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majesty was understood to refer meditative and studious life had laid more particularly to his powerful the foundation of serious comdefence of protestant principles plaints. He was attacked with against Bishop, the Romish diocesan violent fits of the stone and gravel. of Chalcedon.

But in all his bodily anguish, his He made a farewell oration to the soul was at ease, and his mind stayed university, and was accompanied by on his God. His assurance of hope the heads of houses, some distin- did not fail; but the bright antici. guished academics, and other friends pations of the glory to be revealed, and connexions, to the borders of and experience of the powers of his diocese, where he was received the life to come, so transported him by a body of Wiltshire clergy and on a dying pillow, as to deaden the laity. Some eloquent addresses were sense of pain, and enable him con. made him on his entry into Salis- tentedly to resign all earthly enbury, to which he readily returned joyments. suitable answers. On the next He was so far from needing the Sunday he preached from Psalm advice of patience, to make the xxvi. 8. “Lord, I have loved the remainder of life supportable, that habitation of thy house, and the he gave it to others. The judges place where thy honour dwelleth.” being on their circuit at Salisbury,

• After he had verified (says the at the time of his illness, paid him a biographer) the words of his text in respectful and condoling visit. •To the person of David, his sermon them he communicated out of his ended, he verified it in himself, and rich treasury of learning and devomade a demonstration that he loved tion most Christian and grave that house of God, not in tongue advice, and amongst many points only and in word, but in deed and he discoursed on before them, he verity; for viewing exactly that insisted very niuch upon the benefit beautiful fabric (the cathedral) and of a good conscience, rendering finding it very much in decay, many thanks to his Creator for the partly through the negligence of great comfort he felt thereby now his predecessors, and partly through in his extremity; and admonished the covetousness of the Dean and all that heard him, so to carry Prebends, who filled their purses themselves in their most private with that which should have stopped and secret actions, as well as in the chinks in the walls, he sent a their public, that they might obtain preremptory summons for all the that at the last, which would stand prebends; and partly by a season- them in more stead than what all able admonition, partly by increpa- the world could afford besides.' tions and threatenings, partly by Having summoned his domestics reviving an old statute, he drew from from a wish to declare his faith, them five hundred pounds, which and witness a good confession was all spent in the reparation of which might be 'profitable to the that church; and after the repairing hearers, he was persuaded to refrain of the material temple, he wholly from an exercise which would laboured in repairing of the spiri- prove very exhausting in his entual temple, both by doctrine and feebled condition, and for which by discipline, visiting his whole there was the less necessity, as his diocese in his own person, and pure and reformed belief was so preaching every sabbath-day whilst manifest in his writings. On the he enjoyed his health, either in the second of March, 1617, after many city, or in the neighbour towns.' paternal exhortations and episcopal

It was not long however that he benedictions, he lay awhile slumwas permitted to pursue this active bering, with ejaculatory prayer at ministerial course. His previous intervals ;. but between seven and

eight in the evening, having lifted was buried on the following Thursup his eyes and hands to heaven for day, near the bishop's seat in the a considerable time, he expired with cathedral, lamented both by rich this address to the Saviour whom and poor, to whom he had endeared he loved : • Come, Lord Jesus, himself during his short session. come quickly! Finish in me the He was twice married; the second work thou hast begun. Into thy time, about half a year after his hands I commend my spirit ; for promotion to the mitre, but it is thou hast redeemed me, thou God said) not without giving some disof truth. Save thy servant, who pleasure to the Archbishop. * Of hopeth and trusteth in thee alone. the two brothers it has been Let thy mercy be showed upon me. remarked, that · George was the In thee, O Lord, have I hoped; more persuasive preacher, Robert let me not be confounded for the greater scholar; George, the ever!'

abler statesman, Robert, the deeper This godly father was only fifty- divine; gravity did frown in George eight years of age at the time of and smile in Robert. † his departure, and had held his See

* Athenæ Oxon. but two years and a quarter. He

uarter. He † Fuller's Worthies of England.


The path of sorrow, and that path alone, delusive and destructive pleasures
Leads to the land where sorrow is unknown; which this evil world holds forth to
No trav’ller ever reach'd that blest abode,
Who found not thorns and briars in his

s their corrupt and vitiated taste, and road:

by which it destroys its thousands; For he, who knew what human hearts estranged from him in heart and would prove,

life; desiring, not the knowledge How slow to learn the dictates of his love, That, hard by nature and of stubborn will,

of his ways; and hastening on with A life of ease would make them harder still,

a lie in their right hand to an In pity to the souls his grace designed eternal state :-How many in these To rescue from the ruins of mankind,

awful circumstances has be beheld, Call'd for a cloud to darken all their years, And said, “ Go, spend them in the vale

and in pity and tender mercy comof tears."

