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thy own; and that his enemies can never be "thy friends. For even thy father, virtuous as "he is, has his enemies: but, believe me, Selaw, "they are the enemies of virtue as well as of "Rexman. Let their crimes receive no coun"tenance from thee, and the truly good will love thee. Involve not thyfelf in the mazes of political controverfy. It becomes not a prince "to be a pedagogue in politics. A&t nobly, and "the Bulians will defend both thee and thine. "They are not more tenacious of their own li"berties than zealous for the rights of their kings. "Act as becomes thyfelf, my Selaw, and they "will love thee; cherish that love, and they will "die to ferve thee.

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out religion? and the honour of thy God. Beware of thofe doctrines which would teach "thee to regard religion as a fyftem of priest"craft, or an engine of government to keep the multitude in awe. Kings and princes are fub"ject to its ordinations and decrees; and how

much foever they may difregard, them here, doubt not, my son, they, as well as the meaneft, fhall be judged by them hereafter.

Look on me, my deareft Selaw, not as thy "mother only, but as thy friend. My happine's "is wound up in thine. I love thee with more ❝than maternal fondness; and I trust the decline "of my days will be gilded by the sunshine of

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THE proprietors of this Summer-fcene of gaiety, have very foolishly opened it for the reception of company at this early period, when the weather forbids all approach to fummer amufements, and the evenings of the ladies are dedicated to the more important bufinefs of canvaffing. I have not yet observed it frequented by above three-fcore people, who, fauntering about, seem to ask each other, "what are we come here for?" Even the ladies of easy virtue, that is, of no virtue at all, apprehenfive of being money out of pocket, wifely ftay at home.

Or the mufical entertainment it would be unfair to fay any thing, as I doubt not but the proprietors mean to increase its excellence, as the feafon advances; and in order to reinftate Ranelagh in the line it formerly held amongst places of public amufement, it would not be amifs to engage Madame Mara, subsequent to the clofing of the Pantheon. Her demand would doubtless be enormous, but, I think, the profits arifing to the proprietors would be proportionable. And it fhould be remarked that as Renelagh is perpetually the fame, and as the people of thefe realms delight in nothing fo much as novelty, the proprietors fhould guard against a fameness of entertainment, as the only way to fecure the future vifits of those who have so often vifited this elegant place of elegant amusement.


I INTEND, on the close of this violent contest, to infert the characters I have received from different correfpondents, of certain members of law, phyfic, and divinity, who have rendered themselves marvellously confpicuous on this inportant occafion; for you must know, that infamy of conduct in the business of electioneering is not confined to the ladies. Several gentelmen have exerted themfelves in a manner highly becoming their characters, and have added fresh laurels to thofe wreaths of fame with which they have for fome time been decorated.




THE annual exhibition of paintings, &c. of the Royal Academy, was opened yesterday. In the morning papers you will, for fome time to come, be entertained with the remarks of men who by an affected use of technical terms, endeavour to perfuade the Town that they are scientific critics; taking efpecial care to fteer clear of cenfure on great names, left their judginent fhould be called in queftion.

Or Painting I knew nothing fcientifically; I judge from my feelings, and as I am not perfonally acquainted with any of the mighty masters of the pencil, names cannot influence my judgment. If, therefore, as I fufpect, my fentiments fhould differ widely from thofe of other people, you must recollect that I am no adept in the science, and that the honest effusions of John Bull are never likely to coincide with those of incorrigible prejudice or fupercilious affectation. In my next I will commence this business.


THE NEW SPECTATOR prefents compliments to Curiofitatibus, Secretary to the Curious Club, and takes the liberty of informing him, that unless the faid club think fit to comply with the conditions neceffary to be obferved for the gratification of their curiofity in the inftance alluded to, they are likely to retain their curiofity, and their club the propriety of its appellation.


THE tranflation of the French Stanzas from M. Cuinet D'Orbeil, by C. V. Efq. in my next.-The Bevy of Originals, No. VI. alfo in my next.-Ignoratus is in remembrance.—Both the letters of G.J. were received at the fame time. She will hear from me in a day or two.-The Bullies of Covent Garden, a poem in Hudibraftic verfe, is under confideration.— A Vindication of the Piccadilly Patrole, is a grofs reflection on a once amiable Duchefs, and is too fevere even for a fallen fpirit.-The Bevy of Blockheads is received.

