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be glad to learn that this veteran theologian has published the first volume of a new commentary on the Gospel of John. Though it is the almost unanimous opinion of theologians that Dr. Hengstenberg has been hitherto, in his writtings on the New Testament, much less successful than in those on the Old, a new commentary by him on one of the Gospels will be hailed everywhere as an exegetical publication of great importance.

Another exegetical publication has been commenced by Professor Wieseler, of Kiel, under the title, An Investigation of the Epistle to the Hebrews, in particular its Author and its Readers, (Eine Untersuchung über den Hebraeerbrief, etc., Kiel, 1861.) In the first part, which has appeared, the author shares the opinion of those who regard Barnabas as the author. The second part is to appear toward the close of the present year.

The great collective work on the Lives and the Writings of the Fathers of the Reformed Church, which has been in course of publication for several years, and of which we gave an account in the April number of the Methodist Quarterly Review, has met with so great a success as to encourage the publisher to make arrangements for the publication of a similar work on the Lutheran Church. The prospectus mentions the names of Dr. Lehnerdt, formerly Professor of Theology at Berlin, and now Superintendent-General of the province of Saxony; Dr. Schmidt, of the University of Strasburg; Dr. Uhlhorn, formerly of the University of Göttingen, and other distinguished theologians, as the editors. The first volume, containing the Life and Select Writings of Melancthon, by Dr. Schmidt, (Philipp Melanchthon. Leben und ausgewählte Schriften. Elberfeld, 1861,) has just appeared.

Simultaneously with it another work on The Lives of the Fathers of the Lutheran Church," (Das Leben der Altväter der Lutherischen Kirche. Leipsic, 1861,) has been commenced by Rev. Mr. Meurer. According to the prospectus it is to contain nine volumes, and will include a greater number of biographies than the first-named work, which will limit itself to the biographies of the founders of the Church. The latter work is intended for all classes of readers, while the volumes of the former collection will aspire to a rank among the

most thorough and erudite historical works of Germany.

On the history of the Hussites new information of great importance is given in "The Reign of George of Podebrad," by Max Jordan, (Das Königthum Georg's von Podebrad. Leipsic, 1861.) George of Podebrad, who, in 1458, was unanimous. ly elected king of Bohemia, and died in 1471, was a zealous patron of the Hussites, who at that time were so conspicuous as the standard-bearers of the reformatory movements in the Roman Catholic Church. The author has had access to a large number of important documents which have never before been made use of. He represents his book as a contribution to the development of the modern state in opposition to the all-controlling supremacy of the Roman Catholic Church of the Middle Ages.

The third number of the Studien und

Kritiken begins with some introductory remarks by the learned editor, Dr. Ulimann, respecting his resignation as President of the Supreme Ecclesiastical Board of the State Church of Baden. (This event is more fully referred to in the "Foreign Religious Intelligence" department of this number.) Dr. Ullmann promises to devote henceforth a much larger portion of his time than before to the editing of his celebrated quarterly. One of the next numbers of the "Studien" is to bring from his pen "Reminiscences of Dr. Umbreit," his departed friend and associate editor of the "Studien."

The number contains three longer articles, (Abhandlungen) viz.: 1. Lübker, An Introduction to a Theology of Classic Antiquity. 2. Piper, Lost and Discovered Monuments and Manuscripts. 3. Gerlach, The Imprisonment and Conversion of Manasseh. The first article is particularly valuable. The author, who, by a Dictionary of Classical Antiquity, and a number of other works, has gained the reputation of being one of the best classical scholars of Germany, discusses in an interesting and thorough manner the theological views of the Greeks concerning God, sin, eternity. The article quotes and reviews nearly the whole German and French literature bearing on the subject, and for this bibliographical completeness alone ought to be read by every one who wishes to obtain reliable information of the religion of the Greeks and Romans. In the second article, by

Professor Piper, of Berlin, many interesting contributions to Christian archæology are given. We noticed, in particular, a highly interesting description of a Greek table-picture, which represents in a series of scenes the entire history of the celebrated image of Christ, which the Saviour himself is said, according to an early tradition, to have sent to Abgarus, king of Edessa.

velopments of high-churchism that have ever grown upon Protestant soil.


