Imágenes de páginas


Æsop's fables, 31, 39, 60, 68, 86,92
Agriculture, correlated with lan-
guage, 28, 62, 171, 173, 196,
199; in rural schools, 225, 227,
229, 231, 232; books on, 239-
Allingham, William, poem of, 287
Alternation in rural-school lan-
guage classes, 218, 219, 220,
221, 222, 223

Andersen, Hans, stories of, 31,
60, 86

Animal stories, 86, 129
Antonyms, 165, 188
Arabian Nights, 86

Argument, 88, 107-108, 118, 129,

140, 154, 161, 175, 185, 207;
current events in, 150; in rural
schools, 232-233
Arithmetic, correlated with lan-
guage, 187

“Baa, Baa, Black Sheep" drama-
tized, 39-40

Babcock milk test, 237

Bible stories, 60, 86, 105, 107,

129, 151, 172

Biography, stories of, 128, 138;
outlines of, 163
Bonheur, Rosa, 27, 29
Book reviews, 149, 195
Books of reference, 102, 127, 170;
for rural schools, 239-241
Boys' corn clubs, 228, 237

Brooks, Phillips, poem of, 290
Browning, Robert, poems of, 284,

Bryant, W. C., poems of, 299, 301
Butts, Mary F., poem of, 295

Capitalization, 51, 53, 79, 99, 124,
145, 167, 189

Carlyle, Thomas, poem of, 295
Character description, 131, 152
Character revealed by language, 4
Characters in literature, study
of, 131

Chubb, Percival, quoted, 7, 126,

Civics, correlated with language,


Classes, language, in rural schools,
218 ff

Coleridge, S. T., quoted, 235;
poem of, 281
Composition work, written (see
outlines at beginning of each
grade); conduct of, 45-47, 72-
76, 93 ff., 114 ff., 136 ff., 157 ff.,
180 ff., 202 ff.; in rural schools,
227-237; books on, 252; oral
(see Oral language work)
Conscience, a language, 11, 82
Conversation exercises, 25-27,
57-58, 73, 83; in rural schools,

Coöperative letter, 137, 160, 183,

Copying work, 45, 51, 76, 78, 97,

122, 141

Cornwall, Barry, poem of, 300
Correction, of mistakes in lan-
guage, 10, 11, 24, 26, 56, 58,
70, 73, 76, 92, 97, 115, 136, 148,
180; system of, in written
work, 93-94, 136, 158, 182
Correlation, 8. See Physiology,
History, etc.

Correspondence of children di-
rected by teacher, 95, 117, 137,
160, 204

Cunningham, Allan, poem of, 309
Current events, 150; in argu-
ments, 150

Debates, 199, 207. See Argument
Debating society, 17, 18, 199
Derivation, 165, 187, 209
Description, 58, 63, 73-76, 87, 97,
110, 118, 139, 152, 160, 174,
184, 197, 205; in rural schools,

Desk work, 48-53, 78-79
Diagramming, 16, 212
Diary, 140, 162, 185, 207
Dictation, 48, 77, 97, 122, 141,
163, 186, 208, 211; material
for, 262
Dictionary, use of, 15, 123, 142–
144, 148, 164, 186, 209, 255,

Domestic science, correlated with
language, 28, 171, 196; in rural
schools, 225; books on, 241
Drake, J. R., poem of, 303
Dramatization, 36-42, 60, 67-70,
90-92, 112, 134, 157, 178, 201;
spontaneous, 91, 113; books
on, 251, 257
Drawings, 60, 79, 206

Eliot, Charles W., quoted, 2
English grammar. See Grammar
English language, history of,
188, 210

Envelopes, addressing of, 118, 137
Exposition, 58, 63, 73-76, 87,
96, 97, 110, 119, 131, 139, 153,
161, 175, 184, 198, 206; in
rural schools, 230-232

Farmers' bulletins, 226, 241-244
Field, Eugene, poems of, 279, 282
Folk tales, 31, 60, 68, 86
Formality in language work, 6, 57

