Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]

John A. Quitman born, 1799.
Henry George born, 1839
Eugene de Beauharnais b., 1781
Pindar born, 518 B. C.
J. G. Carlisle born, 1835.

249 6 SUN.Lafayette born, 1757.

250 7 Mo. 251 8 Tu. 252 9 We. 253 10 Th.

254 11 Fri.

255 12 Sat.

256 13 SUN. 257 14 Mo. 258 15 Tu. 259 16 We. 260 17 Th. 261 18 Fri. 26219 Sat. 263 20 SUN. 264 21 Mo. 265 22 Tu. 266 23 We. 267 24 Th. 268 25 Fri. 269 26 Sat. 270 27 SUN. 271 28 Mo. 272 29 Tu. 273 30 We.

Thomas A. Hendricks b., 1819.
John Leyden born, 1775.

Richard C. French born, 1807.
John J. Crittenden born, 1787.
James Thomson born, 1700.
A. H. Foote born, 1806.

Gen. John Sedgwick born, 1813.
Bishop Hobart born, 1775.
J. Fenimore Cooper born, 1789.
Fahrenheit died, 1736.
Samuel Prout born, 1783.
Joseph Story born, 1779.
Robert Sanderson born, 1587.
Gen. J. F. Reynolds born, 1820.
Louis Bonaparte born, 1778.
Lord Chesterfield born, 1694.
Grace Greenwood born, 1823.
Zachary Taylor born, 1784.
Mrs. Hemans born, 1794.
Lord Collingwood born, 1750.
S. F. Dupont born, 1803.

[blocks in formation]

Sir William Jones born, 1746.
Gen. J. M. Schofield born, 1831.5
Gen. Heintzelman born, 1805.

[blocks in formation]

274 1 Th.

275 2 Fri. 276 3 Sat. 277 4 SUN. 278 5 Mo. 279 6 Tu. 280 7 We. 281 8 Th. 282 9 Fri. 283 10 Sat. 284 11 SUN. 285 12 Mo. 286 13 Tu. 287 14 We. 288 15 Th. 289 16 Fri.

290 17 Sat.

291 18 SUN.

292 19 Mo.

293 20 Tu. 294 21 We. 295 22 Th. 296 23 Fri. 297 24 Sat. 298 25 SUN. 299 26 Mo. 300 27 Tu. 301 28 We. 302 29 Th. 303 30 Fri. 304 81 Sac.


October was formerly the eighth month, and hence the name from Octem (eighth).


Rufus Choate born, 1799.
Sam Adams born, 1803.
George Bancroft born, 1800.
R. B. Hayes born, 1822.
C. A. Arthur born, 1830.
J. R. Giddings born, 1795.
William Laud born, 1573.
C. E. Stedman born, 1833.

Lewis Cass born, 1782.
Benjamin West born, 1738.
Dr. Samuel Clarke born. 1675.
A. T. Stewart born, 1803.
Virgil born, 70 B. C.
William Penn born, 1644.
Gen. McDowell born, 1818.

William P. Fessenden b., 1806.
John Wilkes born, 1727.
Helen Hunt Jackson born, 1831.
Leigh Hunt born, 1784.
Oliver Ditson born, 1811.
Samuel Taylor Coolridge b.1772
Sir Philip Francis born, 1740.
Francis (Lord) Jeffrey b., 1773.
Sir James Mackintosh b., 1765.
John P. Kennedy born, 1795.
Charles Sprague born, 1791.
Benjamin F. Wade born, 1800.
Anna Dickinson born, 1842.
John Keats born 1796.

Roscoe Conkling born, 1830.
John Adams born, 1735.

[blocks in formation]

2 7 38

5 456 0 8 6 5 465 58 8 39 5 47 5 56 9 18 5 48 5 54 10 6 5 50 5 53 11 2 5 51 5 51 morn 5 52 5 49 0 3 5 53 5 47 1 8 5 55 5 45 2 12 5 56 5 43 3 16

31 DAYS.

St. Paul, N. E. N.E. New York, Wis. and Mich.,

Minn., Or.

