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he would start off, and mope along, dreading the cold; when in fact, he walked so slow, that he would indeed suffer before he got to the school.

4. Then he would neglect his lesson to think how hard it was, to be obliged to attend school, in such weather. As might be expected, John was a dull scholar, and was always at the foot of his class.

5. But, not so with William. He was up betimes in the morning. After breakfast, he was soon ready for school. If cold, he would tie his pocket handkerchief round his chin, and start off with a smiling face.

6. If the wind blew he would clap his hands, and shout," Hurrah! a fine breeze to-day;" and away he would run like a deer on the mountain. His running would keep him warm, and he would enter the schoolhouse early with his cheeks blooming with health and cheerfulness.

7. He loved his books, and was sure to be often at the head of his class. His teacher loved him, and so did all who knew how diligent he was. He became a very bright scholar, and is now one of the best preachers in the United States.

8. Youth is the time to acquire knowledge. Oh! how lovely is the sight of a school-room, where all the boys and girls are searching their books to get understanding.

Which do you suppose was earliest at school, John or William? Which do you imagine was most studious during school hours? If the teacher gave them a long lesson which would learn it cheerfully, and which would complain of it as a hard task? Which do you suppose was watching to see all that took place in the school-room, and which saw and noticed nothing but his books? Why did the teacher and others love William? Which do you most re. semble, John or William?



Prów-ling, roving for prey, searching for food.

Pil-lage, plunder, spoil, booty.

Trél-lis, a frame of lattice work.

Prog, victuals or provisions sought by begging, food.

How many derivative words in the first verse? In the second? What word is the opposite of luscious? Thinner? Quits? Like?

The Fox and the Grapes.-FROM LA FONTAINE.

1. A Fox who having failed to pick,

Though prowling all around the village,
The bones of goose, or duck, or chick,
Was bent on any sort of pillage,

2. Saw from a trellis, hanging high,

Some GRAPES with purple bloom inviting;His jaws with heat and hunger dry,

The luscious fruit would fain be biting.

3. His car-case than a wea-sel thinner
Made him for ev'ry prize alert;

He thought though fortune brought no dinner,
'Twas best secure a good des-sert.

4. A tan'-ta-li-zing branch to gain,

With many a spring and many a bound,
He strove; but, finding all in vain,
With this remark he quits the ground!

5. "Let those who like such trash devour.
I'll range elsewhere for better
These worthless grapes,-
-so green,-and sour,
Are scarcely fit to feed a hog."



Mask, a cover for the face, a covering to disguise the face. En-sú-ing, following, succeeding, the next.

Más-quer-ade, a diversion, or amusement in which the company wear masks.

What kind of word is beautiful? Made? Want? Masquerade? Pity? What word is the opposite of pity? Pretty? Stop? Perfect? Ensuing?

The Fox and the Mask.

1. A Fox walked round a Toyman's shopHow he came there pray do not askBut soon he made a sudden stop,

To look and wonder at a mask.

2. The mask was beautiful and fair,
A perfect mask as e'er was made,
And which a Lady meant to wear,
At the ensuing Mas-quer-ade.

3. He turned it round with much surprise,
To find it prove so light and thin;
"How strange," astonished Ren-ard cries,
"Here's mouth and nose, and eyes and chin;"

4. "And cheeks and lips, extremely pretty; And yet, one thing there still remains To make it perfect;-what a pity;

So fine a head should have no brains."

5. Thus to some boy, or maiden pretty,
Who to get learning take no pains,
May we exclaim-"Ah! what a pity,
So fine a head should have no brains."



Plan-tá-tion, a farm.

In-fést-ed, greatly troubled with.
Dis-tréssed, afflicted, unhappy.
Tér-ri-fied, frightened,

Neigh'-bors, those who live near.
Quest, search, pursuit.
Scrú-pu-lous, careful.

Wilds, woods, a forest.

Ech'-oes, sounds returned.

Fré-quen-ted, often visited.

Ráv-en-ous, very hungry, voracious.

Re-new-ed, began again.

In-ex-pres-si-ble, that cannot be spoken.
Sa-ga-city, quickness of scent.

Mú-tu-al-ly, acting or doing to others as others do to you.
Knówl-edge, the store of information which the mind


Penn-syl-vá-nia, "the groves of Penn," so called from William Penn, who founded the colony of Pennsylvania.— What word is the opposite of missing? Youngest? Entered? Wilds? Mountain? Resting? Refused? Distress? Knowledge? Hope? Wonderful? Kind?

The Indian and his Dog.-AMERICAN PLANTER.

1. In the town of Ulster, in the State of Penn-sylval-nia, lived a man whose name was Le Fever. He owned a plan-ta'-tion near the Blue Mountains, a place which was much in-fest'-ed at that time with



2. He had a family of eleven children. One morning he was greatly alarmed at missing the youngest, who was about four years of age. The dis-tressed family sought after him in the river, and in the fields, but to no purpose. Greatly ter-ri-fied, they u-ni-ted with their neigh-bors in quest of him.

3. They entered the woods, which they searched with the most scru'-pu-lous attention. A thousand times they called him by name,-"Derick, little Derick," was repeated on all sides-but no answer was returned, save the echoes of the wilds. They then assembled at the foot of the mountains without being able to gain the least information respecting the child.

4. After resting themselves a short time, they formed into different bands; and night coming on, the parents in despair refused to return home,—for their fright constantly increased, from the knowledge they had of the mountain-cats and other rav'-en-ous animals that frequented the place.

5. Then came into their minds, the horrid idea of a wolf or some other dreadful animal, devouring their child. "Derick, my poor little Derick!-where art thou,"-frequently exclaimed the mother, in tones of the deepest distress,-but all of no avail. As soon as day-break appeared, they renewed their search, but as un-suc-cess/-ful-ly as on the pre-ce'-ding day.

6. For-tu-nate-ly an Indian, laden with furs, passing by, called at the house of Le Fever, intending to repose himself there as he us'-u-ally did on his travelling through that part of the country. He was surprised to find no one at home but an old negro woman, who was too feeble to go in search of the child. "Where is brother?" said the Indian. "Alas!" replied she, "he has lost his little Derick, and all the neigh'-bor-hood are employed in looking after him in the woods."


7. It was then three o'clock in the afternoon."Sound the horn," said the Indian," and if possible, call thy master home. I will find his child." The horn was sounded;-and as soon as Le Fever returned, the Indian asked him for the shoes and stockings that little Derick had worn last.

8. He then ordered his dog which he brought with him, to smell them. He then led him into a field about twenty rods from the house, and commenced conducting him in a circular manner round the house, bidding him

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