Imágenes de páginas


They were told to expect, upon the fall of Walpole, a large and lucrative indemnity for their pretended wrongs. Lord Mahon.

-Act of indemnity, an act or law passed in order to relieve persons, especially in an official position, from some penalty to which they are liable in consequence of acting illegally, or, in case of members of government, in consequence of exceeding the limits of their strict constitutional powers. Such acts also sometimes provide compensation for losses or damage either incurred in the service of the government, or resulting from some public measure.

Indemonstrability (in-de-mon'stra-bil"iti), n. The condition or quality of being indemonstrable.

Indemonstrable (in-de-mon'stra-bl),a. [Prefix in, not, and demonstrable.] Not demonstrable; incapable of being demonstrated.

In their art they have certain assertions, which as indemonstrable principles, they urge all to receive. Sir E. Sandys. Indemonstrableness (in-de-mon'stra-blnes), n. State of being indemonstrable, Indenization (in-de-ni-za'shon), n.


nization. Indenize (in-de'niz), v. t. To endenize (which see).

Indenizen (in-deʼni-zn), v.t. To endenizen. Indent (in-dent), v. t. [L. L. indentare, O. Fr. endenter, to indent, from L. in, and dens, dentis, a tooth.] 1. To notch; to jag; to cut into points or inequalities, like a row of teeth; as, to indent the edge of paper.— 2. To bind out or apprentice by indenture or contract; to indenture; as, to indent a young man to a shoemaker; to indent a servant.-3. In printing, to begin, as a line, farther in from the margin of the paper than the rest of the paragraph. Indent (in-dent'), v.. 1. To be notched; to have indentations or inequalities like a row of teeth.-2. To run or wind in and out; to move in a zigzag course; to double.

Then shalt thou see the dew-bedabbled wretch (the hare)

Turn and return, indenting with the way. Shak 3. To contract; to bargain; to make a compact.

Shall we buy treason, and indent with fears! Shak. Indent (in-dent'), n. 1. A cut or notch in the margin of anything, or a recess like a notch; indentation.


It shall not wind with such a deep indent. 2. A stamp; an impression.-3. A certificate or indented certificate issued by the government of the United States at the close of the revolution, for the principal or interest of the public debt.-4. A contract; an order, as for goods.-5. In printing, the blank space at the beginning of a paragraph. Indentation (in-dent-a'shon), n. 1. The act of indenting or state of being indented: (a) the act of notching or cutting into points or inequalities, like a row of teeth; the state of being notched or so cut. (b) In printing, the act of beginning a line or series of lines, as the first line of a paragraph, further in from the margin than others. 2. A cut or notch in a margin; a recess or depression like a notch in any border. Indented (in-dent'ed), p. and a. 1. Cut in

Indented Moulding.

the edge or margin into points like teeth; as, an indented paper; an indented moulding. Indented mouldings, such as the one shown in the cut, are a common ornamental feature in Norman architecture.-2. Bound out by indenture; as, an indented apprentice or servant. - 3. In her. notched like the teeth of a saw, but smaller than what is termed dancette: applied to one of the lines of partition. The ordinaries are also often thus borne. Indentedly (in-dent'edli), adv. With indentations.

Indentee, border


Indentee (in-dent-ē), p. and a. In her. having indents not joined to each other, but set apart.



Indentilley (in-dent'il-ē), a. In her. having long indents, somewhat resembling piles conjoined; as, a fesse indentilley at the bottom. Indenting (in-dent'ing), An impression like that made by a tooth. Indentment (in-dent' ment), n. Indenture. 'Some indentments or some bond to draw.' Bp. Hall.


Indenture (in-dent'ür), n. 1. The act of indenting or state of being indented; indentation. The general direction of the shore... is remark ably direct east and west, with only occasional in dentures and projections of bays and promontories. Mitford.

2. In law, a deed under seal entered into between two or more parties with mutual covenants. Formerly it required to be actually indented, or cut in a waving line, so as to correspond with the other copy of the deed; but this is no longer necessary. The term indenture is not used in Scotland,

except in the case of indentures of apprenticeship.

Indenture (in-dent'ür), v. t. pret. & pp. indentured; ppr. indenturing. 1. To indent; to wrinkle; to furrow.

Though age may creep on, and indenture the brow. Woty.

2. To bind by indentures; as, to indenture an apprentice. Indenture (in-dent'ür), v.i. To run in a zigzag course; to double in running. They took

Their staves in hand, and at the good man strook: But, by indenturing, still the good man scap'd. Heywood. Independence (in-de-pend'ens), n. 1. The state of being independent; complete exemption from reliance or control, or the power of others; a state over which no one has any power, control, or authority; ability to support or maintain one's self; direction of one's own affairs without interference by others.

Let fortune do her worst, whatever she makes us

lose, as long as she never makes us lose our honesty and our independence. Pope.

2. That which renders one independent; property or income sufficient to make one independent of others; as, he has acquired an independence.-Declaration of Indepen dence, the solemn declaration of the Congress of the United States of America, on the 4th of July, 1776, by which they formally renounced their subjection to the government of Great Britain.-3. The principles of the religious body who called themselves Independents; Congregationalism. Independency (in-de-pend'en-si), n. Same as Independence.

Give me, I cry'd, enough for me,
My bread and independency.


Independent (in-de-pend'ent), a. [Prefix in, not, and dependent.] 1. Not dependent; not subject to the control of others; not relying on others; not subordinate; as, God is the only being who is perfectly independent; none of us is independent for the supply of his wants.

The town of St. Gaul is a Protestant republick, independent of the abbot, and under the protection of the cantons.


2. Affording the means of independence; as, an independent estate.-3. Not subject to bias or influence; not obsequious; selfdirecting; as, a man of an independent mind.-4. Proceeding from or expressive of a spirit of independence; free; easy; selfcommanding: bold; unconstrained; as, an independent air or manner.-5. Irrespective; without taking note or regard; not to make mention.

A gradual change is also more beneficial, independent of its being more safe. Brougham.

I mean the account of that obligation in general, under which we conceive ourselves bound to obey a law, independent of those resources which the law provides for its own enforcement. R. Ward.

[Independent here = independently, and it would perhaps be more correct to regard it as an adverb.]-6. Pertaining to the Independents or Congregationalists.

A very famous Independent minister was head of a college in those times. Addison.

7. In math. a term applied to a quantity or function not depending upon another for its value. [The preposition that follows independent is generally of, sometimes on.] Independent (in-de-pend'ent), n. Eccles. one who, in religious affairs, maintains that every congregation of Christians is a com


plete church, subject to no superior authority, and competent to perform every act of government in ecclesiastical affairs. Independently (in-de-pend'ent-li), adv. In an independent manner; without control; without regard to connection with other things; as, independently of being safer it is more beneficial.

