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spectable metropolitan, whose Christian panoply of heaven, he has succeeded in feeling, judicious views and eminent removing from the place of instruction virtues shed a lustre upon the station he (where a Roman Catholic scboolmaster adorns, and who understands and prac was the teacher) all his hearers who tises the liberal spirit of the gospel with wanted instruction.—But cases of this a mildness worthy of an apostolic and kind I hold are rare, for the sake of the catholic church; when I find him church and of the poor. Pope Clement laying down as the fundamental prin XIV. says, a good book is the patrimony ciples of the established church on of the world! and that education which national education, that an adequate has no religion for its basis is only like representation of revealed truth should varnish, and that man should see God be exhibited to the youthful mind; a from his very infancy, as the very berepresentation not resting for its basis ginning and end of all things, in order on the declaration of any particu- to be wise and happy. I trust therelar church or body of men, but on fore, that the light of knowledge is the warrant of the word of God ?- rising to deliver our people out of Let the landlords then, examine the captivity, and that the Roman Catholics school reports, as well as the rent roll here, as well as in Ballinasloe, begin

let the cultivation of the mind occupy to think that liberty of conscience is at least equal share of attention with the inherent right of all mankind, and the cultivation of the land, and let a cannot be taken away without oppobecoming pride be felt in living amongst sition, or surrendered without a crime; and residing amongst a tenantry pre and that the resolutions of the Irishi served from the chilling blasts of poverty, Masters in the Tipperary district, and by the blessings attendant upon a well- the address to the Roman Catholic ordered system of education. I advert Bishop of Kerry, bespeak an emancipawith pain to the unfortunate want of tion devoutly to be wished for. Above co-operation, which we meet with from one-thirteenth of the whole population the Roman Catholic clergy, in pro. of Ireland are now receiving education moting religious education. I wish not -to direct that aright is our privilege to speak hastily or with acrimony of any and duty. Let us, then, each in our of the members of that persuasion. I respective neighbourhood and district, can scarcely venture to say they are all establish schools; and instead of an averse to instruction, because in the ignorant, discontented, and idle peaparish of Kilskerry, the respectable santry, living without God in the world, priest permits his mock to receive it; we shall have a noble race passing their but in the parish of Fintona, the Roman time here in holiness and righteousness Catholic priest has such an abhorrence of life, doing their duty in the state of life to it, that I am told he designates me in which God has placed them, and as a tyrant for offering the Douay looking for their final reward to a future version and scriptural instruction to the and better state. For ever should it be poor, though I never would permit any our object as well as our duty to bring person to interfere in the slightest up the rising generation in the knowledge degree with the doctrines of his church of the scriptures, and to make them I have ever been desirous to act with feel as the lamented Lord Liverpool him, and have offered on the most states, that it is upon the knowledge of liberal principles to educate the igno- God as conveyed in his word, that their rant; but, by the utmost stretch of happiness in this world, and salvation ecclesiastical authority, and using the in the world to come must depend.


IT ought to be universally known, that when the clothes of females take fire in case of fire, the danger of suffocation they should instantly lie down. No from smoke is prevented by keeping mischief can then arise, and the flames the face near the floor, because the may be extinguished with the slightest smoke floats, and does not descend to effort. A yard of muslin held perpendithe floor till the room is quite full, and cularly, will explode, as it were, with a even then is very rare near the floor. dense roaring fame in a few seconds; By attending to this principle, the fire- but laid horizontally, the flame would men of London creep about houses on be not only inconsiderable, but would be fire in perfect confidence of easy escape.. ten minutes progressing over the surface.

IRISH SUPERSTITIONS. The following instances of Irish cruelty This occurred in one of the most and superstition are extracted from the populous cities of Ireland; the resiRecord, which we are happy to say is dence of a Roman Catholic Bishop, the conducted on the principles announced site of a nunnery, a monastery, some in our Number for January, p. 39. clerical seminaries, and a Jesuit college.

