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turous expression of St. Paul, on this occasion,Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift!”

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The wonderful progress of primitive Christianity in England within a few years, and the rapidity with which it now extending itself, seems the opening of a truly glorious reformation not less important to mankind than that of the sixteenth century. When we consider what this system of primitive faith is, compared with the prevalent orthodoxy, and reflect upon the nighty obstacles which it has had to encounter, and which still array against it, we behold this progress with astonishment. The Unitarian doctrine not being tinctured in any the least degree by mystery, fanaticism, superstition or implicit faith, which, in all ages, have beguiled the multitude, but a plain artless scheme of rational sentiment, without any of that pomp, that external display, that lofty pretension, which feeds the pride, amuses the curiosity and excites the veneration of the feeble-minded, this reformation bears upon its countenance a Divine stamp. It is a reform with which the passions and propensities of man have no concern. It is of a nature purely intellectual, in which preconceived notions, deeply imprinted by education and sanctioned by their adoption throughout Christendom, are nevertheless abandoned; and abandoned solely on the ground of their being weighed in the balance of cool investigation, of sober judgment, of rational evidence, and found wanting-a reformation in which benefits of a worldly character instead of being acquired are lost, and most serious evils are incurred: from whom? the self-styled orthodox! Wherefore? for becoming open and honest votaries of the rational decisions of the mind! The case, in its most prominent features, corresponds se exactly to that produced by the publication of Christianity in the beginning, it would be highly gratifying to us to see the parallel particularly drawn and presented to the public. A pamphlet of this character, ingeniously executed, could hardly fail to produce conviction in the common mind, as the argument would be an appeal to common sense, and the same by which Christianity itself is supported. It would at least convince its readers of the honesty of Unitarian advocates: of the intelli

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In this country the light of genuine gospel truth has, we think, been too much concealed from the public eye, by its earliest converts. Its progress has been less, certainly far less, than it must have been, had they been guided by the intrepid spirit of Jesus and his apostles, rather than the mistaken notion of a temporising prudence. We do not mean to accuse: we only regret it as a misfortune that they failed to perceive in the example of their Master and his disciples the more excellent way. As a scheme of Divine Providence, however, we think we can perceive there is reason in it. We shall probably have less Arianism in this country than otherwise might have been. The change from Trinitarianism to the simple humanity of Christ is so great, that few have passed immediately from the one to the other.

Mankind abandon their gross errors by degrees, especially in case they have not before them a complete exhibition of the true doctrine with its various evidences. In this predicament were the early converts of our country. They were not more than half illuminated. The exhibition of the doctrine as they understood it, might have pointed us to a by-path, but could not have directed us into the highway to the temple of truth. The plain road is now trod by numbers : the temple itself is in full view of all, and the half-way resting-house of Arianism is demolished.

As things are, may we not look with some confidence to the period as not very distant, when the seed of Divine truth which is here and there sowing in this land of liberty and free inquiry, shall under the auspices of Heaven yield an abundant harvest? At present the labourers here are, indeed, comparativey few; but the minds of these few are more enlightened, and they possess a more laudable zeal. It is also true that the prejudices of education wherever it exists (and it exists every where) is undoubtedly a powerful obstacle to the prevalence of truth. But you are witness that truth has often triumphed over it even when backed by civil es tablishments, the mortal foe to freedom of inquiry and ingenuous confession of the faith. The recent events at Boston

Intelligence.-Account of an Unitarian Church in America.

and in its vicinity, together with the state of things at Harvard College, are such as not only to generate a hope, but to inspire with confidence, that the doctrine of Divine Unity has at length come to the birth, and is actually born in New England, under circumstances so propitious as to allow no longer of alarm or even anxiety about its destinies. It must of necessity prevail. In our new settlements, which are populating with an unexampled rapidity, surpass ing the belief of any but eye-witnesses, and which are composed of enterprising spirits from the older establishments, who, of course, are more inquisitive and liberally-minded than the mass of the communities they have left behind, the primitive faith, supported as it is by reason and the plain letter of the Sacred Scriptures, needs only to be preached with fidelity in order to obtain converts. From the success which has attended the exertions in this town, and in the neighbouring regions where the Divine Unity has been occasionally preached, we feel an undoubting assurance, that, did our new settlements enjoy the regular ministration of the unadulterated gospel, Unitarian churches might be easily established in all its parts and notwithstanding the scores of orthodox missionaries who swarm in every district, the truth would certainly and speedily triumph.

