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mer, especially, should be cleared every morning, from dust and filth; otherwise, they acquire a sour and offensive smell from the decay of vegetable matter left in them; which nauseates the cattle and prevents their feeding. After the stalls have been cleansed by constantly remo ving the dung and sweeping the pavement, a sufficient quantity of fresh litter ought to be strewed over, which will invite them to lie down; for nothing contributes more to expedite the fattening of cattle, than moderate warmth, ease and repose. In fact, where straw can be obtained at a moderate price, supposing the farm does not yield an adequate supply for this purpose, the stalls and farm yards ought always to be well littered, especially during the winter season.

The quantity of manure thus made is an essential object; for it has been found that forty-five oxen, littered, while fatting, with twenty wagon loads of stubble, have made two hundred loads, each three tons, of rotten dung. Every load of hay and litter given to beasts fatting on oil cake, yields seven loads of dung, of one ton and a half each, exclusive of the weight of the cake. And on comparing the dung obtained by feeding with oil.cake with that of the common farm yard, it has been found that the effects produced by spreading twelve loads of the former on an acre, considerably exceeded those of twenty-four loads of the lat ter manure. It is, in fact, invariably found that the value of the manure is in proportion to the nutriment contained in the aliment By another trial, it appears, that thirty-six cows and four horses, when tied up, ate fifty tons of hay, and had twenty acres of straw for litter; they made two hundred loads of dung, in rotten order, for the land; a difference in weight which is accounted for by the absorption of moisture by





We have already had occasion to remark, that the farmer should take especial care to select his stock with reference to the great object he has in view. This is eminently true in respect to the particular branch of dairying which he means to pursue; for if his object be to sell or suckle calves, quantity must be the material consideration; and quality, if he means to produce butter and cheese.

It is a general observation, that the richest milk is produced by the red cow, while the black sort is reckoned best for the purposes of breeding, as her calf is usually both stronger and more healthy than the offspring of the red species. This, however, is one of those errors which have been transmitted through a long series of years, without being founded on fact. The red cows have indeed been long celebrated for the ex


cellency of their milk; and the calves of black cows have been proverbially deemed good; but color in this respect is a matter of no moment; the breed alone should claim the farmer's attention. But cows even of the same, and the best breeds, will not always yield the same quantity of milk; and of those which yield the most, it is not unfrequently deficient in richness. Trials are, however, easily made, by keeping the cows on the same food, weighing the quantity consumed by each, and measuring their milk; then keeping and churning it, a few times, separately; thus, reckoning the cost of the provender, and the produce of the milk of each, and comparing the result, it will be soon discovered which is the most profitable animal. Comparisons of this kind are not often made; for farmers usually purchase whatever stock they can most conveniently, or most cheaply lay their hands on; and are then content to keep them so long as they turn out tolerably well. This, however, is the height of bad economy; for an indifferent cow will eat as much and require as much attendance as the best; and thus occasions a daily loss that will soon exceed any probable saving in the original price; whereas the man who takes the pains to acquire a good stock, and has the sense to keep it, lays the sure foundation of a fortune.

Whatever breed may be selected, there is still a material distinction to be observed between the form of a cow, intended for the dairy, and that of one intended for fatting. While the latter should possess, as nearly as possible, all the most remarkable points already described, of the best oxen, the milch cow should, on the contrary, be thin and hollow in the neck; narrow in the breast, and point of the shoulder, and altogether light in the fore quarter; with little dewlap, and neither full fleshed along the chine, nor shewing, in any part, much indication of a disposition in any part to put on fat. The hide should be thin, the hair fine, and the tail small. But especially the udder should be full and round, yet thin to the touch, and should be of equal size and substance throughout. If it shews more behind than before, it is deemed a sign of the milk falling off soon after calving, and if it feels coarse and lumpy, the bag will be found not to contain a large quantity. The teats should stand square, at equal distances, and should be neither very large nor very thick towards the udder, but nearly equal, yet ending in a point. Another very material consideration is the temper; for kindly cows will not only give less trouble than those of an opposite disposition, but they are generally marked to possess a greater quantity of milk; and from parting with it more readily, they are less subject to fall off in their milking.

