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your weakness helped. God will have shown you under the first “' strengthen you with might by head the chief things in the history his Spirit in the inner man." This of the Lord Jesus, as he entered will make you able to keep your Jerusalem, riding upon an ass, and resolutions, to deny yourselves, to the children sang Hosannas to him, separate from the society of the And under the second, that Jesus wicked, and bear the reproaches Christ calls on little children now and anger of those who find fault to sing his praises ; that he will with religion. By this strength defend them and approve of them, you will be able to return good if wicked men find fault; and under for evil, and sing the praises the tbird that he will give them such of Christ in the face of temp- strength as to help them to go on tations and dangers. As the ivy and praise him more and more. creeps up the walls of a house, I. Let me then ask you, each and supports its weakness by of you, what you think of this clinging to the strong and firm subject ? Do you praise Jesus building on which it hangs, and Christ your Saviour ? What use thus, though it could by no means · do you make of your tongues ? stand of itself, it rises high and Alas! how many children learn to mounts to the top of the house; curse and swear, to lie and deceive, so a weak child clinging by faith to to quarrel and slander. O, dreadGod its Saviour, is strengthened ful sins! God has said, “ Thou and supported by the Holy Spirit, shalt not take the name of the and is able to rise up and mount Lord thy God in vain." God hears aloft in the praises of Christ. and writes down in his book every

iii. And thus the young babe in wicked word. If any children grace grows and advances. The before me are guilty of these or the pious good child grows, like the like sins, let them repent and seek child Jesus,“ in wisdom and sta. pardon of their Saviour. Their ture, and in favour with God and tongues were never made for bad man.” As he is older and stronger purposes. Oh, let them use them in bodily power, he goes on in the from henceforth in confessing their fear and love of Jesus Christ. He sins, and praising their Maker and is not free from many sins and Redeemer. errors, but he obtains pardon from II. But some of you have not his Saviour, he finds grace to help, sinned thus dreadfully against God. he becomes stronger and stronger But you have sinned in other ways, in the good ways of the Lord. times without number. The very Thus God “ ordains strength and coldness and hardness of your perfects praise” in him. Christ is hearts, your having no desire after glorified, his power is made known, Jesus Christ, your never having and the silence and coldness of the song his praises, your feeling no wise and learned of this world is gratitude to Him for the blessings rebuked and confounded.

of redemption, this is a constant sin iv. And when such little children against God. When, when did you fall sick, lose their friends and pa- ever sincerely aim at loving Christ rents, are cast into great affliction, and serving him ? If he were to or are summoned by the voice of appear now on earth, and to enter death, then Jesus Christ ordains again a great city, in humble tristrength for them, and supports umph, riding upon an ass, would them still and helps them to praise you have hearts to follow him, his name.

crying, Hosanna to the Son of And now, dear children, I come David ? Or, rather, would not too to the APPLICATION. Consider what many, like the envious and cruel I have been speaking to you. I priests and scribes, cry, Away

with him : crucify bim, crucify to the Saviour-as'a tongue devoted him!

to his service, and lips trying to III. Oh! remember the fearful utter bis praise ! end of the Jewish people, who It is said, that on one of the crucified Christ and rejected him occasions when seven or eight as their Messiah, and sinned against thousand ehildren were assembled the Holy Ghost, when he testified in St. Paul's cathedral, at the to them in his gifts. Oh, awful annual solemnity of the schools, end! The Romans came and took two noblemen of the kingdom of away their city and nation; they Portugal, on hearing the sublime were cut off from the good olive- hymns sung by so many little voices, tree, and their descendants remain were heard to exclaim, “ This is now under the anger of Almighty life indeed; we never lived before.' God. Oh! how much happier And, my dear young hearers, it is would it be for you, my young life indeed to praise Christ and love hearers, to sing Christ's praises with him. It is the source of the purest these children, and to go to heaven pleasure. It unites you with God when you die, than to despise the fountain of happiness. It guards Christ and religion with the Scribes you from the greatest evils, troubles, and Pharisees, and perish ever- and sorrows in future years. And lastingly.

when you die, it will bring you to a IV. For, consider the happiness brighter world, and to more blessed of loving and serving Jesus Christ worshippers; yea, to the innumerin your infant years. Can any able company of angels, who sing thing be so delightful as singing Hosannas in a louder and more with cheerful hearts, Hosannas, to exalted strain, saying, “Worthy the Son of David! The young is the Lamb that was slain to remind takes pleasure in music and ceive power and riches, and wisdom singing; but what can be so truly and strength, and honour, and pleasing as sacred hymns addressed glory, and blessing."