Games, language, 42-45, 70-72,


Geography, correlated with lan-
guage, 8, 57, 103, 105, 127, 129,
149, 152, 171, 173, 195, 207;
dramatizations in, 201

Girls' canning clubs, 228
Grammar, English, 124, 146, 167,
170, 189-191, 194, 211-213;
books on, 254
Grand-opera stories, 86
Grimms' tales, 31, 39, 60, 86

Harris, Joel Chandler, stories of,
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, descrip-
tions of, 153
Hectograph work, 48
History, correlated with lan-

guage, 8, 57, 90, 127, 129, 149,
151, 153, 171, 173, 195, 197,
207; dramatizations in, 178,

Hogg, James, poem of, 286
Holland, J. G., poem of, 305
Holmes, O. W., poem of, 306
Homer, Odyssey of, 129, 197

Homonyms, 145, 164, 188, 209
Houghton, Lord, poem of, 277
Howell, James, quoted, 15
Hunt, Leigh, poem of, 305
Hymns, memorized, 111, 155


for composition

work, 60, 79, 159, 206
Imagination, in diagramming,
16; in story-telling, 30, 87, 105,
106, 160; in study of poetry, 34
Imitation in language, 5, 10, 11, 13
Impersonation in story-telling,
105, 106

Impromptu debates, 199
Impromptu written composition,
159, 204

Indian life, stories of, 31
Interest in language work, 9. See

Irving, Washington,


from, in memorizing prose, 155

Jackson, H. H., poem of, 291

King Arthur, stories of, 151
Kingsley, Charles, poems of, 289,

Kipling, Rudyard, stories of, 86

Landseer, Edwin, 27, 29
Language, and thought, 3, 114,
126; reveals character, 4; ob-
servation of, 11, 211; of teacher,
13; games, 42-45, 70-72, 92;
classes in rural schools, 218-
Language work, in past, 1, 76;
importance of, 2, 3, 4; purpose
of, 5; formality in, 6; relation
of, to other subjects, 8; motiva-
tion of, 9, 17, 135, 138, 148;

correction of mistakes in (see
Correction); purpose of, in
rural schools, 224

Lear, Edward, poem of, 287
Lecture, reported, 172
Letter, coöperative, 137, 160,
183, 205

Letter cards, 46, 50-53, 72, 78;
sheets of, 50

Letter-writing, 9, 14, 73, 82, 95,

116, 117, 137, 159, 160, 183,
204; books on, 253, 262
Library, school, 103, 127; in
rural schools, 226, 237-246
"Lion and the Mouse, The,"

plan for studying, 31
Literary society, 17, 226, 232
"Little Boy Blue," plan for
memorizing, 36; dramatized,

"Little Red Riding-hood," plan
for studying, 61

Long, William J., stories of,

Longfellow, H. W., poem of, 296

Magazine articles reviewed, 150,

Memorizing work, 32-36, 64-66,
88, 111, 119, 132, 155, 176,
200; in rural schools, 233-236;
books on, 251; material for,
260-262, 265-312
Memory gems in rural schools,
235. See Memorizing work
Meter, studied, 162, 185
Milton, quoted, 235
Models, taken from literature,

study of, 159, 161, 170, 174,
175, 178, 180, 185, 202; of
letters, 183, 204

Moore, Thomas, poem of, 311

Mother Goose rimes, 27, 31, 34,

39; quoted, 272-274, 278
Motivation in language work, 9,
17, 135, 138, 148, 160, 170, 173,
197, 205

Mythological stories, 31, 60, 86,
128, 151, 172

Narration, 58, 62, 73-76, 87, 96,
109, 118, 130, 138, 151, 160,
172-174, 183, 197, 205; in
rural schools, 228
Nature study, correlated with
language, 28, 62, 85, 87, 110,
127, 149, 155, 195, 196, 229,
231, 232; books on, 240
Newspaper articles, reviewing
of, 150, 195

Observation of language, 11, 211
Observation lessons and reports,

28, 29, 58, 83, 95, 96, 103, 127,
149, 195; in rural schools, 236
Opening exercises, 105, 133, 150,

Oral language work, 7, 24; im-
portance of, 56, 82, 87, 102, 126
(see outlines at beginning of
each grade); in rural schools,

