Imágenes de páginas

Essays on the Balance of Power, &c. 8vo. 1701. The last piece consists of "Secret Articles agreed upon between Cromwell and Cardinal Mazarin," in addition to their "Public Treaty," which "bears date the 3d of November, 1655." The following are the concluding articles.


"Qu'en toutes les villes et bourgs de ee royaume, ou il y aura des havres, et des ports, la nation Angloise y aura commerce, et pourra faire bastir des temples pour l'exercise de la religion, et sera permis aux Francois de la religion, qui y seront aux environs, d'y faire prescher en Francois."

That, in all the cities and towns of the kingdom where there are harbours and ports, the English nation shall carry on their commerce, and may erect temples for the exercise of the [Protestant] religion, and that the French of the religion residing in the neigh bourhood may have preaching there in French.



with France rather than with Spain. Had these censurers read the public treaty, as it is given in A General Col lection, 1732, (III. 149) translated, probably, from Milton's Latin, they must, I think, have at least described it as displaying a manly style, neither haughty nor submissive, providing for the fair reciprocations of commerce, and, if not preventing war, designing to shelter the people on both sides from being immediately overwhelmed by its horrors. And if such historians and biographers had sought till they found these Secret Articles, which, I apprehend, because secret, were allowed to be originally, in French, they could scarcely have denied their commendation to the Protector.Nor is the praise inconsiderable of having placed his nation singularly eminent on the page of history, among those whose power has been exerted to succour the oppressed.



Hackney, July 6, 1816. T has often been ignorantly stated

«Que les edits de Janvier et de ha ignorantly believed, that the

Nantes seront executez selon leurs formes et teneurs et toute la nation Angloise demeurera caution pour l'execution des dits edits."

That the edicts of January and of Nantes shall be executed according to their full import, and that the whole English nation shall be a perpetual guarantee for the execution of those edicts.

I am at a loss to know what was the edict of January. That description is not singular, for Sully (I. 99) names the edict in 1585, in favour of the League, "the famous edict of July." The edict of January might be the same as" the edict of 63 Articles" in 1576, by which, according to a note in Sully, (1. 49) "Chambers of justice, composed equally of Protestants and Caholics, were granted in the principal parliaments." The edict of Nantes was finally verified in 1599.

The memory of Cromwell has been treated with no small injustice respecting that transaction of the Protectorate, of which these quoted articles form a part. Historians and biographers, so far as I have been able to observe, have been content to follow, in a train, censuring the Protector for a supposed sacrifice of the permanent interests of England and Europe to the temporary security of his own power, by uniting

governments of the Peninsula have always made it a part of their policy to prevent the circulation of the Scriptures. The assertion has been repeated in a singular letter from one of your corre spondents, (p. 336) who is marvellously fond of expatiating. I beg leave to state a few facts connected with this subject, merely premising that general error prevails as to the biblical literature of Spain and Portugal.

Before the early part of the 13th century, many copies of the Scriptures must have existed in the vulgar tongue, for we find King Jayme of Arragon, in 1233, prohibiting their circulation.

In 1260, Alfonso the Wise ordered a translation of the Bible to be made into Castilian (Spanish) and the original MS. yet exists in the Escurial;--and about the same period King Denir, of Por tugal, caused the sacred books to be rendered into Portugueze, of which work, too, a copy is still preserved. In the following century John I. engaged the most learned men of his time to trans late the Gospels, the Acts of the Apos tles, and the Epistles of Paul, and him self translated the Psalms into the language of his country. Near this time two other versions of the Old Testament were made, besides translations of the' Acts, Epistles, and Apocalypse of the

Education of the Poor.

Epistles from a French version, and of the Gospels and the Epistles from the original Greek, by Father Julian. In 1478, the well known translation into the Catalonian (or Valencian) provincial tongue, by Boniface Ferreira, was printed and in 1485, Garcia de Santa Maria published in Zaragoza his "Gospels and Epistles" in Spanish. An admirable translation of Matthew's Gospel, and Extracts from the other Evangelists, by Bernard Alcobaga, was printed in Lisbon in 1495, as part of "the Life of Christ." Of the Psalms there is preserved a printed Spanish copy, in Gothic letters, without date, supposed to have issued from the Toledo press. It is believed that Alfonso V. encouraged the publication of another Spanish translation of the Bible, which was followed by yet another in the succeeding century. At the request of King Manuel, the Psalms were again translated and printed in 1529, and a Portugueze version of the Proverbs came from the Lisbon press in 1544.