OBITUARY OF MISS S. B. We are taught by the apostle St. which the present world supplies. Paul, in his epistle to the suffering She felt satisfied, as she 'afterwards Hebrews, that “whom the Lord confessed, “ when she had attended loveth, he chasteneth,”-in some church on sundays, and when she instances for the conversion of sin- had said her prayers, and read a ners, and in others to revive the chapter in the evening, but without work of grace in the heart of the thinking seriously on religious subconverted. For the former end, jects ; and though she often reflecit pleased God to afflict Miss B., ted when others were suddenly rewho died in February last, in the moved into eternity, how sad must meridian of her life, a monument be their condition, if unprepared, of the riches of his loving-kindness. yet she did not apply to herself the The departed was born of repectable warning voice, nor think how posparents, and even maintained not sible it was, that she herself might only a blameless, but an amiable be so taken away." Religion was deportment amongst her fellow. with her then a matter of form creatures; yet was she, for a long rather than of experience; and sin season destitute of the life of God was viewed only in its outward acts, in her soul, and not being influenced without any deep impression of its by the dying love of the Saviour, defiling influence on the inner man. bught no. pleasures beyond those She had no scriptural convictions


of her fallen condition in the first, grace of the Holy Spirit, the saving nor of her need of redemption by knowledge of Christ. This course, the second Adam; nor had she the Lord having blessed her with entered into the full import of our a very teachable spirit, she steadily Saviour's words, “ Ye must be born pursued to her progressive humilia again." But the Lord had pur ation and comfort. She “compared poses of mercy towards her, to spiritual things with spiritual," and accomplish which He employed a examined every point advanced by lingering consumption, sanctified to her friends by the standard of God's her welfare by the efficacious teach- word, and the Lord graciously ing of the Holy Spirit, applying to “made known to her his covenant." her heart scripture truth. For “I will put my laws into their some time during her illness, though hearts, and in their minds will I she read several religious books, write them.” Now she discovered she was not enlightened to discern more evil in her duties, than for. her own sinfulness, nor the glory merly in her transgressions; and, of her Saviour ; but about the instead of viewing her afflictions period of eighteen months before (for illness was not her only burden) $her dissolution, it pleased God, one in the light of severe judgments, night when she was extremely ill, she was enabled to realize, to to alarm her conscience with the her great comfort, the words before reflection, that should she die before quoted, “ Whom the Lord loveth she had received the sacrament, she he chasteneth, and scourgeth every was afraid she should not go to son whom he receiveth.This heaven.” From that time, she consideration bore up her mind became anxiously desirous of a due under her trials, especially when preparation for the Lord's Supper, she contemplated those infinitely but was much harassed with the greater sufferings endured for sinfeeling of her own unworthiness to ners by the Lord Jesus, to which partake of it, and with her fears, she would often allude, and which lest by her future conduct, she are the price of our redemption. should dishonour that holy ordi- Her convictions of sin were very nance, adding, “ as I have known deep, and she was afraid at one very many do”_" For three time even to mention the divine months,” she observed a little before name, but this state of mind was her death, “ for three months, I succeeded by a devout and cheerful felt more than I could disclose to frame. She set apart regular any one, and it was with the great seasons for communion with God est difficulty I could bring myself daily, and in that found her chief to express my thoughts, even to my and abiding solace. After this own sister,” Her sense of the change in her views and feelings, importance of the subject was not, she was permitted, on Easter Sunhowever, of a transitory nature, day last, to receive the appointed and she at last consented to seek memorials of the dying love of the advice of such of her friends, Christ Jesus, and afterwards felt as she considered serious, and was much comforted, though at the by them directed rather to confide time of receiving, from the weakness. in that Saviour by whom the Lord's of her body, and the effort she made Supper was instituted, and to whom to reach the church, she experienced it ought ever to lead us, than in some confusion. Having thus the ordinance itself (as she did in been gratified in this, her most great measure at that time); and anxious desire, her disease made she was exhorted to seek, by the still more rapid progress, but her reading of the Holy Scriptures and mind was rendered increasingly by prayer, for the illuminating spiritual and lively, as she calmly

