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distribution of existing southern species, has, I venture to think, acquired additional weight since then, from the facts I shall bring forward under the next head of Geological Distribution, and which seem to indicate that many existing orders and genera of plants of the highest development may have flourished during the Eocene and Cretaceous periods, and have hence survived complete revolutions in the temperature and geography of the middle and temperate latitudes of the globe.

28. Mr. Darwin has greatly extended in another direction these views of the antiquity of many European species, and their power of retaining their facies unchanged during most extensive migrations, by his theory of the simultaneous extension of the glacial temperature in both hemispheres, and its consequent effect in cooling the tropical zone. He argues that, under such a cold condition of the surface of the globe, the temperate plants of both hemispheres may have been almost confined to the tropical zone, whence afterwards, owing to an increment of temperature, they would be driven up to the mountains of the tropics, and back again to those higher temperate latitudes where we now find most of them. I have already (New Zealand Essay) availed myself of the hypothesis of an austral glacial period, to account for Antarctic species being found on the alps of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand; and if as complete evidence of such a proportionally cooled state of the intertropical regions were forthcoming as there is of a glacial condition of the temperate zones, it would amply suffice to account for the presence of European and Arctic species in the Antarctic and south temperate regions, and of the temperate species of both hemispheres on the mountains of intermediate tropical latitudes.

On the other hand, we have sufficient evidence of many of what are now the most tropical orders of plants having inhabited the north temperate zone before the glacial epoch; and it is difficult to conceive how these orders could have survived so great a reduction of the temperature of the globe as should have allowed the preglacial temperate flora to cross the Equator in any longitude. It is evident that, under such cold, the most tropical orders must have perished, and their re-creation after the glacial epoch is an inadmissible hypothesis.*

* The question of the state of the mean temperature of the globe during comparatively recent geological periods is yearly deriving greater importance in relation to the problem of distribution. Upon this point geologists are not altogether clear, nor at one with the masters of physical science. Lyell (Principles, ed. ix, chap. vii) attributes the glacial epoch to such a disposition of land and sea as would sufficiently cool the temperate zones; and he implies that this involves or necessitates a lowering of the mean temperature of the whole globe. Another hypothesis is, that there was a lowering of the mean temperature of the globe wholly independent of any material change in the present relations of sea and land, which cold induced the glacial epoch. A third theory is that such a redisposition of land and sea as would induce a glacial epoch in our hemisphere need not be great, nor necessitate a decrement of the mean temperature of the whole earth.

29. It remains then to examine whether, supposing the glacial epoch of the northern and southern hemispheres to have been contemporaneous, the relations of land and sea may not have been such as that a certain meridian may have retained a tropical temperature near the Equator, and thus have preserved the tropical forms. Such conditions might perhaps be attained by supposing two large masses of land at either pole, which should contract and join towards the Equator, forming one meridional continent, while one equatorial mass of land should be placed at the opposite meridian. If the former continent were traversed by a meridional chain of mountains, and so disposed that the polar oceanic currents should sweep towards the Equator for many degrees along both its shores, its equatorial climate would be throughout far more temperate than that of the opposite equatorial mass of land, whose climate would be tropical, insular, and humid.

30. The hypothesis of former mountain chains having afforded to plants the means of migration, by connecting countries now isolated by seas or desert plains, is derived from the evidence afforded by geology of the extraordinary mutation in elevation that the earth's surface has experienced since the appearance of existing forms of animals and plants. In the Antarctic Flora I suggested as an hypothesis that the presence of so many ArcticAmerican plants in Antarctic America might be accounted for by supposing that the now depressed portions of the Andean chain had, at a former period, been so elevated that the species in question had passed along it from the north to the south temperate zone;* and there are some facts in the distribution of species common to the mountain floras of the Himalaya and Malay Islands, and of Australia and Japan, that would well accommodate themselves to a similar hypothesis. Of such submerged meridional lands we have some slender evidence in the fact that, in the meridian of Australia and Japan, we have, first, the northwest coast of Australia sinking, together with the Louisiade archipelago to its north; then, approaching the line, the New Ireland group is sinking, as are also the Caroline Islands, in lat 7° N. Beyond this, however, in lat. 15° N., are the Marianne Islands (rising) of whose vegetation nothing is known; in 27° N., the

*The continuous extension of so many species along the Cordillera (of which detailed evidence is given in the Antarctic Flora) from the Rocky Mountains to Fuegia, is a most remarkable fact, considering how great the break is between the Andes of New Granada and those of Mexico, and that the intermediate countries present but few resting-places for alpine plants. That this depression of the chain has had a powerful effect in either limiting the extension of species which have appeared since its occurrence, or in inducing changes of climate which have extinguished species once common to the north and south, is evidenced by the fact that a number of Fuegian and South Chili plants extend northward as alpines to the very shores of the Gulf of Mexico, but do not inhabit the Mexican Andes, whilst as many Arctic species advance south to the Mexican Andes, but do not cross the intermediate depression and reappear in the Bolivian Andes.

Bonin Islands (also rising); and in 30° is Japan, with which this botanical relationship exists.

It is objected by Mr. Darwin to this line of argument (as to that on p. 15, concerning the Pacific Islands), that all these sinking areas are volcanic islands, having no traces of older rocks on them. But I do not see that this altogether invalidates the hypothesis; for many of the loftiest mountains throughout the Malayan Archipelago, New Zealand, and the Pacific Islands, are volcanic; some are active, and many attain to 14,000 feet in elevation, whilst the lower portions of some of the largest of these islands are formed of rocks of various ages.

(To be continued.)

