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sirable that every family in the state Bible Society would distribute the should have a copy of the Bible. sacred Word of God to every one of A resolution was passed to supply every those three millions. The population destitute family with a copy, and that of America increased in a still larger resolution was carried into effect. In proportion than even that of Europe; New Jersey, a similar resolution was and, after the example they had seen, carried into complete effect. In Phila. and the account they had heard of that delphia, the same resolution was adopted country, the Meeting would be glad to for the State of Pennsylvania. This hear of the increase of its inhabitants. State contained a million of souls, and The American Bible Societies had it was thought that 100,000 copies of become powerful auxiliaries to this, and the Bible would be required. In New if the people of England did not inJersey, 40,000 dollars were subscribed crease in their exertions, the Americans for supplying Missionary Schoolmasters. would prove themselves our masters. In the city of Philadelphia, the destitute America afforded instances of liberality families were supplied with Bibles, in and exertion in the great cause of disabout six weeks. The resolution was seminating the Sacred Scriptures which taken about the middle of January, put the population of this country to and about the first of March the work the blush. He hoped the only rivalship was done, and easily done. The young between the two countries would be in men divided themselves into sub-com this great work, and that they would mittees, and when the work in hand unite in teaching the world, by means was finished, they inquired whether of the Scriptures, that God was not a there was any thing else to be done, God of terror, but a God of love. and actually formed themselves into an The Rev. R. W. SIBTHORP would association, for co-operating with the willingly have declined coming forwari, Society for distributing the Word of but he was called upon to bear testiGod in South America. This he called mony to the operation of the Society a new æra, and he was sure the Society on the continent of Europe. He could would hear with delight what they were bear decided testimony to the corenabled to do in America. Might they rectness of the statements made in not form a triumvirate, and divide the the Report on the circulation of the world amongst them. It was a bold Scriptures on the Continent of Europe. thought, but he conceived it not im The door was not closed there for the practicable. England had its pecu admission of the Sacred Scriptures : it siarities, and so had America, but here was not as wide open as it had been, they had but one object, and those he but it was open enough to let in the addressed he was sure would bless God word of God. The stream was not for what they heard. There was enough closed by which the waters of life were to require the exertions of the friends of spread over the world. It did not rush the Gospel, in both countries. In the as an impetuous river, but in little voice of a stranger he might be allowed rivulets, here and there irrigating the to say, “Go on, Christ is your Captain; barren wilderness. Before long, how. on your sword his name is written. Go ever, he expected the door would open on, until the kingdoms of the world are wider, and the small stream be transkingdoms of the Lord.”

formed into a majestic river. There Lord BEXLEY observed, that the was now springing up a decided atteninhabitants of Europe since the general tion to the Word of God, as the Word peace had increased more than the of God throughout the Continent. The whole number of the population of Great Society at Berlin evinced much of that Britain: they had 'increased fourteen spirit, which was not the less singular, or fifteen millions. In our country the as that city was once remarkable for increase of population since the peace giving birth to infidel doctrines. Anowas estimated at three millions and ther reason why he expected that the a half; so that every year the number Society would go forward was, that of copies of the Scriptures which the there was an increasing love to the Society would have to distribute would cause of truth on the Continent, and increase. The Legislature had been this was proved by a fact to which he only able to provide churches for about could speak, namely, that to be known half a million of the increased popula. as a member or agent of the Society, tion, so that three millions were yet was the best passport and introducunprovided with places of worship. But tion which a stranger could there he hoped that the British and Foreign have. He sincerely believed that there

was a spread of real piety on the of a Deity, and nothing of the authority Continent; and his hopes were in some or support of the Bible. To this class degree founded on this; but the best of persons the exertions of the Society and greatest foundation of his hope was, were of inestimable value. In proporthat the cause was the cause of God, tion to their ignorance was the convicand where God has a cause to effect, he tion that flashed on their minds. In never wanted means to carry it on. He the Committee of the French Bible never felt more convinced of the pro- Society, he (Mr. Wilson) proposed that priety of the principles of this Society, the inspired Word of God should be than after travelling on the Continent. separated from that which all Christians The effect of the exertions of the admitted was not inspired, and the Society was not confined to carry Scrip- Committee allowed that great advantures to those who were ignorant of tage would be derived from such a them: the Society carried conviction separation. When adverting to the too. The Society called out as it were with Resolution of the Society here to circuone voice, “Search the Scriptures." late the Holy Scriptures without the

