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And every where that Mary went,
The lamb was sure to go.

2. He follow'd her to school one day,—
That was against the rule,-





It made the children laugh and play,
To see a lamb at school.

So the teacher turn'd him out,
But still he linger'd near;
And waited patiently about
Till Mary did appear.

Then he ran to her, and laid
His head upon her arm,

As if he said, "I'm not afraid-
You'll keep me from all harm."

"What makes the lamb love Mary so?”
The eager children cry.

"O Mary loves the lamb you know,"
The teacher did reply.

"And you each gentle animal

In confidence may bind,

And make them follow at your will
If you are always kind."



Re-lig'-ious, loving the Supreme Being, devout, pious.
Dis-túrb-an-ces, commotions, tumults, disorders.
Un-rú-ly, licentious, turbulent, ungovernable.
Con'-quer-ing, subduing, overcoming, subjecting.
Re-bel-ling, resisting lawful authority.
Con-trived, planned, invented, devised.
Sur-round-ed, encompassed, inclosed."
Un-á-ble, not having power, too feeble.

Rés-cue, to liberate, deliver, to free from.
Ar'-mor, defensive covering for the body.
Af-fec'-tion, love, attachment, kindness.
Pro-tec-tion, defence, guarding from danger.

What kind of word is natured? From what is it derived? How many words can you mention that are derived from nature? What is the opposite of quiet? Strong? Unruly? Bravest? Conquering? Laughing? Foolish? Which syllable is accented in the word Prisoner? If you accent the last syllable how will it be pronounced?

Edward's Escape.

1. THERE was once a king of England who was called Henry the Third. This king was a very quiet, religious, and well natured man, and would have been a very good king in quiet times; but during his reign there were great riots and disturbances, and the king was not strong enough to keep all the unruly people in order; so there was, for a great many years, a deal of fighting, and several battles.

2. King Henry had a son called Edward, and when Edward grew up to be a man he was one of the best and bravest princes in the world, and so he assisted his father in conquering all the unruly people, and in restoring peace and quiet throughout all England. But of all the wicked people who were rebelling and rioting, the worst of all was a great lord called Simon de Montford, Earl of Leicester.*

3. This Simon was so rich that he kept a great number of soldiers, both horse and foot, at his command; and as he was very cunning as well as very rich, he contrived to conquer poor King Henry, who was not at all wise; and in one battle he took both the king and and his son Edward prisoners. But this wickedness and rebellion of Simon's was soon after severely punished, as you shall hear.

*Pronounced Les-ter.

4. Though Prince Edward was a prisoner, Simon did not always keep him locked up in a dungeon, but he sometimes gave him leave to ride abroad on horseback, but he was still always surrounded with guards and soldiers to prevent his escaping; but notwithstanding all these guards and soldiers, this young_prince contrived to escape in the following manner: He had a cousin called Robert, who had a horse that was one of the swiftest in the world, and could gallop so fast that no other horse could overtake him; so Robert lent this horse to Edward, and one day as Edward was riding him, surrounded, as usual, with guards and soldiers, he cunningly asked the guards to ride races with one another, which they, thinking it would be good sport, consented to do.

5. So they rode a great many races, and some won and some lost the race; but they had all galloped so fast that their horses were tired. But Prince Edward would not ride races himself for fear of tiring his own horse which he kept fresh and strong; and when he saw the horses of all the guards quite out of breath and unable to gallop, he bid them good bye, and setting spurs to his own horse, galloped off like the wind, leaving the guards far behind, and laughing heartily to see them look so foolish; for their horses were quite unable to overtake the prince's horse-and so Edward escaped out of Simon's power.

6. I never heard what Simon did to the foolish guards, but I dare say he punished them severely for letting the prince escape so easily. Edward had no sooner escaped than he found friends every where, for he was greatly beloved for his goodness and courage, and he soon raised a great army, and marched at its head to fight Simon, and rescue the poor old king out of his power; and Edward made so much haste that he came up with him and his army quite unexpectedly, and while Simon thought that he was at least an hundred miles off.

8. But the moment Simon saw the prince, and his

brave army, he knew that he should be conquered, and he cried out in great grief, "The Lord have mercy on our souls, for I see our bodies are the prince's!" meaning that Edward would either kill them all or take them prisoners.

9. And so it happened: for the prince immediately began the battle, and soon put Simon's army to flight; and Simon himself, and his son, and a great number of his friends, were killed on the spot.

10. You may guess how glad Edward was to win this great victory; but what pleased him most was, that he was so happy as to save his poor old father's life. For Simon, who kept the poor old king prisoner, dressed him, just as the battle was beginning, in armor, and placed him in the front of his army, that he might be killed by his own friends.

11. When a man is covered up in armor, no one can know who he is; and so, when King Henry's friends came to attack Simon's army, they began to strike at the man in armor, whom they did not know to be their own king. One of them wounded the king by thrusting his sword through one of the joints of the armor, upon which the king cried out, "Save me, save me, I am Henry the king!"`

12. Prince Edward, who happened to be in this part of the battle, heard his father's voice, and immediately galloped up and saved him from the soldiers, and carried him away to his tent, where his wound was soon cured, and he lived six years after, happy in the affection and protection of his brave and good son Edward. This King Henry reigned longer than any king who has ever been in England, except King George the Third. Henry was king fifty-six years. King George the Third sixty-years.

Why did the Earl of Leicester take the king and Edward prisoners? Which do you suppose was the wisest, Edward or his father? Do people wear armor now-a-days? Which king of England reigned the longest? Can you tell me who is king of England at this time?

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Sép-a-rate, unconnected, distinct, not united.
Con'-quered, overcame, subdued, vanquished.
Pro'm-ised, engaged, agreed, assured by promise.
Ar'-my, a large body of armed men, soldiers.
Pris-on-er, one deprived of liberty, a captive.
Harp, a musical instrument, a lyre.

Brá-vest, boldest, most courageous, most noble.
Re-so'lved, determined, formed a resolution.
De-fen'-ding, protecting, guarding from danger
Húnt-ed, went in search of, pursued, followed.
Dés-o-late, uninhabited, solitary, lonely, dreary.
Mél-an-choly, gloomy, dejected, dismal, afflictive.

The Conquest of Wales.

1. THERE is a part of the kingdom of England called Wales. Formerly Wales was a separate kingdom, and had a prince of its own. The prince of that country having made war upon Edward, king of England, it happened that he was conquered in the war,

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