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dual friendly to the objects of this widow's miten it was not the amount of Society, would rescue not only one but the gift, but the principle from which it hundreds of their fellow-creatures from was given. At the same time he must say, a similar horrible death. What had that, in most cases, the amount of the been done at Otaheite ? and here he gift served to throw light on the prinmight allude to the Christian method ciple. Again he would beg to impress of civilization, and that which was pur on the Meeting, that it was an error in sued by philosophy Philosophy had judgment to suppose that they had an found these savages murderers, and it option in giving or withholding their left them murderers. It had often oc contributions on this occasion—they had curred to him, that the disposition to do none. They were bound to give as God good, was wisely planted by Providence had given to them. If they had the in our feelings, rather than in our judg advantage of seeing things with their ment; and that it depended not so own eyes, if they could see the much on the judgment as on the per widow in India sacrificed on the funeral sonal feeling. There was a disposition pile of her husband-if they could see to do good distinct from the judgment; the Otaheitan mother murdering her but he must have a hard heart, as well child-they would no doubt use any as a dark understanding, who was not means in their power to prevent the disposed to do all the good in his power recurrence of similar atrocities. Unforto his fellow-beings. A few individuals tunately, however, it was too general in had done that for the natives of Otaheite human nature to look upon events pass which Philosophy had failed to do. It ing at a distance with the eye of cold was brought about, by God's blessing, indifference. He trusted that this inin the conversion of those people. He difference would not continue ;-but did not wish to say that money alone that, if he lived to the next Anniversary, was required for money without God's he should learn of a great improvement blessing would be in vain. But, con in their income, and that his Reverend fidently relying on the blessing of God, Friend, would have to announce a subthey must also use the means which he scription proportioned to the exigencies had placed at their disposal, They of the Society. would be inexcusable if they did not The Rev. Wm. DeALTRY observed, use the means which they had for the that coming after the elegant address improvement of those who were, he of their venerable and long tried might say, in some degrees dependent Friend, he did not know how he could on them for all that should be dear to venture to trespass on the patience men. They had before them the ex- of the Meeting; but lest his silence ample of South America. What was should be misconstrued, he would say the situation of the subjects of Spain a a few words on the important subject century ago, and what was it at present? which had called them together. He They there saw the effects of Popery as looked upon the religious institutions a religion, and despotism as a govern established amongst them as the great ment. A memorial, which was written bulwarks of the country. They had a a hundred years ago, had recently come double effect-first, on the country to to light. It pointed out the state of which they were so beneficial ; and, gross ignorance and immorality in which next, to the individuals engaged in them. the population of that country were They drew the blessing of God on the then placed. In that state they re country by which they were supported, mained up to the present time. Should and when strong in the Lord, they might England, he would ask, imitate such an say, “ If God be with us, who shall be example? Should she neglect that against us." When they recollected the which was her true glory? He (Mr. humble origin of the Society not many Wilberforce) was not indifferent to the years ago, they had reason to bless God glory of warfare, but it was a warfare for having prospered it, and to offer of the Spirit; and it gave him great their grateful prayers, in thanksgiving, satisfaction to see, as their President on for the coming of the time when the this occasion, his Noble Friend, who, sun of the true faith shone upon those though so much distinguished in the one who had been so long in darkness. It was not less conspicuous in the other. was delightful to hear that so many It was the duty of all to contribute some persons of different nations and castes thing according to their means. They had shaken of the yoke of idolatry and should remember the value which had superstition, and embraced the truth. been attached by the Redeemer to the These things were truly gratifying, but there was another consideration con- who of all nations were most endowed nected with this Society which gave rise with the temporal gifts of Providence ? to different reflections. It was the un- He trusted that they would not have to pleasant fact, that instead of advancing accuse themselves of such neglect. It in the great work, the Society was going was not money alone, as his venerable back, and that in place of extending friend had stated, which could secure their Missions, there was a probability the great object they had in view, since of contracting those already established. all their efforts would be useless, unless This was a melancholy and affecting the blessing of God was upon them, reflection. Was it possible, that after but yet they must not despise the what they had heard of the great pro- means on which they hoped for that gress the Society had made in various blessing. The farmer sowed because parts of the world, they should now he expected to reap, and as he sowed give up the field where so much had so did he expect his harvest. They been done, and so much more remained required money as the seed, that the to be done? While the Secretaries blessing of God might be upon it. The read the Report he was thinking, if re- result was in the hands of God, but the duction must be made, where it was to duty and the action arising out of it begin. Was it in New Zealand, where were ours. If we fail in disseminatsuch pleasing hopes were held of draw ing the word of God in any place, ing large tribes of savage people into let it be because the place to which the an acknowlengment of the true God, Gospel was intended to be conveyed and an observance of his law ?