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of stone we know: such stone, too, as we see in that quarry, only carefully cut into square blocks and built into houses. But there is something about a quarry that interests the visitor, even if he be no geologist or gatherer of fossils and petrifactions. What is the charm? I will try to tell. It is a consciousness that you are one leaf nearer the core of universal Nature. There is no sham about a stone quarry: no pillars painted over, or small stones fitted in. No, it is Nature's old original family bible; a full folio copy,-leaf and binding in the best condition; and, I am told, that those who are skilled readers, can read even there "the Law and the Prophets."

I had stood for some minutes, when a tall man, of some thirty years of age, approached from behind, carrying in his hand a good sized mattock. He was slightly bowed, not in the body, but in the shoulders; and as I looked at his stone-coloured face and brown hands, I almost envied his Herculean frame, for he looked strength itself. To my surprise he called me by name, and said, "Don't wonder that I know you! I have oftener than once walked ten miles on foot, to be present in the same meeting-house with you on a Sunday." "I fear the sermon was not worth the journey," I replied. "Let me judge that for myself," he rejoined. "You work in the quarry do you?" I continued. That I do," he answered, "and work far too hard for little money. Some weeks, I don't earn ten shillings; and have pains and rheumatism for the remainder."

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Looking round, I said "This seems an immense moor." "Ay," he said, “There are a few hundred acres of it, and all it's good for is to keep some thirty or forty shaggy cattle, such as you see there, now." "Do you think it is good land ?" I asked. "It would be, if cultivated: all but about twenty acres round the quarry-head. Some portions of it have been cultivated. There are, here and there, furrow marks to be seen. squire rides over it sometimes: and a pack of hounds following him and his hunting friends. I often think," continued my friend, "that they might find better employment. But what's the use of thinking? it only vexes one with what one sees. They say there is not room enough for us in England; and yet I see every day of my life, five hundred acres of land lying waste, almost every inch of which might be made fertile as a garden. I told the steward THAT, the other day: he said I did not understand it : that clever men in London said emigration was necessary: that all the land could not be cultivated. I put this question to him-Why don't they let us try? The steward looked keenly, and said, I did not understand it; but I was a curious fellow, and had some strange notions about me. But, whether I am curious, or not curious, I know I am right; and they all know it. The truth is, they are a set of rogues; and so long as they can, they will take care of themselves, and do their best to keep the poor man's nose to the grindstone. I cannot write books, or I would answer them; but I know what I see, and what everybody else may see, if they are not willingly blind. And when they say to me, that there is not room enough for us all in England, I put my mattock in the earth that way, (suiting the action to the word,) and as the sods turn up fresh, I say, Answer me that! I am one of God's creatures, and that is God's earth; and if I am not let dig it, who can I blame? Man, or God?'"

I here shook the rough but honest hand of that quarryman, whose sense was as hard and as natural as the stone he hewed; and as I left him I was staunchly of the opinion, that mattock-logic was older, stronger, and sounder than Malthus-logic. Reader what think you?



Wolverhampton, January 23, 1850.

DEAR SIR,-Your fearless advocacy of the people's rights-your apparently sincere exertions for the advancement of truth-your benevolent efforts to elevate the moral and physical condition of your countrymen-the extent and substantial quality of your information, and the general correctness of your ideas, have long since won my warmest sympathies and admiration.

I regret, however, to observe that a misconception appears to have arisen in your mind with regard to the "Freehold Land" scheme. You say in your late letter to Lord Dudley Stuart, that the thinkers among working men disapprove of the system because it involves a concession inimical to the doctrine of Manhood Suffrage, and because it implies, or seems to imply, that organic matter, in the shape of land, has a better title than intelligence to the privilege of a vote. Permit me to observe that the majority of "Freehold Land" supporters, do not concede one iota of their claim for Universal Suffrage; on the contrary, they conscientiously believe and declare, with you, that man, as man, ought to have a voice in that country to the government of which he pays taxes, and for the defence of which he is liable to be called upon to fight; but they think, nevertheless, that until this moral right be made a legal one, (hopes-the realization of which twinkle dimly in the distance) something must be done to increase and consolidate the strength of the people, in order to provide a counterpoise to the power of the aristocracy, and gain another point in the mountain of progressive reform.

Nor do they look upon the "Freehold Land" scheme in a political light simply. Its social advantages are incalculable. It induces thrift, forethought, temperance, and economy; and when it is known that £15,000, out of £19,000, paid to the society, have been saved from the Ale-house-who can gainsay its merits?

