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SUNDAY SCHOOL UNION—BIBLE CLASSES. The Committee of the Sunday School of his charge. When children are sent Union have circulated an Address, for such instruction, it will rouse the written at their request by the Rev. parents who have been negligent, and F. H. Burder, to Ministers, on the give an additional incentive and ensubject of Bible Classes; of which the couragement to such as are diligent. following is an abstract:

Pious parents will know how to value The Committee express their fears, their pastor, as a coadjutor with themthat the general standard of scriptural selves, in training up their children knowledge among children and youth in the discipline and instruction of the is lamentably low and defective; and Lord : they will • « esteem them very therefore suggest to Christian Ministers a highly in love for their work's sake." species of religious instruction which has 3. Pulpit instructions will be renbeen recently adopted under the compre- dered more available. The discourses hensive designation of Bible Classes. of the pulpit produce no effect on

The leading object of Bible Classes is, many; they require a habit of attention to convey to the minds of the young, as and a facility of apprehension. But accurate and extensive a knowledge as the discipline of the Bible class is one may be found practicable, of the most of the most efficient means of mental important contents of the Bible.

culture ever employed. Every faculty The characteristic principle of Bible is roused, and placed in requisition. class tuition is that of catechetical in- The judgment, the memory, and the struction. But, its application is not power of attention, are vigorously exdependent on a printed form, or on a ercised, and progressively strengthened. fixed series of questions and of answers. Where these classes are in operation,

The plan proposed is that some book sermons are now heard with a listening of scripture, such as one of the Gospels, ear, and, in many cases, by the grace or the Acts of the Apostles, should be of God, with a susceptible heart. selected for familiar explanation. Either 4. Young persons are qualified for at a public lecture, or in a meeting with Sunday School teachers. It is most the young, a chapter or part of a desirable, that children should employ chapter, may be elucidated with clear their time on the Lord's day, as much ness and simplicity of statement, and as possible, in obtaining the elements pressed with affectionate earnestness on of the knowledge of Christ, and not the conscience and the heart. The young in the merely preparatory task of learnpeople of the congregation may be ing to read. It is equally important divided into classes, at the discre that their teachers should themselves tion of the Minister. Two classesma be taught of God, and qualified to senior and a junior-may include all teach the children the way of salvation. the young females of the congregation; Let then the teachers form a part of the and two additional classes may be

senior Bible classes; and having been formed; the one for boys, the other for first instructed and examined by their young men. Such books as "Judson's minister, on some portion of the word of Scripture Questions,'&c. will materially God, let them, in their respective classes, assist the teacher and learners.

explain that passage to the children. If such a course of Bible instruction May we 'not hope that God will be steadily pursued, and accompanied graciously vouchsafe his special blessing with fervent prayer, the highest advan- to labours such as these? Let holy tages may be expected.

diligence be combined with humble 1. The Christian pastor will be dependence, and persevering supplicabrought into more immediate and in- tion, and what may we not expect? timate contact with an interesting and . May we not humbly hope that the important part of his flock, and his Lord will pour out bis Spirit on our qualifications for usefulness among them seed, and his blessing on our offspring, will increase, by a growing aptitude for so that one shall say, “ I am the Lord's, the right communication of truth, and and another call himself by the name a growing delight in the employment. of Jacob, and another subscribe with

2. An impulse will be given to his hand unto the Lord, and surname parental diligence among the people himself by the name of Israel.” SEPT. 1829.

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EPISTLES OF THE FRIENDS. The Society of Friends have recently uniformly upheld by our Society, from published their annual Epistle, and also their day to the present period. It is some statements concerning their Ame- cause of thankfulness to us, that we can rican brethren, which evince a laudable entertain the full persuasion that these anxiety for the distinguishing doctrines Truths are dear to Friends in this land, of the Gospel.

in Ireland, and on the American conti“ Dear Friends,- We are reverently nent; although we have to mourn over thankful that we have been permitted to many, on the other side of the Atlantic, meet together on the present occasion, once in fellowship with us, who have and to know the love of God shed widely departed from the true faith of abroad in our hearts, through Jesus the Gospel. The epistolary intercourse Christ our Lord. We have been favour- with our dear brethren, in those couned to proceed with the usual yet impor- tries, has been maintained at this time, tant business of this Meeting in brotherly to our instruction and comfort. harmony, and have felt that our spiritual “In contemplating those highly imstrength has been renewed by thus portant truths, to which we have already uniting in religious travail for the best adverted, we are renewedly convinced welfare of our Society.