-or was is inaccessible, or that the people are it in the Mediterranean, which had now obdurate, or from some other insurbecome so interesting, and from which mountable cause, but let it not be the a plentiful gathering might be expected result of our own negligence. to the vineyard of the Lord ?-or was it The BISHOP of LICHFIELD and Coin North America, where we had already VENTRY: in moving the thanks of this done so much, and to which we were meeting to the Right Rev, the Bishop called to further exertion by so many of Winchester for the Anniversary Serclaims of national feeling, if any claim mon on the preceding evening expressed could be required beyond our obedience his desire that the Right Rev. Prelate's to the command of God? Or should Sermon should be read in every Parish they begin by contracting their exertions Church, and Cathedral, throughout the in India, the condition of which had country. been so ably adverted to by their vener- The Rev. HENRY BUDD, seconded the able friend? Or should they commence resolution. It was lamentable to think, their reductions in Africa ? Surely that that the Institution, calculated for the unhappy country had wrongs enough reception of forty students to qualify already without adding this additional for the work of Missions, should at infliction? We had deprived them present have no more than seventeen. of their liberty in this world; ought Inquiries had been made as to the we to extend our spoliation to the next, cause of this decrease. One great and withhold from them the Gospel, cause he considered was the deficiwhich would lead them to eternal ency in the system of general educahappiness? If next year they should tion. Although the Honourable and be obliged to contract their exertions, venerable gentleman who first addressand limit any of their Missions, could ed the meeting ascribed the falling they meet without shame and sorrow; off in the receipts of the Society to or could any one of them think of ad the want of means, he thought the cause dressing his fellow-labourers from that lay deeper, that it lay in the heartplatform ? Surely there were none he ascribed it to the want of educaamongst them who would set limits to tion. All human knowledge was cirthe Gospel, and say “ So far thou shalt cumscribed, but the time taken in go and no farther?” What had they acquiring this knowledge prevented heard from Mr. Thomason's account? persons attaining the knowledge of That many of the poor heathens had Christ. Young people must learn the earnestly invited them to come and heathen mythology; and while six days build a house of prayer for them, in were devoted to Jupiter and Juno, it Which they might be taught to worship was lamentable that only one should the true God. And should they answer be devoted to God the Father. Too this invitation, by saying they were too much of the time of children was taken poor? Would that become Englishmen, up in studying those works, which, though abounding in exquisite taste, self-denying manner as the father of the were calculated to produce false senti- faithful. In return for that faith it was ments, habits, and principles, the pre- promised that bis seed should multiply valence of which, he conceived, ac- like stars, and those he addressed were counted for the defalcation in the funds those stars. Every faithful soul ought of the Society. False principles begot to be classed among those stars who false prejudices, and if children were would surround the crown of the Lord, brought up in studying and admiring and shed a lustre around. the characters of conquerors and heroes The Bishop of WINCHESTER remarked, who have sacrificed their fellow-men to that nothing could be better calculated their own selfish propensities, it was no than this meeting to call forth the enerwonder that from admiration they gies of the heart, and raise the soul in should proceed to imitation, or, at least, gratitude to heaven. What called the wish to imitate those heroes of profane principle into action which predominated history, instead of Him who said, “Take in this meeting? No other than that 'my yoke upon you, and learn of me, which actuated the angels at the Safor I am meek and lowly in heart, and viour's birth, “Glory to God, peace on ye shall find rest to your souls.” The earth and good-will towards men." Gospel was not a provision of morality, The cause of this Society was to seek but a provision of spirituality. It was and to save those who were lost. On said, “I have put my Spirit in you." this principle it was that the Society This was might and power, and to ex- spread the knowledge of Christ to those pect the same from philosophy was to who were in heartless ignorance. There expect grapes from thorns, or figs from were some letters given to the world thistles. It was truly said by the by a great ornament of the Christian venerable man who opened the business Church (Bishop Heber) who was of the meeting, that those who thought snatched from his labours too soon for strongly acted energetically: if the the East, too soon for his friends, but principle was in the heart the actions not, it was believed, too soon for himwould correspond. All might be com self. The fact he had stated was not prised in the short expression, that they hitherto before the public. Speaking were deficient in grace because they were of the Hindoos, he said, that they were deficient in the knowledge of Christ. not only vicious themselves, but that As Christians their hearts should be their religion was vicious, and the conlifted up to Christ, and should hold him sequence was, that he never met men as a reservoir from whence to draw who had fallen to so low a standard. streams. A powerful principle would They not only wanted religion, but rethen be wrought in the heart; and there ligion was to them an incentive to error. was no doubt that when the heart was This ought to be to the Society a stronger open, the hand would be open too. motive for endeavouring to eradicate They should induce their children to the evil, and with God's grace to imdevote their time and attention to the plant the