The "Cours Complet de Patrologie," published at Paris by Abbé Migne, has been recently completed. It is one of the grandest literary enterprises which the Christian world has ever seen since

the invention of the art of printing, and,

as such, well deserves a more extended notice. All the former great collective works of Roman Catholic literature, as the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists, the Collections of Councils by Labbé and Mansi, the former collections of the Church fathers, the works of Cardinal Mai are nothing compared with it. The "Cours de Patrologie" of Abbé Migne comprises all the extant works and fragments of the ancient ecclesiastical writers in no less than three hundred and twen

The second number of the quarterly Zeitschrift für Historische Theologie contains articles by Hochhuth on the History of the Protestant Sects in the Church of Hesse, and by Dr. Ebrard on "The Outbreak of the First Religious War in France in 1562." Besides it gives a short communication by Dr. Hartwig, evangelical pastor of Messina, Sicily, on the author of the work, De modis uniendi ac reformandi ecclesiam, and another on the Moscow manuscript of the Church History of Eusebius, by the distinguished Russian archeologian, Dr. E. ty-six large quarto volumes, two hund

de Muralt.

The number of the religious quarterlies of Germany (a complete list of which we gave in the April number of the Methodist Quarterly Review, p. 330) has recently received an addition by the establishment of a Deutsche Vierteljahrschrift für Englisch-Theologische Forschung, under the editorship of Dr. Heidenheim, in London. As the title indicates, the principal object of this journal will be to make the German theologians and the German Churches better acquainted with the contents and the spirit of the theological literature of England and America. The first number contains the following articles: 1. Researches on the Samaritans, by Dr. Heidenheim. 2. Mormonism, by Dr. Overbeck. 3. On the Phenician Inscriptions of the British Museum. 4. Epistle of Meshalmah ben Ab Sechuah's to the Samaritans. 5. The Journals of England and their Theleogical Tendencies, together with a review of seven theological works of England.

The gifted but fanatical High Lutheran Professor Vilmar, of Marburg, has commenced the publication of a new religious monthly called Pastoral-Theologische Blätter. The character of the editor warrants that the readers will find in it the most elegant German, a clear and forcible style, some powerful thoughts and sentences, and the most ultra de

red and seventeen of which contain the Latin writers of the first twelve centuries from Tertullian to Innocent III., while the Greek writers from Barnabas to Photius are given in the other one hundred and nine volumes. All the volumes have been stereotyped, in order to enable the publisher to furnish at any time complete sets, and the purchaser to replace any volume that may have been lost.

The work is to be immediately followed by a number of "indexes," which For are to comprise twelve volumes. their compilation fifty persons have been engaged during five years, at an aggregate expense of about 500,000 francs. Each of the three hundred and twentysix volumes is to be analyzed in these indexes two hundred and ten times. By means of these "indexes" it will be possible to refer at once to any of the ecclesiastical writers concerning each one of the doctrines of the Roman Church. Others refer to all the passages concerning music, geometry, and other


By far the most valuable of the indexes, however, is the one which quotes for every single verse of the Bible, from the first of Genesis to the last of the Revelation, all the passages of the fathers which comment on it or refer to it. One of the most remarkable features in connection with this immense work is, that it has been carried through without any direct support from the government or other community. The

literary world owes it exclusively to the | indefatigable labors of Abbé Migne, who as staked a large personal property on the execution of this great work of his life.

A new work on the life, the writings, and the age of Chrysostom, has been published, in three volumes, by Abbé Martin. (St. Jean Chrysostome, Ses Euvres et Son Siecle. Montpellier, 1861.) This is the second monography on the great orator of the ancient Church, which we have received from France within the course of a year, the former being Albert, Chrysostome comme Orateur Populaire. (Paris, 1860.)

An interesting contribution to the Literature on Jansenism is the Histoire du Jansénisme, from its origin down to the year 1644, by the Père René Rapin, of the Company of Jesus, (Paris, 1861,) a work originally written in the latter half of the seventeenth century, but now for the first time revised and edited by the Abbé Domenech. The Père Rapin is the author of a great number of French and Latin theological, classical, and poetical works, one of the latter of which, entitled Hortorum Libri IV., is the most celebrated of all for the purity of its Latinity, and has been translated into French and Italian, and published in England by J. Evelyn, jun., in 1673. The present work, on which he is said to have been employed during twenty years of his life, was never published by him, and has now been for the first time edited, with the permission of the Minister of Public Worship, from the MS. preserved in the Bibliothèque de l'Arse

nal, and prepared by Rapin himself for the use of the clergy of St. Sulpice.

