Imágenes de páginas

Juraschek v..

Statistic des Getreidehandel. Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 3:878, 1892.

Kansas State Board of Agriculture, report, 1902, Vol. 21, Nos. 81, 84.

Kapp, Friedrich Die Amerikanische Weizenproduktion. Volkswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen, Jahrgang 2, Heft 6, 1880.

Kaufman, E. É. Farmers Institute Annual, N. D., 1902.

Kearney, Thomas H. Crops used in the reclamation of alkali lands in Egypt. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 573, 1902.

Kedzie, R. C. The ripening of wheat. Rept. Mich. Bd. Agr., 1881-82.

Composition of wheat and straw. Mich. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 101, 1893. Keyser, Alvin. Winter wheat. Univ. of Neb. Agr., Exp. Sta., Bul. 89, 1905. Variation in wheat hybrids, Proc. Amer. Breeders' Ass'n, 2:84, 1906. Methods in wheat breeding. Proc. Amer. Breeders' Ass'n, 2:186, 1906. King, F. H. Irrigation in humid climes. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bul. 46, 1896. Some results of investigations in soil management. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., pp. 159-174, 1903.

King-Parks, Henry. On the supposed germinating powers of mummy wheat. Jour. Sci., 22:604, 1885.

Klippart, John H. An essay on the origin, growth, diseases, varieties, etc., of the wheat plant. Annual O. Agr. Rept., 1857. Knappen, T. M. Reciprocity with Canada.

1903. Knight, Edward.

Reaper. Kuczynski, R. R.

Amer. Elev. & Grain Trade, 22:195,

Reaping machine. Knight's New Mechan. Dict., p. 743, 1884.
Amer. Mechan. Dict., 3:1888, 1876.

Freight rates on Argentine and North American wheat. Jour.
Pol. Econ., 10:333, 1902.
Ladd, E. F. North Dakota soils. N. D. Agr. Col. Exp. Sta., Bul. 24, 1896.
Maintaining our soil fertility. Proc. Tri-State Grain Growers' Ass'n, p
142, 1900.

Humus and soil nitrogen and studies with wheat. N. D. Agr. Col. Exp.
Sta., Bul. 47, 1901.

Chemical Department.

Annual Repts. N. D. Agr. Col. Exp. Sta., 1901-1903
Alkali lands. N. D. Farmers' Inst. Annual, p. 129, 1902.

Analysis of formaldehyde sold in North Dakota. N. D. Agr. Col. Exp.
Sta., Bul. 60, 1904.

Ladd, Story B. Patent growth of the industrial arts. 12th U. S. Cen., Vol. 10,
Part 4, 1900.

Lamphere, George N. The history of wheat raising in the Red river valley, Proc. Tri-State Grain Growers' Ass'n, p. 179, 1900.

Lamprecht, Karl. Beitrage zur Geschichte des französischen Wirthschaftslebens im elften Jahrhundert. Leipzig, 1878.

Latham, Wilfred. The states of the River Plate. L., 1868.

Latta, W. C. Field experiments with wheat.

Ind. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 41, 1892.

Laut, Agnes C. The American invasion of Canada's wheat belt. Century, 65:481,

1903. Lawes, J. B. On the growth of wheat upon the same land for four successive years. L., 1845.

On agricultural chemistry, especially in relation to the universal theory of Baron Liebig. L., 1851.

On some points in the composition of wheat grain, its products in the mill, and bread. L., 1857.

On the home produce, imports, consumption and price of wheat, 1852-53. Jour. Roy Sta. Soc., 43:313, 1880. Leclerc, J. A. The effect of climatic conditions on the composition of durum wheat. Yearbook, U. S. Dept. Agr., 1906, p. 199.

Leiter, Joseph. Wheat and its distribution.

Cosmopolitan, 26:114, 1898.

Lévy, Raphael Georges. Les marchés à terme. Annales des Sciences Politiques, 16: 1-17, 1901.

Lexis, W. Die altere Getreidehandelspolitik und Allgemeines.

der Staatswissenschaften, 3:861, 1892.


Lindet, L. Le froment et sa mouture. Paris, 1903. Lippert, Gustav. Getreidepreise und Getreidezölle. Zeitschrift für Volkswirthschaft, Socialpolitik und Verwaltung, 8:276, 1899.

Lippert, Julius. Kulturgeschichte, Stuttgart, 1:584, 1886.

