Imágenes de páginas

Abbott, L., and Halliday, Rev. S. B. H: Ward Beecher; a sketch of his career; with analysis of his power as a preacher, etc. Account of the late persecution of the Protestants in Piemont. 1688.

Adams, H. B. The College of William and Mary,


Adams, H: C. Public debts; an essay in the science of finance.

Amicis, E. de. Cuore; an Italian schoolboy's journal; tr. by I. F. Hapgood.

"Here is a book which does not deal with the marvellous, which is Italian, patriotic, and not irreligious, and which abounds in good moral lessons. In other countries it would have many competitors; in Italy it has few. In this part of the world it is behind the times. But the book has an interest for general readers as a presumably faithful picture of school-life in Italy.". American, May 21.

Andrews, C. C. Brazil; its condition and prospects.

"To anyone intending to visit the sea-coast of that country, Mr. Andrews's work will prove most service. able, though it contains several errors." - Nation, May


Architectural Society of the Archdeaconry of Northampton, and other societies. Reports and papers, 1850-55, 57-72. Vol. 1-11. [1850-72.]

Baddeley, W. S. Tehay and Chianti; or, Wanderings in Russia and Italy.

Baker, W. & Co. Cocoa and chocolate; a short
history of their production and use.
Barron, L: Les environs de Paris; illust. par G.


"M. Barron a voulu nous faire connaître les monuments du passé restés debout; il les explique et nous rappelle avec précision les faits historiques. Il décrit les œuvres d'art et les paysages." G: de Nouvion in Rev. pol. et lit., 18 déc. Beard, T: The theatre of God's judgments. 1631. Beust, Count F: F. von. Memoirs by himself; with introd. containing personal reminiscences of Count Beust's career as prime minister of Austria, and Austrian ambassador in London; by Baron H: de Worms. 2 v. Biddle, D. The spirit controversy; letters and dissertations on the human spirit and soul; their nature, etc.; with remarks on future rewards and punishments. 1869. Boston. First Church. Services at the ordination of S. W. Brooke, Dec. 29, 1886.

Brooks, Phillips. Tolerance; two lectures.
Brown, E. E. Young folks' life of Washington.
Bryce, G:

Á short history of the Canadian peo

ple. "An uninteresting book; his pages are crowded with names and facts, and his style is deficient in life and vigour. He is at his best when describing the present condition of the Indian tribes, and the period of French colonization and rule. In dealing with pre-historic America, with the early voyages, and with the foundation of the Cavalier and Puritan colonies, he goes outside his proper subject.” — Saturday review, Apr. 23. Buvat, J:

Gazette de la régence; jan. 1715 - juin 1719; pub. d'après le ms. inéd. conservé à la Bibliothèque Royale de la Haye; avec annot. et un index par le comte E. de Barthélemy.

Caddy, Mrs. F. Through the fields with Linnæus; a chapter in Swedish history. 2 v. "Neither more nor less than a new biography of the great Swedish naturalist. Mrs. Caddy has given herself no small trouble to examine and collate documents, and to make her life of Linnæus a fresh and exhaustive one. She is likely to lose the credit she seems to deserve for genuine research through a vain desire to secure a catchpenny popularity. She had a beautiful subject, she seems to have the equipment necessary for its treatment, but she has produced a book which is spoiled by its sheer want of judgment."- Sat. rev., Apr. 23.


Cameron, Mrs. H. L. Worth winning.
Capendu, E. L'affaire Duval. 1867.
Cary, Miss C. E.

Memoirs; cont. anecdotes of some of the first persons in this country, etc. 1825. 3 v.

Chalmers, P. The adhesive postage stamp. Chaucer, G. Second middle English primer; extracts from Chaucer; ed. with grammar and glossary, by H: Sweet. (Clarendon press.) Clarke, H: W. History of tithes from Abraham to Queen Victoria.

"Mr. Clarke writes in the spirit of a partisan, not with the impartiality of an historian.""-Notes and queries, Apr. 16.

Combe, G: Phrenology applied to painting and sculpture. 1855.

Cosquin, E. Contes populaires de Lorraine. 2 v. "One of the most important books on the lower my. thology that has appeared for some years." Saturday rev., Dec. 25.

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Cozzens, F. S., and others. Yachts and yachting; illust.