LONDON: Printed by T. RICKABY, No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden;

And Sold by T. AXTELL, No. 1, Finch-Lane, Cornhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square; by P. BRETT, Bookfeller and Stationer, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street; and by W. THISELTON, Bookseller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place.

CORRESPONDENTS are requested to addrefs their favours to the NEW SPECTATOR, to be left at Mr. SWIFT's, in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square, where a LETTER-BOX is affixed for their reception.

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THE advantages which arise from regulating the several appetites to the health of the body, have been too repetedly infifted upon to require any further animadverfion. My prefent remarks fhall be confined to temperance of diet in particular, and to the advantages which occur from it to the health of the mind.

How far the intellectual faculties are connected with the animal economy, is a disquisition which rather belongs to the natural philosopher than to the moralift. The experience of every individual must convince him of their alliance, fo far as that the mind and body fympathife in all the modifications of pleasure or of pain.

ONE would imagine, that the ftoical apathy was founded on a notion of the independence of the mind on the body. According to this philofophy, the mind may remain, as it were, an unconcerned fpectator, while the body undergoes

the most excruciating torments. But the moderns, however difpofed to be ftoics, cannot help being afflicted by a fit of the gout or stone.

If the mind fuffers with the body in the violence of pain, and acuteness of disease, it is usually found to recover its wonted strength, when the body is restored to health and vigour.

BUT there is fome kind of fympathy, in which the mind continues to fuffer even after the body is relieved. When the liftlefs languor, and the nauseous fatiety of recent excess is gradually worn off, the mind still continues for a while to feel a burden, which no efforts can remove; and to be furrounded with a cloud which time only can diffipate.

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DIDACTIC authors who have undertaken to prefcribe rules for the ftudent in the pursuit of knowledge, frequently infift on a regularity and abftinence in the articles of food and wine. It is indeed a fruitlefs labour to aim at increasing the ftock of ideas, and improving the powers of penetration, without a ftrict obfervance of the laws of temperance.

IT has been remarked, that the founders of colleges, who fpared no expence in the embellifhment of the buildings, have not been fo liberal in providing food for the inhabitants. Perhaps

Perhaps thofe no lefs judicious than pious patrons of learning were fenfible of the utility of frequent fafting and temperate meals, in promoting literary, as well as moral and religious improvement. Nature's wants they took care to fatisfy, and nature wants but little.

HORACE, in a satire, in which he profeffedly enumerates the advantages of temperance, obferves, with a beautiful energy of expreffion, "That the body, overcharged with the excess of yefterday, weighs down the mind together "with itself, and fixes to the earth that particle "of the divine fpirit."

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THAT Aurora is a friend to the mufes, is almoft proverbial, and, like all thofe aphorifms which are founded on experience, is a juft remark; but if an adequate caufe were to be affigned for this effect, I know not whether it might not justly be attributed as much to fafting, as to the refreshment of fleep. The emptinefs of the ftomach it is which tends to give to the understanding acuteness, to the imagination vigour, and to the memory retention.

It is well known that the principal meal of the ancients was the fupper; and it has been matter of furprise that they, whose wisdom was fo generally confpicuous in the feverl inftitutions of common life, fhould adopt a practice which is now univerfally esteemed injurious to health. It is, however, not unreasonable to fuppofe, that they were unwilling to clog their intellects by fatisfying the cravings of hunger in the day-time, the feafon of bufinefs and deliberation, and chofe rather to indulge themselves in the hour of natural feftivity, when no care remained, but to retire from the banquet to the pillow.

Too much, indeed, cannot be said in praise of temperance; and, with your permiffion, I fhall take fome future opportunity of making a few obfervations on the conduct of fome modern friends of this amiable virtue.

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and knowledge.

There are many men who have not an idea above their business, or profeflion-Ralph Crotchet, for example, cannot poffibly repeat a story, or even a fentence, with out introducing fome mufical expreffions. He is ever boafting of his erudition, abilities, and knowledge; but I can only refer you to the above motto, parturiunt montes, &c.

I WENT with a friend to a club, one evening, where Crotchet was prefident. It confifted of demi-gentlemen, and refpectable musicians. At the bottom of the table, were fix members, overheated with the force of opposition, talking politics, and peremptorily fetling the affairs of the nation. On the left, were eight more, engaged in deep converfation about religion, and revealing the mysteries of its different fects, the confequence of which, generally ends with the lofs of friendship, a perpetually enmity, and a violent quarrelling. On the right, were a groupe of members, making, and breaking laws, for the better regulation of fociety, which could not be finally settled, on account of the feveral divided opinions.

