigue et sans douleur. Cela repose des œuvres qui ont trop de prétention à la haute littérature. Vous n'avez pas à vous creuser la tête pour y découvrir des mérites supérieurs discrètement voilés ni des procédés d'art qui se dissimulent. Enfin vous avez ce plaisir très réel de voir tout de suite et quels seront les fils de l'intrigue et quel sera le dénouement."-Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 16 jan. Durand, Mme. A. F. (pseud. H: Gréville). Dosia's daughter; tr. by C. E. Clement. VFG G86DO Egleston, M. The land system of the New England Colonies. [1880]. ག

Esclavage, L', dans les Etats Confédérés; par un missionnaire. 1865.

T Fauriel, C. C: Les derniers jours du Consulat ; pub. et annoté par I.. Lalanne. 8FGK F27

"Trois études en réalité distinctes: le les Pronostics de la destruction de la république à dater du 18 Brumaire; 2e la Conspiration anglaise antérieurement à la conrpiration de Moreau; 3e le Tableau du procès de Georges Cadoudal et de Moreau.". Maxime Gaucher in Rev. et pol. et lit., 14 nov.

Féval, P. H: C. Le Capitaine Fantôme.

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1884. VFF F435C 1883. VFF F435R

Field, H: M. The Greek islands, and Turkey after the war. AN F45 "Dr. Field writes with the advantage of a traveler who has been over the ground twice, and has in his second visit a special errand."-Atlantic monthly, Mar. Froude, J. A. Oceana; or, England and her colonies. BW F93 "Some readers of otherwise omnivorous appetite feel an almost insuperable repugnance to ordinary voyages and travels, but Oceana will prevail over the most obstinate prejudices. It seldom happens that a man of genius and a master of English style records his experience as a traveller. Mr. Froude has no surprising adventures or novel discoveries to relate; but his descriptions are pleasantly vivid, and his reflections are in. structive even to those who may sometimes question his conclusions."- Sat. rev., Feb. 13. Green, G: W. Repudiation. 1883.

Harley, Rev. T. Moon lore.

(Econ. tr.) c55.8sol

"Humorous and popular rather than scientific. ... Attractive and readable. The best parts of the book, are the section dealing with moon worship,' and some parts of the section on moon superstitions."" - Brit. quarterly rev., Jan.

Haussonville, J. O. B. de C. Ma jeunesse, 1814

30; souvenirs. 5F.H293 Hederich, B: Græcum lexicon, labore S. Patricii auctum, postremo repurgatum, etc., cura J: A: Ernesti, iterum recens. a T. Morell. 1821. :YPDL+H35 Henty, G. A. Border lances; romance of the nothern marches in the reign of Edward VH392B III.; illust. Héricault, C: d'. Les noces d'un Jacobin, journal d'Alcibiade Ceyrat. VFF H42W

"Ce nouveau roman d'un auteur qui a une connaissance profonde des faits et des mœurs de l'époque révo lutionnaire est aussi amusant qu'instructif." Revue d. D. Mondes, 1 sept.

Hillard, G: S. Disc. before the New Eng. Soc. in N. Y., Dec. 22, 1851. 1852. 96-9w7 Horatius Flaccus, Q. [Opera.] Ed. ster. Herhan. VJ.H5.1810 Narrative of Miranda's expedition.

Ingersoll, H: Ms. Johnstone, H. H. The Kilima-Njaro Expedition; a record of scientific exploration in Eastern Equatorial Africa, and a description of the natural history, languages, and commerce of the Kilima-Njaro district. ASK55.J

"A most important contribution to our knowledge of Eastern Equatorial Africa. Kilima-Njaro is the highest known mountain in Africa; it is 18,800 feet high. The Royal Society and the British Association combined to send out Mr. Johnston ... He has collected an immense mass of new information, ... and has conveyed it to us in one of the best and most instructive works of travel. There is no want of adventure or diversity of interest, and the writer has excellent descriptive pow ers." Contemporary rev., Feb.

[ocr errors]

Kapp, F:

Der Soldaten handel deutscher Fürsten nach Amerika. 2e verm. u. umgearb. Aufl. 1874. 9529.K14.2 Kennard, N. H. Rachel. (Famous women ser.) T5F R11K

"Her treatment of the eccentricities and failings of an artiste whose excellences as well as defects came from Jewish blood, is as sympathetic as wise." - Contemporary rev., Feb. Kirkland, J: T.

Sermon before the Anc. and Hon. Artillery Co., Boston, June 1, 1795. the anniversary of their election of officers. 1795. Kremnitz, M. Roumanian fairy tales; adapted and arranged by J. M. Percival. VMRK 9K

"Rich in details which bring up even the physical as pect of the country, and in poetic and imaginative expressions which show the influence of the Slav upon the Latin race." Atlantic monthly, March.

Labberton, R. H. Historical atlas. 8th ed. Lagrange, l'abbé F. Life of Monseigneur Dupanloup, Bp. of Orleans; tr. by Lady Herbert. 2 v. 5F.D926L Lanier, S. Poems; ed. by his wife; with a memorial by W: H. Ward. VEP L27.2


Lodge, R: History of modern Europe, from the capture of Constantinople, 1453, to the treaty of Berlin, 1878. (Student's Modern Europe.) Loftie, W. J. Windsor; a description of the castle, park, town, and neighborhood. AEW72/L Lonsdale, M. George Eliot; thoughts upon her life, her books, and herself.

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