The weekly contribution is so small that few are prevented from subscribing. A discontinuance of some superfluous, perhaps irrational expense, may accomplish the object. And what, I ask, can be purer or nobler than the satisfaction of him who stands upon his own plot of ground, and knows that, unaided, he earned it for himself? To what more profitable discipline could he have been subjected? What stronger inducement could have been presented to him, to continue to walk in the paths of sobriety and peace? I look upon the scheme politically, as a desirable means to a great end: morally, as a wide step towards the regeneration of the working-classes. But, I fear, that a show of disapprobation from such a one as yourself will materially retard its progress, and deter many of them from enlisting in its ranks. Their earnings may perhaps again glitter on the tables of the ale-house, or the counters of the gin-shop, whilst they are hoping to receive their rights" in that "good time," which, if thousands pursue such a course, may never arrive. With every assurance of my fervent and sincere esteem, Believe me, dear Sir, yours faithfully,


Mr. Thomas Cooper.


OPINIONS CONCERNING BEAUTY.-What different ideas are formed in different nations, concerning the beauty of the human shape and countenance ! A fair complexion is a shocking deformity on the coast of Guinea; thick lips and a flat nose are a beauty. In some nations, long ears, that hang down upon the shoulders, are the objects of universal admiration. In China, if a lady's foot is so large as to be fit to walk upon, she is regarded as a monster of ugliness. Some of the savage nations in North America tie four boards round the heads of their children, and thus squeeze them, while the bones are tender and gristly, into a form that is almost perfectly square. Europeans are astonished at the absurd barbarity of this practice, to which some missionaries have imputed the singular stupidity of those nations among whom it prevails. But when they condemn those savages, they do not reflect that the ladies in England had, till within these very few years, been endeavouring for near a century past, to squeeze the beautiful roundness of their natural shape into a square form of the same kind.-Smith.

To Correspondents.

*Correspondents will please address, "Thomas Cooper, 5, Park Row, Knightsbridge,


"A Learner."-The Greeks themselves wrote Sokrates, Phokion, Alkibiades: the Romans substituted a c for the k, and, most likely pronounced the chard, as in our word card'; while we pronounce the c in such names like s. Mr. Grote, in his new History of Greece (the best ever yet written), is restoring the proper Greek spelling. If Learner' cannot get hold of Mr. Grote's work (which is very dear), Walker's Key to the Pronunciation of Classical Names' will give him the accents. Alcibiades is, by us at present, pronounced Al-se-bi-a-dees: accent on the third syllable. Nearly all Greek and Latin terminations in 'es' are pronounced like our English word ease.

Charles Paul, Islington."-I cannot address the persons he names without a great deal more knowledge of the circumstances. The hint respecting the paper he mentions should have been sent to its editors.

"G. B."-His poetry is so near excellence that I do not decline it without considerable hesitation. Give it up? No. He must persevere, studying the best models: his faculty will ripen. D. G., Dundee."-The handbills shall be sent as directed.

"P. H. Eastwood, Middleton."I never derived assistance from any system of 'Phrenotypics." To practice the memory is the most infallible way to strengthen it. The Venetian ducat mentioned so often in the Merchant of Venice' is reckoned at 3s. 6d.

"Committee of the Young Man's Mutual Instruction Society, Little Dean-street, Soho;" "G. B.," "Geo. Lombard;" and others. Their approvals of the proposed Progress Union are received, and valued.

“Cincinnatus.”—The poetry is respectfully declined. His additional suggestions respecting a Progress Union would be proper subjects for consideration by a Conference

"A. L. B."-Obliged by his letter. The questions he puts respecting the owners of vessels can only be answered by the agents who advertise them in the newspapers. I have no means of answering the enquiry.

"Osmond Martin;"" John P.;" "T. J. Birch;" their poetry is respectfully declined.

"F. R. Nugent."-His lines are good; but they are too fragmentary. Let him try his hand at something more complete: nineteen lines, rather than nine and a half.


"S. W., Bath."-Theodore Parker's Thoughts on Matters pertaining to Religion,' is one of the best works he can read. Joseph Barker has published an edition of it, nicely got up in cloth, at the low price of 1s. 9d. Mr. Watson is the London publisher, and any bookseller in Bath can send for it.

Lectures, in London, for the ensuing Week.

SUNDAY, Feb. 17, at 7, Hall of Science, (near Finsbury Square, City Road.) "Christ's transcendent excellence as a moral examplar; and the consonance of his religion with the Religion of Human Nature"-Thomas Cooper. At 7, Literary Institution, John-street, Fitzroy Square. "Necessity of Union for progress "Robert Owen. (See Advt.) MONDAY, Feb. 18, at 8, Temperance Hall, Broadway, Westminster. "Life and Genius of Milton"-Thomas Cooper. At half-past 8, Mechanics' Institute, Gould Square, Crutched Friars. "Life and Genius of William Hazlitt"-C. Walter. At a quarter to 9, Finsbury Hall, 66, Bunhill Row. "The Settler's Life in Australia"-J. Wade. At half-past 8, Pentonville Athenæum, 17, Chapel Street. "Life and Writings of James Hogg, the Ettrick Shepherd"-D. Milne.

