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Senate bill No. 316, entitled

A bill to amend section 47 of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the term of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," being section 14514 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 321 of the Public Acts of 1917.

The report was accepted.



The bill was ordered printed and referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Karcher moved that the bill be printed in the Senate Journal of today.
The motion prevailed.

The following is the bill:

Senate bill No. 316 (file No. 331), entitled

A bill to amend section 47 of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the term of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," being section 14514 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 321 of the Public Acts of 1917.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Section 1. Section 47 of Act No. 183 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An act to provide for the appointment and to fix the term of office, duties and compensation of circuit court stenographers in the State of Michigan," being section 14514 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 321 of the Public Acts of 1917, is hereby amended to read as follows:

Sec. 47. In the thirty-fourth circuit the stenographer shall be paid an annual salary of * three thousand dollars.

Mr. Condon submitted the following report:

The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill with amendment, recommending that the amendment be agreed to and that the bill, as thus amended, do pass:

Senate bill No. 284 (file No. 237), entitled

A bill to amend section 2 of Act No. 379 of the Public Acts of 1913, entitled "An act to facilitate the collection of temporary and permanent alimony ordered to be paid in suits for divorce," being section 11444 of the Compiled Laws of 1915. The following is the amendment recommended by the committee:

Section 2, line 4, after the word "Court," strike out the words "or otherwise." GEO. M. CONDON,

The report was accepted.


The amendment recommended by the committee was agreed to and the bill, as thus amended, was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Condon submitted the following report:

The Committee on Judiciary respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

Senate bill No. 246 (file No. 205), entitled

A bill to create the office of Public Defender, to provide for the election of such officers, and prescribing their duties and compensation.

The report was accepted.

The bill was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Bahorski submitted the following report:



The Committee on Cities and Villages respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 195 (file No. 109), entitled

A bill to amend section 27 of Act No. 279 of the Public Acts of 1909, entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and for revising and amending their charters," same being section 3330 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 84 of the Public Acts of 1919.



The report was accepted.

The bill was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Bernie L. Case submitted the following report:

The Committee on Counties and Townships respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 424 (file No. 193), entitled

A bill to repeal Act No. 478 of the Local Acts of 1905, entitled, as amended, "An act to provide for the creation of a board of county auditors for the county of Kent; to prescribe the powers and duties of its members and to provide for their compensation; to provide for the selection by said board of a secretary who shall devote his entire time to the work of said board and act as purchasing agent for said county," as last amended by Act No. 4 of the Local Acts of 1919. B. L. CASE, Chairman.

The report was accepted.

The bill was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Henry submitted the following report:

The Committee on Taxation respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

Senate bill No. 195, entitled

A bill to amend section 5 of Act No. 91 of the Public Acts of 1911, entitled "An act to provide for the assessment and the collection of a specific tax upon the class of credits founded upon and evidenced by mortgages and liens upon real property, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in contravention thereto," being section 4272 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 213 of the Public Acts of 1921.

The report was accepted.



The bill was ordered printed and referred to the Committee of the Whole.
Mr. Leland moved that the bill be printed in the Senate Journal of today.
The motion prevailed.

The following is the bill:

Senate bill No. 195 (file No. 330), entitled

A bill to amend section 5 of Act No. 91 of the Public Acts of 1911, entitled “An act to provide for the assessment and the collection of a specific tax upon the class of credits founded upon and evidenced by mortgages and liens upon real property, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in contravention thereto," being section 4272 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 213 of the Public Acts of 1921.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Section 1. Section 5 of Act No. 91 of the Public Acts of 1911, entitled, "An act to provide for the assessment and the collection of a specific tax upon the class of credits founded upon and evidenced by mortgages and liens upon real property, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in contravention thereto," being section 4272 of the Compiled Laws of 1915, as amended by Act No. 213 of the Public Acts of 1921, is hereby amended to read as follows:






Sec. 5. In case of mortgages made in trust to secure payment of bonds or obligations issued or to be issued thereafter, if only a partial amount of the indebtedness has been advanced thereon at the time of presentation for record, such mortgage shall, at the end thereof, contain a sworn statement of the amounts advanced thereon and secured thereby, and the tax herein provided shall be computed on that basis. When a further amount is (about to be) advanced thereon (become) secured thereby, the mortgagee shall immediately (notify the Board of State Tax Commissioners and it shall be the duty of said board to determine the amount of taxes to be paid thereon in the same manner as provided herein for determination of the original tax thereon. The treasurer and recording officer of the county in which the original tax was paid shall be notified of such determination by the secretary of said board and the tax shall thereupon become due and payable and shall be paid in the same manner as the original tax on said mortgage.) If such additional tax is not paid as required by this section such trust mortgage and evidence of indebtedness, bonds or securities secured

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thereby shall be unenforceable until said tax is paid and such additional tax shall draw interest at the rate of one per cent per month from the date when the first became due. On or before the tenth day of January in each year thereafter the mortgagor shall file a sworn statement with the board of State Tax Commissioners, setting forth the amount of bonds issued during the preceding calendar year under the provisions of said mortgage, the total amount of bonds issued under said mortgage and the amount of such bonds outstanding on the first day of January of the year in which such report is made. No trust mortgage shall be discharged until the trustee therein shall have filed an affidavit that all taxes for which such mortgage is liable have been duly paid. Any person making a false affidavit under this provision shall be liable to prosecution for perjury.

