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penditure, £457,242. The public debt, raised for the construction of public works, was on Dec. 31, 1881, £2,003,000, bearing interest at 6 per cent.

The area is estimated at 26,215 square miles, or 16,778,000 acres, including the adjacent isl ands. The population in 1881 was 115,705, of whom 61,162 were males and 54,543 females. The increase in eleven years was but 16,377. The aborigines are entirely extinct. The exports in 1881 amounted to £1,555,576, the imports to £1,438,524. The chief articles of export are wool and tin, and more recently gold. The valuable deposits of tin and iron and the discovery of gold have given a slight impetus to enterprise and immigration, but in agriculture the colony has receded; barley, the quality of which is superior, is the only crop except potatoes that has increased.

New Zealand was organized in six provinces in 1852, and united under a Governor and General Assembly in 1875. The members of the Legislative Council are appointed by the Crown for life. The House of Representatives consists of 95 members elected by household suffrage. The Maoris are represented by four members elected by themselves.

The Governor is Maj.-Gen. Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois, transferred from South Australia in November, 1882.

The Premier, Mr. Whittaker, resigned the office in 1883-not, however, for political reasons. He was succeeded by Maj. Atkinson, the Colonial Treasurer.

The area of New Zealand is estimated at 105,342 square miles. Two thirds of the total surface is good agricultural or grazing land. The census of 1881 gave the total population as 534,032, including the Maoris, who numbered 44,099, divided into 24,370 males and 19,729 females; of the rest, 269,605 were males and 220,328 females. The Chinese numbered 5,004. The towns with more than 10,000 inhabitants were Dunedin (24,372-with suburbs, 48,802), Auckland (16,664-with suburbs, 39,966), Wellington (20,563), and Christchurch (15,213-with suburbs, 30,719). The population of New Zealand is increasing faster than that of any of the Australian colonies, both by immigration and by a high birth-rate.

The total imports in 1881 amounted to £7,457,045, the exports to £6,060,866. The quantity of wool exported was 59,368,832 pounds; value, £3,477,993. Grain and flour were shipped to Great Britain in 1881 to the value of £913,581. Gum and preserved meat are, except gold, the next most considerable articles of export. There were in April, 1881, in the colony 161,736 horses, 698,637 cattle, 12,985,085 sheep, and large numbers of hogs and poultry. The New Zealand gold-fields, discovered in 1857, and yielding at the height of their production in 1877, £1,496,080, produced in 1881, £996,867.

The railway system of New Zealand was begun in 1872. In 1882 there were 875 miles

completed on the South Island and 458 on the North Island. When completed, the system is to have 2,075 miles of line, and will cost £16,000,000. The capital already expended in 1883 was about £11,500,000. The railroads in the South Island already return 3 per cent. on the outlay, those in the North Island 14 per cent. There were 3,824 miles of telegraph open to traffic in March, 1882.

The revenues of the Government are derived partly from customs receipts, etc., and partly from sales of public lands, depasturing licenses, export duties on gold, and mining licenses. The latter category, called the territorial revenue, was, down to 1879, nearly as productive as the ordinary sources of revenue. In 1882 the ordinary revenue amounted to £3,488,170, the territorial revenue to £317,063; total revenue, £3,805,233. The total expenditure was £3,590,233. The estimated revenue for the year ending March 31, 1883, is £3,393,500; expenditure, £3,478,639. The public debt amounted in 1882 to £29,946,711. At the end of March, 1883, it was £30,357,000, not deducting the sinking fund, amounting to £2,571,000. Notwithstanding the magnitude of its liabilities, the colony obtained a loan of £1,000,000 in London in 1883 at 4 per cent. at a very slight discount. This state of the credit allows the considerable floating debt to be converted at a reduced interest.

The Government has introduced proposals in the Legislature to change the constitution of the Legislative Council, making it an elective body, as in the older colonies, instead of the members being appointed for life by the Governor.

The difficulties with the Maoris in the western part of the North Island have ceased. The natives have abandoned their attitude of exclusion and isolation, and given pledges of peaceful submission to the laws. The pressure of public opinion in England has put some restraint upon the oppressive and confiscatory instincts of the colonists. Improvements are being introduced in the Maori country, and intercourse between the natives and the white settlers who have penetrated there has a beneficial influence on both races. The harbor of Kawhia, after being closed for twenty years, was opened again without opposition from the natives. A government township was laid out at that place. Surveys for roads and railways have extended into parts of the country where formerly no European was suffered to travel.

AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, an empire constituted since 1867 as a dual monarchy. The Cisleithan Kingdom, or Austria, and the Transleithan, or Hungary, are connected by a common army, navy, and diplomacy, and in the person of the hereditary sovereign. The house of Hapsburg has reigned over Austria for six hundred years, and has possessed the Hungarian crown for more than half that period. Franz Josef I., reigning Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, was born Aug. 18, 1830, and suc

ceeded his uncle, Ferdinand I., who abdicated in 1848. The heir-apparent is the Archduke Rudolf, born Aug. 21, 1858.

Government. The common affairs of the two monarchies, restricted to military defense and foreign policy, are regulated by the Delegations, consisting of 120 members, chosen in equal numbers from the Austrian and Hungarian legislatures-20 from the upper and 40 from the lower house of each. The common Ministers, responsible to the Delegations, are as follow: Minister of Foreign Affairs and of the Imperial Household, Count G. Kalnocky de Köröspatak, born in 1832, Minister to Rome, 1879-'80, and then at St. Petersburg until he was called to the head of the administration, Nov. 21, 1881; Minister of War for the whole empire, Count Bylandt-Rheydt, appointed June 21, 1876; Minister of Finance for the whole empire, Baron von Kallay, appointed June 4, 1882.