MORALITY OF ACTIONS.—The morality of an action depends upon the motive from which we act. If I fling half-a-crown to a beggar with the intention to break his head, and he picks it up and buys victuals with it, the physical effect is good; but with respect to me the action is very wrong.-Johnson.

PURSUIT OF KNOWLEDGE.-He that enlarges his curiosity after the works of nature, demonstrably multiplies the inlets to happiness; therefore we should cherish ardour in the pursuit of useful knowledge, and remember that a blighted spring makes a barren year, and that the vernal flowers, however beautiful and gay, are only intended by nature as preparatives to autumnal fruit.-Ib.

EXPECTATION. It is proper for all to remember, that they ought not to raise expecta tion which it is not in their power to satisfy, and that it is more pleasing to see smoke brightening into flame, than flame sinking into smoke.—Ib.

CONFIDENCE.--There is something captivating in spirit and intrepidity, to which we often yield as to a resistless power; nor can he reasonably expect the confidence of others who too apparently distrusts himself.-Ib.

COMBINATIONS OF WICKEDNESS would overwhelm the world, by the advantage which licentious principles afford, did not those who have long practised perfidy grow faithless to each other.-Ib


DEMOCRACY.-Universal Democracy, whatever we may think of it, has declare d itself as an inevitable fact of the days in which we live; and he who has any chance to instruct, or lead, in these days must begin by admitting that: new street-barricades, and new anarchies, still more scandalous if still less sanguinary, must return and again return, till governing persons everywhere know and admit that. Democracy, it may be said everywhere, is here :—for sixty years now, ever since the grand or First French Revolution, that fact has been terribly announced to all the world; in message after message, some of them very terrible indeed; and now at last all the world ought really to believe it. That the world does believe it; that even Kings now as good as believe it, and know, or with just terror surmise, that they are but temporary phantasm Playactors, and that Democracy is the grand, alarming, imminent and indisputable Reality: this, among the scandalous phases we witnessed in the last two years, is a phasis full of hope: a sign that we are advancing closer and closer to the very Problem itself, which it will behove us to solve or die; -that all fighting and campaigning and coalitioning in regard to the existence of the Problem, is hopeless and superfluous henceforth. The gods have appointed it so; no Pitt, nor body of Pitts or mortal creatures can appoint it otherwise. Democracy, sure enough, is here: one knows not how long it will keep hidden underground even in Russia ;-and here in England, though we object to it resolutely in the form of street-barricades and insurrectionary pikes, and decidedly will not open doors to it on those terms, the tramp of its million feet is on all streets and thoroughfares, the sound of its bewildered thousandfold voice is in all writings and speakings, in all thinkings and modes and activities of men.

SHAMS.-Alas, it is sad enough that Anarchy is here; that we are not permitted to regret its being here,-for, who that had, for this divine Universe, an eye which was human at all, could wish that Shams of any kind, especially that Sham-Kings should continue? No: at all costs, it is to be prayed by all men that Shams may cease. Good Heavens, to what depths have we got, when this to many a man seems strange! Yet strange to many a man it does seem ; and to many a solid Englishman, wholesomely digesting his pudding among what are called the cultivated classes, it seems strange exceedingly; a mad ignorant notion, quite heterodox, and big with mere ruin. He has been used to decent forms long since fallen empty of meaning, to plausible modes, solemnities grown ceremonial,-what you in your iconoclast humour call shams,-all his life long; never heard that there was any harm in them, that there was any getting on without them. Did not cotton spin itself, beef grow, and groceries and spiceries come in from the East and the West, quite comfortably by the side of shams? Kings reigned, what they were pleased to call reigning; lawyers pleaded, bishops preached, and honourable members perorated; and to crown the whole, as if it were all real and no sham there, did not scrip continue saleable, and the banker pay in bullion, or paper with a metallic basis? JUSTICE.-Oceans of horse-hair, continents of parchment, and learned-sergeant eloquence, were it continued till the learned tongue wore itself small in the indefatigable learned mouth, cannot make unjust just. The grand question still remains, Was the judgment just? If unjust, it will not and cannot get harbour for itself, or continue to have footing in this Universe, which was made by other than One Unjust. Enforce it by never such statuting, three readings, royal assents; blow it to the four winds with all manner of quilted trumpeters and pursuivants, in the rear of them never so many gibbets and hangmen, it will not stand, it cannot stand. From all souls of men, from all ends of Nature, from the Throne of God above, there are voices bidding it: Away, away! Does it take no warning; does it stand, strong in its three readings, in its gibbets and artillery-parks? The more woe is to it, the frightfuller woe. It will continue standing, for its day, for its year, for its century, doing evil all the while; but it has One enemy who is Almighty: dissolution, explosion, and the everlasting Laws of Nature incessantly advance towards it; and the deeper its rooting, more obstinate its continuing, the deeper also, and huger will its ruin and overturn be.