Mr. Henry submitted the following report:

The Committee on Taxation respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

Senate bill No. 257 (file No. 314), entitled

A bill to amend Act No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1893, entitled "An act to provide for the assessment of property and the levy and collection of taxes thereon, and for the collection of taxes heretofore and hereafter levied; making such taxes a lien on the lands taxed, establishing and continuing such lien, providing for the sale and conveyance of lands delinquent for taxes, and for the inspection and disposition of lands bid off to the State and not redeemed or purchased; and to repeal Act No. 200 of the Public Acts of 1891 and all other acts and parts of acts in anywise contravening any of the provisions of this act," being sections 3995 to 4156, inclusive, of the Compiled Laws of 1915, by adding thereto a new section to stand as section 40-a.

The report was accepted.

The bill was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Gansser submitted the following report:



The Committee on Military Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 310 (file No. 302), entitled

A bill to make an appropriation for the purchase of the armory in the city of Grand Ledge, upon acceptance of said armory by the State Military Board. AUGUSTUS H. GANSSER,

The report was accepted.


The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations under the rules.

Mr Gansser submitted the following report:

The Committee on Military Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 485 (file No. 303), entitled

A bill to provide an appropriation for the removal, the erection and repair of Custer Monument, at Monroe, Michigan.

The report was accepted.



The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations under the rules.

Mr. Eldred submitted the following report:

The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 193 (file No. 233), entitled

A bill to amend section 2 of Act 217 of the Public Acts of 1897, entitled "An

act to provide for the registration of deaths in Michigan and requiring certiflcates of death," the same being section 5605 of the Compiled Laws of 1915. F. O. ELDRED,

The report was accepted.

The bill was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Eldred submitted the following report:


The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 65 (file No. 305), entitled

A bill to make appropriations for the Uniform Accounting Division Auditor General's Department for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1924, and June 30, 1925, for maintenance, operation and other purposes.

The report was accepted.



The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations under the rules.

Mr. Eldred submitted the following report:

The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 62 (file No. 300), entitled

A bill to make appropriations for the State Welfare Department for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1924, and June 30, 1925, for maintenance, operation and other purposes.

The report was accepted.



The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations under the rules.

Mr. Eldred submitted the following report:

The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the fol lowing entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 42 (file No. 304), entitled

A bill to make appropriations for the Board of State Tax Commissioners for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1924, and June 30, 1925, for maintenance, operation and other purposes.

The report was accepted.



The bill was referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations under the rules.

Mr. Eldred submitted the following report:

The Committee on State Affairs respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill with amendments, recommending that the amendments be agreed to and that the bill, as thus amended, do pass:

House bill No. 67 (file No. 301), entitled

A bill to make appropriations for the Michigan Securities Commission for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1924, and June 30, 1925, for maintenance, operation and other purposes.

The following are the amendments recommended by the committee:

(1) Section 1, line 3, strike out the figures "$60,200.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "$67,500.00."

(2) Section 1, line 4, strike out the figures "$60,800.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "$68,100.00."

(3) Section 1, line 11, strike out the figures "42,000.00 42,000.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "49,300.00 49,300.00."

(4) Section 1, line 12, strike out the figures "$47,000.00 $47,000.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "$54,300.00 $54,300.00."


Section 1, line 17, strike out the figures "$60,200.00 $60,800.00" and insert in lieu thereof the figures "$67,500.00 $68,100.00."

The report was accepted.



The amendments recommended by the committee were agreed to and the bill, as thus amended, was referred to the Committee on Finance and Appropriations under the rules.

Mr. MacNaughton submitted the following report:

The Committee on Insurance respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill, without amendment, and with the recommendation that the bill do pass:

House bill No. 84 (file No. 19), entitled

A bill to amend section 4 of chapter 2, part 1 of Act No. 256 of the Public Acts of 1917, entitled "An act to revise, consolidate and classify the laws of the State of Michigan relating to the insurance and surety business; to regulate the incorporation of domestic insurance and surety companies and associations, and the admission of foreign companies, and to provide for the departmental supervision and regulation of the insurance and surety business within this State." T. H. MacNAUGHTON,

The report was accepted.

The bill was referred to the Committee of the Whole.


Mr. Pearson entered the Senate Chamber and took his seat.

Mr. Osborn submitted the following report:

The Committee on Conservation respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill with amendments, recommending that the amendments be agreed to and that the bill, as thus amended, do pass:

Senate bill No. 315 (file No. 283), entitled

A bill to amend section 10-a of Act No. 236 of the Public Acts of 1915, entitled "An act to protect fish in the inland waters of this State and to regulate the manner of taking, possession, transportation, size and sale of fish when taken from said waters, to provide penalties for the violation of this act, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts conflicting therewith," as added by Act No. 155 of the Public Acts of 1921, said act of 1915 being sections 7654 to 7667 inclusive of the Compiled Laws of 1915.

The following are the amendments recommended by the committee:

(1) Sec. 10-a, line 2, after the word "fish" insert "except any kind of trout." (2) Sec. 10-a, line 3, strike out the word "waters" and insert in lieu thereof "lakes."

(3) Sec. 10-a, line 3, after the word "State," insert "except wall-eyed pike, grass pike and great northern pike in Houghton Lake, Roscommon County."



The report was accepted. The amendments recommended by the committee were agreed to and the bill, as thus amended, was referred to the Committee of the Whole.

Mr. Connelly submitted the following report:

The Committee on Highways respectfully reports back to the Senate the following entitled bill with amendments, recommending that the amendments be agreed to and that the bill, as thus amended, do pass:

House bill No. 494 (file No. 243), entitled

A bill to amend section 19 of chapter 4 of Act No. 283 of the Public Acts of the State of Michigan for the year 1909, entitled "An act to revise, consolidate and add to the laws relating to the establishment, opening, improvement, maintenance and use of the public highways and private roads, the condemnation of property and gravel therefor; the building, repairing and preservation of bridges; setting and protecting shade trees, drainage, cutting weeds and brush within this State, and providing for the election and defining the powers, duties and

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