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Treatifes, N. Bacon's Hiftorical Difcourfe on the Laws and Government of England, Temple's In troduction, Locke on Government, Zouch's Elementa Juris Civilis, Plato Redivivus, Gurdon's Hiftory of Parliaments, and Hooker's Ecclefiaftical Polity.

XII. Having thus fupplied the young Student with Knowledge, it remains now, that he learns Its Application; and that thus qualified to act his Part, he be at laft taught to chufe it. For this Purpose a Section is added upon Human Life and Manners; in which he is cautioned against the Danger of indulging his Paffions; of vitiating his Habits, and depraving his Sentiments. He is inftructed in thefe Points by three Fables, two of which were of the highest Authority, in the ancient Pagan World: But at this he is not to reft, for if he expects to be Wife and Happy, he must diligently study the SCRIPTURES of GOD.

Such is the Book now propofed, as the firft Initiation into the Knowledge of Things, which has been thought by many to be too long delayed in the prefent Forms of Education. Whether the Complaints be not often ill-grounded, may perhaps be difputed; but it is at least reasonable to believe, that greater Proficiency might fometimes be made; that real Knowledge might be more early communicated; and that Children might be allowed, without Injury to Health, to spend many of thofe Hours upon useful Employ

Employments, which are generally loft in Idlenefs and Play; therefore the Public will furely encourage an Experiment, by which, if it fails, nobody is hurt, and if it fucceeds, all the future Ages of the World may find Advantage; which may eradicate or prevent Vice, by turning to a better Ufe thofe Moments in which it is learned or indulged; and in fome Sente lengthen Life, by teaching Pofterity to enjoy thofe Years which have hitherto been loft. The Success, and even the Trial of this Experiment, will depend upon thofe to whom the Care of our Youth is committed; and a due Senfe of the Importance of their Truft, will eafily prevail upon them to encourage a Work which pursues the Design of improving Education. If any part of the following Performance fhall upon Trial be found capable of Amendment, if any thing can be added or alter'd, fo as to render the Attainment of Knowledge more eafy; the Editor will be extremely obliged to any Gentleman, particularly those who are engaged in the Bufinefs of Teaching, for fuch Hints or Observations as may tend towards the Improvement, and will fpare neither Expence nor Trouble in making the best use of their Informations.


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