Livingston, B. E. Relation between growth of roots and of tops in wheat.

ical Gazette, 41:139-43, 1906.


Lorenz, Ch. Deutschlands Getreideproduktion, Brodbedarf und Brodbeschaffung. Volkswirthschaftliche Zeitfragen, Jahrgang, 3, Heft 6, 1881.

Loughridge, R. H. Tolerance of alkali by various cultures.

Exp. Sta., Bul. 133, 1901.

Univ. of Calif. Agr.

Lowe, Joseph. Present state of England in regard to agriculture, trade and finance. L., 1824.

Lyon, T. L. The adaptation and improvement of winter wheat. Neb. Agr. Exp.


Sta., Bul. 72 1902.

Winter wheat. Univ. of Neb. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 89, 1905.
Improving the quality of wheat.

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. Plant Indus., Bul.

78, 1905. (Bibliography in foot notes.)

Some correlated characters in wheat and their transmission.
Breeders' Ass'n, 2 29 1906.

Examining and grading grains. N. Y., 1907.

Proc. Amer.

McClure, W. F. New wheat center of the world. Independent, 61·191-8, 1906. McCormick, Robert. Memorial of. Chicago 1885.

McCulloch, J. R. Statistical account of the British Empire.

L., 1839.

The probable tuture price of wheat. Bankers' Mag., (L.) 10:213, 1850. MacDonald, James. Wheat. Chambers' Ency., n.ed., 10:625, 1892. McDougall, John. Indian wheats. Jour. of Soc. of Arts, 37:637, 1889. Mackay, Angus. Reports for Experiment Farm for the Northwest Territories, 1900-02. Rept. Can. Exp. Farms, 1900-02. Macmillan, n. s.1 45-52, 1905. Bread.

Marcosson, I. F. Harvesting the wheat.

World's Work, 9:5459-77, 1904.

Marks, Charles E. The New York curb market. Sat. Eve. Post, 176:36, 1903. *Marlatt, C. L. The principal insect enemies of growing wheat. U. S. Dept. Agr., Farmers' Bul. 132, 1901.


Report of acting entomologist. Annual Rept. U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 189,

The annual loss occasioned by destructive insects in the United States. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., 1904, p. 461. *Marquis, J. Clyde. The Economic Significance of the Cereal Rust Fungi, 1904. (A thesis deposited at Purdue University, La Fayette, Ind. Contains bibliography.)

Marston, R. B. Our urgent need of a reserve of wheat.

19th Cen., 43:879, 1898.

Mason, Frank H. Working of the German law against speculation in grain. U.S. Consular reports, 64:438-444, 1900.

Masters, Maxwell T. Wheat. Ency. Brit., 24:531, 1888.

Matson, C. H. The grain buyers' trust. Review of Reviews, 25:201-5, 1902. Maxwell, George H. Address to National Association of agricultural implement

and vehicle manufacturers, 1901.

†Mead, Elwood. The use of water in irrigation.

Bul. 86, 1899.

U. S. Dept. Agr., Off. Exp. Sta.,

Rise and future of irrigation in the United States. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 591, 1899.

The scope and purpose of the irrigation investigations of the office of experiment stations. Rept. Off. Exp. Sta., 1901.

Some typical reservoirs in the Rocky Mountain states.

U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 415, 1901.


Review of irrigation investigations for 1902. Rept. Off. Exp. Sta., p. 359, 1902.

Irrigation institutions. N. Y., 1903.

The relation of irrigation to dry farming. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., 1905, p. 423.

+Means, Thomas H.

An electrical method for determining the soluble salt content of soils. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. of Soils, Bul. 8, 1897.

The soluble mineral matter of soils. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., p 495, 1898.

Field operations of the Division of Soils. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. of Soils, Rept. 64, 1899.

Crops used in the reclamation of alkali lands in Egypt. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 573, 1902.

Merrill, L. A. Arid farming in Utah.

Utah Agr. Col. Exp. Sta., Bul. 91, 1905.

Merrill, L. H. The digestibility and nutritive value of bread.

U. S. Dept. Agr


Off. Exp. Sta., Bul. 85, 1900. Entire wheat flour. Me. Agr. Exp Sta., Bul. 103, 1904. Mertens, Oscar. Russlands Bedeutung fur den Weltgetreidemarkt. Statistisches Archiv., Vol. II, pp. 153-206, 517-614, 1891-92; Vol. III, pp. 217-273, 1893.

