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Wheat, corn, oats, rye, flax-seed, and barley, are the principal grains raised in this county ¡ more meadow land than formerly on account of the increased number of sheep.

The following is an estimate of the number of acres sown, amount raised, and average yield per acre of grain for the year 1863 in Carroll county, Ohio.

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The past season was not a favorable one, the great drouth during the months of July and August rendered it quite difficult to get sufficient pasture for the stock, much of which in consequence, was driven to the West. Hay was and is very scarce, bringing often 20 dollars per ton. Insects did very little injury to the crops. The locusts appeared in this county this year, and inflicted considerable injury on all kinds of trees. The potatoe crop was very light, on account of the drouth, but what potatoes did grow are very sound, and of excellent quality Quite a light crop of all kinds of fruit.


The thirteenth annual Fair of the Champaign County Agricultural Society was held on the 29th and 30th days of September, and the 1st and 2d days of October, 1863.

The premium list, and rules for the government of the Fair, was published on the 1st of May, giving "all concerned" five months to acquaint themselves with what they had to depend upon, as fixed facts, and we find that a strict enforcement (of the adopted rules (which some ob ject to) gives general satisfaction, and proves beneficial to the best interests of the society.

The number of entries was 1347, the amount of premiums awarded was $851 00; the premiums were all paid in cash, save that a rule requiring "all premiums to be called for within thirty days;" $30 00 of the awards were forfeited to the society.

The articles which attract the most attention, and in which a great and growing interest has sprung up, are, horses, sheep, fruit, grain, vegetables, and the entire department of the ladies a while cattle, swine, mechanic's wares, agricultural implements, and fine arts, receive very little attention. All efforts to improve these very important departments have failed.

The number of enrolled members for 1863 is 750.

The principal crops raised in the county are wheat, corn, rye, oats and potatoes.


The Clark County Agricultural Society held their eleventh annual Fair on the ground of the society, at Springfield, on the 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th days of October, 1863.

The attendance was not so great as usual, owing to the very unfavorable state of the weather, though the exhibition was in all respects very successful.

There is a manifest improvement in the Horse and Sheep stock of the county, whilst the hibition of fine cattle is not so great as a few years since.

The principal crops raised in the county are wheat, corn, hay, barley, and oats. Owing to the early part of the summer, being dry and cool, our crops are not equal to the average, and a severe frost in August seriously injured a great part of the corn crop. Average of wheat, 14

bushels; corn, 36 bushels; hay, 1 ton; barley 30 bushels; oats, 30 bushels. There was con; siderable flax grown for the seed; average 10 bushels.

The receipts of the Fair were $1,531 25; premiums paid, $936 00.


The annual exhibition of the Clinton County Agricultural Society for the year 1863, was held on their Fair Grounds, near Wilmington, on the 9th, 10th, and 11th days of September. We are gratified to report that the exhibition in all the departments has not been surpassed by any since the organization of the society. The receipts were sufficient to pay largely increased premiums, and liquidate all indebtedness against the society, and leave a balance in the treasury. We have no statements of competitors for premiums on crops or improvements in agriculture to report. The principal crops raised in this county are wheat, corn, oats, and potatoes. We estimate the amount of wheat raised in our county in the year 1863 at 370,000 bushels, and the average yield per acre 13 bushels; the amount of corn, 1,729,244 bushels; average, 41 bushels per acre; the amount of oats, 150,000 bushels; average yield, 20 bushels per acre; the amount of potatoes, 45,706; average yield per acre, 45 bushels. We had 9,437 acres of meadow and 13,025 tons of hay. In addition to the above named crops, we raised a fair crop of rye, barley, buckwheat and sorghum. Our corn crop was not an average one, in consequence of the drouth and early frosts. The cause of the partial failure of our wheat crop was the dry weather in the Fall when sown, also injured to some extent by the weevil and the fly, which are the most destructive insects to the wheat in our county.


The Clermont County Agricultural Society held its fifteenth annual Fair at Olive Branch on the 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th days of September, 1863.

Owing to the unpropitious circumstances entirely beyond the control or foresight of the managers, our Fair financially was not a success. These circumstances were the appointment of a "District Military Drill," by the State authorities, an "Association" by the Baptist Church, and "Mass Meetings" by each of the political parties of our county, all on the same week of the Fair, and in our immediate vicinity.

The exhibition itself was a good one, reflecting great credit not only upon the enterprising managers, but upon the farmers and mechanics who contributed to the exhibition, as usual on such occasions. The ladies come in for a liberal share of the credit due our exhibition.

