Imágenes de páginas

A condensed report of a census investigation conducted by Hoard's Dairyman, Fort Atkinson, Wis., among its subscribers, gives the number of farms; number of farm owners or tenants; farm buildings and value of same; number of farm animals with total value of same; income from yearly sale of surplus stock; acreage of different crops and the value; statistics regarding milk, poultry, incomes, investments; number of farmers who own gasoline engines, cream separators, etc.; kinds of roofing used; data regarding hired men; the purchases of farmers, how many farmers are being trained in agriculture; farm paper data; how farm children are being educated; etc., etc. This is only a partial list. The data and statistics presented serve to give a wonderfully clear and accurate conception of the character, extent and importance of dairy farming.

The data is truly representative of Hoard's Dairyman's entire constituency, and should prove of ever-recurring value to the advertising public.

"Knock Now" and "Boost" ever afterward was the keynote of the addresses at the New Orleans Ad Club "Grouch Meeting" held July 16th. It offered a beautiful opportunity for a number of the advertising men in the Crescent City to get their grievances out of their systems. And optimism promises to be the regular frame of mind in the organization


It is said a lonely maiden from Oklahoma who wanted a man and found none to her liking decided to advertise. The result was a husband. Within a year the man of her choice conveniently died, leaving her a $10,000 insurance policy. Her total expense for adver tising, wedding trousseau and trimmings was $11. Subtract the difference and you get the profits from advertising.

An Advertising Club was recently organized at Fremont, Nebr. A. L. Gale, President of the Omaha Ad Club and C. V. Higbee, President of the Lincoln Ad Club were present and gave the new organization valuable pointers.

The Chicago Daily Live Stock World has the largest paid in advance independent subscription list of any daily farm paper. Readers believe in it. "World" Bldg., Chicago. (Adv.)

We reproduce here the cover of the Home Betterment Number of the Orange Judd Week

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State of Ohio, Cuyahoga County, ss. Personally appeared before me, Elbert H. Baker, who, being duly sworn, says that he is General Manager of the Plain Dealer Publishing Company, and that the actual number of Daily and Sunday Plain Dealers distributed during the month of July, 1912, was on no date less than the amount indicated by the figures above published for that date, that the above figures include no free copies, no sample copies, no copies spoiled in printing and no copies remaining unsold at the Main Office, and that the number of returnable copies in the above output does not exceed two (2) per cent. ELBERT H. BAKER, General Manager. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of August, 1912. GEORGE N. AGATE, Notary Public.


The American Swineherd reaches, every month, the greatest moneymaking farmers in the U. S. They are buyers. Advertising rates reasonable. Write Taylor-Critchfield Company, or American Swinehord, Chicago, Ill.

Don't You Want Proof?

Most advertisers know they can get the biggest returns from the biggest state by using

Texas Stockman and Farmer

of San Antonio, the best farm paper
in the state. Write us.

12 inches = 1 foot

In the future, advertising space in McClure's Magazine will be sold on the basis of 500,000 circulation 90 per cent guaranteed net paid-pro rata rebate on any circulation you don't get.

Rebates, if any, will be figured on the average paid circulation for the twelve months beginning November, 1912, and will be payable in cash.

In taking this important step McClure's recognizes the desire and the right of the advertiser to know in advance what he is paying for.

McClure's hopes that it may lead to a closer and more satisfactory relation between all advertisers and all magazines.

McClure's Magazine

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Four years ago

-COLLIER'S guaranteed a net paid circulation or a refund in event of a shortage.

Four years ago

COLLIER'S employed Price, Waterhouse & Company, public accountants, to audit its circulation books.

Four years ago

-COLLIER'S published statements of circulation by states and also by cities and towns.

Four years ago

-COLLIER's published statements of circulation by occupations.

These facts every advertiser should insist on having.

Though a few publications now do some of these things which COLLIER'S began doing four years ago

-no other publication yet does them all.

E.L. Patterson.




The Progressive Farmer


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It has become

an axiom among Agricultural advertisers that the true index to the advertising value of a farm paper is to be found in the strength of its editorial policy, the accuracy of its technical information and the fidelity with which it serves its subscribers.

What Others Say

Only one Farm Paper
in the South has pro-
opinions like these

Henry Wallace, Editor of Wallace's Farmer: "The Progressive Farmer and Gazette is doing as fine work as any agricultural paper that comes to my table from either North or South."

Col. R. J. Redding, Agricultural Editor Atlanta Constitution: "The Progressive Farmer and Gazette is one of the best, if not the best, farm paper, in the countrythe best that comes to my office."

Jos. E. Wing, Breeders Gazette: "You are making the greatest paper, almost, in America. Success to you. Go on.'

Danbury Reporter: "The staff of The Progressive Farmer and Gazette are doing more for the uplift of farm conditions in the South than all other agencies combined."

J. L. Taylor, Craven County, N. C.: "If I were to take a drive through our country in daylight I could tell nineteen times out of twenty the farms where The Progressive Farmer and Gazette is taken and read."

F. D. Woolver, Kentwood, La.: "Your paper brings more improvements wherever it is read than any other one thing."

1. T. Crowder, Mecklenburg County, Va.: "We farmers have been cultivating the land all our lives, but you have taught us how to farm with intelligence, and our crops have more than doubled with half the labor."

Dr. Geo. S. Brown, Birmingham, Ala.: "Among all my publications, The Progressive Farmer and Gazette easily holds first place with Collier's and the Literary Digest. Like them, it is brimful of interesting things and perfectly clean. Its freedom from every species of quack or dishonest advertising has especially provoked my surprise and admiration."

Advertising Representatives:

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Rate 70c per

agate line flat

The largest farm weekly in the country.

The cleanest farm weekly in the country.

If you want to get the best of the Southern market you cannot leave it off your list.






By all means concentrate-but concentrate on things worth while.
Therefore concentrate in the state of Missouri through the medium
of the largest and best edited farm paper published in Missouri.
The Weekly Star Farmer with its circulation of 102,711 at
35 cents per agate line offers you an opportunity of economically
concentrating-reaching the best class of buying farmers in this
great territory.

The Weekly Star Farmer

St. Louis, Missouri.

Advertising Representatives, JOHN M. BRANHAM COMPANY,




Our First Aim Is To Serve The Interests of Our Subscribers

It's the only honest way to gain their confidence.

And every wise advertiser knows that the class of readers who have this absolute confidence in their chosen publication are those most easily impressed and convinced by him-buyers of products advertised in that paper.

No paper in the country can show such all around improvement in so short a time as Farm Life.

Editorial articles from the pens of such splendid authorities as Dr. Egan, Professors Holden, Gurler, Colburn and Hopkins will appear frequently during the year.

Guaranteed Circulation over 150,000

Rate 60 cents per agate line flat



Advertising Representatives:





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