The Rev. D. Wilson came forward Apocrypha, he endeavoured to impress to discharge a message with which upon them the necessity of adopting the he had been entrusted, namely, an same plan; and to show what his feelexpression of the undiminished af ing was at one time upon the subject, fection and regard with which the he stated, that when that proposition Bible Society of France regarded the was first started in the Society here, he British and Foreign Bible Society. had opposed it; and he now owned There was a great interest pervading that that was his strong opinion in the the Protestants of France, and an inter first instance. He had thought that it est which was on the incrcase. A spirit would be better to let that matter be of unaffected piety and simplicity, and accomplished gradually, rather than do a sense of the infinite importance of the it all at once, but he stated to them, subject, pervaded all the addresses he that after the Resolution had passed had heard at the meetings he attended. here, and when he gave the subject more Some of the speeches did not yield mature consideration, he was glad of it, in point or feeling to any of those and he added, that it appeared to be the Meeting had the pleasure of hear the growing persuasion of the people ing that day. He fully agreed with of this country, that the circulation of his friend, Mr. Sibthorp, that there the word of God, pure, and unmixed was an increasing spirit of piety in with any thing that had not the stamp France. The Pastors of the Church of Divine Revelation, was the true and united together at Paris, when their safe course. One consideration he had attendance was not required in their mentioned in favour of this plan was, parishes, and from that germ, he was that instead of five thousand copies with convinced, most important results would the Apocryphal books, six thousand spring. He was present at some of the might be circulated at the same price Leçons, as they were called, given at without them. Taking into view the the Sorbonne, and he was happy to find doubts entertained by some of the truth some of the most eminent philosophers of the authentic Word of God, from the in France making an open avowal of circumstance of its being accompanied their faith. This was a symptom of with those books, and considering the improvement that must be dear to every countries to which they were approachEnglish heart, when it was recollected ing for the distribution of the Holy what was the state of France only a few Scriptures, he did fully approve of the years ago. At another meeting he principle, that they should be circulated heard one of the French philosophers in a pure and unmixed state. expose the scepticism of Hume, the The Rev. WM. ORME moved the historian. The lecturer contended, how thanks of the Meeting to the Treasurer, much more Christianity, and a love the Secretaries, and the Committee, for for the institutions of his country, their great exertions in the past year. would have elevated the character of To thanks for services done to the this popular author. These observa Society none had a stronger claim than tions were pleasing, but he was obliged the active and zealous individuals to to confess, that amongst a great number whom his motion referred. John Hale, of those who called themselves Protes- of Eton, who attended at the Synod tants, in France, there was nothing at Dort remarked, that in the private beyond a vague notion of the existence Sessions all the real business was done, JUNE 1828.

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while the public Synod was held for follow ? and wherever he went with his show and entertainment. He did not horn-books, should they not follow mean to say, that this meeting was for close on his heels with their Bibles ? show-entertainment they certainly had, Christianity had nothing to fear from the and that the most delicious that could progress of science. On the contrary, be enjoyed on this side of the grave it flourished most where ignorance was but while they were enjoying it, they most completely eradicated. The Fishshould not forget those who were work ermen of Judea, and the men of Galilee, ing in private Sessions, and taking on did not fear the advances of philosophy. themselves the great labour of the Whatever might be the improvement of Society. While he was up, he thought future ages, they could not bring more he should not omit to acknowledge a knowledge as to the principles of religreat debt of gratitude due to the gion than were possessed in ages past. Society from a kindred Institution with Christianity, therefore, need not fear which he was connected ; and which, the progress of knowledge, for it was in some degree representing that Insti adapted to all understandings, even to tution, he was anxious thus publicly to those of the very highest order. Some avow, for the great aid they had derived allusions had been made about the fulfrom the British and Foreigo Bible filment of prophecy in the present day, Society. He had read the terms of The Lord would not be slack in the fulthanks and high praise in which Euse- filment of his decrees, in the sense in bius, the father of Christian historians, which that term was understood by mentions the gift of the first of Empe men. They would all be accomplished rors who made public profession of in his own good time. They had heard Christianity, which gift consisted of of the gathering of the Jews, and who fifty copies of holy books; which, would not wish to see it? They had though but extracts of the Sacred heard of the fall of Babylon, and who Writings, were, considering the times, would not wish to see it fallen never to a magnificent present. They had all to rise agaiu ? They had heard of the be fairly written on smooth skins of coming of the Lord, and who that knew parchment, and when finished, were his word, would not say Amen, even so conveyed in two waggons to the churches be it--come, Lord, come quickly, Lord on which they had been bestowed. He Jesus! He gave no opinion on these (Mr. Orme) bad that day to acknow- matters, for be those events near or ledge a still greater gift to the London remote, they were equally called upon Missionary Institution—the gift of 980 to do their duty, and fulfil the great Bibles and 5400 Testaments, in various work in which they were engaged, to languages. When he saw the waggons the best of their power; and when they in which those copies of the Sacred had done their best they should wait in Word were conveyed, he raised his patience the advent of the Lord. mind in thanksgiving to God who had We regret that our limits will not vouchsafed them a blessing, which allow us to insert the valuable speeches kings, and princes, and patriarchs of of the Rev. H. Burn, J. Thornton, Esq. former times had not been permitted to the Rev, A. Brandram, Mr. Algar, Sir enjoy. This gift, he must say, was not Thomas Dyke Acland, and Lord wholly unrequited by the Missionary Gambier. Society. They had furnished from Lord TEIGNMOUTI, on leaving the among their numbers some of the Chair, begged once more to express his fairest translators of the Sacred Volume, thanks for the favourable light in which and were amongst its most active dis they viewed his humble exertions. One tributors; and as they were aware that remark had been made by their friend the Bible Society enjoyed a larger from America which struck him, and in purse than they could command, they which he most cordially concurred: he expected it would use the contents in addressed him as President of the order to enable them to go on with the Society, thinking that was a greater important work in which they were honour than any other title which could engaged. It had been stated in the be given to him. He agreed that it was Senate some time ago, that“ the school- so, and he assured the Meeting that he master had gone forth.” He had gone considered it the proudest honour of his forth, and was walking abroad in the life that he had for so long presided length and breadth of the world ; but over the British and Foreign Bible where he led the way, should not they Society.