Creighton, M. History of the papacy during the Reformation. Vol. 3, 4. The Italian princes, 1464-1518. 2 v.

"The Reformation has been described by Protestants from the Protestant side, and by Romanists from the Roman side; in this work it is described by a Protestant from the Roman side; not out of Roman sympa. thies, but from the Roman point of view." Lit. world, Apr. 16. Crowninshield, M.. B. All among the lighthouses; or, The cruise of the Goldenrod. Dansey, W: Horæ Decanicæ rurales; name, title, etc. of rural deans, etc. 1835. 2 v. Dante Alighieri. The Divina commedia; tr., with notes, by F: K. H. Haselfoot.

"It is impossible not to appreciate the extremely care. ful work of Mr. Haselfoot, and not to marvel at the pa. tience, skill, and ingenuity with which he has fitted together his words, always in correct rhymes, and in general not straying from their places in the lines of the original." Saturday rev., May 7.

Dargenty, G. Davis, A. M.

Le baron Gros.

Canada and Louisiana.

The 1st chapter of the 5th volume of the Narr. and crit. hist. of America, ed. by J. Winsor; app. Mr. Win.

sor's notes.

Davis, G: B. Outlines of international law, etc.
Defoe, D. A system of magic. 1840.
DePeyster, F: [William III. at a reformer]; ad-

dress before the N. Y. Hist. Soc. at its 69th
anniv., Jan. 6. 1874.

Despierres, Mme. G. Histoire du point d'Alençon,


Devey, L. Life of Rosina, Lady Lytton; with extracts from her ms. autobiography and other original documents.

Dodd, G: Curiosities of industry and the applied sciences. 1854.

Dostoievsky, F. M. L'esprit souterrain; tr. par
E. Halpérine et C: Morice.
Downey, E. In one town.
Dullea, O. J. Claude Gellée, le Lorrain. (Great

Duruy, V: History of Rome and the Roman people; tr. by M. M. Ripley, and W. J. Clarke; ed. by Rev. J. P. Mahaffy. Vol. 1, sect. 1, 2; Vol. 2, sect. 1, 2. 4 v.

East India Company. The dawn of British trade to the East Indies, recorded in the court minutes of the company, 1599-1603; printed from the orig. ms. by H. Stevens; with introd. by Sir G: Birdwood.

Ebers, G: M. Die Nilbraut. 3 v.

Eng. The bride of the Nile; a

from the German by C. Bell. 2 v.


"It moves more rapidly and more ardently than many of the old historical romances, and will interest readers in some of the customs of ancient Egypt less heavy and formidable than those of the earlier novels." Critic, May 7.

Elizabeth P. E.. O. L.., Queen of Roumania. Nouvelles; tr. et préc. d'un étude biog. par F. Salles.

"Histoires plus ou moins fantastiques, qui font penser tantôt à Hoffmann, tantôt aux recueils de légendes popu laires. Je crois qu'il plaira beaucoup aux femmes.' Bibl. univ. et rev. suisse, avril 1886. Ephrussi, C. Paul Baudry, sa vie et son œuvres.

"Une biographie, catalogue complet des peintures, onze photogravures." Bibl. de la France, feuil. Evans, Rev. S. Dictionary of the Welsh lan

guage; Geiriadur Cymraeg. Vol. 1.

"Mr. Evans has been long known as one of the foremost philologists of the Principality. Each word is illustrated by quotations from one or other of the Welsh classics.". Bookseller, Mar. 4. Extrait du journal d'un officier de la marine de

l'escadre de M. le comte d'Estaing. 1782. Faucon, M. Le mariage de Louis d'Orléans et de Valentine Visconti; la domination française dans la Milanais, 1387-1450; rapport de deux missions en Italie, 1879-80. 1882. Faunthorpe, Rev. J. P. Geography of Lincolnshire. 1872.

Ferrerius, J: Historia abbatum de Kynlos; cum vita T. Chrystalli. 1839. (Bannatyne Club.) Firdusi or Firdausi, A. K. Shah Námeh, in Persian. [18-]

Foa, Mme. E., and others. Le prisme; encyclopédie morale du 19e siècle; illust. par MM. Daumier, Gagniet, etc. 1841. Fowler, W: W. A year with the birds; by an Oxford tutor.

Fremont, J: C. Memoirs of my life; with a sketch of the life of Senator Benton, in connection with western expansion, by J. B. Fremont. Vol. 1.