Metcalf, H. Organisms on the surface of grain. Science, n.s., 22:439-41, 1905.

Miller, E... Kansas wheat the best in the world. Rept. Kan. State Bd. Agr.,
Vol. 21, No. 81, p. 20 1902.

*Miller, Merritt Finley. The evolution of reaping machines. U. S. Dept. Agr.,
Off. Exp. Sta., Bul. 103, 1902. (Bibliography on subject, 45 works.)
Miller, N. G. Variety tests of wheat. Pa. State Col. Agr., Exp. Sta., Bul., 76, 1906.
Minnesota, Bureau of Labor Statistics Rep. 1891-2, Part 2, Inventions in flour
making machinery, and the prices of wheat, flour, etc.

Minnesota, Insurance commissioners, annual report, 1903, Part 1.
Minnesota, Railroad and warehouse commission, annual reports, 1902, 1906.
Montgomery, E. G. Examining and grading grains. N. Y., 1907.
Monthly Summary of Commerce and Finance of the U. S., Jan., 1900.
trade of the United States and the world's wheat supply and trade.
Moore, George T. Bacteria and the nitrogen problem. Yearbook U. S. Dept.
Agr., p. 333, 1902.

The grain

Soil inoculations for legumes. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. of Plant Indus., Bul. 71, 1905.

Moorhouse, L. A. Okla. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 65, 1905.

Moran, M. P. Address. Proc. Tri-State Grain Growers' Ass'n, p. 118, 1900.
Mortimer, John. The whole art of husbandry. (2d ed.) L., 1708.
§Morton, John Chalmers. Cyclopedia of agriculture.

The Farmers' Calendar. (6th ed.) L., 1884.

Glasgow, 1851-1855.

Morton, J. Sterling. Report of the Secretary of Agriculture of the United States.
Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., 1894-96.

Müller, Louis. Our tariff in its relation to the grain trade. Annals Amer. Acad.
of Pol. & Soc. Sci., 29:528, 1907.

Nation, 84:463 1907. Dollar Wheat.

84:469, 1907. Price of wheat.

National Association of Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, Proceedings 10th annual convention, in Farm Machinery Daily, Oct. 23, 1903.

Nature, 34 629, 1886. Hybrid wheat.

Neftel, Knight. Flour milling.

10th U. S. Cen., Vol. 3, 1880.

Nelson, Milton O. Progress of Northwest Canada. Northwestern Miller, 55:35, 1903.

Nelson, S. A. The A, B, C of Wall Street, N. Y., 1900.

Nesbit, Christopher. Milling in Hungary. Northwestern Miller, 55:40, 1903.
*Nettleton, Edwin S. Artesian and underflow investigation.

Sen. Ex. Doc.,

1st sess., 52d Cong., 1891-92, Vol. 4, Irriga. Part 2, serial No. 2899.
Newell, Frederick H. Agriculture by irrigation. 11th U. S. Cen., 1890.

Irrigation on the Great Plains. Yearbook, U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 167, 1896.
Newman, C. L. Wheat experiments. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 62, 1900.
Newman, J. S. Wheat. S. C. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 37, 1898.

Experiments with wheat. S. C. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 56, 1900.
New York Produce Exchange, reports, 1902-1906.

North Dakota, Commissioner of Agriculture and Labor, report, 1903.
North Dakota Farmers' Institute Annual, Fargo, 1902.

Noyes, A. D. The price of wheat. Nation, 63:378, 1896.

The scarcity of wheat. Nation, 66:356 1898.

The farmer and the wheat crop. Nation, 66:417, 1898.
The predicted wheat famine. Nation, 67:237, 1898.

Options and futures, U. S. Senate, committee on the judiciary, hearings authorized
by resolution of the Senate of March 3, 1892.

Osborn, Herbert. The Hessian fly in the United States. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div.
Entomol., Bul. 16, n.s., 1898. (Bibliography, 147 works.)

Osborne, Thomas B. The proteids of the wheat kernel. Amer. Chem. Jour.,
15:392-471, 1893.

Paasche, H.

Getreidezölle. Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, 3:899,

Getreidezölle. Handwörterbuch der Staatswissenschaften, Supplement Band, 1:361, 1895.

Paley, F. A.

Waste in wheat crops. Science, 7:174, 1886.