Dispose lights and shadows, without finishing everything independently the one of the other. Dryden. Indeposable (in-de-pōz'a-bl), a. Not deposable; incapable of being deposed.

The cardinal calls that doctrine which makes princes indeposable by the pope, a breeder of schisms, &c. Stilling fleet. Indeprecable (in-de'pré-ka-bl). a. [Prefix in, and deprecable.] Încapable of being deprecated.

Indeprehensible (in-de-pre-hens'i-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and deprehensible.] Incapable of being found out. A case perplexed and indeprehensible.' Bp. Morton. Indeprivable (in-de-priv'a-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and deprivable.] 1. Incapable of being deprived.-2. Incapable of being taken Indescribable (in-de-skrib'a-bl), a. (Prefix away. [Rare.] in, not, and describable.] Not describable; incapable of being described. 'Indescribable feelings of pleasure.' Layard. Indescribables (in-de-skrib'a-blz), n. pl. A euphemism for trousers.

Mr. Trotter smiled, and holding his glass in his left hand, gave four distinct slaps on the pocket of his mulberry indescribables with his right. Dickens, Indescriptive (in-de-skrip'tiv), a. [Prefix in, not, and descriptive.] Not descriptive; not containing just description. Indesert (in-de-zért'), n. [Prefix in, not, and desert.] Want of merit or worth. [Rare.]

Those who were once looked on as his equals, are apt to think the fame of his merit a reflection on their own indeserts. Addison.

Indesinent (in-de'sin-ent),a. [Prefix in, not, and desinent.] Not ceasing; perpetual. [Rare.]


The last kind of activity... is much more noble, more indesinent, and indefeasible, than the first. Indesinently (in-de'sin-ent-li), adv. out cessation. [Rare.]



They continue a month indesinently. Indesirable (in-dē-zir'a-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and desirable.] Not desirable; undesirable. Indestructibility (in-de-strukt'i-bil"i-ti), n. The quality or condition of being indestructible.

It is, therefore, natural, that the physical doctrine of indestructibility applied to force as well as to matter, should be essentially a creation of the present century, notwithstanding a few allusions made to it by earlier thinkers, all of whom, however, groped vaguely, and without general purpose. Buckle. Indestructible (in-de-strukt'i-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and destructible.] Not destructible; incapable of being destroyed. Indestructibleness (in-de-strukt'i-bl-nes), n. Indestructibility.

Nothing but the indestructibleness of its (the church's) principles, however feebly pursued, could have maintained even the disorganized body that still survives. Disraeli.

Indestructibly (in-de-strukt'i-bli), adv. In an indestructible manner. Indeterminable (in-de-tér'min-a-bl),a. [Prefix in, not, and determinable] Not determinable: (a) incapable of being determined, ascertained, or fixed.

As its (the world's) period is inscrutable, so is its nativity indeterminable. Sir T. Browne. (b) Not to be determined or ended; interminable.

Indeterminably (in-de-tér'min-a-bli), adv. In an indeterminable manner. Indeterminate (in-de-têr'min-ât), a. (Prefix in, not, and determinate.] Not determinate; not settled or fixed; not definite; uncertain; not precise; as, an indeterminate number of years. An indeterminate number of successions.' Newton. - Indeterminate analysis, a branch of algebra in which there are always given a greater number of unknown quantities than there are independent equations, by which means the number of solutions is indefinite.-Indeterminate coefficients, in math. a method of analysis invented by Descartes, the principle of which consists in this, that if we have an equation of this form

A+Bx+Cx2+Dx3+&c. = 0,

in which the coefficients A, B, C are constant, and x a variable which may be supposed as small as we please, each of these coefficients, taken separately, is necessa


rily equal to 0.-Indeterminate equation, in math. an equation in which the unknown quantities admit of an infinite number of values. A group of equations is indeterminate when it contains more unknown quantities than there are equations.-Indeterminate inflorescence, in bot. indefinite inflorescence. See INDEFINITE. - Indeter minate problem, in math. a problem which admits of an infinite number of solutions, or one in which there are fewer imposed conditions than there are unknown or required results.-Indeterminate quantity, in math. a quantity that admits of an infinite number of values.-Indeterminate series, in math. a series whose terms proceed by the powers of an indeterminate quantity. Indeterminately (in-de-ter'min-at-li), adv. In an indeterminate manner; not in any settled manner; indefinitely; not with precise limits; as, a space indeterminately large; an idea indeterminately expressed. Indeterminateness (in-de-tér'min-at-nes),


Want of certain limits; want of precision; indefiniteness.

The want of adequate expressions to denote the endless shades of colour, and the indeterminateness of those which are applied to various tints.

Sir W. Lawrence. Indetermination (in-de-tér'min-a"shon), n. [Prefix in, not, and determination.] Want of determination: (a) an unsettled or wavering state, as of the mind. (b) Want of fixed or stated direction.

By contingents I understand all things which may be done, and may not be done, may happen, or may not happen, by reason of the indetermination or accidental occurrence of the cause. Bramhall.

Indetermined (in-de-termind), a. [Prefix in, not, and determined.] Not determined; undetermined; unsettled; unfixed. Indevirginate t (in-de-ver'jin-at), a. devirginate or deprived of virginity; not defloured. 'Pallas who still liv.s inde


virginate. Chapman. Indevote (in-de-võt), a. [Prefix in, not, and devote.] Not devoted.

Indevoted (in-de-võt'ed), a. Not devoted. Indevotion (in-de-vo'shon), n. [Prefix in, not, and devotion.] Want of devotion; absence of devout affections; impiety; irreligion. An age of indevotion.' Jer. Taylor. Indevout (in-de-vout'), a. [Prefix in, not, and devout.] Not devout; not having devout affections. A careless indevout spirit.' Jer. Taylor.

Indevoutly (in-de-vout'li), adv. Without


Indew (in-du), v. t. [See INDUE.] To put on; to be clothed with; to indue. Spenser. Index (in'deks), n. pl. Indexes (in'deks-ez), sometimes, as in math., Indices (in'di-sez). [L. Root dik, to point out, to show, seen in Skr. dig, to show; Gr. deiknymi, to show; L digitus, a finger; dico, to say.] 1. That which points out; that which shows, indicates, or manifests. 'The face the index of a feeling mind.' Crabbe.

Tastes are the indexes of the different qualities of plants. Arbuthnot.

2. That which directs or points out, as a pointer or hand that points or directs to anything, as the hour of the day, the road to a place, &c.; the hand used by printers, &c.-3. A table of the contents of a book; a table of references in an alphabetical order: anciently prefixed to the book. Get a thorough insight into the index by which the whole book is governed and turned, like fishes, by the tail. Swift.