French, B: F. History of the iron trade in the U. S., 1621-1857. 1858.

Geiger, W. Civilization of the Eastern Iranians in ancient times; with introd. on the Avesta religion; tr. by Barab Dastur Peshotan Sanjana. Vol. 1-2.

Goertz-Wrisberg, W., Graf. Die Entwicklung der Landwirthschaft auf den Goertz-Wrisbergschen Gütern in Hannover. 1880. Goodrich, P. G. History of Wayne County. 1880. Gordon, Lieut. W. The economy of the marine steam engine; with suggestions for its improvement, and notes upon various subjects connected with steam. 1845. Greene, H. The blind brother; a story of the Pennsylvania coal mines.

"Pathetic and dramatic, its leading episode deals with the Molly Maguires' of the coal region. The author received for this story the first prize offered by the "Youth's companion' in 1886, for the best serial story.” Pub. weekly, May 14.

Grimm, C: L: W. Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament; tr. rev. and enl. by J. H: Thayer.

"The most valuable contribution yet made to the lit erature of the New Testament, worthy of one of the first scholars of our time." - Lysander Dickerman in Andover review, Apr.

Guilford, L. T. Memoirs of Mrs. Banister formerly Miss Grant.

Hamilton, W. Parodies of the works of English and American authors. Vol. 3. Harley, Rev. T. Lunar science, ancient and mod

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Heard, A. F. The Russian Church and Russian dissent.

Hempel, J. F. L. Das Scatspiel. 1848. Hichborn, P. Report on European dock-yards. Hughes, W: Geography of the County of Kent;

for schools. 1872. (Philips' county geog.) India. Trigonometrical Survey. Account of the great trigonometrical survey of India, prepared under the directions of Col. C. T. Haig. Vol. 4A. Ireland, S: Vindication of his conduct resp. the publication of the supposed Shakspeare mss.; introd. to A reply to the critical labors of Mr. Malone, etc. 1796.

Itesa Modeen, mirza. Shigurf Namah-i-Velaët; or, Excellent intelligence conc. Europe, tr. by J. E: Alexander. 1827.

Jeanne des Anges, Saur. Autobiographie; annoté par M. M. Legué et de La Tourette; préf. de M. Charcot. (Bibl. diabolique.)

"La supérieux, Mme. de Belcier, en religion sœur Jeanne des Anges, va nous raconter les sortilèges du curé Urbain Grandier et ses propres souffrances à elle, en proie à l'obsession et à la possession plus que toutes les obsédées et possédées de son couvent. Ce récit elle l'a écrit pour qu'aucun détail ne fut omis, en un fran. çais plus que médiocre, car elle était presque absolument illettrée. Si vous êtes avide d'émotions et épris da merveilleux, écoutez-la." - Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 18 déc.

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Kopp, H. Die Alchemie in älterer und neuerer Zeit.

"Bisher war man gewohnt, die Alchemisten als die Vorfahren der Chemiker anzusehen; Kopp sagt aber keineswegs die gesammten die Alchemie betreffenden Acten in das Archiv der Chemie gehören.'"- Lit. Centralblatt, 4 sept.

La Caille, N: L: de, l'abbé. Journal historique du voyage fait au cap de Bonne-Espérance. 1776.

Lafenestre, G: La vie et l'œuvre de Titien.

"Il porte légèrement, je dirai presque allègrement, son érudition. Il a fait son profit de tous les documents; mais, l'edifice construit, il ne laisse pas subsister l'écha. faudage. Son second mérite, c'est que, même en nous donnant sur la vie de Titien tous les renseignements que nour pouvions désirer, il a laissé aux appréciations artistiques la part principale.”. G: de Nouvion in Rev. pol. et lit., le déc.

Lamothe-Langon, E. L., le baron.

Soirées de s. M. Louis XVIII, rec. et mises en ordre par M. le duc de D***. 1835. 2 v.

Lardner, D. The steam engine, steam navigation, roads, and railways explained and illustrated.


Laurie, R: H. Survey of the country around London to the distance of 30 miles. [18-]

Lea, F: S. The Royal Hospital and Collegiate Ch. of St. Katharine in its relation to the east of London. 1878.