The celebrated Rationalistic minister of Paris, Mr. Athanase Coquerel, has published a Projet de Disci pline pour les Eglises Reformées de France, presenté à la Commission du Conseil Central, (Paris, 1861.) The question of a reorganization of the Reformed State Church occupies the minds of the French Protestants to so high a degree, that the Supreme Board of the Church, the Conseil Central, had commissioned a minister of the Church, Mr. Rollin, with preparing a draft of a new Church discipline. Mr. Rollin, in his turn, had requested Mr. Coquerel to present his views on the subject likewise in the form of a draft of a Church discipline, with which request he has complied by the above publication. We see from the review of the work in the Archives Chrétiennes, that Mr. Coquerel proposes, in place of a national synod, a central council, consisting of thirty-one members, all of whom the government shall have a right to appoint. Fortunately, as the same paper adds, no such scheme stands any chance of receiving the approbation of the Reformed Church; the current of public opinion becomes stronger and stronger in favor of a greater independence of the Church, a strong proof of which was given at the late meeting of the Pastoral Conference of Reformed Ministers at Paris, when a resolution was passed, by ninety votes against one, that a National Synod is the only proper ecclesiastical board that can authorize changes in the constitution or discipline of the Church.


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American Quarterly Reviews.

AMERICAN THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. Annihilation. 2. Slavery among the Ancient Hebrews. 3. Rothe's Address on Philip Melancthon. 4. The Old Testament in the New. 5. Christian Zeal. 6. The New Latitudinarians of England. 7. The Sinaitic Manuscript.

AMERICAN QUARTERLY CHURCH REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. The See Bishopric. How shall we get it? 2. Hymns from Compilers' Hands. 3. John Wesley on Separation from the Church. 4. Early Annals of the Amer

ican Church. 5. University of Trinity College, Canada. 6. Life and Writings of Bishop Doane. 7. The American Quarterly Church Review, and our National Crisis.

BIBLICAL REPERTORY AND PRINCETON REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. The Physical Training of Students. 2. The Mode of Baptism. 3. Covenant Education. 4. Rawlinson's Herodotus. 5. The Apostolic Benediction. 6. The Church and the Country.

BROWNSON'S QUARTERLY REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. Christ the Spirit. 2. Pope and Emperor. 3. Early Christianity in England. 4. Xavier de Ravignan. 5. The Monks of the West.

CHRISTIAN REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. Archetypes. 2. The Greek Church. 3. The Inspiration of the Apostles. 4. The New Trial of the Sinner. 5. Conant's Matthew. 6. Immateriality of the Soul. 7. Berkeley and his Works.

DANVILLE QUARTERLY REVIEW, March, 1861.-1. The Relative Doctrinal Tendencies of Presbyterianism and Congregationalism in America. 2. The Relation which Reason and Philosophy sustain to the Theology of Revelation. 3. The Mystery of Iniquity. 4. Our Country-Its Peril-Its Deliverance. 5. Immortality of the Soul. 6. Ulphilas. The Goths and their Language. 7. Nature and Revelation in Relation to the Origin of our Conception of a God. 8. Divine Sovereignty manifested in Divine Predestination-the only Security for the Use and Success of Means.

EVANGELICAL REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. The Ministerium Question. 2. Baccalaureate Address. 3. The Work of the Education Society. 4. The Lord's Prayer. 5. List of Publications by Lutherans in the United States. 6. Emmaus Orphan House. 7. A Proposed Plan for a General Union of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, etc. 8. Exposition of 2 Peter iii, 12.

FREEWILL BAPTIST QUARTERLY, April, 1861.-1. The Two Histories of the Creation-how Reconciled. 2. Liberty and Slavery. 3. Value of the Saxon Element in the Larguage of the Pulpit. 4. Agricultural Interests. 5. Man Conscious between Death and the Resurrection. 6. Of Deacons. 7. Parton's Life of Jackson. 8. Progress.

MERCERSBURG REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. Jesus and the Resurrection. 2. The Early Introduction of Catechization in the Reformed Church. 3. The Antipodes, or the World Reversed. 4. Animal Magnetism and Hypnotism. 5. Notes on the Agamemnon of Eschylus. 6. The Relation of the Holy Ghost to the Natural World. 7. Slavery and the Bible. NATIONAL QUARTERLY REVIEW, March, 1861.-1. Persian Poetry. 3. Americanisms. 3. Mexican Antiquities. 4. Modern Criticism. 5. Popular Botany. 6. The Saracenic Civilization in Spain. 7. Motley's United Netherlands. 3. The Lessons of Revolutions. 9. Quackery and the Quacked.