Passy, Frederic. La Speculation. Journal des Economistes, Ser. 6, 4:227-32, 1904.
Paton, James. Baking. Ency. Brit., 9th ed., 3:250, 1875.

Patten, A. J. The nature of the principal phosphorus compound in wheat bran.
N. Y. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 250, 1904.

Payne, J. E. Unirrigated lands of eastern Colorado.

Bul. 77, 1903.

Col. Agr. Col. Exp. Sta..

†Payne, Will. A Day in Broking. Century, 36:340, 1888.
The Chicago Board of Trade.

Cen., 65:745, 1903.

Penny Magazine. L., 6:386, 1837. On the culture of wheat within the tropics. Perels, Emil. Ueber die Bedeutung des Maschinenwessens fur die Landwirthschaft. Berlin, 1867.

Peter, A. M. Protein content of the wheat kernel. Ky. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 113, 1904.

Peters, Edward T. Influence of rye on the price of wheat.

Agr., p. 167, 1900.

Yearbook U. S. Dept.

Peterson, C. W. The wheat-growing capacities of the Northwest Territories. Canadian Mag., 14.137, 1899.

Peterson, Leo. The Commercial Review, Portland, Ore., July 1, 1901; July 1, 1903.

Pettit, Rufus H. Some insects of the year 1897. Mich. State Agr. Col. Exp. Sta., Bul. 160, 1898.

Philpot, J. H.
Pickett, J. F. Experiments with wheat.

The sacred tree. L., 1897.

S. C. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 56, 1900. Pieters, A. J. Seed selling, seed growing and seed testing. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 549, 1899.

Agricultural seeds-where grown and how handled. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., p. 223, 1901.

The business of seed and plant introduction. Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., 1905, p. 291.

Plat, Hugh. The jewel house of art and nature. L., 1653.

Plumb, C. S. Univ. of Tenn. Agr. Exp. Sta., Vol. III, Bul. 2, 1890.
The geographical distribution of cereals in North America.
Agr., Div. of Biolog. Sur., Bul. 11, 1898.

Poggi, T. Sul costo di Produzione del frumento in Italia.

U. S. Dept.

Atti del R. Istituto

Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Tomo lvi, 7th s., T. ix., 1898. Popenoe, E. A. Some insect enemies of wheat in Kansas. Rept. Kan. State Bd

Agr., Vol. 21, No. 81, p. 110, 1902.

Powers, Le Grand. Crops and irrigation. 12th U. S. Cen., Vol. 6, pt. 2, 1900.
Poynting, J. H. Fluctuations in wheat. Jour. Roy. Sta. Soc., 47:35, 1884.
Pusey, Ph. Report on agricultural implements. Jour. Roy. Agr. Soc., Vol. 12,
1st s., p. 587, 1851.

Quarterly Review, L., 164:445, 1887. Competition in wheat growing
Railroad Gazette, N. Y.

35:715, 1903, Train load and train mile cost.


The diversion of grain from Atlantic ports.

Summary of the case against the Erie Canal enlargement. Rein, Johannes. Geographische und naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. Leipzig, 1892. Reports from Her Majesty's representatives on legislative measures respecting gambling in "option" and "future" contracts, Commercial No. 5, 1898, L. *Retrospective exhibit of harvesting machinery by the Deering Harvester Company

in the Palace of Agriculture; 56th Cong., 2d Sess., Sen. Doc. No. 232, París Exposition, 1900, Rept., Vol. 3, Sen. Docs., Vol. 29, serial No. 4057, p. 456. Richardson, Clifford. An investigation of the composition of American wheat and corn. Reviewed by J. Wrightson in Nature, 29:173, 1883.

What science can teach about wheat. U. S. Dept. Agr., Misc. Special Rept. 2, 1883.

An investigation of the composition of American wheat and corn. U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. of Chem., Bul. 4, 1884.

*Riley, C. V. Risser, A. K. Roberts, I. P. Rogers, J. E. T. 1882.

Report of chemist. Rept. of Com. of Agr., U. S., 1884. Destructive locusts. U. S. Dept. Agr., Div. Entomol., Bul. 25, 1891. Variety tests of wheat. Pa. State Col. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 67, 1904. Reaping and mowing machines. Johnson's Univ. Cy., 7:17, 1895. History of agriculture and prices in England, 1259-1582, Oxford, Production of wheat in Canada. Can. Mag., 3:468, 1894. The wheat lands of Canada. Pop. Sci. Mo., 55:766, 1899.. Rose, Joshua. Agricultural machinery. Appleton's Cy. of applied mechanics,

Roper, S. C. D.