Original plays, 112, 134, 157, 178,

Original stories, 29, 62, 76, 85, 97,

106, 128, 138, 151, 160, 172,
183, 197, 205

Outlines, of lessons, to be mem-

orized, 132; in argument, 140,
185, 199, 207; of books, for
review, 149; for oral composi-
tions, 154, 157, 162, 170, 171,
172, 175, 180, 185, 196, 199,
207; of reading lessons, 163;

of biographies, 163; of maga-
zine and newspaper articles,
207; in rural schools, 237

Paper, school, 17, 18, 203, 204
Paragraph, one, as unit, 82, 116
Paragraphs, one, two, or three,
in compositions, 136
Parsing, 16, 17, 212
Physiology, correlated with lan-
guage, 8, 31, 57, 127, 149, 171,
187, 195

Pictures, 27, 29, 46, 59, 63, 64, 72,
85, 87, 97, 106, 110, 130, 153,
198, 219, 228, 229; lists of,
263; original, illustrating writ-
ten compositions, 159
Play element in language work.
See Language games
Plays. See Dramatization
Poems, interpreted, 206; in rural
schools, 226; dramatized (see
Dramatization); memorized
(see Memorizing work)
Poetry, study of. See Memoriz-
ing work

Prefixes, 144, 165, 187, 209
Principle and practice, connected,
12, 211

Prose selections, memorized, 132,
133, 134, 155, 156, 176, 178,
200; interpreted, 206
Psalms, memorized, 111, 131,
133, 155, 176, 200
Punctuation, 53, 79, 124, 145,
167, 189

"Rain, The," plan for memoriz-
ing, 36

Rands, Benjamin, poem of, 283
Reading lessons, dramatization
of, 39, 113, 135, 157, 178

Recitation by topics, 84, 103, 127,
149, 171, 195
Reconstructed stories, 105, 151,
160, 172

Reference, books of, 102, 127
Reviews, of books, 149; of mag-
azine and newspaper articles,
150; of current events, 150
Rhythm, natural feeling for, 120
Robin Hood, 129, 134
Rossetti, Christina, poems of,
284, 286

Rural-school language work, dif-
ficulties in, 217, 218; classes
in, 218 ff.; correlation in, with
other subjects, 224
Ruskin, John, 85, 153

School gardens, 226

School library. See Library
School paper, 17, 18, 203, 204
Scott, Walter, poem of, 302
Script, 46

Sermon, reported, 172

Seton, Ernest Thompson, stories
of, 86

Shakespeare, William, 197; poem
of, 309

Shelley, Percy Bysshe, poem of,

"Shepherd Boy, The," drama-
tized, 69-70

Spontaneous dramatics, 91, 113
Standards of achievement, 18,

Stedman, E. C., poem of, 290
Stencil work, 63, 79
Stevenson, R. L., 33; poems of,
274, 275, 276, 278, 280, 281,

Stories, kinds of. See Story-tell-

Story, structure of, studied, 128
Story-telling, 29-32, 59-61, 85-

86, 104-106, 128; books on,
250; material for, 258-260
Suffixes, 145, 166, 187, 209
Supplementary readers for rural
schools, 237, 244-248
Synonyms, 165, 188, 209

Talks from outlines (see Out-
lines); in rural schools, 237
Teacher, language of, 13
Tennyson, Alfred, poems of, 276,
284, 293, 308

Thought, relation of, to language,
3, 4

Topics, recitation by. See Recita-
tion by topies

Verse-writing, 119-122, 140, 162,
185, 207; in rural schools, 236;
books discussing, 255
Virgil, Eneid of, 197
Vocabulary work, 15, 79, 98,
123,142-144, 148, 164-166, 209

Word cards, 46, 48-50
Word study, 144-145, 164-166,
187, 209

Words, importance of, 15
Wordsworth, William, poem of,

Written composition work, con-

duct of, 45-47, 72-76, 93 ff.,
114 ff., 136 ff., 157 ff., 180 ff.,
202 ff.; in rural schools, 227-
237. See outlines at beginning
of each grade

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