The church here has considerably increased in numbers of late, and daily additions are made to it of worthy and respectable citizens. Its members are not only seriously convinced of the Unitarian doctrine, but are (its females not excepted) so well versed in the argument and have so often put to silence their orthodox neighbours, that they are far from being held in contempt. Indeed our society is becoming more respectable in the eyes of the community around us our congregation is increasing, and had we a decent and commodious house of worship, in all probability it would secure a permanent establishment to our society, and consequently to the cause of Unitarianism in this district. Numbers would flock to the standard, and the rising generation, even the children of the orthodox, would hear the plain truth of primitive Christianity and be liberated from their errors.

Under these impressions, some of our enlightened, worthy, and most respectable sisters of the church, formed a


few months since an eloquent address to the friends of Christianity here, and put in circulation a subscription for the erection of a house of public worship in this village. This cloquent address roused the dormant spirit of the society, and, considering the embarrassments incident to new settlers, who have a forest to prostrate, their lands to pay for, and habitations to erect for their accommodation, the friends of Unitarian worship have exhibited a highly laudable zeal beyond what would have been imagined. Still, however, the sum raised is inadequate. Our friends in Philadelphia, although pressed with the expense of erecting a chapel for themselves in that city, have, nevertheless, manifested their zeal for the promotion of the common cause, by a contribution of fifty dollars. The disposition of our brethren in Boston is good, but their peculiar situation requires all their exertions at home.

Unwilling to abandon the highly important object, and knowing that you and your worthy brethren in England are earnest for the dissemination of primitive Christianity throughout the world, we feel a degree of freedom in stating our condition, and requesting such aid as your circumstances may warrant. Should a collection for this object be obtained, we wish it to be made " to the Reformed Christian Church in Trenton." Aware from the new societies which are continually forming in your own country, that you must probably have numerous applications of this nature, and fully persuaded that you are always inclined to aid to the extent of your ability, we shall rest satisfied, should we receive little or no assistance, that it cannot be imputed to your disposition.

We rejoice, that though we are yet weak, you are growing daily more strong; and notwithstanding our present low estate, in comparison with yours, we indulge the pleasing hope that our feeble, but well-intended exertions, will meet the approbation of Heaven, and that genuine gospel truth will extend itself here, with as high effect as it has done in Great Britain.

The distribution of books, which our worthy Mr. Vander Kemp has, from time to time, received from his friends in England, has greatly contributed to the dissemination of correct principles in this region.

Any aid which our brethren in

England may be disposed to furnish in this way for the promotion of Christian knowledge among us, will be thankfully received and gratefully acknow ledged. The hope of establishing Unitarian societies in the adjoining towns, leads us to mention particularly the Rev. Mr. Aspland's Hymn Books for their use; also the Welsh Hymn Books, mentioned in the Monthly Repository, as the Welsh are very numerous in our neighbourhood.

And now, worthy and dear Sir, we commend you to Him, who rewards with a blissful immortality, the faithful in the cause of truth and virtue. May He preserve your valuable life to venerable old age, and render it as happy as it has been useful to mankind.

With the highest respect and the most affectionate regard, we subscribe, Your Brethren in Christ,

JOHN SHERMAN, ISAAC BLISS PEIRCE, Pastor of the Reformed Christian Church.

The Rev. Thomas Belsham, Minister

of the Chapel in Essex Street, London.

Articles of the American Reformed Church. [Communicated by Mr. Vander Kemp, of Oldenbarneveld, New York, United States of America.]

The Reformed Christian Church was composed from a part of the United Protestant Religious Society-the remaining members continuing to associate with it in religious worship.

Articles of Association.

I. We acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to contain a revelation of God's will to mankind, and that they are in matters of religion the only standard of doc trines and rules of practice.