Leftwich, Rev. W. M. Martyrdom in Missouri; a history of religious proscription, etc., in Mis

souri during the late Civil War, and under the "test oath" of the new constitution. 1870. 2 v.

Lillie, A. Buddhism in Christendom; or, Jesus the Essene.

Lockyer, J. N. Star gazing; past and present.


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Medleys for 1711, The; prefixed, the five Whigexaminers. 1714.

Metastasio, P: A. D. B. T. Opere; illust. di note, ec. da R. Zotti. 1813. 6 v.

Michaud, J. F., and Poujoulat, J: J. F. Notice sur J.. D'Arc. 1837.

Milton, J: The doctrine and discipline of divorce. 2d [ed.] rev. and aug. 1644.

Miss Bayle's romance; a story of today. (Leisure hour ser.)

"The characters are not at all recondite and each of them is allowed to unfold himself to the reader with little attempt on the author's part to explain the anatomy of the puppet."— Athenæum, Apr. 23.

"An international story in outline resembling some of Mr. Henry James's writings; but the author is not afraid to entertain his readers." — R. F. Littledale in the Academy, May 7.

Morley, J: On the study of literature; address.

"It is a strong plea for the value of literary as distinguished from scientific culture, if any distinction can be made. The tone of the whole address is optimistic to a wholesome degree.” - Lit. world, May 14. Mouton, E. Histoire de l'Invalide à la Tête de Bois; Le squelette homogène; Le bœuf; Le coq du clocher; illust. de G: Clarin. "De petits chefs-d'œuvres." Rev. pol. et lit., 25


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Munthe, A. Letters from a mourning city; Naples, autumn, 1884; tr. by M. V. White.

"Dr. Axel Munthe is whimsical, introspective, sentimental; he is a true imaginative Northerner - a sort of Scandinavian Sterne in Italy. But the pilgrimage we make with him is no pretty sentimental journey, but rather a descent into a visible purgatory. So tragic is it, so terrible and solemn, that as at Dr. Munthe's side we tread the cholera stricken alleys of Naples in the autumn of 1884, we grow to resent his quips and fantastical humours. Every now and then he evokes from the surrounding shadow a vision, brilliant and ghastly, of the wretched world he is traversing. At such moments he displays a vividness, a force of representation that makes the reader regret the rarity of their occurrence.' Athenaeum, May 1. Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Print Dep't. Exhibition of the etched work of Rembrandt, principally from the coll. of H: F. Sewall. National Eclectic Medical Assoc. Transactions, 1884-86. 2 v.

Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public Libraries.


plementary catalogue of books added to the lending department, ed. by W. J. Haggers


Newman, F. W: Handbook of modern Arabic; consisting of a grammar, examples, dialogues, and newspaper extracts, in a European type. 1866.

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storia genovese. 1855.

Overman, F: The manufacture of steel, etc. 1851. Palfrey, J: G. Elements of Chaldee, Syriac, Samaratan, and Rabbinical grammar. 1835. Palma, R: Peru; tradiciones. 1883. 2 v. Palmer, S: Index to the [London] Times, Apr. 1– June 30, 1852.

Parks, Rev. L. His star in the East; a study in the early Aryan religions.

Payn, J. Glow-worm tales. (Franklin Sq. lib.) "Mr. Payn is for once disappointing." - Athenæum, May 7.

In the heart of a hill; and other stories. 1873. Reed, T. B. History of the old English letter foundries; with notes on the rise and progress of English typography. Richards, A. B., and others. Sketch of the career of R: F. Burton.

Richardson, C: J. Studies from old English mansions; 4th ser., their furniture, etc. 1848. Roberts, E. H. New York; the planting and the

growth of the Empire State. 2 v. (Amer. commonwealths.)

Roeder, G. W. Erzählungen aus Zwingli's Le

ben. 1840.

Roosevelt, B. Life and reminiscences of Gustave Doré. 1885.

"Miss Roosevelt has written an amusing book, but it is impossible not to wish that it were less amusing, and therfore less likely to find readers. Better still, indeed, had it never been written; for whether consciously or unconsciously, the biographer has done her level best' to be-little the hero of her choice." — Amelia B. Edwards in the Academy, July 25, 1885. Rotermund, H: W: Leben des Reformators U. Zwingli. 1818.