In very modern times many have been the translations of the Bible published in Portugal. Their circulation has been wide, and manifest their beneficent influence. The best of them is that of Anto. Perreira de Figueiredo, of which a second edition (I think in 16 vols.) was printed in Lisbon in 1805. Notwithstanding the expense of this work, it is eagerly inquired for by the middling classes and best instructed part of the lower, and it continues silently diffusing its blessings, in spite of the concealed, but decided opposition of monks and priests. I need not add that no book whatever is printed in Portugal without the "authority of the king" and of the most holy inquisition.



Your's, &c.

J. B.

June 27, 1816. WAS gratified to observe, in your last No. pp. 295, 6, the respect so elegantly paid, in two different forms, to the memory of Mr. Joseph Fox. I had the pleasure of acting with him, several years ago, in promoting some objects which promised and have since effected no small public good, and can bear a very impartial testimony to his ardour and pure intentions, as I had the misfortune to differ from him, widely and warınly, on some points of

[blocks in formation]


internal arrangement in the society to which I allude. Our differences, however, we were disposed to forget as soon as possible, and happily they never interrupted our mutual goodwill.

I had just heard of the death of that excellent man, who lived so much for the benefit of others, when I met with a striking and satisfactory evidence of the improvement which a century has produced among us, "in the greatest of all manufactures, the formation of human minds," to borrow the happy expression of the late Mr. Christie, in his Miscellanies, 1789, p. 213.

Having occasion to consult the 3d volume of Magna Britannia, published in 1724, I observed, p. 224, an account of "the charity schools," under the article London, including Westminster and Southwark. Distributed among 45 wards or parishes, there were 87 schools, educating 3737 children, consisting of 2357 boys and 1380 girls. So that supposing 263 children within the same district to be educated by the Dissenters, and it is probably, a sufficient computation, no more than 4000 children of the poor could then gain the cominonest education, by any public charitable provision, in the metropolis, according to its most extended description.


Yet this number of 3737, inconsiderable as it now appears, was indeed a large increase upon the number computed about sixteen years before. There was published in 1708, in 2 vols. 8vo. A New View of London, anonymous, but generally ascribed to Mr. Hatton. It is regarded as a work of merit in its way, and the author declares in his preface that in it was "nothing taken upon trust that admitted of inspection." In the sixth section is an enumeration of the "charity schools within the cities of London, Westminster and Southwark." I have collected the number of children belonging to these schools, and find their amount in 1708 to have been only 2041, being 1310 boys and 731 girls. I have, of course, omitted in both cases the free grammar schools.

After 1708 there appears to have been some zcal excited for the promotion of charity schools. The author whom I have just mentioned found one or two new schools building.

The Spectator, No. 294, in 1712, was written expressly to encourage subscriptions to what was then thought a great object, a school for 50 boys, The second letter in No. 430, is on the same subject, as is the Guardian, No.


At this period, and long after, there seems to have been no thought enter tained of educating poor children, unless they could be also provided for, at least with cloathing. It was Mr. Raikes who, nearly forty years ago, produced a new era in education by admitting to his sunday schools clean hands and faces, though in rags, a fine popular improvement of Erasmus's resolve, in favour of classic lore, first, to buy Greek books, and then, cloaths. PLEBEIUS.


St. Ardleon, June 20, 1816. OBSERVED (p. 257) that the misrepresentations of a young, though learned orthodox lecturer, had obliged my old friend Mr. Belshain to notice the Theophilanthropists. I had thought little about them for some years, but now recollected that, among a few curiosities, I possessed what may be called their liturgy, or rather directory, which a friend brought to ine from the continent soon after it was printed. The Theophilanthropists had ceased to attract any notice, if indeed they existed in a connected form, when your work commenced, and have, I believe, never been described in your pages. You may therefore be disposed to accept the following account.

The publication to which I have referred is neatly printed in 18mo, extending to 78 pages, and thus entitled: "Le Culte des Theophilanthropes, ou Adorateurs de Dieu et Amis des Hommes; contenant leur Manuel et un Recueil de Discours, Lectures, Hymnes, et Cantiques pour toutes leurs fetes religieuses et inorales. Seconde edition. A Basle de l'imprimirie de J. Decker. 1797."

From a short history prefixed, we learn that the origin of this society was in September 1756, when a little work appeared at Paris, under the title of "Manuel des Theanthophiles, &c. publie par C." They then - consisted of a few persons who carried on worship and instruction in separate families.

