Imágenes de páginas

mirers of their watches and money, it quits the houfe abruptly, to be alfo prefent at the divifion!


A MORE alarming nuisance than the former, is the Advertifing Money Lender! This is a public nuifance that, under the mafk of friendship, plants a dagger in many a breaft. He riots in the diftreffes of his fellow creatures; and, inftead of removing their miferies, plunges them in ten-fold ruin!It is impoffible to conceive the variety of wretchedness to which families are daily reduced by thefe villains and their confederates, who thus openly, and in the face of day, under a fhew of philanthrophy, prey upon the ignorance, the fimplicity, and the neceffities of mankind. The gentry of this vocation have greatly increased in their number lately; and fome of them are fo honourable as to inform you in their advertisements, that they will not give you a proof of their villainy under two, or perhaps five hundred pounds, as "nothing under "that fum will be advanced.". -Various are the modes of defraud practifed by them for the

acquifition of goods and fecurities, which being once in their cuftody, are feldom recovered, nor any thing equivalent to their value. I would, therefore, much fooner put my life into the hands of a quack, than entrust my property with an advertifing money-lender!

You will excufe my having dwelt so long on theatrical affairs, but the accounts given in the daily prints being ufually fabricated by the partial and the interested, it is neceffary, occafionally, to point out the truth.

Faithfully Your's,


To other CORRESPONDENTS. STANZAS on a Summer Morning, and Ignoratus are received. The request of Modeftus, reSpecting the mottos, and the reprinting of the numbers already publifhed, will be complied with.-The letter figned A. B. and the manner in which it was fent, are proofs of a very polite taste and manners: the letter will appear next week, with the real name of the author.

LONDON: Printed by T. RICKABY, No. 15, Duke's-Court, Bow-Street, Covent-Garden; And Sold by T. AXTELL, No, 1, Finch-Lane, Cornhill, and at the Royal Exchange; by W. SWIFT, Bookfeller, Charles-Street, St. James's-Square; by P. BRETT, Bookseller and Stationer, oppofite St. Clement's-Church in the Strand; by G. KEARSLEY, No. 46, Fleet-Street ; and by W. THISELTON, Bookfeller and Stationer, No. 37, Goodge-Street, Rathbone-Place.

** CORRESPONDENTS are requested to address their favours to the NEW SPECTATOR, to be left at Mr. SWIFT's, in Charles-Street, St. James's-Square, where a LETTER-BOX is affixed for their reception.

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Quem res plus nimio delectavere fecundæ,
Mutate quatient. Si quid mirabere, pones

They who in Fortune's fmiles too much delight,
Shall tremble when the goddess takes her flight;
For if her gifts our fonder paffions gain,
The frail poffeffion we refign with pain.

F the various kinds of knowledge, requifite to conduct human life with propriety, there feems none lefs understood, or at least less practifed, than that which fhould teach us how to support our characters under the different circumstances of profperity and adverfity. It has, however, been univerfally acknowledged, that the duties to which we are rendered liable, and the temptations to which we are expofed, by prosperity, are the most numerous and the most difficult to encounter; for fuch is the perversenefs, and fuch the weakness of human nature, that its most falutary bleffings are too frequently converted into the most poisonous evils; and the profperous are more generally remarked for their follies rather than their virtues. Adverfity, on the other hand, has been called the school of wisdom; but the discipline, like that of all other schools, has different effects on different tempers and difpofitions; and there are scholars as froward, perverfe, and intractable in the one as in the other. The confequences of disobedience and non-compliance in these feminaries are indeed widely different; in one, we incur the difpleafure of an authorized tutor, and fruftrate the care



of indulgent parents; in the other, we bid a kind of defiance to the laws of providence, and excite the anger of heaven.

THE perpetual fluctuation of human affairs, and the viciffitudes to which every one is subject, have taught mankind the neceffity of providing against future contingencies, by unremitted induftry, and the previous exercife of that charity which feldom fails to infure the real esteem of the world and the approving smile of heaven. To the influence of such rational motives, are the poor indebted for those noble asylums from want and destruction, which, in this country, have, of late years, rifen like those exhalations of the evening that, defcending in beneficial dews, form the luftre of a vernal morning.