missioned some disease to seize

upon their bodies, or some afflieIn the exhibition of the riches of tive providence to befal them in his saving grace in the conversion their circumstances or their family, of the ungodly, the Spirit of God which might prove instrumental, often operates upon the mind through the influence of his grace, through the medium ofaffictive pro. in rousing them from their fatal vidences. “Before I was afflicted lethargy; in awakening them to a I went astray,” has been the ac- true sense of their danger; in leadknowledgement of very many of the ing them to consider their ways; children of God, in unison with that and to inquire into the nature of of " the man after God's own their hopes the foundation on heart;” and often may they grate which they are building for eternity. fully add, “ It is good for me that I In these ways doth that compashave been afflicted,” Psalm cxix. 67, sionate Saviour" who willeth Bot 71. How many poor, foolish, erring the death of a sinner," " work sheep, has the good shepherd found oftentimes with man, to open bis wandering in the broad road that ear to receive instruction, leads to destruction, pursuing the keep back his soul from the pit,"

Job xxxiii. 16, 30. Blessed, most takers of His HOLINE88," the profit blessed then, are those dispensations he designs, when he lays affliction which thus operate on the mind, upon our loins, and visits us with and which terminate in the final his chastening and correcting rod ? salvation of both soul and body! My afflicted reader, be it then thine Most loving correction must that unceasing, importunate prayer, that be pronounced, which is effectual effects blessed, and results glorious “ in bringing the soul out of dark- as these, may be thy happy, truly ness into the marvellous light of happy experience. Entreat the God's reconciled countenance ;” “God of all grace, who doth not that rescues it from the usurpation, willingly afflict or grieve the chiltyranny, and dominion of the God dren of men,” that your trials, of this world, and introduces it here whether in mind, body, or cstate, into the favour, and ultimately into may thus be productive of eternal the presence of its glorious and good to your soul, and give him no Almighty Deliverer. Well may the rest till those peaceable fruits of voice of inspiration exclaim“Happy righteousness,” which are the eviis the man whom God correcteth.” dences of sanctified affliction, appear “ Blessed is the man that endureth in you, constraining you to acknowtemptation." It translates him ledge, in reference to your former out of the kingdom of darkness state, “Whereas I was blind, into the kingdom of God's dear now I see.” “ Old things are Son; it transforms him from the passed away; behold, all things are image of Satan, into the image become new.” of the Prince of Peace; it delivers him from bell : it raises and exalts

The hours of pain have yielded good,

Which prosp'rous days refus'd; him to heaven! Whatever may As herbs, though scentless when entire, be the nature of that visitation, Spread fragrance when they're bruis'd. which is thus instrumental in The oak strikes deeper as its boughs “ turning the feet that goeth down By furious blasts are driv'n, to the pit” of destruction, into the

So life's vicissitudes the more

Have fix'd my heart in heav'n. way of peace and holiness ; and however trying and grievous to When it pleased God in his flesh and blood, yet when the abundant mercy, to lay upon Mary sufferer can recognize the hand of his chastening and correcting rod, " the Father of mercies," he is and to visit her with that sickness enabled with feelings of submission which should be unto death, she and resignation, not only to say, was, as we have seen, altogether

“ Shall I receive good at the hands ignorant of her real state and con· of the Lord, and shall I not receive dition in His sight, as of an infinitely

evil ?" but also, “ The Lord gave, pure and holy Being. She knew and the Lord hath taken away; nothing of the evil of sin, nor blessed be the name of the Lord.” dreaded its deserts, “ because her

mind was darkened ;” she was Father, I bless thy gentle hand,

unconcerned about eternal things : How kind was thy chastising rod, That forc'd my conscience to a stand, or if ever thinking on serious And brought my wand'ring soul to God. subjects, might be ranked among Foolish and vain I went astray

those self-deceived persons, who Ere I had felt thy scourges, Lord,

boast of their good hearts, and are I left my guide, I lost my way,

“ righteous in their own eyes ; " But now I love and keep thy word.

while God has declared that the Is this then the end the great heart is deceitful above all things, and " good shepherd” has in view and desperutely wicked; and that when afflicting the children of men ? none are righteous, no not one, Is this that “ we might be par Jer. xvii. 9.