Hence-4. Prelude; prologue.
Ay me, what act
That roars so loud and thunders in the index!

An index and obscure prologue to the history of lust and foul thoughts. Shak.

5. In anat. the forefinger or pointing finger. 6. In math. the figure or letter which shows to what power any quantity is involved; the exponent. See EXPONENT. - Index hand. Same as Index, 2.-Index of a globe, a little style fitted on the north pole of an artificial terrestrial globe, which, by turning with the globe, serves to point to certain divisions of the hour circle.-Index of a logarithm, called otherwise the characteristic, is the integral part which precedes the logarithm, and is always one less than the number of integral figures in the given number. Thus, if the given number consist of four figures, the index of its logarithmr is 3, if of five figures, the index is 4, and so on. See LOGARITHM.-Index of refraction, in optics, the ratio between the sines of the angles of incidence and of refraction. Thus


in water, if the sine of the angle of refraction be taken as unity, that of incidence will be about 11, or more accurately 1 336; and therefore the index of refraction in water is 1.336. See REFRACTION. - Index Expurgatorius (Index Expurgatory), Index Prohibitorius (Index Prohibitory), or more fully Index Librorum Prohibitorum (Index of Prohibited Books), a catalogue of books which are forbidden by the Roman Catholic Church to be read by the faithful. Index (in'deks), v. t. To provide with an index or table of references; to place in an index or table, as the subjects treated of in a book; as, to index a book. Index-correction (in"deks-ko-rek'shon), n. In astron. the correction that has to be applied to an observation taken with an instrument that has an index-error. See INDEX-ERROR.

Indexer (in'deks-ér), n. One who makes an index.

Index-error (in'deks-ér-rêr), n. In astron. the difference between the zero point of the graduated limb of an astronomical instrument, as a sextant, and where the zero point ought to be as shown by the index when the index-glass is parallel to the horizon-glass. Index-finger (in'deks-fing-gér), n. The forefinger, so called from its being used in pointing.

Index-glass (in'deks-glas), n. In reflecting astronomical instruments, a plane speculum, or mirror of quicksilvered glass, which moves with the index, and is designed to reflect the image of the sun or other object upon the horizon-glass, whence it is again Indexical (in-deks'ik-al), a. Having the reflected to the eye of the observer. form of an index; pertaining to an index. Indexically (in-deks'ik-al-li), adv. In the manner of an index.

Indexterity (in-deks-te'ri-ti), n. [Prefix in, not, and dexterity.] Want of dexterity: (a) want of readiness in the use of the hands; clumsiness; awkwardness. (b) Want of skill or readiness in any art or occupation.

The indexterity of our consumption-curers demonstrates their dimness in beholding its causes. Harvey. Indiadem (in-di'a-dem), v. t. [Prefix in, and diadem.] To place or set in a diadem, as a gem.

Whereto shall that be likened? to what gem

Indiaman (in'di-a-man), n. pl. Indiamen (in'di-a-men). A large ship employed in the India trade.

India-matting (in'di-a-mat-ing), n. Grass or reed mats made in the East, commonly from Papyrus corymbosus.

Indian (in'di-an), a. [From India, and this from Indus, the name of a river in Asia; Skr. sindhu, a river.] 1. Pertaining to either of the Indies, East or West, or the aborigines of America.-2. Made of maize or Indian corn; as, Indian meal; Indian bread.

Indian architecture, the architecture peculiar to India or Hindustan. It comprehends a great variety of styles, which are divided by Fergusson into the Buddhist styles as exemplified not only in the Buddhist works within the borders of Hindustan, but also in those of Burmah, Ceylon, Java, China, and Thibet (see Buddhist Architecture under BUDDHIST); the Jaina style, a corruption of the pure Buddhist by admixture with the Hindu style; the Dravidian or style of Southern India, a style of architecture of the Tamil races of the south; the Northern Hindu or Indo-Ayran, a cognate style occurring in the valley of the Ganges and its tributaries; the Chalukyan style, prevailing in the intermediate region between these two; the Modern Hindu, Indian Saracenic or Mohammedan, or that form which Indian architecture took after being influenced by the Mohammedan styles; and the styles peculiar to Cashmere and some other districts of India. Among the most remarkable of the works of Indian architecture are the rock-cut temples such as at Ellora In the system of Indian decoration there is no trace of what may be called an order. Among the larger masses of decorations for support sculptured elephants very frequently occur, as well as lions, as may be seen from the accompanying cut of a portion of the Choultry or pillared hall at Madura, built by Tirumulla Nayak during 1623-45. Indian bay, a plant, Laurus indica. See LAURUS.--Indian berry, Cocculus Indicus. See under CocCULUS.- Indian corn, a native American plant (Zea Mays), otherwise called

[merged small][merged small][graphic]

Indian Architecture-Dravidian Style.
Choultry at Madura.

fig, the prickly pear (Opuntia vulgaris).Indian file, single file; arrangement of persons in a row following one after another. so named from its being the manner in which the American Indians usually traverse the woods.-Indian fire, pyrotechnic composition, used as a signal light, consisting of 7 parts of sulphur, 2 of realgar, and 24 of nitre. It burns with a brilliant white flame -Indian hen, a species of bittern (Botaurus minor) found in North America.-Indian ink, more properly China ink, a black pigment mainly brought from China, used in water-colour painting and for the lines and shadows of drawings. It is sold in sticks and cakes, and is said to consist of lamp-black and animal glue. Inferior imitations are manufactured in this country. - Indian oak, the teak-tree (Tectona grandis). See TECTONA.-Indian red, a species of ochre, a very fine purple earth, of a firm, compact texture and great weight, found abundantly in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.-Indian reed, a name applied to various plants of the genus Canna.-Indian shot, a name given to the plants of the genus Canna. (See CANNA.) The fruit has

Fruit of Canna edulis (Indian Shot).

three cells, each containing several round hard black seeds resembling shot, hence the name of the plant. The seeds are sometimes used as a substitute for coffee, and yield, by compression, a purple dye.-Indian steel, a kind of steel imported from India; wootz (which see). -Indian summer, in North America, a season of pleasant warm weather occurring late in autumn. - Indian tobacco, a plant, Lobelia inflata. See LOBELIA. Indian turnip, a North American plant (Arisarma triphyllum), which has a root resembling a small turnip, two leaves, each divided into three leaflets, and arum-like blossoms Indian wheat, Indian corn.-Indian yellow, a pigment of a bright yellow colour, but not permanent, much used in water-colour painting. It is imported from India, and is composed of the phosphate of urea and


Indian (in'di-an), n. 1. A native of the Indies, West or East.-2. An aboriginal native of America: so named from the idea of Columbus and early navigators that America was identical with India. Indianeer (in'di-an-er'), n. An Indiaman.