A poor woman, remarkably intelligent And thus is the “ Father of mercies and unprejudiced, for her creed and and God of all consolation,” exhibited station, had a very fine boy, deaf and to a people called exclusively Christian, dumb. She told me, that, on his reach as a Moloch delighting in blood-a ing the age of three years, she applied Juggernaut exulting over the crushed for medical advice; but this proving limbs and mangled flesh of his worshipineffectual, miraculous interposition was ers! What marvel if every eye kindled, sought, as follows :-She undertook a and every knife was sharpened to the pilgrimage to one of the numerous wells exterminating work, under Pastorini's dedicated to St. John the Baptist; when denunciations ? Surely He who is rethe poor little fellow's immersion was presented as taking pleasure in his accompanied with the prescribed forms, children's pangs, may be supposed to thus related by his infatuated parent. joy more deeply in the torments of his “ I went," said she, “barefooted to the and their enemies. That Protestants Chapel-ground, and I said at every are so regarded, take the following incorner of it an Ave, and a Pater, and a stance—it happened within a few miles Creed. Then I went three times round of the city before alluded to. the gravel walk on my naked knees. The pious and benevolent Rector of a Then the cross was brought out; I said very extensive parish, annually distrithree aves and paters to it, kissed it, and buted a donation of blankets, fuel, and paid a penny. John was dipped three other comforts, on the approach of times in the well, and we fetched him winter. Preference was naturally given home." These, I think, were her words. to the poor of his own flock; after them,

Day after day the poor mother watched the claims of the Roman Catholics were for the mercy thus bought through the admitted. An infirm old woman, of merits of her own lacerations and the latter class, applied for Aannel to prayers, and the intercessory power of St. make her a peticoat: she was told with John the Baptist; but she watched in unfeigned regret, that the last piece had vain. It was then decided, that her been given away the preceding day. penance had not been severe enough to Slowly retiring from the door, she thus satisfy the Lord ; and again was the soliloquized in her native Irish, in the ceremony repeated, with this barbarous hearing of one who perfectly understood addition—her friends strewed the gra- it. “It is the better for my poor soul. velled road with broken glass and quick cold I may be this winter; but then I lime. “ Your knees must have suffered escape seven years' burning in purgatory dreadfully," I exclaimed. “Yes,” she by not wearing the heretic's flannel.” replied, with an air of satisfaction, “I Thus these ignorant and deluded was quite lame for a long time after ; creatures, by accepting from the hands but it wouldn't do. So I resolved on of individual heretics a garment to cover another pilgrimage, and worse penance, their shivering bodies, incur, in imagitill the Priest told me I had better not nation, the wrath of God; and learn go any more.” In fact, the Priest saw to regard with deepest abhorrence those the case was hopeless; and to encourage whose care of their temporal comforts appeals where failure was inevitable, they are taught to consider as a thorn would injudiciously endangerthe miracle in their conscience, and a peril to their working craft.

souls !


SOME friends of religion at Geneva have translated the Memoirs of the late Rev. Henry Martyn into French, and are desirous of obtaining subscriptions, in order to print and circulate them exclusively on the continent. Copies will be delivered to Subscribers in this coun

try at 3s. 6d. each. It is hoped that many will not only subscribe for themselves, but also contribute to the general fund for sale, at reduced prices, or for gratuitous distribution. Subscriptions will be received at Messrs. Seeley's, Hatchard's, or Nisbet's.

CHIMNEY SWEEPERS. The Society for superseding the neces- are desirous of impressing it upon the sity of climbing 'boys in cleansing public, that this practice is as unneceschimneys, has recently published a sary as it is deplorable; and that the small pamphlet containing facts and indispensable operation of sweeping observations on the generally prevailing chimneys may be performed even more practice, and communicating informa effectually and more quickly by a tion on the practicability of cleansing machine than by a climbing boy, and fiues by mechanical means. The pub at the same expence. They are aware, lication is accompanied by a plate, exhi- that a prejudice against the machine biting sections of different chimneys, has, in some cases, been created by the and displaying the manner in which the awkwardness, too frequently wilful, of machine operates. This machine was the persons who profess to use it; and originally invented by Mr. Stuart, and who being master-sweeps, with boys in has subsequently been improved by a their employment, have taken every Mr. Glass, residing at No. 2, Moor means to discourage persons who wish Lane, Fore Street, Cripplegate. It to make trial of it, under a notion that appears from these documents that the the employment of machinery might machine succeeds in effectually clean- eventually injure their business. The sing a flue in all cases where a boy can Committee have now the satisfaction cleanse it, without at the same time en- of informing the public, that, within the dangering his life ; and that in some Jast six months, great improvement, instances Mr. Glass has succeeded in have been made in the construction of cleansing chimneys which no boy, how machines; and that Joseph Glass has ever small, could enter. The following not only swept eight hundred and twentyis an extract from a Circular isued by three flues during the year 1827, withthe Society.