NEW ENGLANDER, April, 1861.-1. The Lives of the Haldanes, as illustrating the Rise of Congregationalism in Scotland. 2. The Present Attitude of the Church toward Critical and Scientific Inquiry. 3. The Acquisition of the Amoor. 4. Missions in India. 5. Motley's United Netherlands. 6. The Pulpit. 7. Guizot's General History of Civilization. 8. George Müller and the Life of Trust. 9. The Martyrs under Queen Elizabeth. 10. Dr. Bushnell's Christian Nurture. 11. Ralph Waldo Emerson on the Conduct of Life.

PRESBYTERIAN QUARTERLY REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. The Gallican Church. 2. City Churches. 3. The Imprecatory Psalms. 4. Philological Examination of Isaiah vi, 9, 10. 5. The Scepter of Judah. 6. The Relation of the Church to Reforms. 7. The Arrow-Headed Inscriptions. 8. Motley's History of the United Netherlands.

PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL QUARTERLY REVIEW AND CHURCH REGISTER, January and April, 1861.-1. Introductory Article. 2. The Old Testament Doctrine of a Future Life. 3. Reminiscences of the Revolution. Was General Lee a Traitor? 4. The Chronology of the Septuagint. 5. Historical Credibility of the Four Gospels. 6. The Tractarian Movement. 7. The Oxford Essays. Baden Powell on Miracles.

QUARTERLY REVIEW OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH, April, 1861.-1. The Conflict of Modern Philosophy. 2. Thomas Carlyle. 3. Thomas Babington Macaulay. 4. Nast's Commentary. 5. Methodism in Canada. 6. Philological Study of the Latin Language. 7. Lady Maxwell. 8. Baptism and Church-Membership of Children. THEOLOGICAL AND LITERARY JOURNAL, April, 1861.-1. The Handwriting on the Wall, Daniel v. 2. The Autobiography of A. Carlisle, D. D. 3. Designation and Exposition of the Figures of Isaiah, Chapters Ixiv, lxv, and lxvi. 4. The Sense of oπç uv, Acts iii, 19. 5. The Benefits of a Knowledge of the Purposes God has revealed in Respect to his Kingdom. 6. Pontius Pilate. 7. Indications that the Sedimentary Strata were formed Simultaneously, not in Succession. 8. R. F. Burton's Travels in the Lake Regions of Africa. 9. The Lessons Taught by the late Extraordinary Political Events, and the Catastrophes to which they are Tending. 10. The Study of the Prophetic Scriptures specially a Duty at the Present Time.

UNIVERSALIST QUARTERLY AND GENERAL REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. The Man Christ Jesus as a Teacher. 2. A Glance at the Arena. 3. The Resurrection. 4. Hale's Ninety Days' Worth of Europe. 5. The Existence of Moral Evil not Incompatible with Divine Goodness. 6. The Jews and the Gentiles. 7. Spiritualism Nothing New. 8. Temptation. UNIVERSITY QUARTERLY, April, 1861.-1. The Study of Law in Germany. 2. The Age Theory. 3. The Library of Brown University. 4. College Secret Societies. 5. Westminster Abbey. 6. Hugh Miller. 7. Professional Studies. 8. Aaron Burr. 9. The Study of Natural History in College. 10. The Pope as a Temporal Sovereign. 11. Theodore Parker. 12. Professional Life. 13. The Value of Literary Societies in Academical Education. 14. Relations of Truth to Scholarship. News Articles: Amherst College, Bowdoin College, Brown University, Columbia College, Columbia College Societies, Dartmouth College, Hamilton College, New York University Law School, Norwich University, Kenyon College, Trinity College, University of Vermont, Wesleyan University, Williams College, Yale College, University Quarterly Association.

SOUTHERN BAPTIST REVIEW, March, 1861.-1. The Angel of the Old Testament. 2. Napoleon III.-the Man of Prophecy. 3. Conant's Revision of Matthew. 4. Review of Abbey's Baptismal Demonstrations. 5. Perverted Reason, or the Organon of Heresy.

SOUTHERN PRESBYTERIAN REVIEW, April, 1861.-1. The Princeton Review on the State of the Country. 2. Coleridge. 3. Female Education. 4. The Trinity of the Godhead the Doctrine of the Holy Scriptures. 5. Bunsen on the Bible. 6. A Vindication of Secession and the South.

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