SUCH, however, is the imperfection of all human institutions, and such the irresistibility of all human passions, that the intentions of goodnefs are too often defeated by the intervention of folly, or the fubtility of wickednefs. Hence it is, that institutions calculated for public benefit, do fometimes more abundantly redound to private emolument; and the principle that formed the bafis, being abandoned in the fuperftructure,


what was meant for univerfal advantage, produces but a partial good, and fometimes gives rise to an extensive evil.

PREVIOUSLY informed of the nature of our laws, and of the provision made for our poor, a stranger is not a little astonished to find his charity folicited in our streets, and our highways abounding with beggars. And he cannot but conclude that we take more delight in extolling, than in executing our laws; that we form medicines, but neglect to apply them; at once exhibiting our wisdom and our folly.

EVERY well-wifher to order and economy, entertained fanguine expectations of feeing this grievance redressed, by the enacting of a statute framed for that particular purpose; but the whole attention of the legislature having been directed to objects apparently of more immediate concern, and which could be terminated only by the tedious operations of fleets and armies, or the improbable union of heterogeneous principles, the defign was, if not defeated, at least deferred. How it happens that an attention to internal polity, and the exercise of foreign dominions, are incompatible, I have not fagacity enough to discover; and I am afraid the present contest for power amongst the different factions of the day, will totally preclude all thoughts of the country's benefit in the amendment or the framing of laws refpecting the poor, which is matter of furprize' to me, as there are feveral members of the lower House of Parliament that, should they fail in their views, might hereafter reap advantage from those laws:


The cup goes round,

And who fo artful as to pafs it by? Many persons have lived to enjoy the benefit of those charities which they have established for the relief of indigence.

BUT whatever inftitutions may be formed, there will always remain objects to whom they will be of no fervice; objects who have fallen from elevated fituations, still contending with the clements of affliction, and difdaning to feck fhelter, whilft there is a poffibility of braving the storm; and others, who, from a certain delicacy of difpofition, languifh in obfcurity, and are more willing to indulge the moft diftant hope, than eager to folicit immediate redress; a kind of liv ing monuments of mifery and modefty. These would then be the objects of all peculiar charity; and to their support might be appropriated those cafual effufions of benevolence, which are at prefent lavished on undeferving objects, and too frequently tend to the encouragement of idleness, and the stimulation of impudence.

ADVERSITY tries the temper of all those who bow under its influence, and nothing fooner exposes their predominant paffions. I have often obferved that they who by unjust means, have accumulated wealth, and have afterwards been reduced to poverty, generally discover the most violent impatience; and, rejecting that univerfal protection of providence, from which they imagine themselves fecluded, place their future dependence on the fuccefs of new stratagems of vice, and fresh schemes of more complicated wickedness.

On the other hand, the wealth acquired by honest industry, and successful ingenuity is often refigned with patient submission and religious refignation; with thanks of providence for past enjoyment, and firm dependence for future support. But it is, in all things, difficult to avoid extremes; and if fome men place too much confidence in themfelves, and neglect to implore the affiftance of heaven; there are others who, imploring the affiftance of heaven, lofe the neceffary confidence in their own abilities; and by neglecting to co-operate with benignant providence, become examples of the little effect of pious ejaculations without hearty exertions; and afford matter of triumph to the votaries of vice, who wanton in luxury, and hold in derifion the expectations of dependent piety.