II. We acknowledge that no other confession or test of Christian fellow ship, and standing in the visible church of God, ought to be established, than that which Christ and his Apostles made necessary, or on which they received believers in the Gospel. Matt. xvi. 15-17, "He said unto them, but whom say ye that I am? and Simon Peter answered and said, thou art Christ, the Son of the living God: and Jesus answered and said unto him, blessed art thou Simon Bar-jona, for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven." Acts viii. 36, 37, “And as they went on their way, they came to

a certain water; and the eunuch said, see, here is water, what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, if thou believest with all thine heart thou mayest-and he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." 1 John iv. 15, "Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him and he in God." 1 John v. 1, “Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ, is born of God; and every one that loveth him that begat, loveth him also that is begotten by him."

III. Liberty of conscience shall be preserved inviolate. Every member shall be maintained in his right of free inqniry into the doctrine of Scripture, in publishing what he believes the Scriptures to contain, and in practising according to his understanding of his duty. This liberty shall not be abridged as to his understanding and practice respecting the ceremonies, or dinances, or positive institutions of Christianity.

IV. The government and discipline shall be according to the directions of our Lord, Matt. xviii. 15-17, " Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone; if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother; but if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established; and if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the church; but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as a heathen man and a publican." The executive authority of the church shall be rested in the minister, the elders and deacons; but if any one suppose that by the church there mentioned is intended the brotherhood generally, he shall have the liberty of referring his cause for adjudication to the body at large.

V. The officers of the church, elders and deacons, shall be chosen by ballot, and hold their office during the pleasure of the church, or that they choose to decline serving any longer.

VI. The mode of admission to the church shall be, that any person wishing to become a member, shall make known his desire to the consistory, the minister, elders and deacons, who shall, if the applicant be a person of good moral character, refer his case for decision to the church at large.

Intelligence.-Mr. Rutt on Priestley's Works.-The Franklin Manuscripts. 689

VII. The Lord's supper shall be celebrated four times a year, twice in Oldenbarneveld, and twice in Holland's Patent, on such particular days as shall be found convenient.

VIII. The name by which this church is designated shall be The Reformed Christian Church.

N. B. Our first pastor was Rev. John Sherman, the present, Rev. Isaac Bliss Peirce.


Mr. Rutt on his Edition of Dr. Priest

ley's Theological Works. SIR, Clapton, Nov. 19, 1816. I BEG leave to acquaint those of your readers who may take any interest in the success of the project for collecting Dr. Priestley's Theological Works, that it is my present intention to send for your next Number a list, as correct as I can ascertain it, of the .names of all those who have already become subscribers to the proposed edition. Thus the friends to the writings and memory of Dr. Priestley will have an opportunity of observing what support a design to do honour to both has yet received, and they will judge for themselves what further patronage such a project may require or deserve.

As it is, of course, very desirable that the list should be as full as possible, I am induced to request any persons who design to possess the edition, to send their subscriptions before the middle of December, that their names may be inserted. The amount, though but a single subscription, would be received by any Bank in the country to be paid to me in London, and if such subscriber would write to me at Clapton, Middlesex, mentioning the Bankers in London where the money might be received, the business would be easily settled and the receipt be sent as they should direct. I take the liberty of requesting those who have already subscribed, but whose subscriptions have not been received, to employ the same mode of remittance.

I cannot omit to acknowledge Mr. Cordell's renewed attentions, (p. 589.) and to thank two other Correspondents for their expressions of good-will. I should readily adopt the proposal of T. H. (p. 590.) if I could perceive it practicable on my plan of bringing to gether so many publications, of such various sizes, and connecting them by

notes and a general Index. Those who have had occasion frequently to consult such a publication as Lardner's Works, can best appreciate the superior use of the writings of a vo luminous author in a connected form. From such persons, especially, I very naturally expected, what I have received from several of them, a ready support of the present undertaking. I remain, your's,


The Franklin Manuscripts. We congratulate the public, that after a lapse of so many years, these valuable treasures are at length about to be laid open by the Doctor's grandson, William Temple Franklin, Esq. to whom they were bequeathed, no doubt, with the intention that the world should have the chance of being benefited by their publication. It was certainly so understood by the person in question, who, we know, shortly after the death of his great relative, hastened to London, employed an amanuensis for many months in copying, &c. and had so far prepared them for publication, that proposals were made by several of our principal booksellers for the purchase of thein.