out meeting with more than thirteen The Committee think it unnecessary cases in which he did not succeed (and to dwell upon the notorious cruelty in these the difficulty might have been of the practice of employing children overcome, had the parties consented to in the painful and perilous operation a little alteration at a very trifling exof climbing chimneys. Without ad- pense), but he has even swept flues verting to several recent cases, in which which boys could not ascend. it has come to the knowledge of the In prosecuting the desirable object public that boys of very tender age have of promoting the use of machinery, in been suffocated in flues; or to any one giving publicity to the subject, and, by of the numerous instances of loss of life, encouraging inventions in mechanical mutilation, and ill-usage, as the conse apparatus, to promote the cause, the quences of this odious practice, which funds of the Society brave been reduced within very few years have occupied to the lowest ebb; and some important public attention; the Committee con- measures have been necessarily desider it sufficiently obvious, that a child clined, or postponed, for want of of seven or eight years of age (and it is pecuniary means to carry them into matter of notoriety that children are effect. Under these circumstances, often employed at a much earlier age) with better prospects of success than cannot be made to learn this employ- at any former period, but with much still ment but by means of great cruelty, or remaining to be done, before they can be be continued in it without great bodily- realized—the Committee appeal to the suffering and constant danger—to say public for further assistance. Subscripnothing of the total absence of oppor- tions are received by Messrs. Hoar, tunity for education. The Committee Williams, &c.

AWFUL INSTANCE OF SUDDEN DEATH. Tue following truly awful event, ex- saying, that she wished God might strike tracted from a provincial paper, may well her dead that moment if she had. Awful operate as a warning to all who presume to relate, she fell from her seat imto trifle with the sacred name of God. mediately after, and expired; and the

Yesterday week, a young woman of duplicate of the spoon was found bad character, named Smaldridge, hav. in her bosom. An inquest has been ing been charged by her mother, who held on the body, and a verdict of was blind, with stealing a silver spoon, « Died by the visitation of God," was denied it with dreadful imprecations, returned. ---Plymouth Herald.

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Late in the month of January the Change of Administration which, in our for-
mer number, was announced as probable, actually took place. The following
is a list of his Majesty's principal Ministers :-
Duke of CLARENCE, Lord High Admiral.
Lord LYNDHURST, Lord High Chancellor.
Earl BATHURST, Lord President of the Council.
Duke of WELLINGTON, First Lord of the Treasury.
Lord ELLEN BOROUGH, Lord Privy Seal.
Right Hon. R. PEEL, Home Secretary.
Earl of DUDLEY, Foreign Secretary.
Right Hon. W. HUSKISSON, Colonial Secretary.
Right Hon. H. GOULBURN, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Viscount MELVILLE, President of the Board of Controul.
Right Hon. C. GRANT, President of the Board of Trade.
Right Hon. J. C. HERRIES, Master of the Mint.
Lord PALMERSTON, Secretary at War.
Earl of ABERDEEN, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Lord BeRESFORD, Master General of the Ordnance.
Sir J. TYNDAL, Attorney-General.
Sir C. WETHERELL, Solicitor-General.


Marquis of ANGLESEA, Lord Lieutenant.
Right Hon. W. LAMB, Chief Secretary.

Parliament assembled on Tuesday, Jan. 29, when his Majesty's Speech appears to have been received with general satisfaction. Some objections were made to the Battle of Navarino, being called an untoward event, and Turkey being characterized as our ancient Ally; but the tone of moderation, the desire to maintain peace, &c. were obviously approved by all parties. The time of Parliament has been, we think, unnecessarily occupied with personal explanations on circumstances which issued, in the late change of Ministry; explanations more gratifying to individuals, than beneficial to the Public. A very long and able speech of Mr. Brougham's, on legal reforms, has excited considerable attention. Mr.B. however, seems here to have fallen into the same error, as on a former occasion, with reference to his reform of Charities, and by attempting too much at once, will very possibly fail of the greater part of the good he might otherwise have effected. A very able and luminous speech was delivered by Mr. Peel, Feb. 16, when moving for the appointment of a Finance Committee, in which he stated that since the peace of 1815 the capital of the funded and unfunded debt has been diminished altogether £48,600,000. That the present funded debt (stock) is £777,476,000 ; and the unfunded debt (Exchequer Bills, &c.) £34,770,000. That the annual interest, or charge, of the two descriptions of debt has been decreased £4,424,000 since 1815, and is now £28,381,000. That the income of 1827 was £49,581,000, and the expenditure £49,487,000; that is, £28,381,000 interest, and about £21,100,000 for Army, Navy, &c. Leaving a real sinking fund applicable to paying off the debt of about £90,000. The estimated reduce tion of the expenditure of 1828, as compared with the previous year, is £1,168,000.