Ruperto-Carola; illust. Fest-Chronik d. 5. Säcular-Feier d. Universität Heidelberg. Salt, H. S. A Shelley primer. (Shelley Soc.) Schäfer, C. Die Holzarchitektur Deutschlands vom 14.-18. Jahrh.

Schaeffer, A. Ocho comedias desconocidas de

Don Guillem de Castro, del Licenciado Damian Salustia del Poyo, de Luis Velez de Guevara, etc. 2 v. (Autores españoles.)

"Fast die sämmtlichen darin enthaltenen acht Dramen, obgleich der Blütezeit der dramatischen Literatur Spaniens angehörig, den heutigen Gelehrten, Sammlern, und Bibliographen gänzlich unbekannt geblieben sein dürften. Der Herausgeber hat sie einer vergessenen, um 1616 gedruckten Sammlung entnommen, die sich, wahrscheinlich als ein Unicum in seinem Besitz betindet." Brockhaus Mittheilungen, nov. 4. Schroeder, Lieut. S. The fall of Maximilian's empire as seen from a U. S. gunboat.

Schwager, J: M. Beytrag zur Geschichte der Intoleranz, od. Leben u.s.w. d. B. Bekkers, mit einer Vorrede J. S. Semlers. 1780. Shelley, P. B. Adonais; an elegy on the death of J: Keats; 1st printed at Pisa with the types of Didot, 1821, now repr. in facsimile; ed., with bibliog. introd. by T: J. Wise. (Shelley Soc.)

[ocr errors]

Hellas; a lyrical drama; the choruses set to music by W: C. Selle. (Shelley Soc.)

The wandering Jew; a poem; ed. by B. Dobell. (Shelley Soc.)

Simms, J. Human faces; what they mean; illust. Simon, J. F. S. S. dit J. Nos hommes d'état. Smith, R. C. (pseud. Raphael). The royal book of dreams. 1830.

Somerset House gazette, etc.; ed. by E. Hardcastle. Vol. 1, 2. 1824.

Souliè, M. F: Au jour le jour. 1858.

Marguérite. Le maître d'école. 1858.

Si jeunesse savait, si vieillesse pouvait, le, 2e sér. 1858.

Stinde, J. Frau Wilhelmine: Der Familie Buchholz, letzter Thiel.

Sutter, A. Per mare, per terras; a visit to New Zealand by Australia, 1883-84, and America. 1885.

"Mr. Sutter tells in a rather entertaining way his travels."- Nation, May 19. Tt [Trentham] and V-- d-t [Vandeput]; coll. of the advertisements, etc., published on both sides during the election for Westminsster, 1749.

Theuriet, A. L'affaire Froideville; mœurs d'employés.

Est-ce que nous n'irons plus au bois avec M. André Theuriet? Il faut que nous soyons initiés à toutes les petites misères de la vie d'employé: ambitions déçues, jalousies féroces qu'il faut cacher, ruses et manœuvres, perfidies même. L'affaire Froideville, une ténébreuse af faire, très romanesque, n'est qu'un pretexte à nous faire visiter le ministère dans tous ces coins et recoins. Nous avons tout vu, choses et hommes. Merci, monsieur Theuriet, mais, la prochaine fois n'est ce pas? rameneznous vers les hautes futaies, les petits sentiers d'ou l'on entend le cri du merle et le murmure des eaux courantes." Maxime Gaucher in Rev. pol. et lit., 26 fév. Thompson, E: P. The passions of animals. 1851. Town talk, The, The fish pool, The plebeian, The old Whig, The spinster, etc., by [Addison, Steele and others]. 1790.

Trautwine, J. C. New method of calculating the cubic contents of excavations and embankments by the aid of diagrams. 1874. True Briton, The, June 9, 1723 - Feb. 17, 1724. 2 v. Vernier, C: Au Quartier latin; lithographies. [18-]

Walton, J. The geography of Leicestershire and Rutland. 1872. (Philips' Co. geog.)

Way, C. G.

George Way and his descendants,

1628-1821. Welcker, A. Romer, King of Norway, and other dramas. 1885.

Whittier, J: G. Legends of New-England. 1831.
Wilson, Mrs. M. B. Memoirs of Miss Mellon, af-
terwards Duchess of St. Albans. 2 v.
Wood, Mrs. E. P. Parkwater. 1885.

Aikin, M. Memoirs of religious impostors 7th19th century, etc. 1823.