PRAYER BOOK AND HOMILY SOCIETY. The Sixteenth Annual General Meeting was so struck with it, that the next time of this Society was held on Thurs: the Agents called upon him, he told day, May 8th,—the Right Honourable them he entertained a very different Lord Bexley, President, in the Chair. opinion of their motive, and prayed God

The Report stated, that in the last to bless their exertions. Another year, the issue of bound books had instance was that a Dissenter, to increased by 1,000 copies, in the last whom they offered a Prayer=book two years by 4,000; the tracts in the and a Homily. He told them, if last year by 30,000, in the last two they left it, it would not be read. He years by 60,000; that the number of was a Dissenter from principle, and the former issued by the Society from as for their Church-books, they were the first was 154,980, of the latter a mere form; he disliked all forms, and 1,230,500. That during the last year, would have nothing to do with them. 590 vessels in the port of London had But, notwithstanding this declaration, been visited by the Society's Agent, in they persuaded him to take it in, and order to promote public worship on read it, in a short time he returned the shipboard when at sea, to supply the Homily with thanks, saying, that he men with Prayer-Books, and to call had read it with great pleasure; it was their attention to the Homilies of the a very excellent sermon, but the PrayerCharch. That seamen in general are book he must keep. He observed that far from averse to attendance on the we were bound to wipe off the stain ordinances of religion ; that the neglect which seamen had inflicted on the of these means is usually attended with national character by their immoral disorder among the crew, while attention conduct among those who had no to religion produces the happiest effects; opportunity of knowing or mixing with that many commanders are very thank any other class of Englishmen. ful for the labours of the Society, and The Rev. Mr. BURN was delighted to the Prayer-Book and Homilies prove hear of the beneficial effects produced Fery acceptable to sailors.

amongst seamen by the exertions of the In Ireland, during the year, 2,684 Society, but he hoped they would extend Prayer-Books, 1,025 in the Irish their exertions more largely to that character, and 1,659 in English, had country for which it had been said, that been circulated by this Society through Providence had done every thing and the medium of clergymen; also 2,100 man comparatively nothing. He need copies of a book of Select Homilies. scarcely add that the country he alluded

In South America the Liturgy, in to was Ireland; and he hoped that that Spanish, had proved very acceptable. saying ere long could no longer be In India, translations in Hindoostanee applied to his native country. He and Bengalee had been effected. The thought nothing could be more judicious Liturgy had also been translated into than the plan adopted by the Society Indo-Portuguese, and into Malayalim; for the purpose of making the people the Litany had been translated by Dr. of Ireland « wise unto salvation," and Morrison, into Chinese, and the Society he only wished that it could be adopted had lately published the Morning and on a larger scale. In conferring upon Evening Services in Persic.