The stock department was well represented, and gave evidence of the increased attention paid to the improvement of horses, cattle, mules, sheep and hogs.

Floral Hall, as heretofore, was the great centre of attraction at this Fair, and well did it de. serve the praises bestowed upon it by the admiring visitors. The display of fruits was the largest and most varied ever made in the county, and would have been no discredit to a State exhibition.

Needle and shell work, the products of the pantry and loom, reflected much credit upon the ingenious and industrious exhibiters, and attracted unusual praise from the few delighted visitors in attendance.

The society, with all its discouragements, has great reason to be hopeful. We think no agrienltural district in the State can show more substantial evidences of successful farming than Clermont county. The number of members to our society is 322.


The annual fair of the Columbiana county Agricultural Society was held on the fair grounds at New Lisbon, September 23d, 24th and 25th, 1863. The weather for the most part was favorable, and the number of entries and members very creditable, especially under the circumstances of another drouth and the distracted state of our country. But we still look forward to a time when our fair may claim more of the attention of the farmers and mechanics of the county than it has for the past few years.

The number of members this year was and number of entries about 800. There were but two entries for field crops, that of Wm. Kemble for best two acres of corn, taking premium, amount of shelled corn per acre by measure being 99 bushels. The ground on which it was raised was bottom land, and corn stubble plowed immediately before planting; planted on the fifth day of May, in hills three and a half feet apart, with from three to four stalks in a hill; cultivated with harrow twice, cultivator once, and plow twice.

The principal crops of the county are wheat, corn, oats, rye and barley. Of wheat, by assessors' returns, there were raised in the county the past year about 400,000 bushels; corn, 566,974 bushels; oats 450,820 bushels; rye 50,722 bushels; barley 10,907 bushels. The potato crop was lighter than usual and prices for them ruled high-from 60 to 90 cents per bushel. There has been a good deal of sorghum raised and manufactured in the county, but the scarcity of mills for manufacturing has had a tendency to keep many from raising it who would otherwise have done so. We can undoubtedly raise molasses here cheaper than we can buy it.

Sheep have been the great item of attraction at our fair and in the county, and there has been many thousands taken to Western States from the county this year. By the introduction of thoroughbred Spanish sheep among our flocks, we notice a decided improvement in the character of them, a portion of which we may justly attribute to the influence of the Agricultural Society. The show of fruit was very superior, especially that of apples, of which there were some specimens we think unsurpassed in the State.

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The thirteenth annual fair of the Coshocton county Agricultural Society was held at the fair grounds in this county, on the 14th, 15th and 16th days of October, 1863. It was well enough attended, and the show of stock was nearly as good as usual; and pecuniarily it sustained itself, the receipts exceeding the expenditures about one hundred dollars. But as the object of the Society-the promotion of the agricultural interests of the county-was disregarded by the people, it may be said that as an agricultural fair it was very nearly a failure.

No improvements worthy of notice in agriculture; none in-agricultural implements, nor in household manufactures during the last year. No competition for field crops.

The principal crops raised in this county are corn, wheat, hay and wool. Owing to the drouth the crops of corn, wheat and hay were very much below the average. Our wool crop for the year 1863 is estimated at four hundred thousand pounds, sold on an average at seventy cents per pound.

The Society is out of debt, and has some thirteen hundred and forty-five dollars surplus funds on hand; so the finances of the Society may be said to be in good condition. The number of members during the year 1863 was two hundred and seventy-nine.


Although our population has been greatly diminished by our men having volunteered in the military service of the government in putting down the rebellion, yet the interest taken by our

county in agriculture has not abated. The annual county fair was held this year on the 30th of September, and the 1st and 2d of October.

We rather increased our premium list, and the amount awarded for premiums was about $800, which has been promptly paid. Our Society numbers 740 members this year. Our cash receipts from all sources amount to $1,148. The indebtedness of the Society last year and the expenses of this year exceeds this sum a little.

The fair grounds of our Society are ample (17 acres), beautifully located and well improved ; are paid for, and worth about $5,000. The usefulness of the Society has shown itself in an improvement in every department of agriculture The past season has been one of the severest ever known in this county. The cold, wet weather last spring prevented early planting, and the drouth which ensued continued throughout the season. The early frost in the fall greatly injured the corn, which was late in ripening. Notwithstanding these things we had an excel lent show of vegetables and fruit. There were also some fine specimens of corn and wheat on exhibition. Thể show of stock was good, especially that of sheep, which has never before been equalled in our county, either in respect to quantity or quality.