Indianite (in'di-an-it), n. [From India.] A mineral, a variety of anorthite found in the Carnatic, differing somewhat from ordinary anorthite from Vesuvius in the composition of the protoxides which it contains. Indian-like (in'di-an-lik), a. Resembling an Indian.

India-paper (in'di-a-på-pèr), n. A delicate absorbent paper made in China, and in this and other countries used to take first or finest proofs of engravings. It is imitated successfully by European makers. India-rubber (in'di-a-rub-ér), n. Caoutchouc, a substance of extraordinary elasticity, called also Elastic Gum or Resin. It is produced by incision from several trees of different natural orders, chiefly Euphorbiacere, Artocarpacea, and Apocynaceæ. The india-rubber tree of Bengal is Ficus elastica, which yields a large portion of the caoutchouc exported from Bengal. See CAOUTCHOUC.

Indic (in'dik), a. A term applied to a class of Indo-European (Aryan) languages, comprising the dialects at present spoken in India, as Hindi, Hindustani, Mahratti, Bengali, and the dead languages Prakrit and Pali, modern Sanskrit, and Vedic Sanskrit. Indicant (in'di-kant), a. [L. indicans, indicantis, ppr. of indico, to point out. See INDICATE.] Serving to point out, as a remedy. Indicant (in'di-kant), n. In med. that which indicates or points out; as, an indicant of a disease, or of a remedy to be used for a dis


Indicate (in'di-kāt), v. t. pret. & pp. indicated; ppr. indicating. [L. indico, indicatum, from index, indicis, lit. a pointer. See INDEX.] 1. To point out; to make known; to direct the mind to a knowledge of; to show.

Above the steeple shines a plate
That turns and turns to indicate

From what point blows the weather. Cowper. 2. In med to show or manifest by symptoms; to point to as the proper remedy or remedies; as, great prostration of strength indicates the use of stimulants.-SYN. To show, mark, signify, denote, manifest, evidence. Indication (in-di-ka'shon), n. [L. indicatio, indicationis, from indico, to point. See INDICATE, INDEX.] 1. The act of indicating or pointing out.-2. That which serves to indic ite or point out; intimation; information; mark; token; sign; symptom.

The frequent stops they make in the most convenient places are plain indications of their weariness. Addison. 3. In med. any symptom or occurrence in a disease which serves to direct to suitable remedies.-4. Explanation; display. [Rare.]

Without which you cannot make any true analysis and indication of the proceedings of nature. Bacon. Indicative (in-dik'a- tiv), a. [L. indicativus, from indico, to point out. See INDICATE, INDEX.] 1. Pointing out; bringing to notice; giving intimation or knowledge of something not visible or obvious; showing; as, reserve is not always indicative of modesty; it may be indicative of prudence.

Ridicule, with ever-pointing hand,
Conscious of every shift, of every shift
Indicative, his inmost plot betrays.


2. In gram. a term applied to that mood of the verb that indicates, that is, affirms or denies, or that asks questions; as, he writes, he is writing; they run; has the mail arrived?

Indicative (in-dik'a-tiv), n. In gram. the indicative mood. See the adjective. Indicatively(in-di'kat-iv-li),adv. In a manner to show or signify. Indicator (in'dikat-ér), n. 1. One who or that which indicates or points out; specifically, in mech. (a) an instrument for ascertaining and recording the pressure of steam in the cylinder of a steam-engine, in contradistinction to the steam-gauge, which shows the pressure of the steam in the boiler. One of the most perfect indicators is shown in

Richard's Indicator.

the accompanying figure. It consists of a small cylinder, within which there works a

ch, chain:


piston, the upper end of the spindle of which
is attached to and moves a parallel motion
consisting of three links, which carries a
marker at its central point. The pressure
is recorded on a piece of paper attached to
a small cylinder, on which is impressed a
reciprocating circular motion correspond-
ing to the motion of the steam piston.
As the indicator piston rises by the force
of the steam and is brought back by a
graduated spring when the pressure is re-
duced, the pencil traces on the paper a
figure (an indicator diagram) representing
the pressure of the steam at each point of
the stroke. (b) An instrument for co-ordinat-
ing the motions of the piston and valve,
called the valve-indicator. (e) A dynamo-
meter for measuring the power of any prime
mover. (d) An apparatus or appliance in a
telegraph for giving sig-

nals or on which mes-
sages are recorded, as
the dial and index hand
of the alphabetic tele-
graph; specifically, the
name given to a record-
ing instrument invented
by Professor Morse, by
which messages are prin-
ted as they are received.
The current sent trav- Telegraph Indicator.
erses the coils of an elec-
tro-magnet, with which an armature, fur-
nished with a lever projecting forward, is
connected. When the current is in action
the armature is drawn down to the magnet,
and on the cessation of the current it is

again raised by a spring attached to the
extremity of the lever. The lever thus
works up and down upon an axis. A style
supplied with ink is attached to the end of
the lever, over which a strip of paper is
drawn continuously from a roller by clock-
work. When the armature is down the
style rises and comes in contact with the
paper, making a mark on it; when the
current ceases the spring draws the end of
the lever and the style down and away from
the paper. Any number and length of
dashes, or of mere dots, can thus be pro-
duced, and it is by these dashes and dots
that letters are indicated. (See MORSE

ALPHABET.) The instrument is called also Morse Register and Morse's Recording Instrument.-2. A genus of African birds, the honey-guides, so named from the habits of the species, as wherever they are seen it is pretty certain that in the neighbourhood there is a nest of wild bees. It is even said that they guide the natives to the nests of wild bees by flitting before them, reiterating their peculiar cry of cherr! cherr!' They belong to the family of the cuckoos. Two of the best known species are the great honey-guide (Indicator major) and the lesser honey-guide (I. minor) of South Africa, which build hanging nests shaped somewhat like a bottle and having the entrance downwards.-3. In anat. an extensor muscle of the forefinger, situated chiefly on the lower and posterior part of the forearm. Indicatorinæ (in'di-ka-to-ri"ně), n. pl. The honey-guides, a sub-family of scansorial birds of the family Cuculidae or cuckoos, inhabiting South Africa. See INDICATOR, 2. Indicatory (in'di-ka-to-ri), a. Serving to show or make known; showing. Indicavit (in-di-ka'vit), n. [L., he has shown -3d pers. sing. perf. of indico.] In eccles. law, a variety of the writ of prohibition. It lies for a patron of a church whose incumbent is sued in the spiritual court by another clergyman for tithes amounting to a fourth part of the profits of the advowson. Indice + (in'dis), n. An index. B. Jonson. Indices (in'di-sez), pl. of index (which see). Indicia (in-di'shi-a), n. pl. [L., pl. of indicium, a notice, a sign, from index, indicis, lit. a pointer. See INDEX.] In law, discriminating marks; badges; tokens; indications.