1:2, 1880.

Ross, D. W. Use of water in irrigation. p. 219, 1899.

Rubinow, I. M. Russia's wheat surplus. 42, 1906.

Saturday Review, London:

U. S. Dept. Agr., Off. Exp. Sta., Bul. 86,

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. of Statis., Bul

57:411, 1884, The Indian wheat trade.
Wheat rings.

[blocks in formation]

Saunders, Charles E. Report of the cerealist. Can. Dept. Agr., 1904, 1905.
The milling and chemical value of the grades of wheat in the Manitoba
inspection division crop of 1904. Can. Dept. Agr., Cen. Exp. Farm, Bul.

50, 1905.
Evidence before the select standing committee on agriculture and
colonization. Canada, 1904, 1905.

Results obtained in 1905 from trial plats of grain, etc.
Agr., Cen. Exp. Farm, Bul. 53, 1905.

Can. Dept.

Some observations on heredity in wheat. Proc. Amer. Breeders' Ass'n, 1:77, 1905.

A natural hybrid in wheat. Proc. Amer. Breeders' Ass'n, 1:137, 1905. Saunders, D. A. Some destructive insects. S. D. Agr. Col. Exp. Sta., Bul. 81,

p. 63, 1903.

+Saunders, William. Trials with grain. Can. Dept. Agr., Cen. Exp. Farm, Buls. 26, 1897; 29, 1898; 34, 1899; 36, 1900; 39, 1901; 41, 1902; 44, 1903. Evidence before select standing committee on agriculture and colonization. Canada, 1900, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905.

Report of director and acting agriculturist of the Canada Experimental Farms, 1898 to 1902.


Some results of cross-fertilization and decrease in vitality of grain by
Ottawa, 1903.

Wheat growing in Canada. Toronto, 1904.
22:561-8, 1904.

Results obtained in 1905 from trial plats of
Agr., Cen. Exp. Farm, Bul. 53, 1905.

Sayons, A. E. Le marche a terme en grains a Londres.

xxxviii., p. 78. 1899.

Reprint Canadian Mag.,

grain, etc. Can. Dept.

Jour. des Econ. 5e s, T.
U. S. Dept. Agr.,

Scaramelli, Francois. Manufacture of semolina and macaroni.

Bu. Plant Indus., Bul. 20, 1902. Schrader, O. Weizen und spelz. Reallexikon der indogermanischen Altertumskunde, 2:947. Strassburg, 1901.

Schulte, J. I. Illustrations of the influence of experiment station work on culture
of field crops.
Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr., 1905, p. 407.
*Schumacher, H. Die Getreidebörsen in den vereinigten Staaten von Amerika.
Jahrbücher fur Nationalökonomie Bd. 66, 1896.

Schweitzer, Paul. Soils and fertilizers. Mo. Agr. Col. Exp. Sta., Bul. 19, 1892.
Science, N. Y., 10:253 314, 1887. Indian wheat.

Scientific American, N. Y.

Dec. 16, 23 1854, History of reaping machines.

July 25,

1896, Agricultural machinery.

Feb. 3, 1900, An early reaping machine.

Feb.24, 83:53, 1900, Schweitzer system of bread making in Paris.

Dec.23, 93:508, 1905, Effect of colored light on grain.

June 1, 96:450, 1907, Our 735,000,000-bushel wheat crop.


49:20,198, 1900, Schweitzer system of bread making in Paris.
57:23,735, 1904, Experiments on wheat.

61:25,263, 1906, Bleaching flour.

62:25,641, 1906, Vitrolizing wheat.

62:25,897, 1906, The agricultural division of the world.

63:26,096, 1907. Castelin automobile plow.

*Scofield, Carl S. Algerian durum wheats.

Bul. 7, 1902.

The commercial grading of corn.

Bul. 41, 1903.

The description of wheat varieties.

Bul. 47, 1903.

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. Plant Indus.,

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. Plant Indus.,

U. S. Dept. Agr., Bu. Plant Indus.,

Accurate methods of grain grading. Amer. Elev. & Grain Trade, 22:192, 1903.

Selby, A. D.

Some diseases of wheat and oats. O. Agr. Exp. Sta., Bul. 97, 1898.


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