of the great need there is for a deep and " In proceeding to unfold the Chris. constant sense of the infinite power and tian solicitude which has prevailed in wisdom of God, and of the very limited this Meeting, we would express an faculties of the human mind. We ought earnest desire that the confidence of all to meditate on these things in humility qur dear brethren and sisters may be and sincerity of heart; and reverently humbly, yet firmly, fixed upon God. and ferrently to desire that our underHe changeth not; his compassions are standings may be illuminated by the new every morning :' his promises are Holy Spirit. Then will our faith in sure; and his kingdom ruleth over all.' their vital importance become more His word is settled in heaven;' and firmly established, and our hearts glow his faithfulness is unto all generations.' more and more with gratitude to God, His name is a strong tower; the righ- for the inestimable blessings provided teous runneth into it, and is safe.' for us, in the Gospel of life and salva

“It pleased the Father, in his abun tion. dant mercy and love to the human race, “We are thankful that, as a Christian in their fallen and lost estate, to give his people, we are, through Divine mercy, only-begotten Son, the Lord Jesus one in faith : but how highly imcumChrist, that whosoever believeth in bent is it, that we should be individually Him should not perish, but have ever- concerned, not only to accept in simlasting life.' Oh! then, that not one plicity the doctrinal truths of Holy amongst us may, by neglecting or under- Scripture, but earnestly to strive that we valuing this blessed means, come short may be coming up in the practice of of that rest which is prepared for the every Christian virtue! Look then unto people of God. May we all, in true Christ, dear Friends, we beseech you ; and living faith, accept the Saviour of that you may come to know Him to men, as our Redeemer, and deliverer dwell in your hearts by faith,' and to from the thraldom of sin. "In Him rule there by the power of his blessed dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead and eternal Spirit. Be awakened to the bodily :' He is that eternal Word which necessity of working out your own in the beginning was with God, and salvation with fear and trembling.' Let was God; and who was made flesh and the knowledge of your proneness, by dwelt among men. He offered himself nature, to transgress the law of the a sacrifice for our transgressions, the Lord, incite you to seek after a death just for the unjust : ' "we have redemp- unto sin and a new birth unto righteoustion through his blood, even the forgive- ness: and ever remember, that it is by ness of sins.' He, our ever-living Inter-, faith and repentance, by prayer and cessor and “Advocate with the Father, obedience, that the work of sanctificaJesus Christ the righteous,'' is passed tion is to be carried forward. into the beavens,' and sat down on the “He that is concerned to live as beright hand of the Majesty on high. comes a consistent Christian, (a charac

“These sacred and essential truths ter to which we all ought to aspire,) will of the Christian religion, were the faith often meditate upon the precepts and of our early predecessors, and have been example of our blessed Lord and

Saviour;- precepts which, as they regu- “Nor will our approaches to the late the life of man, increase his happi- throne of grace be confined to the ness and usefulness, prepare him to attendance of religious meetings. Immeet with patience the trials incident to pressed with the benefit and the need of humanity, and to look forward to a par- a daily supply of heavenly help, we shall ticipation in those joys which shall be be often seeking for the renewal of our hereafter revealed. And as we are spiritual strength; and in our private enabled to follow, though at a distance, retirements, as well as in select opporthe great and perfect pattern set before tunities in our families, for this purpose, us in the Gospel, the heart becomes as also for reading the Holy Scriptures, expanded in love to God and man; and and the writings of pious authors, we . all those passions and dispositions are shall seek to be embued with a deep kept in subjection, the unrestrained sense of the power and presence of the indulgence of which destroys the peace Almighty. Discouragements of various and harmony of civil and religious kinds may prevail and abound in the society.

course of our pilgrimage; but how “The humble endeavour to observe obvious are the danger and folly of the precepts of the Gospel leads to relaxing to press toward the mark for purity of heart and conduct; it induces the prize of the high calling of God in strict integrity in all our transactions; Christ Jesus?' And such are his conand gives rise to the exercise of that descension and goodness, that He at meekness and charity which shine forth times permits those, who put their whole in the conduct of the true and practical trust in Him, consolingly to feel that believer in the Christian religion. If there are no joys like unto the joy of his we seek first the kingdom of God and salvation. his righteousness, we shall be instructed “The great importance of cultivating by the example of pious men, but not true piety and virtue, is what we are at blind to their infirmities; comforted by this time concerned earnestly to press their society, but not dependent upon upon every one. If this become, as it it; helped by religious conversation, but ought to be, the main object of our lives, not disposed to enter into it bastily or the fruit of the Spirit will be apparent. superficially. If we are concerned But we are constantly to bear in mind, aright for the cultivation and cleansing that this is not the place of our rest. of our own hearts, impressed with the The warfare must be maintained; we importance of our own stewardship unto can at no period put off the armuur with God, and duly sensible of our own sins safety: we have an unwearied enemy to and great need of forgiveness from Him, contend with, whose temptations are we shall become very cautious how we diversified, subtle, and insidious: the converse on the failings of others, and path of life is an arduous one; but, anxious not to violate that charity which thanks be unto Him who is omnipotent, is enjoined upon all; that love which is his grace is all-sufficient. As He is the true badge of discipleship.