This statement is, on the whole, far more satisfactory than was generally anticipated. The present Ministry appear exceedingly desirous of consulting economy, so far as is consistent with the preservation of public faith. It appears, however, exceedingly doubtful whether any present reduction of taxation can take place; even if we can avoid an increase.

Sanguine hopes have been entertained that Peace might still be preserved with Turkey. Recent appearances, however, are far from favourable, and it is confidently asserted, that this long continued calm is only the prelude to a more violent storm. The Turks are now said to have ordered the subjects of the three powers to quit Constantinople. Give peace, O Lord, in our days we beseech thee. Amen.

Notices and Acknowledgments. Received :-MARJA.—A CONSTANT READER -H. D.-PAEBE.--THOMASIN E. W. B. W.-J. W. M.--R. L.-W. P.-Zelotes.-H. M.-C. D.

The letter of S. R. M. has been forwarded to the person who supplied the article in question. Should he favour us with a reply, it shall be immediately transmitted.

We are obliged to the friend of Christian Simplicity for his communication, of which we may possibly make use on some future occasion.

We have received a Letter from Mr. Hill, and have read some observations inserted on the cover of the last Number of the Wesleyan Methodist Magazine, with reference to our Review of the Statement of Facts connected with his trial, &c. (See Jan. 1828, p. 30) but neither Mr.Hill's letter, nor the observations of the Wesleyan Magazine, affect in the least the real merits of the case. Our own opinion (and we doubt not that of our reviewer, with whom we perfectly concur) was formed solely from the published documents. We have no personal knowledge of Mr. Hill; and no hostility against him; nor have we adopted stronger language concerning him than we should have used with reference to any individual of our own or any other denomination, who was convicted of similar misconduct. Whether Mr. Hill's appointment to Cornwall arose from the cause we assigned, or from that application which he states, it was obviously the act of the Conference ;-by that act the Conference bave identified themselves with him; that is, have undertaken his defence; and they are so conscious of having thus committed themselves, that they deem it expedient to assign reasons for their conduct; in which they have ventured to impugn, without a shadow of evidence, the verdict of a jury, and the decision of a British Court of Judicature; and have thus been guilty of a wilful contempt of that authority under which they are placed, by which they are protected, and which they usually profess to honour.

The cause therefore is no longer Bell versus Hill; that is a very minor concern; it is the Methodist Conference versus our Courts of Law; the Methodist Conference versus a British Jury. The Methodist Magazine may well take up the matter seriously; may well try to raise a dust, to excite a clamour against the Christian Guardian: by advancing charges and insinuations which are utterly groundless : but we resume our position, that since the death of Mr. Wesley, « The Methodist Conference has gone decidedly and glaringly wrong ; and there is no way of honor or of duty open to it but to retrace its steps.

The Conductors of the Wesleyan Magazine, say indeed that the defendant has printed various documents in self-defence, which materially alter the complexion of the business to which they relate.' But Mr. Hill has not once referred to those documents in his letter to us. He talks of a conspiracy-hints at some worse things which he hopes he shall never be compelled to lay before the world, &c. but he says not one word about bis printed documents. Have, we ask, any documents been printed since the pamphlet, circular, &c. so ably handled in the concluding part of the Statement? If so, we shall be glad to see them. If not, which we believe to be the case, the facts stand as they were. If documents exist by which Mr. Hill may be acquitted, Miss Bell disgraced, the Copference be restored to its proper dignity, the Methodist Magazine exalted, and the Christian Guardian compelled to apologize, the Wesleyan Editors will surely take some means of informing the Public where those documents are deposited, and how they may be procured

The Conductors of the Wesleyan Magazine have either in express terms, or by clear implication, accused the Christian Guardian of defamation, calumny, intolerance, pertinacious falsehood, &c. &c. These accusations we should pass over in silence, were we not aware that this might, as on a former occasion, be subsequently assumed as an admission of their truth; we absolutely deny them all, and declare that they are totally and entirely without foundation. We have never on any occasion exhibited the Methodist Ministers in general as hypocritical and wicked men ;'-we have never been convicted of the propagation of slanderous charges against the Methodist Conference, which were proved to be untrue.'Our work is not “conducted upon the intolerant and pugnacious principles of the Toplady's of a former age.” We call upon the Conductors of the Wesleyan Magazine as Christian men, (which we believe them to be, however mistaken) for proof of these their assertions, or apology for such slanderous charges.

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