A DECENT, and a becoming behaviour is dif ficult to fuftain under the preffures of adverfity. Hence fome are unfeasonably importunate, and fome unmeasurably dejected: it is, therefore, the peculiar excellence of unaffected goodness, to reflect on the imperfections of human nature, and patiently to attend to the former, and affiduoufly to feek out the latter; omitting no opportunity, under the conduct of prudence and propriety, of teftifying that regard for the welfare of others, which we would wifh, in fimilar circumstances, were extended to our own,

THE difficulties to which we are exposed by the poffeffion of riches, and the depreflion of poverty, and which every rational man views in the fame light, have rendered the golden mean the general object of purfuit. In holy writ we find one wifhing for "neither poverty nor riches," as the happiest state of humanity; and HORACE, no unfkilful judge of human felicity, has left his teftimony to the fame effect;

Bene eft, cui Deus obtulit
Parca, quod fatis eft manu.
Then happy he whom heaven hath fed
With frugal, but fufficient bread.



Unfortunately, however, few people know when they do poffefs the golden mean; for that is one of those matters on which we permit inclination to decide rather than reafon; and almost every man applies the term to a different quantity of wealth. But reafon and confcience cannot always be ftifled; and no man ever yet made an addition to his treasures, that did not immediately feel his mind filled with ideas of additional duties, though he may have rejected the performance. It cannot, therefore, be too often, or too feriously recommended to a mercantile people to recollect, that on every acceffion of wealth, it is their duty, and confequently their intereft, to attend to the distresses of those in adversity, and to relieve their neceffities, rather than to emulate those numerous follies of the prodigally profperous, which render them contemptible, instead of ornamental to human nature.


THE greateft of your predeceffors made it a rule to give accounts of the various clubs which, in his time, were formed in the metropolis; and fome of the papers which contain his descriptions of them, are the most entertaining to be met with, and at the same time, throw no fmall light on the mixed character of our fellow fubjects; exhibiting the ferious and the rifible in many points of view. I hope that in this, at least, you will follow his example, and give us fome humorous descriptions of the clubs of these days, which will be very acceptable to

Your's to command,

I HAVE not the least doubt but that his majesty the King of Clubs is a man of tafte, and was I fo happy as to be perfonally acquainted with him, probably I might be enabled to fulfil his wifhes. At prefent, however, I know not of a fingle club in this metropolis which admits of defcription. Times are confiderably changed fince the days of ADDISON, and our amufements are widely different. Though fociety is more refined, it is lefs fociable; and men carry their difcriminating ideas much further than they formerly did. Hence, clubs are confined to villages, whence trade by the introduction of wealth and artificial manners, has not banished equality, and the natural defire of affociating for mutual entertainment. I hear but of few clubs in the metropolis that are not appropriated to gaming and drinking: to Fortune and Bacchus; unless indeed I include

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Beeing a grate Hadmyror of the Hould Spector I was meetely pleifed to fe the Hadveretyzmunt inn the Mourning Yearould for a Nue Spector and bote em weth grate gle but haylack thaer ftarke noute but bawderdashe and nounfens about Mafkreds and Pleighs and Harbyloones and Squre Mawlgins Neffey and hall mannur of foleries and nounfens to pleise wimmin and I kan maik noe mannur of fens inn it and I ham fhure it wil never cum to nout taik mi wurd I hundurftand gud riteing tho I ham noe grate skollar and ham fhure yure Spector wil doe no gud becafe why why becafe ther his nout int abought SrRodgurding Coblerey and Mester Hunneycumb and the Hugley clubb and hall that and wats a Spector gud for weout hall that and foe I hav fent the nummbers bak inn defyer that yue wil putt inn fummet abought Sr Rodgur and hall thoas haffares that I menshend and I wud hadvice yue to sa summet hanfum of the Prins of Wails and Chrls Phocks that is nixnained the Mann of the peeple and the grate Horridors that fpekes longe fpeachers inn the Nufepaypurs abought hour haffares and the Coolishon and younge Pit and hall that and then yue fhud rite abought Miftrifs Robbefon and her Fiffyfee and nott abought Catterfelltoes Filhoffify and hall that but abought Seekrit Hinflewens and nott the Mades of Honer and the Dutchaffes that dres foe at the kurt that is menfhund inn the Nufe and leve hout hall thoas grate lize abought the ftrainge nafhon weth longe. Beerds and Harbyloones innfted of Hoffes I hop yue wil taik mi hadvice and I fhal reckumend yure Nue Spector to hall mi Friends. Berry Sunt Hedmunt.