ART. II.-Some General Views on Archæology; by A. MORLOT.*

A CENTURY scarcely has elapsed since the time when it would have been thought impossible to reconstruct the history of our globe, prior to the appearance of mankind. But, though contemporary historians were wanting during this immense pre-human era, the latter has not failed in leaving us a well-arranged series of most significant vestiges: the animal and vegetable tribes, which have successively appeared and disappeared, have left their fossil remains in the successively deposited strata. Thus has been composed, gradually and slowly, a history of creation, written, as it were, by the Creator himself. It is a great book, the leaves of which are the stratified rocks, following each other in the strictest chronological order, the chapters being the mountainchains. This great book has long been closed to man. But science, constantly extending its realm and improving its method of induction, has taught the geologist to study those marvellous archives of creation, and we behold him now unfolding the past ages of our world, with a variety of details and a certainty of conclusions well calculated to inspire us with grateful admiration.

The development of archæology has been very similar to that of geology. Not long ago we should have smiled at the idea of reconstructing the by-gone days of our race, previous to the first beginning of history properly so called. The void was filled up, partly by representing that ante-historical antiquity as having been only of short duration, and partly by exaggerating the value and the age of those vague and confused notions which

constitute tradition.

* This article is an introduction to a paper entitled, Geologico-Archæological Studies in Denmark and Switzerland, appearing in the Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Sciences Naturelles, for 1859, and of which a separate edition, comprising the present pages, will be published.

SECOND SERIES, VOL. XXIX, No. 85.--JAN., 1860.

It seems to be with mankind at large as with single individuals. The recollections of our earliest childhood have entirely faded away, up to some particular event which had struck us more forcibly, and which alone has left a lasting image amidst the surrounding darkness. Thus, excepting the idea of a deluge, which exists among so many nations, and therefore appears to have originated before the migration of those same nations, the infancy of mankind, at least in Europe, has passed without leaving any recollection, and history fails here entirely for what is history but the memory of mankind?

But, before the beginning of history, there have been life and industry, of which various monuments still exist, while others lie buried in the soil, much as we find the organic remains of former creations entombed in the strata composing the crust of the globe. The memorials of antiquity enact here a part similar to that of the fossils; and if Cuvier calls the geologist an antiquarian of a new order, we can reverse that remarkable saying, and consider the antiquarian as a geologist, applying his method to reconstruct the first ages of mankind, previous to all recollection, and to work out what may be called pre-historical history. This is archæology pure and proper. But archæology cannot be considered as coming to a full stop with the first beginning of history. For the further we recede in our historical researches, the more incomplete they become, leaving gaps which the study of the material remains helps to fill up. Archæology therefore pursues its course in a parallel line with that of history, and henceforth the two sciences mutually enlighten each other. But, with the progress of history, the part taken by archæology goes on decreasing, until the invention of printing almost brings to a close the researches of the antiquarian.

To pursue geological investigations we must first examine the present state of our planet and observe its changes; that is, we must begin by physical geography. This supplies us with a thread of induction, to guide us safely in our rambles through the passed ages of our earth, as Lyell has so admirably set forth. For the laws which govern the organic creation and the inorganic world are as invariable as the results of their combinations and permutations are infinitely varied; science revealing to us every where the perfect stability of the causes with the diversity of the forms.

So, to understand the past ages of our species, we must first begin by examining its present state, following man wherever he has crossed the waters and set his foot upon dry land: the different nations, which inhabit our earth at present, must be studied with respect to their industry, their habits and their general mode of life. We thus make ourselves acquainted with the different degrees of civilization, ranging from the highest summit

of modern development to the most abject state, hardly surpassing that of the brute. By that means ethnography supplies us with what may be called a contemporaneous scale of development, the stages of which are more or less fixed and invariable, whilst archæology traces a scale of successive development with one moveable stage, passing gradually along the whole line.*

Ethnography is consequently to archæology what physical geography is to geology, namely a thread of induction in the labyrinth of the past, and a starting point in those comparative researches of which the end is the knowledge of mankind and of its development through successive generations.

In following out the principles above laid down, the Scandinavian savans have succeeded in unravelling the leading features in the progress of pre-historical European civilization, and in distinguishing three principal eras, which they have called the stone-age, the bronze-age, and the iron-age.t

This great conquest in the realm of science is due chiefly to the labors of Mr. Thomsen, director of the ethnographical and archæological museums at Copenhagent and to those of Mr. Nilsson, professor at the flourishing University of Lund in Sweden.8

These illustrious veterans among northern antiquaries have ascertained that our Europe, at present so civilized, was at first inhabited by tribes to whom the use of metals was totally unknown, and whose industry and domestic habits must have borne a considerable analogy to what we now see practised among certain savages. Bone, horn and especially flint were then used instead of metal for manufacturing cutting-instruments and arms. This was the stone-age, which might also be called the first great phase of civilization.

The earliest settlers in Europe apparently brought with them the art of producing fire. By striking iron-pyrites (sulphuret of iron) against quartz, fire can be easily obtained. But this method can only have been occasionally used, and seems to have been confined to some native tribes in Tierra del Fuego. The usual mode has evidently been that of rubbing two sticks together. But on further reflection it is easy to perceive that this was a

* Some naturalists see a correspondence of the same sort between embryology and comparative anatomy; for they consider the human embryo as passing during its development through the different stages of the scale of animal creation, or, at least, as passing through the different states of the embryos of the different stages of that scale.

The history of Danish archæology has been sketched by T. Hindenburg. See Dansk maanedsskrift, i, 1859.

Ledetraad til nordisk Oldkyndighed, Kjoebenhavn, 1836. Published in English by Lord Ellesmere, under the title, "A Guide to Northern Antiquities. London, 1848."

& Nilsson: Scandinaviska Nordens Urinvonare. Lund, 1838-1843.

Weddell: A Voyage towards the South Pole in 1822-1824. London, 1827, p. 167

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