Sun Sun Moon rises sets. rises. H. M. H.M. H. M. 5 58 5 41 4 20

4 22 5 23

H.M. H.M. H. M. 5 55 5 44 4 25 5 56 5 42 5 23

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

sets 6

[blocks in formation]

6 05 38

6 36


58 5 39

[blocks in formation]

15 35

6 32


15 36

6 59


59 5 37

7 4 6

35 34

6 54

[blocks in formation]

75 25 0 58 8 5 24 2 14 6 9 5 22 3 31 4 47 6 10 5 21 4 47 6 18 5 14 4 48 rises 6 11 5 19 rises 6 19 5 12 rises 6 7 6 12 5 18 6 12 6 20 5 10 6 2 6 40 6 135 16 6 47 6 21 5 8 6 32 6 18 5 12 7 20 6 145 15 7 30 6 23 5 7 7 10 6 195 10 8 7 6 155 14 8 18 6 24 5 5 7 56 6 20 5 9 9 26 16 5 12 9 13 6 25 5 3 8 51 26 17 5 11 10 13 6 26 5 1 9 52 66 18 5 10 11 15 6 285 0 10 57 6 195 8 morn 6 29 4 58 morn 7 0 17

6 135 19 0 44

6 15 5 17 2 5

6 16 5 16 3 26

6 31 4 57 0 3

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

305 1 SUN.

306 2 Mo. 307 3 Tu. 308 4 We.

309 5 Th.

310 6 Fri. 311 7 Sat. 312 8 SUN. 313 9 Mo. 314 10 Tu. 315 11 We. 316 12 Th. 317 13 Fri. 318 14 Sat. 319 15 SUN. 320 16 Mo. 321 17 Tu. 322 18 We. 323 19 Th. 324 20 Fri.

Mrs. L. H. Sigourney born, 1791. 6 334 55
James K. Polk born, 1795.

6 17

6 344 54


6 27 5 0 6 28 4 59

6 12


6 394 47 6 41 4 46

6 23


W. C. Bryant born, 1794.

[blocks in formation]

Sam I. Prime born, 1812.
Washington Allston born, 1779.
Richard Dale born, 1756.
S. H. Stringham born, 1798.
Gen. O. O. Howard born, 1830.
W. H. Harrison born, 1773.
Gen. A. H. Terry born, 1827.
T. B. Aldrich born, 1837.
Rev. Ray Palmer born, 1808.
Edwin Booth born, 1833.
Anson Burlingame born, 1820.
Richard H. Dana born, 1787.
Timothy Dwight born, 1828.

Marshal Macdonald born, 1763.
Asa Gray born, 1810.

6 394 48 6 404 47 6 41 4 46 10 36 6 434 45 11 51 6 444 44 morn 6 454 43 1 7 6 464 42 6 48 4 41

6 31 4 56 6 324 55 6 334 54 9 35 6 35 4 53 10 44 6 36 4 52 11 57 6 37 4 51 morn 6 38 4 50 1 10 6 394 49 6 40 4 48

6 45 4 41 6 47 4 40 6 48 4 39 9 15 6 50 4 38 10 28 6 514 36 11 45 6 534 35 morn 6 54 4 34 1 3 2 24 6 554 33 2 22 3 38 6 57 4 32 3 42 4 52 6 584 31 5 2 6 8 7 04 30 6 23 rises 7 14 29 rises 6 4 7 24 28 5 44 6 57 7

5 4 26 7 35 74 25 8 40 84 24 9 47 94 23 10 54

2 23

3 40

[blocks in formation]

44 27 6 35

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

6 47 4 44 7 57 7 6 48 4 43 9 0 7 6 494 43 10 3 7 6 504 42 11 6

[blocks in formation]


7 10 4 22 morn

7 12 4 22 0 0

329 25 We. 330 26 Th. 331 27 Fri. 332 28 Sat. 333 29 SUN. 33430 Mo.

Charles Kemble born, 1775. William Cowper born, 1731. Robert Lowth born, 1710. John W. Mackay born, 1831. Wendell Phillips born, 1811. "Mark Twain" born, 1835.

[blocks in formation]

84 29 6 156 584 39


December, from Decem (ten). the Roman Calender terming it

the tenth month.


Matilda Heron born, 1830.
Cortez born, 1485.

George B. McClellan born, 1826.
Thomas Carlyle born, 1795.'
Martin Van Buren born, 1782.
Rev. R. H. Barham born, 1788.
Hugh McCulloch born, 1808.
Mary, Queen of Scots, b., 1542.
John Milton born, 1608.
W. L. Garrison born, 1805.
Charles Wesley born, 1757
John Jay born, 1745.
Cornwallis born, 1737.
Tycho Brahe born, 1546.
Henry C. Carey born, 1793.
Abbott Lawrence born, 1792.
Joseph Henry born, 1779
Sir Humphrey Davy born, 1778.
E. M. Stanton born, 1824.
John W. Crocker born, 1789.
Thomas a Becket born, 1117.
T. W. Higginson born, 1823.
Thomas Macdonough born,1783.
George Crabbe born, 1754.
Sir Isaac Newton born, 1642.
E. D. E. N. Southworth b., 1819.
John Kepler born, 1571.