ORDER was called. Crotchet rifing, filence enfued. "Gentlemen, fays he, as this fociety "is dedicated to mufic, it ought to be the nurfery of rifing genius. Though I am a profeffor of that noble fcience, now, so averse was my inclination to it when young, that a, .."famous Greenwich organift was obliged from my inattention, to tie me to the Harpsichord."


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BEFORE he had finifhed his fentence, a general hifling enfued, and order was heard from every corner of the room. Crotchet demanded filence for five minutes, affuring the members, that the hiftory of his conduct, from his infancy merited their hearing, as it proved how people miflake their genius. He then produced a large manufcriptThis, gentlemen, is fome mufic that I have compofed, entirely for your future amufement, and which I will beg of you to play over now." Inftruments were produced, and the mufic handed about. Though there were profeffors prefent, the compofition poffeffed fuch harmonious flights, that it was incomprehen fible to a common genius, as it attempted to prove that the theory of that fcience was quite useless, and that any perfon, however ignorant of mufic, might compofe; in fhort, he referred you to his own compofition, as a specimen, and proof of what he urged. The manufcript was so loft in the labyrinth of difcord, that the muficians declared they would not attempt to perform that,


which they did not understand. After a fevere reprimand to Ralph Crotchet on the insult, a new prefident was elected, and the Lodge closed.

A FEW days after, I happened to meet with 'Crotchet, at a stall in Parliament-street, cheapening fome mufic, for the inftruction of his fchotars he recollected my features, and, after fome converfation, he infifted that I fhould go home with him. He used fo many harmonious words that I was obliged to acquiefce. When we arrived in street, he led me into a back room, up one pair of stairs where he introduced me to his wife, as he called her. This, lays he, is Mrs. Crotchet.-A mutual fmile enfues between me and the lady, as we happened, two years ago, to have been intimately acquainted,

AFTER remaining in the aukward fituation of doubt, fear, and apprehenfion half an hour, I was relieved by a meffage coming to Ralph demanding his immediate attendance. Politeness obliged me to make an attempt at going, which he refused; infifting, at the fame time, that I should rema in till his return.As foon as he had shut the door I gave vent to my furprize! Blefs "me, Louifa! exclaimed I, with astonishment, "where is Captain ******? Is it possible that you have left him for fuch an ignorant, illite"rate man as Ralph Crotchet?"After drawing her chair nearer to mine, fhe replied, " Our fex will be fickle. Captain "abroad, leaving me an annuity, with a promife of "marriage on his return. The chance of storms,

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waves, and fhipwrecks being uncertain, and "as we cannot account for affections, you may

banish your furprize. However, I am not married."-This was my cue; and as she was not united to Crotchet I was pleased with the renewal of a former connexion.

THE mysteries of love were unravelled, but no Crotchet came home. I then bid Louifa adieu, with a fincere promife of waiting on her often. Fate intervened. By fome unfortunate accident, our discourse was overheard, and the whole of our conduct seen, which was instantly conveyed to Crotchet, who affumed the prerogative of a husband, and the next morning sent me a mufical, interefting, harmonious, laughable, and nonfenfical letter, which you will find tranf. cribed in a future number of the Bevies.

[To be continued. ]


Dear SPEC!

Ar the Chapter coffee-house, a few days ago, I had the pleasure of hearing myself heartily abused for speaking disrespectfully of great names. I have fince that time, been seriously confidering the influence of names, and am forry to find that any name can be rendered respectable but by eminent virtue. This is matter of furprise and regret to me. Poets have been infpired, moralifts have written, and divines have preached in vain, if they have not been able to root out of the mind the paltry prejudices in regard to the fituation of individuals, and do not judge of man as he acts. No other confideration, however, fhall rule my opinions of perfons; as I have long fince learned to pay more respect to an honest tradefman than a titled rafcal. Names, therefore, have no influence on me; nor do I trouble myself with obferving the advice of Horace :

Quid de quoque viro, & cui dicas, fæpe caveto. Take heed of whom you fpeak, and what it is, Take heed to whom-

I beg, therefore, that the gentleman in the brown coat and black-collar, and him in the claret frock and striped waistcoat, will take notice that John Bull is always ready to "fpeak his mind," when by fo doing, he can honour the good, or disgrace the bad.


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