A. B.

THE above literary curiofity with three numbers of the NEW SPECTATOR, was received by the Printer last week, who, by a fingular accident, inftantly discovered the writer, whofe name I intended to have inferted at the foot of it (as I promised in my laft), had he not, in another very curious epiftle, couched in terms of the most pro

profound fupplication, requefied me to omit the only two words in which he difcovered any knowledge of common orthography. I thought it but just to infert his epiftle, and to exprefs my fatisfaction, that the NEW SPECTATOR is condemned, and I trust always will be condemned by fuch critics as my good friend A. B!



A MANUSCRIPT copy of the following ftanzas, being in my poffeffion, and not knowing wether they have yet been published, I trust you will think them worthy of a place in your elegant paper. I am, Sir,

Your's, &c.
P. M.

ADIEU то A von.

ADIEU fweet Avon! gentle fiream!

That in majestic filence flows, Where oft the mufe has chofe a theme That forrow's deepest tints difclofe.

Adieu, fweet Avon! gentle ftream!

Where trees protracted form a shade, Excluding Sol's intensest beam,

When o'er thy banks my feet have ftray'd.

Adieu, fweet Avon! gentle fiream!

Where many a fragrant flow'ret blows, Where oft fome vifionary scheme

Hath lull'd my forrows to repose!

Ah! who can tell the fweets that bloom
Along thy margin's verdant fide?
Or count the roses that perfume
The gale that blows o'er Avon's tide?

Ye hills, ye vales, with umbrage crown'd, So far beyond my view outspread, Where many a graceful villa's found, And many a turret rears its head:

'Twas not from you affliction found
Relief in forrow's penfive hour,
But in the filent scenes around,
That deck fweet Avon's lovely bower!

Adieu fweet Avon! gentle ftream!
Accept the mufe's grateful lays ;
For many a soft enchanting dream

From thee deriv'd, deserves my praise !


Friend SPEC,


I AM by no means pleased with your extreme gravity, and I wish you would affume a little fprightlinefs, if it were only to divert the ladies, who, let me tell from the chief of your part readers, and who, in general, prefer a little romance to a great deal of morality. As to the gentlemen, it is the full moon with them, and they are politically mad, at least fixteen hours of the four and twenty; and confequently have few lucid intervals to bestow on the trifling concerns of morals, philofophy, or even bon ton. Befides the good people of these days are too wife to need inftruction, and defire nothing of a periodical writer but amusement, and if you season it with a little Kyan of Scandal, it would fuit the public tafte much better, and your lucubrations become as relifhing as a fricafee of half a dozen morning papers. But I know that to attempt perfuading you from what you deem the right path, and the duty of a periodical writer, were vanity and vexation of spirit. And in my Mifcellany I have determined to adhere fo ftrictly to truth, that I have not an opportunity, if I were so inclined, of gratifying the public taste in a few ebullitions of the extravaganza, comme le gazette Anglois !


His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales having decorated this House in the ftile of Eaftern magnificence, it was opened with a kind of Houfe warming, on Wednesday laft.

Ir is unneceffary, and would be tedious, to give you a particular description of the principal rooms, and of the mouldings, cornices, frieze, pediments, and all the et ceteras of architecture employed in their conftruction and ornament. I will fimply inform you, that the principal rooms in the house are a Dining room, a State room, a Ball room, and a Saloon; and that fome ingenuity and fome taste have given them a brilliant and a fanciful, rather than an elegant appearance.

THE entertainment given by his Highness, is denominated, by fome a Fete, and was highly relished by all parties, especially the ladies, great part of whom did not quit this terreftrial Elysium. before eight the next morning.-To attempt a defcription of the fupper would be ufelefs to you, unless you was defirous of following his Highnefs's example, or of inftructing your housekeein the art of fetting out a table to the best advantage,


THE Company was very numerous and very brilliant, particularly the ladies, who emulated


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