The publication of the Manuel excited so much attention, that these families determined to unite for public worship. This assembly, formed by five heads of families, was first opened in the month of Nivase, year 5, (January 1797) at Paris, in the street of St. Denis. Instead of Theanthrophiles they took the name of Theophilanthropes, as a more pleasant sound, and equally describing those who love God and men. They chose for their day of meeting the Sunday, without interfering with the choice of another day by any other society. And here I cannot help remarking how the language of these Theophilanthropists assimilates, on this subject, to that of their countryman Calvin, in his Institutes, (B. II. C. viii. S. 34). After describing the utility of substituting the Lord's day for the Jewish Sabbath, to remind Christians that the ceremonies of the former dispensation are abolished, Calvin adds-nor do I rely upon the number seven so as to consider the church as bound to its rigid observance, nor would I condemn churches that use any other solemn days of assembling, so that they abstain from superstitition.* The part of the Institutes from which I have taken this passage, was that I suppose to which Mr. Peirce thus refers in his letter to Dr. Snape, 1718, p. 30. You cannot but know, that as we never professed to make Calvin's judgment the standard of truth, so we have always testified our dislike of some of his opinions. I will here mention one opinion of his, which 'tis well known has been always disagreeable to us, and that is concerning the Lord's day. You never knew any of us profess an approbation of his doctrine in this respect, or the practice of the church of Geneva, which is founded thereon.”


The Theophilanthropists had a committee who were expected to employ an hour in each week to examine the lectures designed for delivery at the ensuing general meeting. Their meetings were called religious and moral festivals-jetes religieuses et morales. In these they proposed to introduce

* "Neque sie tamen septenarium numerum moror, ut ejus servituti Ecclesiam astringam, neque enim Ecclesias damnavero, quæ alios conventibus suis solennes dies habeant, modó à superstitione absint." Institutio, Geneva, 1602. fol. 181.

Mr. Cardale and Mr. Holwell.

whatever of good is common to all religions, omitting what is peculiar to any. The Theophilanthropists professed not to be disciples of a particular man, but to avail themselves of the counsels of wisdom transmitted by writers of all countries, and all times. From these they would combine the injunctions of moralists, both ancient and modern, separated from maxims either too severe and refined, or contrary to the duties of piety towards God or men.

Such is a sketch of the information communicated in this preface, the Précis Historique sur la Societé des Theophilanthropes. Some detail respecting their course of worship and instruction must be reserved to another occasion. R. B.



July 1, 1816. HERE is too much reason to believe that what has been so common may have happened in the case of Mr. Cardale, and that, though a learned, he may have been an unattractive preacher. Had Mr. Orton, however, expressed this fact with more kindness, he had done more credit to himself. As to the character of Mr. Cardale's writings, (p. 343) I beg leave to demur to the authority of Mr. Wilson. His censure reminds me of a more favourable opinion, given soon after the publication of the True Doctrine, by a writer who differed from the author, but whose learned competence will not be disputed, whatever may be thought of his uncommon and seemingly extravagant theories.

I refer to Mr. Holwell, who had fill ed a very high, if not the highest place in the administration of Bengal, and published a variety of curious Tracts on the civil and sacred antiquities, as well as on the British government of India. His Theological System is directly at issue with that of Mr. Maurice on the Hindoo and the Christian Trinity, rejecting both, as equally opposed to the proper Unitarian doctrine, which he supposes to have bee revealed alike to Moses, Birmah, and Christ. He rejects the miraculous conception, for the reasons which have been frequently adduced against that doctrine, but maintains a pre-ex istence of the soul of Christ, consistently with his notions of the pre-existence of man and of all other aniinals and of a metemsychosis. He appears


to set the authority of the Gospels above that of the Epistles, and to defer least of all to the authority of Paul, whom he even charges with reveries. Yet amidst his freest remarks Mr. Holwell deprecates, with apparent sincerity and seriousness, the imputation of Deism, or a design "with Holles, Tindal, Bolingbroke and others, to sap the foundation or injure the root of Christianity." Such is a hasty but, I hope, not an unfair representation of this singular theologian, who speaks of Mr. Cardale's book, without appearing to know the author, in the following terms:


"A treatise which we never saw or heard of before we had closed our second general head, (although published in 1767) entitled, The True Doctrine of the New Testament concerning Jesus Christ considered, contains plausible chain of objections to his supposed pre-existence. In that book, and the appendix, we have the singular pleasure of finding our sentiments upon the evil tendency of the Athanasian doctrine, and the true meaning, and reading of the first chapter of St. John's Gospel, supported by so learned and judicious an advocate for truth. We concur in sentiment with this writer, and feel very distinct ideas respecting the deity of the Father and the divinity of the Son, but we cannot conceive why he should stumble at allowing the pre-existence of the divine spirit of Christ. When this learned and ingenious writer gives an unprejudiced hearing, and full force to the doctrines of the metemsychosis, and duly weighs the insufficiency of every other human hypothesis, to account for the phenomena of our present existence, and indeed of all nature, he will, we flatter ourselves, receive full conviction, that his doubts and disbelief of the pre-existent state and original dignity of Christ, were ill-founded, and not the True Doctrine of the New Testament." Pp. 145, 6, Part 3, dated Milford Haven, 1st November, 1770.