As the nature of the grass, or other vegetables, has a very considerable influence both on the quality and on the quantity of milk which cows produce, the attention of the industrious farmer will, of course, be directed to this point; for, as instances have occurred, where six milch kine, fed on some pastures, have yielded as much milk as nine, or even a dozen will afford on an inferior ground, it is obviously his interest to have his cows well fed and in good condition, rather than to keep up a particular number, without heeding whether they are properly supplied or not. Hence, it will be proper to suit the milch cows to the nature and fertility of the soil; and on no account to purchase them from pastures superior to those destined for their reception.

The feeding of milch kine is divided into two branches, viz. pasturing and house feeding.


In order to obtain an abundant supply of good milk, where the pastur, ing of cows is adopted, they ought uniformly to be well fed; for this purpose, grass growing spontaneously on good, sound, meadow land, is in general deemed the most proper food. Another requisite is, that the grass be plentifully produced, and of that quality which is relished by the cattle. This property will generally be found in old natural pastures that have been properly managed.

Long, rank grass, growing in orchards or other places, in general feeds well, and produces a flush of milk, yet such milk will neither be so rich, nor carry so much cream in proportion, as the milk of those cows which are fed upon short fine grass; nor, of course, will their butter be so good.

Further, the quality and quantity of milk is materially affected by dri ving them to a distance from one pasture to another; hence it will be proper to have the cow sheds in as central a part of the farm as possible. It is also of essential importance to have pastures inclosed, as the produce of milch kine will be greatly improved, or deteriorated, according to the attention or disregard bestowed on this point, for, when confined within proper enclosures, they not only feed more leisurely, but are also less liable to disturbance than when they wander into other fields.

In summer, milch cows need less care; but in winter they should be stabled, or at least should have warm sheltered yards, furnished with open sheds, in which they can feed without exposure to the severities of the weather; a measure, of which the expense will be more than coun terbalanced by the increased quantity of milk which they will yield.

In the management of milch kine, it is essential that they be, at all times, as has been observed in the preceding page, kept in high health, and good condition; for if they are suffered to fall in flesh during the winter, it will be impossible to expect an abundant supply of milk by bringing them into a high condition in the summer. Hence, if cows are lean when calving, no subsequent management can bring them to yield, for that season, any thing like the quantity they would have furnished, in case they had been well kept throughout the winter. During that inclement season, therefore, the most nutritious food should be provided for them, and the animals kept in warm stables; for beasts will not eat so much when kept warm, as when they are shivering with cold; and if they are curried in the same manner, and kept cleanly as horses in a stable, the happiest consequences will ensue, both in regard to the milk they yield, and the rapid improvement of the cows themselves. Such is the practice pursued in Holland, where it is well known that the management of cows is carried to the highest perfection; and if that be closely followed, if they be well supplied with the purest water, kept very clean, and laid dry, they will produce milk more copiously, and afford a quantity of rich manure that will amply repay the trouble and attention thus bestowed on them.

It has already been intimated that the best summer food for cows is good grass, spontaneously growing on sound meadows. The other additions to hay for winter food are those most commonly employed for fatting cattle; parsnips and carrots, which roots not only render the milk richer, but also communicate to the butter made from such milk, a fine color, equal to that produced by the most luxuriant grasses: the mangel wurtzel which, on the continent, is preferred to every other vegetable, for


feeding cattle in general:-potatoes, on which cows will thrive well, so that with one bushel of these roots, together with soft meadow hay, they have been known to yield as large a quantity of sweet milk or butter, as they usually afford when fed on the finest pastures; but alone, it has been proved by various experiments, that potatoes will not support a cow in milk; they may add to the flow of it when given to a cow with hay, but the chief dependence must be upon the latter; carrots are far superior. Cabbages are likewise of eminent service in this respect, but they require to be given with a good portion of fine hay; and as well as turnips, the utility of which is too well known to require any particular detail here, they are apt to impart an unpleasant flavor to the butter, unless great care be taken to remove all the decayed leaves. And even then, if a cow be in any wise full fed on turnips, her milk, and the butter made from it, will taste of it. To avoid this taste in the butter, the following recipe from Hunter's Georgical Essays may be found useful. "Let the vessels in which the milk is put, be kept constantly clean and well scalded with boiling water before using. When the milk is brought into the dairy, to every eight quarts of milk, mix one quart of boiling water: then put up the milk into the pans to stand for cream."-Rowen grass, also, dried and reserved for winter's use, is an excellent food for milch cows; as are oil-cakes, linseed jelly, and grains. By the judicious use of these various articles, together with a due admixture of dry food, considerable nutriment is thrown into the system, while the regular secretions will be excited, and the quantity of the milk very materially im. proved.