Jere vir ons Remus: 190 no nomi

Rom. iii. 10. But in

the furnace of affliction, the Spirit and uncompromising requirements, of Truth removed that film which with the evil of her own nature, overspread the eyes of her mind, and the deceitfulness and wickedgave her a just perception of her ness of her own heart, she was led, lost and ruined condition in the as before observed, to see more mirror of God's law, and awakened and more her need of mercy, and in her an earnest solicitude for her to seek it more simply and entirely eternal safety. She began to see in the name and through the alland feel herself to be “poor, and sufficient merits of the only Me. blind, and naked;” destitute of all diator of the New Testament. . spiritual good, and hence was led It was one Sabbath morning, to intreat for mercy and acceptance when her mind was undergoing the in the name of the Saviour of sin process just described, that on the ners. Prayer was now not con- return of her mother from the sidered merely as a duty, nor was house of God (as Mary's illness then she led to rest so much upon its allowed her to be left for an hour or performance as she had done. two) and inquiring how she bad Like many others under similar been during her absence, she said, circumstances, she saw that all was "O mother, I've passed such a not right between God and her morning!' Mrs. - supposing soul, and that she stood in need she alluded to her bodily sufferings, of mercy at his hands; but the attempted to sympathize with her, matter of her petitions was of too when she replied, “O no, mother, undefined and indistinct a nature as I mean the burden of my sins; but yet; they were presented at the I have been praying to Jesus my throne of grace through the media- Lord, to take it from me, and to tion of the Lord Jesus, but more grant me enlightening, sanctifying from a natural inquietude of mind, grace; and blessed be his name, than from a consciousness of the I feel assured he has heard me.' importance and privilege of prayer, To this hour, the hour of peace or of the need and efficacy of the and consolation to her afflicted soul, all-prevailing intercession of “the Mary, from the time she first begreat High Priest of our profes- came really alive to her own situasion.” There was sincerity in her tion, and concerned for her best supplications ; yet as that sincerity interests, had known what it was was unattended with a scriptural to pass through much trouble and view and feeling of her own charac- anguish of heart, because of her ter, and that of “ Him with whom sinfulness. Often, fronı her innost she had to do,” there wanted that soul, had the prayer of the publican, earnestness and importunity which “ God be merciful to me a sinner," characterize the soul tremblingly ascended to the mercy-seat; and alive to its situation as a trans- frequently would she be heard gressor against the Majesty of mourning over her sins and transheaven. But as light gradually gressions, and lamenting her past broke in upon her mind, this state forgetfulness of God and neglect of things gave place to views and of his service. Nor was the great feelings more in accordance with enemy of mankind inactive; and the word of divine truth, and more as is generally the case, when one in unison with the wishes and ex- whom he hath “ tied and bound, perience of those who watched for lo, these many years," is likely to her soul. Hence, as she became be rescued from his thraldom and better acquainted with the extent dominion, by the almighty power and spirituality of the law of God, of Jehovah, he was ever insinuating as extending to the thoughts and to the mind of poor Mary, that she intents of the heart, with its strict was a sinner too great to be for. given; consequently she was for a clearly evinced her thirst after long time much harassed and tore spiritual knowledge. Mary was mented with apprehension of the never taught to read, or at the best wrath and indignation of God. only knew her letters. But no But that almighty deliverer who sooner had the grace of God “ came to seek and to save that touched her heart, than she earwhich was lost,” to “ heal the nestly desired to know more of that broken-hearted and let the captive blessed book, which “maketh wise go free," permitted her not to be unto salvation.” She had found tried “above that she was able to the word of God from what had endure.” He now turned her been read to her from time to time, mourning into joy, and enabled her “sweeter to her taste than honey to look unto Him, as having pro- or the honey-comb,” nor could she mised “ to cast out none that came remain satisfied, till she could for unto him." To this gracious friend herself read the words of eternal of sinners she applied, and now he life. She therefore, unknown to revealed himself to her as “mighty the friend peculiarly interested in to save,” yea, as “ able to save to her behalf, begged of her sister the very uttermost.”

that a book might be procured in From this interesting period, it which she might learn to read, and does not appear that Mary ever singular as it may appear, a Psalter let go her hope of the mercy of was the book purchased for that God in Christ Jesus, or doubted purpose ; yet her desire to read her his willingness to receive her. No Bible was so intense, that notwithsooner had she discovered in the standing the difficulties she had to Lord Jesus, just such a Saviour as contend with, from having a book she needed, than she was enabled placed in her hands so little calcuby strong faith to “ lay hold of lated to assist her, by patient perthis glorious hope set before her," severance she overcame all, and and to “ cleave to him with full one day surprised the visitors by purpose of heart." By the cords repeating several Collects, Psalms, of love was she now drawn into and Hymns, which she had commore intimate and sweet com- mitted to memory; a new and munion with Him, and love to copious source was thus opened for Christ was henceforth ever the her instruction and consolation. prevailing disposition of her soul. During the several months she Jesus was indeed precious to her; was confined to her chamber, her and the great things he had done Bible and hymn book were her to deliver sinners from the curse constant companions, nor was she of the law, and from the dominion now dependant on the attendance of sin, were ever the enraptured of kind friends to read to her the subjects of her conversation. It glad tidings of salvation, which was truly most edifying and ex- various circumstances would somehilarating to sit by her bed-side, and times prevent. hear her extol Him, who had loved her and given himself for her. It

O child of sorrow be it thine to know,

That scripture only is the cure of woe! was encouraging to listen, while

That field of promise how it flings abroad she dwelt on the love of Christ Its perfume o'er the Christian's thorny to one so sinful and unworthy ; road! though still often complaining of The soul, reposing in assur'd relief, the feebleness of her love towards

Feels herself happy amidst all her grief,

Forgets her labour as she toils along, Him, and crying out, “Oh, that I

Weeps tears of joy, and bursts into a song, could love my Saviour more ! The following circumstance


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