reposed her confidence on a cove- gave minute directions respecting nant God in Christ Jesus. The her interment, requesting that every work he had mercifully commenced thing might be plain and decent. was continued from day to day, In one thing her example might and was evidenced by as rich fruits have shamed many in the full of holiness and love, as in the enjoyment of health, namely in the retirement of the sick-room could spirit of devotion, in wbich, to the possibly be expected. About three last, she received the food which months since, she received fresh was to strengthen her perishing warning that her time was short, body; her countenance seemed but she had already" set her most lovely as she thus silently house in order," and was de- implored the blessing of her God. livered from anxious fear about Indeed the Lord had granted her a her future state. She said, at this large measure of the spirit of time, in substance, 'I am not now prayer, and she said to her sister, afraid to die, as I should have been not long before her death, “ When before the Almighty was so gracious I feel myself dying, I shall turn my as to show me my errors. I cannot face from the window, as I have be thankful enough that he has found, that when I look that way, spared me during the last year: I seem as if I was looking into the had I been cut off when I was not world, and I can always compose relying upon my Saviour, I must my thoughts better for prayer, have been lost; but I must look when I turn to the other side.” upon my long affliction as the The nearer her end approached, greatest blessing I have received the more her happiness increased. I have no wish now after worldly She had great delight in the Holy prosperity-my prayer for grace Scriptures, especially in the book to give up the world has been of Psalms, as she could use them answered, and I am quite resigned for her own prayers, with the exto the will of God; the Almighty ception of those passages which has supplied every want, and given relate to the divine judgments on me many comforts which others the wicked. The following occur have not; I view myself as having to the memory, from amongst the been a child of Providence from my many portions of the word of God birth, and deeply regret that so which she enjoyed, • Jesus Christ much of my life has been mispent the same, yesterday, and to-day, and that I cannot be more useful and for ever ;' • for of whom else to others, but I hope my friends could we," she observed," say will be instructed by my case to this ?” • Why art thou cast down, seek the Saviour. This world is O my soul, and why art thou not our home, I have lived long disquieted within me ? hope thou enough to see how vain and wicked in God,' &c. The twenty-third it is. I find, in seasons of severe Psalm was much blessed to her pain, great relief in prayer, my mind. “ When I hear those words," Saviour hears me, and enables me to said she, “ I am supported; I feel take comfort from different passages that the good shepherd is leading of the Bible, as they are brought me by the · still waters ; ' and to my recollection.” Her inquiries when I walk through the valley after the truth continued with un. of the shadow of death, I will fear abated eagerness, and she missed no evil, for thou art with me.' When no opportunity of speaking to those I have suffered must, my prayers attending on, or visiting her, on have always been answered, either by the state of their souls, and the the removal of the pain, or by my vast importance of their salvation. receiving fresh strength to bear it. With astonishing composure she To her sister she thus expressed

her feelings, I hope I shall go to are as one day, and one day as a heaven when I die, for if the Bible thousand years." Her care for the be true (and we have every reason well-being of others never forsook to believe that it is) I cannot her-she spake to her brother with doubt it; I hope I have not de- much affection, of the things conceived myself.' A few days before nected with his everlasting peace, her departure, she assented with adding to a friend, who was bidding much satisfaction, to the remark her at the same time a last farewell of a friend, that “all the truths I have spoken to my brother of the Bible are of personal interest,' about religion, I had not strength as in Psalm xliii. 4, 5. « Then to say much, but he has been an will I go unto the altar of God, affectionate brother, and I desire unto God, my exceeding joy. I his welfare very much-do what shall yet praise him, who is the you can. We shall not meet again health of my countenance and my on earth, but I hope we shall one God.' On the reading of which, day meet in glory.' She continued she replied, "Yes, that is personal.' sensible to the hour of her decease, Alluding to her protracted suffer. wbich occurred on the subsequent ings, she remarked, · The Lord has, Lord's day, when after she had I hope, granted to me the pardon heard the Litany read, as she was I sought, and I hope He will take wont every Sunday morning, and me to Himself; I often think, why also some Psalms and Hymns, and am I kept here so long? but in this partaken of some refreshment, the I say wrong, and must not repine. last enemy' drew nigh; but she I have found much more comfort was found waiting for his approach, in the sacrament lately, than I did and turning her face from the winat first, and I hope I see its design dow, as she before had said, after a more clearly, as a special means very brief struggle, breathed out of enjoying my Saviour's love.'- her ransomed spirit into the hands On 2 Cor. v. 1.-“If our earthly of her merciful Redeemer. Such house of this tabernacle be dis was the latter end of one who was solved, &c. being read, she pointed "chosen in the furnace of afflicto her languishing body, and tion.” “Precious in the sight of sweetly whispered, this tabernacle, the Lord is the death of His sashts ! ” and repeated frequently the words Mayber case prove, through of Christ in His agony~" Not the Lord's blessing, “a word in my will, but thine be done." It season,” of comfort to the weary ; having been said to her some of encouragement to those who are months before, that the prayers of labouring amongst the sick and the Saviour in Gethsamene, and of afflicted ; and of effectual warning St. Paul when suffering from the to those who are living only to this thorn in the flesh, were alike an- fleeting world, and who may most swered in the communication of a suitably be addressed, in the words different blessing from that sought, which this departed believer spaké when the former case being inci concerning her sisters- Tell them dentally mentioned in the same not to delay the concerns of eterview, she promptly remarked, “and nity, for if God has in mercy given the thorn in the flesh;" evincing thus me time to repent, this should not her attention to, and recollection of be considered as a reason for them the former conversation. And, when to expect the same, and they ought comforted by the assurance of the to seek His favour now, lest their glorious resurrection of believers, end should come, when they expect that of Jesus Christ being the it not.' pledge, she answered with delight.

R. W. ful calmness, “A thousand years March 11, 1829.

SEPT. 1829.

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