It is important, also, that due attention should be paid to the salting of cows, as well as other cattle. The advantages of salt are I. It restores the tone of the stomach when impaired by excess in other food, and corrects the crudity of most vegetables and grasses in a green state.

II. It helps digestion, keeps the body cool, by which many disorders are prevented; and destroys botts.

III. It renders inferior food palatable; and is so much relished by cattle, that they seek it with eagerness in whatever state it may be found, and have been rendered so tame by its use, that if they stray from their pastures, they will return at the usual time for their accustomed allow


IV. When given to cows, it increases the quantity of their milk, and has a material effect in correcting the disagreeable taste it acquires from turnips.


Before speaking of the management of milk and cream, it will be proper to make a few observations on the Situation and Buildings proper for a Dairy.

I. A dairy ought, if possible, to be so arranged that its lattices may never front the south, south-west, south-east, or west; a northern aspect is the best; but there should be openings on two sides of the building, in order to admit, when necessary, a free current of air.

II. The temperature of the milk room should be as nearly uniform as possible, that is, from fifty to fifty-five degrees of Fahrenheit's ther


mometer. This may be effected by making use either of a well ventilated cellar, or of a house constructed for the purpose, consisting of double walls, so thick as not to subject the interior to the changes of temperature abroad.

III. As great cleanliness is requisite, and at the same time coolness, the floor should be made of stones, bricks, or tiles, in order that it may be frequently washed, both to sweeten and to cool the air.

IV. If practicable, a small current of water should be so introduced, as to run in a constant stream along the pavement. This will contribute much to preserve the air pure, fresh and cool. If a current of water cannot be obtained, an ice-house should be attached to the dairy.

V. Cream which is put by for churning ought never to be kept in that apartment which contains the milk; because acidity in cream is expected, and necessary before butter will come.

VI. If necessary at any time during the winter months to raise the temperature of the milk room, hot water should be made use of, or a few hot bricks; but on no account whatever should a chafing-dish with burning coals be used, as it will certainly impart a bad taste to the milk.

We shall now proceed to speak of the management of milk and cream, and the making and preserving of butter.

In this country it is the general practice to milk cows twice in the course of twenty-four hours, throughout the year; but in summer, the proper periods are at least three times every day, and at intervals as nearly equidistant as possible; viz. in the morning, at noon, and little before the approach of night. For it is a fact confirmed by the experi ence of those who have tried it, that cows when milked thrice in the day, will yield more milk in point of quantity, and as good, if not better quality, than they will under the common mode of milking only on the morning and evening.

With regard to the process of making butter we would observe:

I. The milk first drawn from a cow is always thinner and inferior in quality to that afterwards obtained, and this richness increases progressively, to the very last drop that can be drawn from the udder.

II. The portion of cream rising first to the surface, is richer in point of quality, and greater in quantity, than that which rises in the second equal space of time, and so of the rest; the cream continually decreasing, and growing worse than the preceding.

III. Thick milk produces a smaller proportion of cream, than that which is thinner, though the cream of the former is of a richer quality. If thick milk, therefore, be diluted with water, it will afford more cream than it would have yielded in its pure state, though its quality will at the same time be inferior.

IV. Milk carried about in pails or other vessels, agitated and partly cooled before it be poured into the milk pans, never throws up such good and plentiful cream as if it had been put into proper vessels immediately after it came from the cow.

From these fundamental facts, many very important corollaries, serv. ing to direct the practice, may be deduced, among which we can only notice the following;

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