The terms asked for the copy-right were however so high, amounting to several thousand pounds, that a demur arose, and the negociation broke off. From this period to the present year nothing more was heard of the manu scripts, and it was asserted by various persons, both in this country and America, of whom some were inti mate with the grandson, that the proprietor had found a bidder of a different description, in some emissary of government, whose object was to withhold the manuscripts from the world, not to benefit it by their pub lication, and that they had thus enher passed into other hands, or the person to whom they had been bequeathed had received a remuneration for sup pressing them. We are glad to find that this conclusion was erroneous, and that the interesting remains of this profound philosopher, sound politician, and excellent moralist, are to appear forthwith. They consist, we understand, first, of his life, writ ten by himself, to a late period, and continued to the time of his death by his grandson; the whole of his correspondence, private and political, "nu÷

merous literary and philosophical papers, hitherto unpublished, &c.

The first, and perhaps the most interesting portion which is to appear, is his correspondence; the second will be the genuine life; and the third the hitherto unpublished literary and philosophical papers, &c.

The correspondence is most impatiently expected; and this may well

be the case, when it is considered that among the most intimate friends of this great man, were Dr. Priestley, Dr. Price, Burke, Fox, the Bishop of St. Asaph, Sir Joseph Banks, Brand Hollis, Granville Sharp, Buffon, David Hartley, Lord Shelburne, Lord Grantham, Baron Maseres, the Earl of Buchan, Beccaria, Baskerville, &c. &c. &c.



The Christian's Survey of the Political World.

ANOTHER deliberative body has commenced its discussions, which are likely to be of considerable importance to Europe. The members of this body are of the higher ranks, and their object is to settle the affairs of Germany. The overthrow of the Germanic or holy Roman empire was followed by the confederation of the Rhine, in which Buonaparte held a rank similar to that so long possessed by the House of Austria. The changes that have taken place in consequence of the destruction of the system set up by Buonaparte, have rendered it necessary to take some steps for a new constitution in Germany. This is taken in hand chiefly by the great estates, that have parted out this fine country amongst themselves. They have sent their deputies to Frankfort, and their session resembles that of the antient dict. It was opened by the deputy from Austria, who presides on this occasion; and in his speech he expatiated in strong terms on the exceliencies of the German nation, and promised on the part of his master not to exercise any farther interference in the debates, than what became him as chairman of so august an assembly. He was followed by the deputy from the King of Holland, whose speech was wholly panegyrical, and it now remains to see what will be the result of this meeting.

All that the above-mentioned speaker advanced on the excellence of the German character is very little if at all exaggerated; but this praise be longs to the people, not to the class which has so long domineered over them. Nothing could be more wretched than the antient state of Germany, in which three classes were

strongly marked: the noble, the learn-
ed, and the common people. The
noble distinguished by pride and igno-
rance; the learned by indefatigable
application; the people by unwearied
industry and the heavy yoke of oppres
sion. To the two latter classes the
world is indebted for great improve
ments in literature, science, and for
much mechanical ingenuity. The
trade of the former class was war, and
young and old improved their fortunes
by commissions, in their own and
neighbouring countries.
One great
benefit of the French revolution is the
lowering of the pride of the nobles;
for not to them but to the people is
Europe indebted for the final overthrow
of the mighty monarch.

In consequence of the late struggle, the people of Germany are alive to their rights, and this will probably be seen in the course of the discussions. It is not to be expected that the line of distinction between the nobles and the other classes will be completely withdrawn. The former will continue to pride themselves on the quarterings in their arms, and may disdain to mix their blood with that of the classes, whom they look upon as so much beneath them: but still they will be brought nearer to each other, and offices of state will be more widely diffused. The discussions also that will arise throughout Germany on the subject of the debates, will be beneficial; and it is not improbable that an effort will be made to introduce the representative system. We shall see more of this however in the issue. The debates will partake of the slowness of the German character, but something will be gained on the side of freedom.

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