Alif laila. Lady Burton's ed. of [Sir R: F. Burton's] Arabian nights; tr. literally from the Arabic, prepared for household reading by J. H. McCarthy. 4 v.

Anacreon. Anacreon in English, attempted in the metres of the original by T: J. Arnold. 1869.

Appuleius, L., Madaurensis.

The most pleasant and delectable tale of the marriage of Cupid and Psyche, done into Eng. by W: Adlington; with a discourse on the fable by A. Lang.

Arnold, M. General Grant; an estimate. Aulney, Mme. L. d'. The notary's daughter; [tr.] by Lady G. Fullerton. 1878.

Austin, J: O. Genealogical dictionary of Rhode Island.

Barbeyrac, J: Traité de la morale des pères de l'Eglise, etc. 1728.

Benham, Rev. W: The dictionary of religion. Bible. N. T. Greek. New Testament; with introd., etc. by C. Wordsworth. 1881-82. 2 v. Bibliographie nationale; dictionnaire des écrivains belges, etc. 1830-80. Tome 1. Bitzius, A. Ulric, the farm servant; tr. by J.

Firth; rev. and ed. by J. Ruskin. Pt. 4. 5. Blaine, J. G. Political discussions, legislative, diplomatic, and popular, 1856-86. Bonnière, R. de (pseud. Janus). Jeanne Avril.

"He observes profoundly, and describes what he sees expressively and powerfully." - Nation, Mar. 31. Boulmier, J. Villanelles; suivies de poésies, et préc. d'un notice sur la villanelle. 1878. "Contains forty poems in the villanelle form, prefaced by a prose history of the villanelle. The poems are pretty, both the villanelles themselves and the verses written in early French, with which the volume ends. They are light and graceful, and it may be well to add, perfectly pure." Nation, Oct. 16.

Bourgeois, C. Recueil de vues et fabriques pittoresques d'Italie. [1804.]

Brandl, A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Eng

lish romantic school; Eng. ed. by Lady Eastlake.

Bré, C: de. Le roman du prince impérial récit; authentique et documenté.

Brown, S. A. The book of 40 puddings. 1882.

Mrs. Gilpin's frugalities; remnants and 200 ways of using them. 1883. Browne, Sir T: Religio medici; a facsimile of the

1st ed. pub. in 1642; with introd. by W. A. Greenhill, M. D. 1883.

Bunner, H. C. The story of a New York house.

"Traces with graceful outline the development of the great city from the first decade of the century, and reveals the momentous influence that development exerted upon the lives of a number of interesting people." Lit. world, June 11.

Butler, A. J. Court life in Egypt.
Calmet, A. Traité sur les apparitions des esprits

et sur les vampires, etc., nouv. éd. augm.,
[avec une lettre de M. le marq. Maffei sur la
magie]. 1751. 2 v.

Carcassonne, A. Théâtre de jeunes filles.

"That the pieces are unobjectionable need not be said; for when your Frenchman is moral, his morality is

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Cory, I: P. Metaphysical inquiry into the method,
object, etc. of ancient and mod. philosophy.
Cudworth, Miss A. M. Memorial of Rev. Warren
H: Cudworth; by his sister. [1884.]
Dacus, J. A., and Buel, J. W. Tour of St. Louis;
or, The inside life of a great city. 1878.
Darmsteter, A. La vie des mots etudiée dans leurs

Dawson, G: F. Life and services of General John
A. Logan as soldier and statesman.
Deck, T. La faïence.

Dix, M. Lectures on the 1st prayer book of King
Edward vi. 1881.

Sermons, doctrinal and practical. 1878. Dockray, B. Egeria; or, Casual thoughts and suggestions. 1857, 54. 2 v.

Doty, L. L. History of Livingston Co., N. Y., to [1865]; with an account of the Seneca nation of Indians, and biog. sketches of earliest settlers, etc.; introd. by A. J. H. Duganne. 1876.

Drake, S: A. The old Boston taverns and tavern clubs.

DuCleuziou, H: L'art national; étude sur l'histoire de l'art en France; les origines, la Gaule, les Romains. 1882.

Duerer, A. The humiliation and exaltation of our Redeemer; 32 prints representing the original wood-blocks, ed. by J: Allen. 1856. Kleine Passion, in Holz nachgeschnitten von C. Deis. 1868.

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