The principal crops raised in this county are those usually raised in this part of the State. Great attention is paid to the culture of flax, both for straw and seed. We have two large mills here for the manufacture of the straw, and one for the manufacture of oil from flax seed, The raising of stock is a very prominent branch of agriculture in this county. We have no data from which to estimate the gross quantity of any crop raised in this county, nor of the average yield per acre. Upon the whole our Society is in a prosperous condition.


The Society of this county held its fair on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 7th, 8th and 9th days of October, 1863, and notwithstanding the strongest efforts were made to influence the people not to attend the fair, or bring their stock or articles there for exhibition, by a few men of ultra political prejudices and opinions, it was nevertheless a complete success.

The halls were all well filled. The ladies of our town and county deserve great credit for their energy and skill in getting up fine butter, cheese, preserves, jellies, jams, pickles, sealed fruit of all kinds, quilts, coverlets, carpets, rugs, &c., and different varieties of embroidery, all of which went to fill up the halls and add to their beauty.

The principal crops raised in our county are wheat, rye, corn, barley, potatoes, tobacco, and a considerable quantity of sorghum.

The premiums awarded and paid amounted to $680.40, and there remains in the Treasury $131.98.


At our annual meeting an amendment to the Constitution was adopted, reducing the number of the Board of Managers from 20 to 9. The following officers were then elected: President, Jared Forsman; Vice President, Jas. M. Clark; Treasurer, John M. Pugh; Secretary, C. S. Glenn. The following managers were selected: G. W. Williams, Moses Seymour, Jacob Powell, A. R. Innis, W. T. Taylor, D. L. Holton, W. D. Mason, T. W. Tallmadge and G. Scott.

During the year and prior to the holding of our Annual Fair, the grounds were considerably improved by the planting of a number of ornamental trees. During the past winter the grounds were leased to U. S. Quartermaster Burr for the purpose of being occupied by an artillery company, then in process of organization, with certain restrictions, which he refused to comply with, but afterwards took possession of the grounds and sent the artillery company there.

The men destroyed a number of the buildings, burnt up benches, tables and a portion of the fence, and cut up the ground terribly, by hauling their heavy battery wagons over it. They occupied the grounds about six weeks, but Quartermaster Burr has steadily refused up to this time to allow damages that were done by the company. The Board were, therefore, compelled to make a large outlay in fixing the grounds and buildings up in good order for the Annual Fair.

The Fair was held on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th days of September, and although the condition of the country was such that many of our citizens were absent from their homes, and the season had been very poor for the production of crops, etc., yet we had a very good exhibition, which was largely attended, the receipts being larger than for several years past. All the expenses incurred, and all the premiums awarded, that were called for, were promptly paid, and the Society will be enabled by the balance remaining in the treasury to reduce the debt incurred in 1862 to about $500.

The number of our members remain at about the same figures as per last report, say 1,200. We have had but few meetings during the year, at which nothing of general interest transpired. Our grounds and the buildings thereon are in a good state of preservation, and may be safely estimated to be worth fully $10,000.

The principal crops raised in our county are wheat, corn, rye, oats and barley. Considerable attention is also directed to the raising of stock. More capital is, perhaps, invested in stock raising in our county now than at any former period. Little attention is paid to the cultiva tion of Sorghum, but we believe that those who have cultivated it have been highly successful. Owing to the drouth in the fall the crop of wheat was quite small; considerable was winter killed. The average yield was about twelve bushels. Corn, in consequence of the very dry weather, failed to such an extent that it averaged only some 25 bushels; barley about 30; oats about 2, and rye about 15. No destructive insects were visible. The weather was very dry during both summer and fall.


Being on the border of the rebellious states, and having a large government post at our place, and the excitement of the "Morgan raid " last fall, we did not get to hold any Fair in our county. We have held an election for officers and prepared a premium list for the last two years, but have been prevented from holding any Fair. Government has our grounds and buildings for a wagon yard and forage house, and will give us no control; so if we should have attempted to hold a Fair, we would have had to prepare other grounds.


The Annual Fair of this Society for 1863, was holden on the 9th, 10th and 11th days of September last. Though not as successful as some Fairs previous to the breaking out of the rebellion, yet there was much improvement upon those of two or three years past. The indebtedness under which the Society has been laboring for a number of years, is being gradually reduced, and when this burden shall be entirely removed we will, with reason, anticipate for our favorite Society a prosperous and useful future.

There were in all 540 entries, of these 146 were of horses, 80 of cattle, 40 of sheep, and all other articles 274.

The great staple products of this county are butter and cheese, and the amount produced is annually increasing, as well as the quality improving. On account of the dry weather of the

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