Indicible t (in-dis'i-bl), a. [Fr.] Unspeakable; inexpressible.

If the malignity of this sad contagion spend no faster before winter the calamity will be indicible. Evelyn.

Indicolite (in'di-kō-lit), n. [L. indicum, a blue pigment (whence indigo), and Gr. lithos, a stone.] In mineral. a variety of shorl or tourmalin, of an indigo blue colour, sometimes with a tinge of azure or green. Indict (in-dit), v. t. [L. indico, indictum, to declare publicly-in, and dico, to say, to speak.] 1. To compose; to write; to

ch, Sc. loch; g, go; j, job; h, Fr. ton; ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin;


indite. 2. To appoint publicly or by authority; to proclaim.

I am told we shall have no Lent indicted this year. Evelyn.

3. In law, to accuse or charge with a crime or misdemeanour in due form of law by the finding or presentment of a grand-jury. It is the peculiar province of a grand-jury to indict, as it is of the House of Commons to impeach.

Indictable (in-dit'a-bl), a. 1. Capable of being or liable to be indicted; as, an indictable offender.-2. That may bring an indictment on one; as, an indictable offence. Indictee (in-dit-e'), n. A person indicted. Indicter (in-dit'èr), n. One who indicts. Indiction (in-dik'shon), n. [L. indictio, indictionis, a declaration, a period of fifteen years, from indico, to declare publicly.] 1. Declaration; proclamation. Indiction of war. Bacon.-2. In chron. a cycle of fifteen years, instituted by Constantine the Great; originally, a period of taxation, Constantine having reduced the time which the Romans were obliged to serve in the army to fifteen years and imposed a tax or tribute at the end of that term to pay the troops discharged. This practice introduced the keeping of accounts by this period, and it was also used instead of the olympiads in reckoning years, beginning from Jan. 1, A. D. 313.

Indictive (in-dikt'iv), a. Proclaimed; declared.

In all the funerals of note, especially in the publick or indictive, the corpse was first brought, with a vast train of followers, into the forum. Kennet.

Indictment (in-dit'ment), n. The act of indicting, or the state of being indicted; accusation; formal charge or statement of grievances against a person.

To Englishmen it seems that the impropriety of Mr. Bancroft Davis's indictment is aggravated by the improbability that it could have served the purpose of his clients. Sat. Rev.

Specifically, in law, (a) a written accusation of one or more persons of a crime or a misdemeanour preferred to and presented upon oath by a grand-jury. An indictment is not properly so called till it has been found to be a true bill by the grand-jury; and when presented to the grand-jury it is properly called a bill. The decision of the grand-jury is not a verdict upon the guilt of the accused, but merely expresses their opinion, that from the case made by the prosecutor the matter is fit to be presented to the common jury and to be tried in the proper courts. If the grand-jury are of opinion that the accusation is groundless they indorse upon the bill 'not a true bill' or not found; if the contrary, a true bill. (b) In Scots law, a form of process by which a criminal is brought to trial at the instance of the lord-advocate. It runs in the name of the lord-advocate, and, addressing the panel by name, charges him with being guilty of the crime for which he is to be brought to trial.

Indictor (in-dit'èr), n. In law, one who

indicts; an indicter. Indifference (in-dif'fèr-ens), n. [Fr., from L. indifferentia, from indifferens, indifferentis, indifferent. See INDIFFERENT.] The state or quality of being indifferent: (a) equipoise or neutrality of mind concerning different persons or things; a state in which the mind is not inclined to one side more than the other; freedom from prejudice, prepossession, or bias; impartiality.

In matters of religion he (the upright man) hath the indifference of a traveller, whose great concernment is to arrive at his journey's end; but for the way that leads thither, be it high or low, all is one to him, so long as he is but certain that he is in the right way. Sharp. (b) A state of the mind or feelings when a person takes no interest in something which comes under his notice; unconcernedness; as, a complete indifference to the wants of others. (c) State in which there is no difference, or in which no moral or physical reason preponderates; as, when we speak of the indifference of things in themselves: the indifference of actions from a moral point of view. (d) The state or quality of being scarcely passable; mediocrity or slight badness; as, the cotton was rejected on account of the indifference of its quality.SYN. Carelessness, coldness, coolness, unconcern, apathy, insensibility. Indifferency (in-dif'fer-en-si), n. ence. Gladstone. Indifferent (in-dif'fèr-ent), a. [L. indif ferens, indifferentis-in, not, and differens, ppr. of differo, to carry asunder. See



w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure.-See KEY.


DIFFER.] 1. Not inclined to one side, party, or thing more than to another; neutral; impartial; unbiassed; disinterested; as, an indifferent judge, juror, or arbitrator. Cato knows neither of them;

Indifferent in his choice to sleep or die. Addison.

In choice of committees for ripening business for the counsel it is better to choose indifferent persons than to make an indifferency by putting in those that are strong on both sides. Bacon.

2. Feeling no interest, anxiety, or care respecting anything; unconcerned; as, a man indifferent to his eternal welfare.-3. Not making a difference; having no influence or preponderating weight; having no difference that gives a preference; of no account; without significance or importance; as, it is indifferent which road we take.


Dangers are to me indifferent. 4. Regarded without any friendly interest or affection: usually preceded with not.

'Oh, Rachel! say you love me.' Mr. Tupman,' said the spinster aunt, with averted head-I can hardly speak the words; but-but-you are not wholly indifferent to me.' Dickens.

5. Of a middling state or quality; neither very good nor very bad, but rather bad than good: passable; tolerable; as, indifferent writing or paper.

The state rooms are in indifferent order.
Sir W. Scott.

Formerly often used adverbially: to a moderate degree; passably; tolerably. I am myself indifferent honest.' Shak. Indifferentism (in-dif'fèr-ent-izm), n. tematic indifference; reasoned disregard; lukewarmness; want of zeal.


The depreciation of Christianity by indifferentism is a more insidious and a less curable evil than infidelity itself. Whately.

The indifferentism which equalizes all religions and gives equal rights to truth and error. Card. Manning. Indifferentist (in-dif'fèr-ent-ist), n. One who is indifferent or neutral in any cause; specifically, one who maintains that all religious sects and doctrines are equally good so long as a man is thoroughly persuaded in his own mind that he holds the truth. Indifferently (in-dif'fèr-ent-li), adv. In an indifferent manner; impartially; without concern, wish, or aversion; tolerably; passably.

They may truly and indifferently minister justice. Common Prayer. Set honour in one eye and death i' the other, And I will look on both indifferently. Shak. But I am come to myself indifferently well since, I thank God for it. Howell.