truth. He thought that nothing objects of this Society. He had heard could be more advantageous to the of a child who prayed thus, “ O Lord, Missionary cause than the publication forgive us for having sent forth so few of this journal of Bishop Heber. It Missionaries : and, O Lord, send us proved that the corn was whitening, and forth, if it be thy will.” He hoped it was for those he addressed to pray to every child would utter prayers like God for a blessing on the harvest. Of those and every mother" encourage Bishop Heber, it might be said, that them. All that was wanted was devo- though his candlestick was taken away tion of the heart. Money in the eyes of his light was not removed, but left a many was not so valuable, but let them luminous track to light the Missionary give their children. Was this asking on his way. too much ? He thought not; and that The Bishop of Sonor and Man said, it was because enough had not been that though an old friend to the Society, asked that this defalcation took place in he had determined to leave its cause the funds of the Society. Parents this day to abler advocates; but a moshould devote their children to this tion was put into his hand which gave great cause, as the greatest privilege him an opportunity once more of dethat could be conferred on them. Let claring his affectionate attachment to them only consider that there were many the Society, to which, from its infancy, faithful men besides Abraham, though he had been in heart a warm friend. none showed it in such a glorious and He was one of those who had put his hand to the plough, and, by the grace empire? The schools too, it must be of God, he would not look back. His recollected, were strictly missionary heart burned within him when he heard schools, and not schools kept by persons of the wide spread of the Apostolic for the purpose of earning a subsistence. Church, which still in its primitive It was from Christian motives those sense sent forth its burning and its schools were established, and it was shining lights. He conceived that this those motives which enabled the founSociety, and others of a similar charac- ders to bear up against the difficulties ter, such as the Society for promoting by which they were surrounded. There Christian Knowledge; the Society for was no one acquainted with the darkthe Propagation of the Gospel; and the ness which prevailed in India before the Prayer Book and Homily Society, were work began, who must not be convinced the real bulwarks of the Church of of the gradual effect which the instrucEngland, and he had more real confi- tion of the natives must have, and of dence in the strength derived from those the great advantage derivable to the Societies, than from any establishments Christian world from it. There were which connected the Church with the encouragements of the most cheering State. The stability and the existence kind. There were seminaries for the of that Church depended upon its education of missionaries. There was continuing to do the work of its great a college at home, and one established Head,--of him who said to his ministers, abroad under the auspices of Bishop “ Go into all the world and preach the Middleton. There were some institugospel to every creature ;” and who tions in the East, conducted by natives added the promise, “ Lolam with you alone, some by natives and Europeans always, to the end of the world.” By unitedly, and some by Europeans only; supporting this Society he considered but all combined in the great work of that he was only obeying the command- overturning the fabric of idolatry, that ment; and obeying the command, was had so long existed in that country. the way to ensure the promise.

Every true Christian must rejoice at the The Rev. THOMAS THOMASON spoke accession which has been made to the of the encouragement held out to the Church of Christ' in the East. What Society in New Zealand, and in the must have been the feelings of the late Eastern parts. As to New Zealand, Bishop Heber, when at Chunar he those whom he addressed were as well administered the sacrament with his own informed of the proceedings of the hands to seventy natives, in their own Society as himself. Under the extraor- tongue ; for it was a favourite notion of dinary difficulties which there presented that exemplary man, that nothing was themselves, it was matter of encourage- to be done in the East, without learning ment that the Society had stood its the language of the natives. He underground, and had not given way. He stood that the feeling the Bishop exhoped, even in that dark discouraging cited at this meeting was so great, that sphere, that the labourers of the Lord many of the natives were seen to shed would continue their work, and have tears, and that they all expressed their many souls for their hire. As to the obligation to God for sending them such Missions to the East, he could speak a spiritual teacher. It had been well of them with more confidence, because observed in the Report that there were he spoke from personal experience. innumerable openings for usefulness in Whatever supplies had been sent by the East. . To this he could bear testhe Society to that country were grate- timony. The demands on the Society fully accepted, well employed, and were so numerous, that it was most with the blessing of God would lead distressing not to be able to comply to good results. The facts which India with them; but the circumstances of presented to the Christian world were the Society often rendered it necessary most encouraging. No person that to refuse those requests. Europeans knew that country, thirty, twenty, or and natives asked the representatives even fifteen years ago, could believe that of the Society to send them missionaries; such a hopeful progress could have been but it was impossible to do so. From made. In the three Presidencies of the nature of the work, the expense was India there were now 30,000 children progressive. Every new success openunder constant Christian instruction. ed a channel for increased expense; Letany one judge how great an influence and could the Society relax in its the instruction of so many children in exertions, to meet those demands on its Christianity must have on this great funds at the very moment that they JUNE 1828.

