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of reason, wisdom, discretion, and prudence. Its attendants are ignorance, superstition, bigotry, fanaticism, faction; and the rank and file of all the evil passions.

Its first shout of victory grated harshly through the air, when the forbidden fruit was severed from its parent stem. Angels heard the discordant sound, and wept. Justice recorded the sad catastrophe with anguish. Mercy beheld, with an eye of pity, the fallen pair; the incarnate God was moved with compassion, entered bail for the trembling culprits, and cancelled the crimson bond on the summit of Calvary.

In the blood of Abel, Inconsistency saturated its floating banner, and, as time rolled on, the scarlet was more deeply imprinted. The old world was convulsed by its reckless power, and its fairest portions blighted by its Sirocco blasts. The streams of Europe, Asia, and Africa; have been tinged with the purple current, drawn from the veins of millions, by the keen lancet of Inconsistency. The ancient and powerful kingdoms of the earth; the hundred cities of Crete; the splendours of Babylon; the republics of Greece and Rome; Carthage, with its seven hundred thousand inhabitants; Athens, with its forums and lyceums; all fell beneath the ruthless hand of Inconsistency.

Many of the philosophers, sages, orators, and poets, of the classic land; many of the most prominent actors, who guided the destinies of the mistress of the world; a large majority of the sixty-four emperors; most of the ambitious generals; were sacrificed at the sanguinary shrine of Inconsistency. The great Pompey, the proud Tarquin, the conquering Alexander, the bloody Nero, the ambitious Cæsar, and the exiled Bonaparte; all fell beneath the piercing arrows of Inconsistency.

In our own time and country, this envenomed, hydra monster, is continuing its ravages, sweeping over our far famed Republic, like a Samiel wind over the desert of Sahara.

In matters of religion, this disturber of harmony has interfered, and demolished the old land marks of one faith, one God, and one baptism. Charity, humility, peace, forbearance, forgiveness, and consistent piety; were the marked characteristics of primitive Christians. Now, these Christian graces are often shorn of their original beauty, by Inconsistency.

In the days of the Apostles, no studied rhetoric was thrown about the story of redeeming love; simple, unadorned truth, enraptured the immortal mind, and poured upon it a flood of celestial light, that led thousands in a day, to embrace the religion of the cross. No splendid fixtures then adorned their places of worship; the manger was fresh in the memory of the disciples of Jesus; his rebukes of show and vain pride were not forgotten; the golden calf of Fashion was not admitted in the church; pure religion, unalloyed with conjecture and enigmatical construction, was inculcated, with power and success. How changed the scene, how humiliating the conflicts of modern theology. Oh! Inconsistency! what evils hast thou not perpetrated.

Infidelity, in all its various shades, is a legitimate child of Inconsistency. The man who has read the Bible; who understands the physiology of the world, the philosophy of mind, the minutiae of anatomy, the powers of reason, and the revolving circuit of his own soul; and denies the existence of Him who spake, and it was done; who commanded, and it stood fast; dis

robes himself of the noblest powers bestowed by creative Wisdom, and sinks himself below the level of a brute. All things, from the leaf that vibrates in the breeze, to the etherial sky, spangled with stars; proclaim the existence of a God. Most assuredly, there is a Supreme Being, who rules, with unerring wisdom, in the kingdoms of Nature, Providence, and Grace. This position is most conducive to happiness in this life-the superstructure of the contrary, produces misery here; if its foundation should prove false, and the other true, the infidel curses himself in this world, only to be damned in the next. Moral rectitude is the substratum of human felicity-infidelity, the destruction of social order.

Vice, from the larceny of a pin, to the most daring burglary; from the simple assault, to the most tragical homicide; from the trifling "white" lie, to the basest perjury, are all spontaneous plants from the hot bed of Inconsistency.

Are you in the habit of profane swearing? This is a yarn in the web of this arch enemy, and lessens your worth in the estimation of all good society. It is without excuse, and, like shooting at the wind, is without object.

Are you in the habit of lying and deceiving? This is a prominent part of the warp, in the web of this fell destroyer, and will stamp you with lasting disgrace, unless you break the snare at once.

Do you foster a disposition to appropriate small articles belonging to others to your own uses? If you indulge in taking newspapers, umbrellas, &c.-you are worshipping at the shrine of Inconsistency, and, unless you break the spell, this propensity will increase, and

may lead you to destruction. Break off this customary habit at once, and save your reputation from premature death.

Are you in the habit of intemperance? This is one of the iron cages of Inconsistency, and, unless you burst the bars, and regain your freedom, you will be plunged headlong into the dark abyss of poverty and disgrace; fill a drunkard's grave, and land your soul in a drunkard's hell. If you regard your present and eternal welfare, escape for your life

Are you the keeper of a doggery? You are the resurrection man of Inconsistency, and may be the fatal instrument of pushing your fellow men into hell. The day of retribution will come-the effluvia from your slaughter house reaches to heaven, and pollutes the air around you. Abandon your unholy traffic in deadly poison.

Are you in the habit of gambling? You are on the enchanted ground of Inconsistency, amidst deadly pitfalls—in a den, filled with adders and scorpions. You are on the confines of the castle of despair, within the centripetal motion of the whirlpool of destruction, and within the folding coils of the Boa Constrictor of ruin. Retrace your steps quickly, or you may be lost-irrecoverably lost for ever. Every moment you remain, is full of danger and big with consequences. You may inhale the magic gas, be "drugged," and your doom for ever sealed. The hearts of blacklegs are ossified with avarice, they would sport on their mother's coffin, for a half dime.

Are you given to lewd company? Theirs is the banquetting house of Inconsistency, where every draught is intoxicating poison, every viand, a hook full of barbs.

It is the repository of blighted reputation, the absorber of connubial felicity; the quintessence of misery and wo. Retreat from it, as you would from the jungle of a tiger, or the lair of a lion. Your safety depends on flight; linger not a moment; its chambers lead to the shades of death. Its allurements charm, to ruin; its fascinations dazzle, to bewilder; its inmates flatter, to destroy. Its atmosphere is more dangerous than the cholera; its miasma, more deleterious than pestilence.

Are you one of the numerous gangs of thieves, pickpockets, counterfeiters, or forgers; that infest our widespread country? These are the guerilla banditti of Inconsistency, and although you may be a silent partner, with an untarnished reputation in the sight of men, God sees you, and will bring you to judgment. The penitentiary or the gallows may yet be your portion. Every step you proceed in the association, is full of peril. The sword of justice is drawn, ready to cut you down. Dissolve the unhallowed union-return to the paths of rectitude; resume the mantle of honesty ; and avoid the vials of wrath, already poised over your guilty head.

Are you wandering in the labyrinth of ignorance, superstition and bigotry? These are the beams of Inconsistency, thrust into your eyes by this arch enemy, clouding your vision, enslaving your mind, deranging your senses, chilling your heart, darkening your soul, depriving you of the refined enjoyments of life; and crippling your noblest powers. Come out from your isolated habitation of damps and fogs; open your mind to the genial rays of intelligence, reason, and charity; extricate yourself from the dark quarry of ignorance;

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