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Speak in form are the Genius's of the Schools, who affure her of their care to advance her Caufe, by confi ning Youth to Words, and keeping them out of the way of real Knowledge. Their Addrefs, and her gracious Anfwer; with her Charge to them and the Universi-ties. The Universities appear by their proper Deputies, and affure her that the fame method is observed in the progress of Education. The fpeech of Ariftarchus on this fubject. They are driven off by a band of young. Gentlemen returned from Travel with their Tutors; one of whom delivers to the Goddess, in a polite oration,. an account of the whole Conduct and Fruits of their Travels: prefenting to her at the fame time a young. Nobleman perfectly accomplished. She receives him graciously, and indues him with the happy quality of Want of Shame. She fees loitering about her a number of Indolent Perfons abandoning all business and duty, and dying with laziness: To these approaches the Antiquary Annius, intreating her to make them Virtuofos, and affign them over to him: But Mummius, another Antiquary, complaining of his fraudulent proceeding, fhe finds a method to reconcile their differ-ence. Then enter a Troop of people fantastically adorned, offering her ftrange and exotic prefents: Amongst them, one flands forth and demands juftice on another, who had deprived him of one of the greatest Curiofities in nature: but he juflifies himself fo well, that the Goddess gives them both her approbation. She recommends to them to find proper employment for the Indo. lents before-mentioned, in the study of Butter-flies, Shells, Birds-nefts, Mofs, c. but with particular caution, not to proceed beyond Trifles, to any useful


or extensive views of Nature, or of the Author of NaAgainst the last of these apprehenfions, she is fecured by a hearty Addrefs from the Minute Philofophers and Freethinkers, one of whom speaks in the name of the rest. The Youth thus instructed and principled, are delivered to her in a body, by the hands of Silenus; and then admitted to tafie the cup of Magus her High Prieft, which causes a total oblivion of all Obligations, divine, civil, moral, or rational. To thefe her Adepts fhe fends Priests, Attendants, and Comforters, of various kinds; confers on them Orders and degrees; and then difmiffing them with a speech, confirming to each his Privileges, and telling what he expects from each, concludes with a Yawn of extraordinary virtue The Progrefs and Effects whereof on all Orders of men, and the Confummation of all, in the Refloration of Night and Chaos, conclude the Pocm.


YET, yet a moment, one dim Ray of Light

Indulge, dread Chaos, and eternal Night!

Of darkness visible fo much be lent,

As half to fhew, half veil the deep Intent.

'Ye Powr's! whofe Myfteries restor❜d I fing, To whom Time bears me on his rapid wing,



The DUNCIAD, Book IV. This Book may properly be diftinguished from the former, by the Name of the GREATER DUNCIAD, not fo indeed in Size, but in fubject; and so far contrary to the distinction anciently made of the Greater and Leffer Iliad. But much are they mistaken who imagine this Work in any ways inferior to the former, or of any other hand than of our Poet; of which I am much more certain than that the Iliad itfelf was the Work of Solomon, or the Batrachomuomachia of Homer, as Barnes hath affirmed. BENT.

VER. I. &c.] This is an Invocation of much Piety. The Poet willing to approve himself a genuine Son, beginneth by Thewing (what is ever agreeable to Dulness) his high respect for Antiquity and a Great Family, how dead or dark foever: Next declareth his paffion for explaining Mysteries; and lastly his Impatience to be re-united to her.


VER. 2 dread Chaos, and eternal Night! Invoked, as the Reftoration of their Empire is the Action of the Poem.

VER. 4 half to fhew, half veil the deep Intent.] This is a great propriety, for a dull Poet can never exprefs himself otherwise than by blues, or imperfectly.


I understand it very differently; the Author in this work had indeed a deep Intent; there were in it Myfteries or åæóßinlæ which he durft not fully reveal, and doubtless in divers verfes (according to Milton)

--more is meant than meets the ear.


Ver. 6. To whom time bears me on his rapid wing.] Fair and foftly, good Poet! (cries the gentle Scriblerus on this place.)

Then blessing all go Children of my Care!
To Practice non from Theory repair,
Commands are easy short and full
My Sons beproud, be selfish, and be dull.


Dunciad, Book IV

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