Indigence (in'di-jens), n. The condition of being indigent; want of estate or means of comfortable subsistence; penury; poverty.

It is the care of a very great part of mankind to conceal their indigence from the rest. Johnson SYN. Penury, poverty, destitution, need,


Indigency (in'di-jen-si), n. Indigence (which see). Bentley.

Indigene (in'di-jēn), n. [L. indigena-indu, old form of in, and gen, root of gigno, to beget; in the passive, to be born.] One born in a country; a native animal or plant. Indigenous (in-di'jen-us), a. [See INDIGENE.] Born or originating in, as in a place or country; produced naturally in a country or climate; native; not exotic; innate.

Negroes... are not indigenous or proper natives of America. Sir T. Browne. Joy and hope are emotions indigenous to the human mind. Is. Taylor. Indigent (in'di-jent), a. [L. indigens, indigentis, from indigeo, to stand in need ofind, a form of in, and egeo, to be in want.] 1. Wanting; deprived of: followed by of. Indigent of moisture.' Bacon.-2. Destitute of property or means of comfortable subsistence; needy; poor.


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gested; crude. Rising fumes of indigested food.' Dryden. (b) Not regularly disposed and arranged; not reduced to due form; not methodized; crude; as, chaos is represented as a rude or indigested mass; an indigested


Such indigested ruin, bleak and bare,

How desert now it stands, exposed in air! Dryden. In hot reformations, in what men, more zealous than considerate, call making clear work, the whole is generally crude, harsh, and indigested. Burke. (c) Not prepared or softened by heat, as chemical substances. (d) In med. not brought to suppuration, as the contents of an abscess or boil; as, an indigested wound. Indigestedness (in-di-jest'ed-nes), n. State of being indigested. Burnet. [Rare.] Indigestibility (in-di-jest'i-bil"i-ti), n. The state or quality of being indigestible. Indigestible (in-di-jest'i-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and digestible.] Not digestible: (a) not easily converted into chyme or prepared in the stomach for nourishing the body. (b) Not to be received or patiently endured. Such a torrent of indigestible similes." T. Warton.

Indigestibleness (in-di-jest'i-bl-nes), n. Indigestibility. Ash. Indigestibly (in-di-jest'i-bli), adv. Not digestibly.

[Prefix in,

Indigestion (in-di-jest'yon), n. not, and digestion.] Want of digestion; incapability of or difficulty in digesting food; dyspepsia.

Indigitate + (in-di'jit-at), v.t. [L.L. indigito, indigitatum-L. in, and digitus, a finger.] To indicate, as with the finger; to point out. Their lines did seem to indigitate and point to our times. Sir T. Browne.

Indigitate (in-di'jit-āt), v.i. To speak or communicate ideas by means of the fingers; to point out with the finger; to compute by the fingers.

Indigitationt (in-di'jit-ā”shon), n. The act of pointing out with the finger; indication. 'Which things I conceive no obscure indigitation of providence.' Dr. H. More.

Indign, Indignet (in-din'), a. [L. indignus in, not, and dignus, worthy.] Unworthy; disgraceful.


And all indign and base adversities Make head against my estimation! Indignance, Indignancy+ (in-digʻnans, indig'nan-si), n. Indignation.

With great indignance he that sight forsook. Spenser. Indignant (in-dig'nant), a. [L. indignans, indignantis, ppr. of indignor, to consider as unworthy, to disdain-in, not, and dignor, to deem worthy, from dignus, worthy.] Affected with indignation; feeling the mingled emotions of wrath and scorn or contempt, as when a person is exasperated at one despised, or by a mean action, or by the charge of a dishonourable act.

He strides indignant, and with haughty cries To single fight the fairy prince defies. Tickell. Indignantly (in-dig'nant-li), adv. In an indignant manner; with indignation. Indignation (in-dig-na'shon), n. [L. indignatio, indignationis, from indignor. See INDIGNANT.] 1. The feeling excited by that which is unworthy, base, or disgraceful; anger, mingled with contempt, disgust, or abhorrence; the anger of a superior; violent displeasure.

When Haman saw Mordecai in the king's gate, that he stood not up, nor moved for him, he was full of indignation against Mordecai. Est. v. 9.

2. The effect of anger; terrible judgments; punishment.

O, let them (the heavens). . . hurl down their indignation

On thee, the troubler of the poor world's peace! Shak. SYN. Ire, wrath, resentment, fury, rage. Indignify (in-dig'ni-fi), v.t. (Prefix in, not, and dignify] To treat disdainfully, unbecomingly, or unworthily.

I deem it best to hold eternally

Their bounteous deeds and noble favours shrin'd,
Than by discourse them to indignify! Spenser.

Indignity (in-dig'ni-ti), n. [L. indignitas, for indignus, unworthy-in, not, and dignus, worthy] Unmerited, contemptuous conduct toward another; any action toward another which manifests contempt for him or design to lower his dignity; incivility or injury, accompanied with insult.

How might a prince of my great hopes forget So great indignities you laid upon me? Shak. SYN. Contumely, outrage, affront, abuse, rudeness.


Indignly + (in-din'li), adv. In an indign manner; unworthily.

O Saviour, didst thou take flesh for our redemption to be thus indignly used? By Hall Indigo (in'di-gō), n. [Sp. and It indigo, from L. indicum, indigo, from Indicus, Indian, from India.] A well-known and beautiful blue vegetable dye, extensively employed in dyeing and calico printing. The indigo of commerce is almost entirely obtained from leguminous plants of the genus Indigofera, that cultivated in India being the I. tinetoria, and that in America the I. Anil. The plant is bruised and fermented in vats of water, during which it deposits indigo in the form of a blue powder, which is collected and dried so as to form the cubic cakes in which it usually occurs in commerce. In this state it has an intensely blue colour and earthy fracture, the kind most esteemed being that which, when rubbed by a hard body, assumes a fine copper-red polish Indigo is quite insoluble in water, but when exposed to the action of certain deoxidizing agents it becomes soluble in alkaline solutions, losing its blue colour, and forming a green solution, from which it is precipitated by the acids white, but it instantly becomes blue by exposure to air. The indigo of commerce, besides some earthy matter, consists of indigo-blue, indigo-red, indigobrown, and glutinous matter.-Indigo-bive, or, as it has been called, indigotin, may be prepared from commercial indigo by treating it with dilute acids, alkalies, and alcohol; it is generally prepared by acting with reducing agents upon indigo-white. Indigotin has the formula C16HNO. It forms fine right rhombic prisms which have a blue colour and metallic lustre. It is soluble in strong sulphuric acid; the solution has an intense blue colour, and is employed occasionally in dyeing, under the name of Saxon or liquid blue.-Indigo-white, indigo obtained by subjecting commercial indigo to the action of reducing agents, such as alkaline fluids containing sulphate of iron, or a mixture of grape-sugar, alcohol, and strong soda lye. Reduced indigo forms a yellow solution in alkaline fluids, but, on free exposure to the air, absorbs oxygen and is reconverted into indigo-blue. This is the best method of obtaining the latter in a pure state, whence indigo-white is called also Indigogen.-Egyptian indigo, a leguminous plant, the Tephrosia apollinea, a native of Egypt. It is narcotic, and yields a fine blue dye. The leaves are occasionally mixed with Alexandrian senna, and the plant is commonly cultivated for its indigo in Nubia. See INDIGO-PLANT. A North Indigo-bird (in'di-gō-bérd),_n. American bird (Cyanospiza Cyanea) of the finch family (Fringillidae), of a deep blue colour, and with a sweet song, much in request as a cage-bird. Indigo-blue (in'di-gö-blü), n. See under INDIGO. Indigo-copper (in'di-go-kop-pèr), n. mineral. native protosulphide of copper; it is of an indigo-blue colour. Called also Covelline.