daily sought unto, he strengtheneth our “A real hunger and thirst after righ- souls and increaseth our confidence in teousness will lead us gladly to embrace Him; and, if we faint not, but persevere all opportunities of meeting together for unto the end, he will give the victory, the public' worship of Almighty God. through our Lord Jesus Christ. We shall then feel it to be one of our “Unto Him,' then, that is able to greatest privileges thus to draw near do exceeding abundantly above all that unto Him, and to unite in waiting upon we ask or think, according to the power and worshipping Him in spirit and in that worketh in us, unto Him be glory in truth. We shall rejoice to seek after the Church, by Christ Jesus, throughout the influences of his love and power, and all ages, worid without end. Amen.' to pour out our souls in secret supplication for the continuance of his blessing This Meeting has been introduced and preservation. At this time we have, into a feeling of much sympathy and in an especial manner, felt the advan- brotherly love for our brethren on the tage of being constant in availing our. American Continent. We have heard, selves of those opportunities which are with deep concern and sorrow, of the afforded us, in the course of the week, close trials to which they had been subofcoming before Him;-occasions when jected by the diffusion of anti-christian we are called upon to withdraw from doctrines among them; and we consider the cares and perplexities of life, and to it to be a duty to disclaim, and we seek the Lord and his strength.

hereby do disclaim, all connexion, as a

religious society, with any Meetings for himself purged our sins, sat down on the purpose of worship or discipline, the right hand of the Majesty on high;' which have been established, or are and ever liveth to make intercession upheld, by those who bave embraced for us. such anti-christian doctrines.

“It is by the Lord Jesus Christ that “And in order to prevent any misap- the world will be judged in righteousness. prehension as to our views, we feel our. He is the mediator of the new covenant; selves called upon, at this time, to avow the image of the invisible God, the our belief in the inspiration and divine first-born of every creature: for by him authority of the Old and New Testament were all things created, that are in

“We further believe, that the promise heaven, and that are in earth, visible made after the transgression of our first and invisible, whether they be thrones, parents, in the consequences of whose or dominions, or principalities, or powfall all the posterity of Adam are in- ers : all things were created by him, and volved, that the seed of the woman for him: and he is before all things, and should bruise the head of the serpent; by him all things consist.' In him and the declaration unto Abraham, “In dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead thy seed shall all the families of the bodily :' and to him did the Evangelist earth be blessed,' had a direct reference bear testimony when he said, “In the to the coming in the flesh of the Lord beginning was the Word, and the Word Jesus Christ. "To Him, also, did the was with God, and the Word was God. Prophet Isaiah bear testimony, when he The same was in the beginning with declared, ‘Unto us a child is born, unto God. All things were made by him; us a son is given : and the government and without him, was not any thing shall be upon his shoulder; and his made that was made. In him was life; name shall be called Wonderful, Coun and the life was the light of men.' He sellor, The mighty God, The everlasting was the true Light, which lighteth Father, The Prince of Peace: of the every man that cometh into the world.' increase of his government and peace "Our blessed Lord himself spoke of there shall be no end.' And again, the His perpetual dominion and power in samé Prophet spoke of him when he his church, when He said, "My sheep said, 'Surely he bathi borne our griefs, hear my voice, and I know them, and and carried our sorrows : yet we did they follow me : and I give unto them esteem him stricken, smitten of God, eternal life :' and, when describing the and afflicted; but he was wounded for spiritual food which he bestoweth on our transgressions, he was bruised for the true believers, He declared, “I am our iniquities: the chastisement of our the bread of life : he that cometh to me peace was upon him; and with his shall never hunger, and he that believeth stripes we are healed.' The same blessed on me shall never thirst.' He spoke Redeemer is emphatically denominated also of his saving grace, bestowed on by the Prophet Jeremiah, “The Lord those who come in faith unto Him, when our Righteousness.'