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were praying to God for success? It statements he should make added any was a great treat to him, after having thing to the funds of the Society, he read the Reports of the Society at a should feel that his voyage was not in distance for many years, to find himself vain. A humble individual from this now for the first time on the platform country went to the State of Pennsylof the Parent Society. There were two vania ; but he remembered Zion. One subjects to engage the attention of the morning, in the month of May, he was meeting the necessity for Missionary employed felling an oak, when the money, and the necessity for Missionary thought struck him, that in his dear agents. In his opinion money might be native land, those anniversaries in which easily got; but the want of Missionary he had formerly participated were now agents formed the great difficulty. How going on; and for the privilege of easily men were induced to banish which he would freely give a thousand themselves from their native land in dollars if he had them. He was now pursuit of wealth, and for the sake of gone to that assembly where the weary aggrandising their families; and it was rested, and all desires were gratified in ever deemed prudent of them to do so. celebrating the praises of the Lamb. Men for these purposes and with these The Protestant Episcopal Church of views tore themselves from the bosom America, of which Mr. A. was a minisof their wives and families; and though ter, owed its existence to missionary the sacrifice was felt, the necessity was labours. That Church looked towards felt too. Was it not something painful, the Church of England as a daughter and even disreputable to reflect that so to its mother. many men travel to meet great dangers, The interest excited in the cause of and absent themselves from their religion in America, was very great. He country for worldly motives; but that should state a few instances of it. One so few were found to do so in the cause individual, who would be called a Proof Christ. It was lamentable to hear testant dissenter in this country, subthat their excellent College, which might scribed 1000 dollars for the purpose of contain so many more, only contained establishing a Professorship in Kenyon seventeen. They should pray to God College. In 1810, the largest Missionto send more labourers for this great ary Society in America was established. work, for they would not be brought to The income of this Society was 100,000 it by persuasion, He hoped that mul- dollars per annum. The Society had titudes of Christian mothers would be 200 missionaries, and more than forty glad to dedicate their sons to God, and stations. From twenty-nine persons, that there were many Christian youths who were assembled in a room in New who would not shrink from absence and York, 20,000 dollars were subscribed danger in such a case. It had been on the spot. The subscribers were truly and forcibly said by one who had asked, whether if they gave 20,000 doladdressed the meeting in the early part lars for one year they would engage to of the day, that to support this Society give the same amount for five years; was not our option, but our duty. He and they agreed to do so. This occurred felt this in his own heart. He felt it in a room not half so large as that in was his duty to go back to India. He which he now stood, and amongst acknowledged he felt some backward. individuals not half so celebrated for ness, but he also felt that he had no their devotion to the missionary cause. option. The station of a missionary If any thing was to be said as to the was more ardous than that of a chaplain; manner in which this good work was but then he was supported by a prin- brought about, he would only say, let ciple which kept near him, comforted, them thank God, and take courage. and supported him. He prayed to God The meeting was also addressed by that many might be disposed to under the Hon. and Rev. B. W. Noel, the take this sacred character; and in con Rev. J. W. Cunningham, the Rev. G. clusion, he wished to impress on the Hazlewood, the Hon. and Rev. G. meeting gratitude for the success which T. Noel, the Rev. Hugh M`Neile, and God had already given, and the great Lord Bexley, but we are compelled to necessity which still existed for his aid omit their interesting speeches. The to prosper this great work.

subscriptions and donations, after the The Rev. BENJAMIN ALLEN (of Anniversary Sermon in St. Bride's Philadelphia) said that he felt, in Church, and at the Meeting, exceeded addressing the meeting, he had not ·£760. crossed the ocean for nothing. If the

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