[blocks in formation]

31 DAYS.

St. Paul, N.E. Wis. and Mich.,

N.E. New York,

Minn., Or.

Sun Sun Moon rises sets. sets.

H.M.H.M. H. M. 7 20 4 18 sets 5 307 21 4 18 5 8 6 25 7 22 4 17 6 3 7 28 7 244 17 7 7 8 37

7 25 4 16 8 19


7 10 4 29

5 19


59 4 38

7 11 4 29

6 14


04 38

7 12 4 28

7 17


14 38

7 13 4 28

8 28


24 38


[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

7 13 4 41 7 14 4 41 7 15 4 41 7 37 4 19 9 45 7 15 4 42 10 55 7 38 4 19 10 50 7 164 4211 54 7 38 4 20 11 53 7 164 43 morn 7 39 4 20 morn 7 174 43 0 517 39 4 21 0 55 7 174 44 1 49 7 40 4 21 1 57 7 174 45 2 48 7 40 4 22 3 0 7 184 45 3 51 7 40 4 23 4 7 7 18 4 46 4 54 7 40 4 23 5 15 7 18 4 46 5 58 7 41 4 24 6 23 7 19 4 47 7 2 7 41 4 24 7 29 7 19 4 48 sets 7 41 4 25 sets

7 36 4 18

7 29

7 37 4 18

8 37

352 18 Fri. 353 19 Sat. 354 20 SUN. 355 21 Mo. 356 22 Tu. 357 23 We. 358 24 Th. 359 25 Fri.

[blocks in formation]

For ascertaining any day of the week for any given time within two hundred years from the introduction of the New Style, 1752* to 1952 inclusive.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1801 1807 1818 1829 1835 1846 1857 1863 1874 1885
1903 1914 1925 1931 1942

1869 1875 1886 1897 5 11 46 24735 13

1909 1915 1926 1937 1943

1887 1898 6 2 2 5 7 35 1 462 4 1938 1949

1895 2 5 5 1 36147257

1878 1889
1929 1935 1946

[blocks in formation]

1758 1769 1775 1786 1809 1815 1826 1837 1753 1759 1770 1781 1810 1821 1827 1838

1882 1893
1933 1939 1950

1843 1854 1865 1871
1905 1911 1922
1787 1798

1849 1855 1866 1877 1883 1894 1900 14 4 7 2 5 7 3 614 6 1905 1917 1923 1934 1945

1899 7 3 3 6 14625735

[blocks in formation]