he said, Whosoever drinketh of the “At that period, and in that miracu- water that I shall give him shall never lous manner, which God in his perfect thirst; but the water that I shall give wisdom saw fit, the promised Messiah him shall be in him a well of water, appeared personally upon the earth, springing up into everlasting life.' when He took not on him the nature “Our Religious Society, from its earof angels; but he took on him the seed liest establishment to the present day, of Abraham.' He was in all points has received these most important doctempted like as we are, yet without sin. trines of Holy Scripture in their plain Having finished the work which was and obvious acceptation; and we do given him to do, he gave himself for us not acknowledge as in fellowship with an offering and a sacrifice to God. He us, as a Christian Community, any body tasted death for every man. He is the of religious professors wbich does not propitiation for our sins: and not for thus accept them, or which openly reour's only, but also for the sins of the ceives and accredits as Ministers, those whole world.' •We have redemption who attempt to invalidate any of these through his blood, even the forgiveness doctrines which we esteem as essential of sins. He passed into the heavens; parts of the Christian Religion. and being the brightness of the glory of Signed in and on behalf of the God, and the express image of his per- Meeting, by son, and upholding all things by the

Josiah FORSTER, word of his power, when he had by • Clerk 10 the Meeting this Year.' CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.

A SERMON, REPORT, &c. We have just received the Annual Schools..

.............. 295 Publication of this valuable Society,

Scholars : Boys....... 104307

Girls....... 1686 12419 containing the Anniversary Sermon, by the Rev. J. H. Singer, D.D. the

Adults...... 303] twenty-ninth Report, with the Appendix, A statement is then given of each of List of Subscribers, &c. The Report the Society's Missions and Stations in states that two of the Labourers in con

succession, which appear not to have nection with the Society have, in the

materially varied during the last year; providence of God, been removed by the scholars are not quite so numerous death during the year. Eight, with as in the last return, though the diminutheir families, have returned home; and

tion is accounted for by the adoption in two are on their voyage. Four have one mission of a more restricted system withdrawn from the Society. Ten indi

which promises greater efficiency ; the viduals have gone forth to labour in

most painful feature is, that the English various parts of the world : and four Clergymen are diminished by 10, a have returned to their Stations. Five diminution which cannot be contemof the Society's Students have been plated without the deepest concern. ordained Priests by the Bishop of Lon

And here we would venture to express don, and three admitted to the Order of

our doubts as to the expediency or Deacons. Eight candidates for mis

necessity of the resolution above referred sionary service have been received

to, which limits the number of students during the year, and fifteen Students

fifteen Students in the Missionary Institution to twenty; are now in the Institution at Islington, a limit which yet exceeds the number of

The Report observes that the state students at present there. The question of the funds during the past year has for the Committee and for the public to been such as to occasion the Committee determine is, whether the Society shall considerable anxiety. At the close of continue NiNE MISSIONS, occupying the Third Quarter, December 31, 1828, FIFTY ONE STATIONS ; or whether some the Expenditure of the Society, on the of these missions and stations shall be General Account, had exceeded the relinquished ? If they are to be relinReceipts on the same account by upward quished, then the Society must retroof £6000. exclusive of £3300. advanced grade, must occupy a less conspicuous to the Institution Building Fund. Under and important place; and must thus these circumstances, the Committee disappoint the hopes or gratify the envy deemed it necessary to take measures to which have in different quarters been reduce the Expenditure of the Society; excited. But if the missions and stations and, with that view, they passed a are to be maintained, if they are to be Resolution at the beginning of February, supplied with efficient instruments there limiting the number of Students to be must be thirty or forty young men received into the Institution at Islington regularly educating for the work of the to Twenty; as the reception and prepa missionary. In the last year a diminuration of Students is the seminal princi tion of ten Clergymen has been susple of expenditure throughout the tained. To supply their places ten different Missions; and it is only by students must be ordained. Students liiniting the number of Students received, cannot generally speaking be prepared that the foreign Expenditure can be for Deacon's Orders in less than three materially lessened.

years, for Priest's Orders they must The Table of Missions, &c. states that wait another year. If therefore ten there are now

vacancies ordinarily occur, and if Missions......... ................ 9

students must usually be four years in Stations....................... preparation, there must be constantly Teachers

forty men at Islington, and the resoluEnglish Clergymen........28

tion of the Committee if acted upon, Lutheran Clergymen........17 |

108 would eventually issue in the relinquishEuropean Laymen....... European Women....... ..41 )

ing of one half of the Society's stations. Natives, Ordained.......... 1

They must indeed be relinquished if they Catechists, Schmrs, I

cannot be maintained, but the Committee &c.......... 197

obviously came to a premature determiWomen........ 8) nation, when they adopted the resolu



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