Mr. Holwell died in 1798. He must have reached a very advanced age as he resided in India as early as 1742, and filled a considerable station in 1756, when he was one of the few surviving sufferers in the black hole at Calcutta. Of the horrible scenes in that prison he published a very affecting Narra tive. N. L. T.





On the Use of Tea.

The Chinese first used tea as a necesresult of the badness of the water hoang-ho, or yellow river. They must employ some corrective to render the water of that river potable, for this purpose they used tea. This made the plant popular; hence it has been adopted where the same cause did not exist, and fashion has rendered it almost a necessary of life, in countries in the east, distant from China, and in the west, where the very existence of the yellow river and its qualities is not so much as thought of. That the Chinese use it so much as they do, is probably ewing to their having nothing better; for when the Dutch carried then sage, nicely dried and prepared, it appeared so far preferable that they gave in exchange three boxes of tea for one of sage,

No. CCLXIII. Love of Children. "It forms (says Mr. Wakefield, Evidences of Christianity, pp. 99, 100, Note) one of the most amiable traits in the character of Sir Isaac Newton, who was indeed all-accomplished beyond any of his species, that he was fond of little children, and delighted to see them playing about his study, Such was the simplicity, the sweetness, the condecension of a mind, that could expatiate through the universe,

And pass the flaming bounds of place and


resembling in this respect also the affectionate tenderness of the Nazarene, who fondled little children in his arms, laid his hands upon them, and recommended their innocent and artless mannners to the imitation of his disciples. And yet (that I may lose no opportunity of shaming corrupted churches, which make and love and believe a LIE [2 Thess. ii. 11. Rev. xx. 15.] and of disgracing Anti-Christian principles, wherever I discover them) these very infants are strenuously maintained by sound divines, the spiritual pastors and teachers of this goodly land! to be CHILDREN of WRATH and BORN in SIN; till the hallowed drops from their disinterested fingers

have purged away the defilements of nativity, and made the creature fit for the acceptance of its Creator."


Highland Revenge.

A Highlander who made the amende
honorable to an enemy, came to his
dwelling, laid his head upon the
block, or offered him his sword held
by the point. It was deemed unwor-
thy to refuse the clemency implored,
but it might be legally done. We re-
collect an instance in Highland his-
tory:-William M'Intosh, a leader
if not chief of that ancient clan, upon
some quarrel with the Gordons, burnt
the castle of Auchendown, belonging
to this powerful family; and was, in
the feud which followed, reduced to
such extremities by the persevering
vengeance of the Earl of Huntley, that
he was at length compelled to surren-
der himself at discretion. He came
to the castle of Strathbogie, choosing
his time when the Earl was absent,
and yielded himself up to the countess.
She informed him that Huntley had
sworn never to forgive him the offence
he had committed, until he should see
his head upon the block. The hum-
bled chieftain kneeled down, and laid
his head upon the kitchen dresser,
where the oxen were cut up for the
baron's feast. No sooner had he made
this humiliation, than the cook, who
stood behind him with his cleaver
uplifted, at a sign from the inexorable
countess, severed M'Intosh's head
from his body at a stroke. So deep
was this thirst of vengeance impressed
on the minds of the Highlanders, that
when a clergyman informed a dying

chief of the unlawfulness of the senti-
ment, urged the necessity of his for-
giving an inveterate enemy, and quoted
the scriptural expression,
ance is mine, saith the Lord," the ac-
quiescing penitent said, with a deep
sigh,-To be sure, it is too sweet a
morsel for a mortal." Then added,
Well I forgive him; but the De'il
take you, Donald, (turning to his son)
if you forgive him.'

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Another extraordinary instance occurred in Aberdeenshire. In the sixteenth century, Muat of Abergeldie, then a powerful baron, made an agree ment to meet with Cameron of Brux, with whom he was at feud, each being attended with twelve horse only. But Muat, treacherously taking advantage

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