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Indigometer (in-di-gom'et-ér), n. [E. indigo and Gr. metron, a measure.] An instrument for ascertaining the strength of indigo Indigometry (in-di-gom'et-ri), n. The art or method of determining the colouring power of indigo. Indigo-plant (in'di-go-plant), n. A plant of the genus Indigofera, from which indigo is obtained. The species most commonly cultivated under this name is I. tinctoria, a native of the East Indies and other parts of Asia, and grown in many parts of Africa and America. It is a shrubby plant about 3 or 4 feet high, with narrow pinnate leaves and long narrow pods. The West Indian indigo is I. Anil, a shortpodded plant, native of the West Indies


and the warmer parts of America, and cultivated in Asia and Africa. Both are extensively grown for making indigo, the use

Indigo-plant (Indigofera tinctoria).

of which as a dye is of great antiquity. See INDIGO.

Indigotate (in'di-gō-tât), n. A compound of indigotic acid with a salifiable base or metallic oxide; as, indigotate of ammonia, indigotate of mercury.

Indigotic (in-di-got'ik), a. Of or pertaining to, or obtained from indigotin.-Indigotic acid, an acid prepared by treating indigotin with twice its weight of hot nitric acid; salicylic acid.

Indigotin, Indigotine (in'di-gō-tin), n. See Indigo-blue under INDIGO.

Indilatory (in-di'la-to-ri), a. [Prefix in, not, and dilatory.] Not dilatory or slow. 'A new form of indilatory execution.' Cornwallis.

Indiligence (in-di'li-jens), n. [Prefix in, not, and diligence.] Want of diligence; slothfulness. 'The indiligence of an idle tongue. B. Jonson. Indiligent (in-di'li-jent), a. [Prefix in, not, and diligent) Not diligent; idle; slothful. Indiligently (in-dili-jent-li), adv. Without diligence.

I had spent some years, not altogether indiligently, under the ferule of such masters as the place afforded. Bp. Hall. Indiminishable (in-di-min'ish-a-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and diminishable.] Not diminishable; incapable of being diminished; undiminishable. The indiminishable majesty of our highest court.' Milton. [Rare.] Indin, Indine (in'din), n. (C16H10N02) A crystallized substance of a beautiful rose colour, formed by the action of potash on sulphisatyde. It is isomeric with white indigo.

Indirect (in-di-rekt), a. [Prefix in, not, and direct (which see)] Not direct: (a) not straight or rectilinear; deviating from a direct line or cour e; circuitous; as, an indirect route. (b) Not immediate; not tending to an aim or purpose, or producing an effect immediately or by the plainest and most obvious means, but obliquely or consequentially; hence, not open and straightforward; as, an indirect accusation; an indirect attack against reputation; an indirect


The second kind of indirect labour is that employed in making tools or implements for the assistance of labour. F. S. Mill.

(c) Not resulting directly or immediately from a cause, but following consequentially and remotely; as, indirect damages; indirect claims. (d) Not fair; not honest; tending to mislead or deceive.

Indirect dealing will be discovered one time or other. Tillotson. -Indirect taxes, those taxes which fall in reality upon other persons than the immediate subjects of them. Thus the state exacts customs and excise duties from mer

chants upon merchandise, but the consumer, in the increased price he pays for his articles, refunds this tax to the merchant, so that the last buyer is the person who really pays the tax. Indirect or negative demonstration, in geom. and logic, a demonstration in which a supposition is made which is contrary to the conclusion to be established. On this assumption a demonstration is founded, which leads to a result contrary to some known truth; thus proving the truth of the proposition, by showing that the supposition of its contrary leads to an absurd conclusion --Indirect evidence, in law, inferential testimony as to the truth of a disputed fact, not by means of the actual knowledge which any witness had of the fact, but by collateral circumstances, ascertained by competent means.

Indirected (in'di-rekt-ed), a. Not directed; not directed or addressed to any particular quarter.

So toss'd, so lost, so sinking in despair,

I prayed in heart an indirected prayer. Crabbe.


Indirection (in-di-rek'shon), n. [Prefix in, not, and direction.] Oblique course or means; indirectness; dishonest means.

Most of the indirection and artifice which is used among men, does not proceed so much from a degeneracy of nature as an affectation of appearing men of consequence. Tatler.

Indirectly (in-di-rekt'li), adv. In an indirect manner; not in a straight line or course; obliquely; not by direct means; not in express terms; unfairly. Your crown and kingdom indirectly held.' Shak. Indirectness (in-di-rekt'nes), n. The condition or quality of being indirect; obliquity; devious course; unfairness; dishonesty. Indiscernible (in-diz-zèrn'i-bl), a. (Prefix in, not, and discernible.] Not discernible; incapable of being discerned; not visible or perceptible; not discoverable. Secret and indiscernible ways.' Jer. Taylor. Indiscernibleness (in-diz-zérn'i-bl-nes), n. Incapability of being discerned. Indiscernibly (in-diz-zèrn'i-bli), adv. So as not to be seen or perceived. Indiscerpibility (in-dis-serp'i-bil"i-ti), n. The quality or property of being indiscerpible; indiscerptibility.


In an indiscriminate manner; without distinction; in confusion; promiscuously. Indiscriminating (in-dis-krim'in-ât-ing), p. and a. Not discriminating; not making any distinction; as, the victims of an indiscriminating spirit of rapine. Indiscrimination (in-dis-krim'in-ā"shon), n. The quality of being indiscriminate; want of discrimination or distinction. Indiscriminative (in-dis-krim'in-at-iv), a. [Prefix in, not, and discriminative.] Not discriminative; making no distinction. Indiscussed (in-dis-kust'), a. [Prefix in, not, and discussed.] Not discussed. Donne. Indispensability (in-dis-pens'a-bil"i-ti), n. 1. Indispensableness. The indispensability of the natural law.' Skelton.--2. The condition of being excluded from dispensation. 'The indispensability of the first marriage.' Lord Herbert.