them the Liturgy, they gave them a The Rev. E. Sidney had assisted the guide to devotion, which in the hour Agent of the Society in forming a Branch of dissolution would enable them to Association in Yarmouth; and could bear embody their thoughts under such testimony to the Society's useful labours awful circumstances. By acting thus,

that place. A number of persons they would raise them to the rank which assembled together for the purpose of their intellectual qualities entitled them circulating the Prayer-books, and Select to acquire, and they would remove those Homihes, among the seamen: in the dissensions which kept the country in a course of their proceedings they met state of anarchy, from which only the

th a man who called himself “A knowledge of religion could redeem it. Methodist;" they offered him an ad The meeting was addressed by Lord dress to seamen, but he refused to re Calthorpe, the Hon. and Rev. G. T. ceive it, alleging, it was a Church Noel, and F. Noel, the Rev. Messrs. concern altogether, and he would have Allen, Budd, Grimshawe, Hazlewood, nothing to do with it, but they per- Sibthorpe, Stewart, Wilson, J. M. suaded him to take it home-and he Strachan, &e.

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LONDON HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. On Friday, May 16, this Institution held minds. He, however, had never seen its Twenty-second Anniversary, at the any mischief arise from Bible reading. Freemasons' Hall, which was most It was true they had heard of such numerously and respectably attended. things as persons wresting the Scrip

The Earl of MOUNTCASHELon taking ture to their own destruction; but the Chair, observed, that it afforded, those who had done this were, for him much pleasure to have another the most part, not the humble and simpublic opportunity of bearing his tes- ple, but the learned and philosophical ; timony to the importance of this So- not the laymen, but the priests ;ciety to Ireland ; as a native of that so that if the Bible were to be at all country, and a resident landlord, he prohibited, it should be to the priests, could fully attest the necessity of some and not to the laity. It ought not, such Institution, to rescue the Irish however, to be forbidden to any because peasant from his present neglected and it had been abused by a few. None degraded state: of all the Institutions perverted it, but those who came to with which he was acquainted, that bad its perusal with prejudiced minds. reference to that country, he knew of When men read the Bible only to none better calculated to effect the draw from it some conclusion, in favour object in view. The state of Ire- of their preconceived opinions, they land, as far as concerned the moral derived nothing from it but evil. The and religious instruction of the country, abuse by some, was no argument against was a matter which deserved the serious the use by others, even the most wholeconsideration, not merely of every some food might be converted into a friend of Ireland, but of all who valued dangerous poison--at least it was known the true interests of England—for hap- that modes existed of extracting poison pily the interests of the two were so from our ordinary and nutritious food. blended, that the one could not be In conclusion, the Noble Lord expressed seriously affected without involving the the pleasure he felt at hearing how other in its distress, or making it the extensively the Scriptures were circupartaker of its prosperity. If there lating in Ireland, because he was conwere any sceptical on this point, a vinced, that to the want of the Bible, residence of a short time in Ireland many of the evils which affected that would convince them of the fact, and country were mainly attributable. also satisfy them that nothing but a The Rev. T. WEBSTER then read the strict inculcation of the principles of the Report, which stated that the whole Holy Scriptures would be competent to number of Schools in connexion with eradicate the ignorance, the bad pas- the Society amounted to One Thousand sions and feelings, in which so many and Forty-six containing Sixty-seven outrages and atrocities have their origin. Thousand Three Hundred and TwentyThe exertions of private individuals six Scholars. were valuable, no doubt, but it was That “the funds received during only from the united exertions of the last year amounted 10 £8,439 8s. such extensive associations as this 8d. of which the sum of £8,228 10s. Society, that any measure of gene- had been expended, leaving a surplus ral relief might be expected. The of £210 18s. 8d.” Hibernian Society took its stand upon “ That of the One Thousand and the broad basis of scriptural education. Forty-six Schools in connexion with It acted upon the general principle that, the Institution, Thirty-eight were in the as the Holy Bible contained the only province of Munster, Fifty-seven in rule of faith, it should be placed in the Leinster, Two Hundred and Seventyhands of every Christian. This was the nine in Connaught, and Six Hundred practice of the primitive Church, and and Seventy-two in Ulster; so that by was not deviated from, except by those far the larger proportion of the Schools classes of Christians who also departed are situated in the north and north-west from the purity of that Church. In of Ireland, and comparatively few have fact, none but heretics had impugned been commenced in the southern prothe principle, that all mankind were vinces. The Committee earnestly desire bound to read the Holy Scriptures. It to extend their exertions to the hithertohad been objected that the reading of neglected provinces, being fully conthe Bible was dangerous to weak vinced that it is only by Scriptural

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