1 Sunday.. 2 Monday.








Monday. 1 Tuesday.... 1 Wednesday 1 Thursday.. 1 Friday... 1 Saturday.
Tuesday 2 Wednesday 2 Thursday.. 2 Friday. 2 Saturday... 2 Sunday..
Wednesday 3 Thursday.. 3 Friday.. 3 Saturday... 3 Sunday.... 3 Monday.... 3 Tuesday.... 3
Thursday.. 4 Friday.... 4 Saturday... 4 Sunday.... 4 Monday.... 4 Tuesday. 4 Wednesday 4
Friday... 5 Saturday... 5 Sunday.. 5 Monday.... 5 Tuesday.... 5 Wednesday 5 Thursday.. 5
Saturday... 6 Sunday.... 6 Monday.. 6 Tuesday. 6 Wednesday 6 Thursday.. 6 Friday...... 6
Sunday.... 7 Monday.. Tuesday.. 7 Wednesday 7 Thursday.. 7 Friday...... 7 Saturday.
Monday.. 8 Tuesday.. 8 Wednesday 8 Thursday.. 8 Friday...... 8 Saturday... 8 Sunday..
Tuesday. 9 Wednesday 9 Thursday.. 9 Friday.. 9 Saturday... 9 Sunday.... 9 Monday.
Wednesday 10 Thursday..10 Friday......10 Saturday...10 Sunday....10 Monday.. .10 Tuesday.
Thursday..11 Friday......11 Saturday...11 Sunday....11 Monday....11 Tuesday....11 Wednesday 11
Friday......12 Saturday...12 Sunday....12 Monday....12 Tuesday....12 Wednesday 12 Thursday..12
Saturday...13 Sunday....13 Monday....13 Tuesday....13 Wednesday 13 Thursday..13 Friday..
Sunday....14 Monday....14 Tuesday....14 Wednesday 14 Thursday..14 Friday......14 Saturday...14
Monday....15 Tuesday....15 Wednesday 15 Thursday..15 Friday......15 Saturday...15 Sunday....15
Tuesday....16 Wednesday 16 Thursday..16 Friday......16 Saturday...16 Sunday....16 Monday....16
Wednesday17 Thursday..17 Friday......17 Saturday...17 Sunday....17 Monday....17 Tuesday....17
Thursday..18 Friday......18 Saturday...18 Sunday....18 Monday....18 Tuesday....18 Wednesday 18
Friday......19 Saturday...19 Sunday....19 Monday....19 Tuesday....19 Wednesday 19 Thursday..19
Saturday...20 Sunday....20 Monday....20 Tuesday....20 Wednesday 20 Thursday..20 Friday......20
Sunday... 21 Monday....21 Tuesday....21 Wednesday21 Thursday..21 Friday......21 Saturday...21
Monday. ..22 Tuesday. .22 Wednesday22 Thursday..22 Friday.... .22 Saturday...22 Sunday....22
Tuesday....23 Wednesday23 Thursday..23 Friday.. .23 Saturday...23 Sunday....23 Monday.
Wednesday24 Thursday..24 Friday......24 Saturday...24 Sunday....21 Monday....24 Tuesday....21
Thursday..25 Friday......25 Saturday...25 Sunday. .25 Monday....25 Tuesday....25 Wednesday 25
Friday. ..26 Saturday...26 Sunday....26 Monday....26 Tuesday....26 Wednesday 26 Thursday..26
Saturday...27 Sunday....27 Monday....27 Tuesday....27 Wednesday27 Thursday..27 Friday....
Sunday.. .28 Monday....28 Tuesday....28 Wednesday 28 Thursday..28 Friday......28 Saturday...28
Monday....29 Tuesday....29 Wednesday 29 Thursday..29 Friday.... .29 Saturday...29 Sunday....29
Tuesday....30 Wednesday30 Thursday..30 Friday......30 Saturday...30 Sunday....30 Monday....30
Wednesday31 Thursday..31 Friday......31 Saturday...31 Sunday....31 Monday....31 Tuesday....31
NOTE.-To ascertain any day of the week first look in the table for the year required and
under the months are figures which refer to the corresponding figures at the head of the columns
of days below. For Example: To know on what day of the week July 4 will be in the year 1891,
in the table of years look for 1891, and in a parallel line, under July, is figure 3, which directs to
column 3, in which it will be seen that July 4 falls on Saturday.



*1752 same as 1772 from Jan. 1 to Sept. 2. From Sept. 14 to Dec. 31 same as 1780 (Sept. 3-13 were omitted). This Calendar is from Whitaker's London Almanack, with some revisions.

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For the twelve months ending June 30, 1890, compared with the corresponding period of 1889. (Corrected to July 30, 1890.)

Abbreviation: n. e. s., not elsewhere specified.

[blocks in formation]

Articles, the growth, produce and manufacture of the
United States, returned-Spirits, distilled..proof gals. 1,021.096 1,615,316 1,099,477 1,678,892
All other...


Art Works, n. e. s.-Paintings, statuary, fountains, and
other works of art, the production of American artists
Asphaltum, or bitumen, crude.
Bark, hemlock...

3,133,676 4,178,618 4,233,153 5,857,510

399,858 338,177

.lbs. 156,601,203 86,348,171

190,555 89,211

..cords. 35,115 40,279

164,276 185,782

321,125 293,380

Books, maps, engravings, etchings and other printed matter, n. e. s....

1,115,353 1,161,251

Chemicals, Drugs, and Dyes, n. e. s.-Alizarine, natural, or artificial, including extract of madder...

.Ibs. 2,154,930 2,574,994

358,882 438,708


Argal, or argol, or crude tartar, and argol dust. .lbs. 24,908,054 21,429,434 2,798,888 2,490,871 Barks-Cinchona, or other, used in the manufacture of quinia..


[blocks in formation]

.Ibs. 2,838,618 2,865,968 282,775 367,966 .lbs. 202,931 549,998 42,435 ..tons. 65,870 69,354 1,501,574





[blocks in formation]

Diamonds, rough or uncut, including glaziers' diamonds..

Farinaceous substances, and preparations of, n. e. s..

Phosphates, crude or native, for fertilizing
All other..

.lbs. 8,606,049 7,973,039 1,392,728 1,194,505 132,853 257,505 .doz. 15,062,796 15,918,809 2,074,912 2,418,976 1,108,726 941,998 8,432 14.274 111,811 289.745 30,249 34,603 304,590 338,965 797,588 984,952



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