Indispensable (in-dis-pens'a-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and dispensable.] 1. Not dispensable; incapable of being dispensed with; that cannot be omitted, remitted, or spared; absolutely necessary or requisite.

The protection of religion is indispensable to all governments. Warburton.



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To such a being (God) belongs spirituality, which 2. Not admitting dispensation; not permitimplies indiscerpibility; and who but a madman ting release or exemption. The law was can imagine the Divine essence discerpible into parts? moral and indispensable.' Burnet. Annotations to Glanville. Indiscerpible (in-dis-serp'i-bl), a. [Prefix absolutely condemns this marriage as incestuous and indispensable. Bp. Hall. in, not, and discerpible.] Not discerpible; Unavoidable. not separable into parts; indiscerptible. Age and other indispensable occasions. Fuller. Indiscerpibleness (in-dis-sérp'i-bl-nes), n. The state of not being discerpible or capable Indispensableness (in-dis-pens'a-bl-nes), n. The state or quality of being indispensable of separation of constituent parts. or absolutely necessary. Indiscerptibility (in-dis-serp'ti-bil'i-ti), n. The condition or quality of being indiscerp- Indispensably (in-dis-pens'a-bli), adv. 1. In an indispensable manner; necessarily. 2. Unavoidably.

tible. Johnson.

Indiscerptible (in-dis-sèrp'ti-bl), a. (Prefix in, not, and discerptible.] Not discerptible; incapable of being destroyed by dissolution or separation of parts. Bp. Butler. Indiscerptibleness (in-dis-serp'ti-bl-nes),



The quality or state of being indiscerp Indiscerptibly (in-dis-sèrp'ti-bli), adv. In an indiscerptible manner. Dr. Allen. Indisciplinable (in-dis'si-plin-a-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and disciplinable.] Not disciplinable; incapable of being disciplined or subjected to discipline; not capable of being improved by discipline. Men... stupid and indisciplinable.' Hale. Indiscipline (in-dis'si-plin), n. [Prefix in, not, and discipline.] Want of discipline or instruction.

Indiscoverable (in-dis-kuv′ėr-a-bl), a. [Prefix in, not, and discoverable.] Not discoverable; incapable of being discovered; undiscoverable.

Nothing can be to us a law, which is by us indis-


Indiscovery + (in-dis-kuv'ê-ri), n. [Prefix in, not, and discovery.] Want of discovery; failure of a search or inquiry. Sir T. Browne. Indiscreet (in-dis-kret'), a. [Prefix in, not, and discreet.] Not discreet: wanting in discretion; not complying with discretion or sound judgment. So drunken and so indiscreet an officer.' Shak.-SYN. Imprudent, injudicious, inconsiderate, rash, hasty, incautious, heedless.

Indiscreetly (in-dis-krēt ́li), adv. In an indiscreet manner; not discreetly; without prudence; inconsiderately; without judg


Indiscreetness (in-dis-krēt'nes), n. The condition or quality of being indiscreet; want of discretion.

Indiscrete (in-dis'krét), a. [Prefix in, not, and discrete.] Not discrete or separated. The terrestrial elements were all in an indiscrete mass of confused matter. T. Pownall.

Indiscretion (in-dis-kre'shon), n. [Prefix in, not, and discretion.] 1. The condition or quality of being indiscreet; want of discretion or judgment; imprudence.

Misfortune is not crime, nor is indiscretion always Burke. the greatest guilt.

2. An indiscreet, imprudent, or somewhat reckless act: as, the grossest vices pass under the fashionable name of indiscretions. Indiscriminate (in-dis-krim'in-ât), a. [Prefix in, not, and discriminate.] Not discriminate; wanting discrimination; undistinguishing; not making any distinction; confused; promiscuous. 'Blind or indiscriminate forgiveness.' Is. Taylor.

The indiscriminate defence of right and wrong contracts the understanding, while it hardens the heart. Junius. Indiscriminately (in-dis-krim'in-at-li), adv.

They were indispensably obliged to be absent. C. Johnson. Indispersed (in-dis-pèrst'), a. [Prefix in, not, and dispersed.] Not dispersed. [Rare.] Indispose (in-dis-poz'), v.t. pret. & pp. indisposed; ppr. indisposing. [Fr. indisposer -prefix in, not, and disposer, to dispose or fit. See DISPOSE.] 1. To disincline; to render averse or unfavourable; as, a love of pleasure indisposes the mind to severe study and steady attention to business.

A further degree of light would not only have indisposed them to the reception of it, but would have aggravated their guilt beyond measure. Hurd. 2. To render unfit or unsuited; to disqualify. Nothing can be reckoned good or bad to us in this life, any farther than that it prepares or indisposes us for the enjoyments of another. Atterbury. 3. To affect with indisposition or illness; to disorder; to make somewhat ill. Indisposed (in-dis-pōzd'), p. and a. disposed; disinclined; averse.

1. Not

The king was sufficiently indisposed towards the persons or the principles of Calvin's disciples. Clarendon.

2. Slightly disordered in health; somewhat ill.

It made him rather indisposed than sick. Walton. Indisposedness (in-dis-poz'ed-nes), n. The condition or quality of being indisposed; disinclination; slight aversion; unfitness; disordered state; indisposition. A sensible indisposedness of heart.' Bp. Hall. Indisposition (in-dis'po-zishon), n. [In, not, and disposition.] 1. The state of being indisposed: (a) disinclination; aversion; unwillingness; dislike; as, the indisposition of men to submit to severe discipline; an indisposition to abandon vicious practices. 'A general indisposition towards believing Atterbury. (b) Slight disorder of the healthy functions of the body; tendency to sickness. It was observed that her majesty had absented herself from public ceremonies, on the plea of indisposition. Macaulay.

2. Want of tendency or natural appetency or affinity; as, the indisposition of two substances to combine. Indisputability (in-dis'put-a-bil'i-ti), n. Same as Indisputableness.

Indisputable (in-dis'pūt-a-b1), a. [Prefix in, not, and disputable.] Not disputable; incapable of being disputed; incontrovertible; incontestable; too evident to admit of dispute. SYN. Incontestable, unquestionable, incontrovertible, undeniable, irrefragable, indubitable, certain, positive. Indisputableness (in-dis'put-a-bl-nes), n. The state or quality of being indisputable. Indisputably (in-dis'put-a-bli), adv. In an indisputable manner; in a manner or degree not admitting of controversy; unquestionably; without dispute, question, or opposition.

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