LIFE. He that embarks on the voyage of life will always wish to advance, rather by the simple impulse of the wind, than the strokes of the oar; and many founder in their passage, while they lie waiting for the gale.-Johnson.


To skip along the daisied lea,

In the early months o' spring,
When vernal verdure clothes the fields,
And the waken'd woodlands ring;
When all around so full of hope,
Gives life to lovely schemes,
And favours our aspiring thoughts,
Our fair, enchanting dreams:

To loiter by the wimpling brook,
In the sunny month o' May,
To gambol on the village green,
Or tedd the balmy hay:
To wander 'mong the mellow woods,
In the "leavy month of June,"
When the foxglove rears its fairy form,
The flowers shed rich perfume:

To scale the rugged mountain's brow,
Exalted view the scene:
Thoughtful to gaze upon the sea,
Clothed in the sunny sheen:
O, sweet are these! but sweeter far,
And ever so will be,

The lonely and mysterious moor :
The wild, wide moor, for me!

The wild, the lonely moor for me,
Where the purple heather grows,

Where fairy mists roll o'er the scene,
So solemn yet so gay,
Where nought unseemly e'er intrudes
Upon the lark's light lay!

The wild, the lonely moor for me,
Where the plover's evry cry,

The curlew's wail, and the bee's deep hum,
As it gently skimmeth by

The lambkins bleat, the heath-fowl's birr,
And the lark's rejoicing lay,
Join joyously in concert meet
From dawn till close of day!

For save the cottage on the brae,
The shieling on the hill,

There's nought but nature to be found,
And everything is still :
The deafening noise of factories
Is not there to be found,
The misery of crowded lanes,

Of dwellings 'neath the ground!

The wild, the lonely moor for me,

There we've no wants and woes,
Such as afflict the poor with whom
Yon city overflows.

O, sweet may distant scenes appear,
But never can they be,

Where the heath-bell sweetly droops its head, Like the lonely and mysterious moor:

And the streamlet gently flows,

The wild, wide moor for me!



Tis' hard! tis' hard! to wander on through this bright world of ours,—
Beneath a sky of smiling blue,-on velvet paths of flowers:

With music in the woods, as there were nought but pleasure known,
Or angels walked earth's solitudes :-and yet with want to groan !
To see no beauty in the stars, nor in the sun's glad smile;
To wail and wander misery-cursed! willing, but cannot toil!
There's burning sickness at my heart: I sink down famished :
God of the wretched, hear my prayer! I would that I were dead!
Heaven droppeth down with manna still in many a golden shower,
And feeds the leaves with fragrant breath, with silver dew, the flower:
There's honeyed fruit for bee and bird, with bloom laughs out the tree:
There's food for all God's happy things; but none gives food to me!
Earth decked with Plenty's garland-crown, smiles on my aching eye:
The purse-proud, swathed in luxury, disdainful pass me by:
I've eager hands-I've earnest heart-but may not work for bread:
God of the wretched, hear my prayer! I would that I were dead !

Gold art thou not a blessed thing? A charm above all other,
To shut up hearts to nature's cry, when brother pleads with brother?
Hast thou a music sweeter than the loving voice of kindness?
No, curse thee, thou'rt a mist twixt God and men in outer blindness!
"Father, come back!" My children cry! Their voices once so sweet,
Now quiver-lance-like, in my bleeding heart! I cannot meet!
The looks that make the brain go mad, of dear ones asking bread!
God of the wretched hear my prayer! I would that I were dead!

Lord, what right have the poor to wed? Love's for the gilded great!
Are they not formed of nobler clay who dine off golden plate?
'Tis the worst curse of poverty to have a feeling heart:
Why can I not, with iron grasp, thrust out the tender part?
I cannot slave in yon Bastile! Ah, no! 'twere bitterer pain-
I'd wear the pauper's iron within, than clank the convict's chain !
To work but cannot-starve, I may-but will not beg for bread :
God of the wretched, hear my prayer! I would that I were dead!


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