Area and Population. The total area of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, exclusive of the occupied provinces, is 240,942 square miles; the total population was returned in the census of Dec. 31, 1880, as 37,786,246, or 159 to the square mile. The population increased in eleven years in Cisleithania, 8.5 per cent.; in Hungary only 1.24 per cent. In Transylvania there was an actual decrease of 70,000. The area and population of the separate provinces of the two monarchies were as follow:



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Carniola (Krain)



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Mohammedans, 496,761 Greek Orthodox Christians, 209,391 Roman Catholics, and 3,439 Jews.

The population of the cities in Austria and Hungary containing over 50,000 inhabitants, was as follows-In Austria: Vienna, 726,105, with suburbs, 1,103,857; Prague, 162,323; Trieste, 144,844; Lemburg, 109,726; Gratz, 97,791; Brünn, 82,660; Krakau, 66,095. In Hungary: Buda - Pesth, 360,551; Szegedin, 73,675; Holdmező-Vásárhély, 50,966; MariaTheresiopel, 61,367.

Among the population of Cisleithania, the principal religious confessions were represented by the following numbers: Roman Catholics, 17,693,648; Greek Catholics, 2,533,323; Israelites, 1,005,394; Greek Oriental, 492,088; Evangelicals of the Augsburg Confession, 289,005; of the Helvetic Confession, 110,525.

The percentage of the various nationalities was as follows: Germans, 36.75 per cent. ; Czechs, 23.77; Poles, 14.86; Ruthenians, 1281; Slovenes, 5·23; Italians, 3·07; Serbs and Croats, 2.58; Roumanians, 88; Magyars, 05. The Israelites have increased since 1869 22:58 per cent., the Italians 13.19 per cent., the Poles 9.97 per cent., the Czechs 8.69 per cent., the Serbs and Croats 7.77 per cent., the Ruthenians 7.71 per cent., and the Germans 7:25 per cent. The Slovenes have decreased considerably, owing to their adoption of the nationality of the Germans in Carinthia and Lower Styria, and in the coast-lands of that of the Italians, who received accessions also from the SerboCroats.

The percentage of the population of Austria who could neither read nor write was 44.5, among the males 43.2, among the females 45.8; percentage of those who could read only 61, among males 4.6, among females 7.5; percentage of those who could read and write 49'4, among males 52.2, among females 46-7. In 912,549 the Bukovina the percentage of illiterates was 2,153,407 89.7, in Dalmatia 89.3, in Galicia 81.1, in Is565,475 tria 77.8, in Borizia and Gradisca 60-3, in Carniola 541, in Trieste 38.9, in Carinthia 47.6, 571,671 476,101 in Styria 37.3, in Bohemia 22-6, in Moravia 24.3, in Silesia 25-8, in Salzburg 22.9, in Tyrol 22.7, in Lower Austria 21, in Upper Austria 20-2, and in Vorarlberg 16.2.



115,903 22,144,244

87,043 11,644,574




The following table gives the millesimal 1,892,899 proportions of the population of the Cisleithan 2,054.048 lands engaged in the various classes of employments, including families and dependents:


125,089 15,642,002

240,942 87,786,246

The Principality of Liechtenstein in the Austrian Alps, with an area of 68 square miles and 9,124 inhabitants, is nominally independent, and its people are not subject to taxation or military duty. The provinces of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Sanjak of NoviBazar, were placed provisionally under the administration of the common authorities by the Berlin Treaty of 1878. Their population numbered 1,326,453, of whom 448,613 were

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the capital, where the Germans are more pliant in changing their language than the Slavic population of the provinces, particularly since the recent Magyar agitation has made it more to their interest to do so, the extension of the national language has been greatest. The proportion of children under five years of age speaking the Magyar tongue in Buda-Pesth is 47 per cent., against 45.7 per cent. among persons between fifty and sixty years of age. Of the Germans in Hungary as many as 21 per cent. are acquainted with the Magyar language; but of the Slovaks not 10, and of the Roumanians and Ruthenians not 6 per cent. The German language is extensively cultivated, over 10 per cent. of the Magyars acquiring it for commercial intercourse or education and travel. In the kingdom there are 817,668 non-Magyars who can speak Hungarian, and 791,670 nonGermans who speak German. The progress of education has been remarkable, 46 per cent. of the 10,844,000 above the age of seven being able to read and write in 1880, against only 25 per cent. in 1870.

Commerce, Industry, and Agriculture.-The total value of the imports and exports of the AustroHungarian Empire for the last three years reported, was as follows, in florins:

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The export of flour, which averaged, just before the enactment of the German corn-duties, about 2,400,000 metric quintals, has fallen to half that quantity. Owing to the active trade in live hogs with Servia, the imports and exports of live animals were considerably larger in 1881 than in the preceding year. The commercial treaty with Servia, ratified in June, 1882, secures the entrance of certain Austrian products at half the ordinary duties, and on the other hand a reduction of the Austrian duties on live hogs, and Servian wines, prune-brandy,


The exceptional treatment of German partly manufactured products, which was kept up as compensation for possible advantages to be extended to Austria-Hungary in the German tariff, ceased from the beginning of 1883 to operate as regards textile manufactures imported for printing, dyeing, or bleaching, the most important branch of this trade. The importation of lard and pork products showed a great decrease in 1881, in consequence of the prohibition of American pork. The export of wines, stimulated in 1880 by the failure of the French vintage, decreased from 905,841 to 438,213 metric quintals. The import of petroleum increased from 1,150,000 to 1,480,000 metric quintals. Cotton and other textile materials were imported in considerably larger quantities than in the preceding year. The continued large importation of yarns strengthened the spinners in their demand for a protective

duty. A marked improvement in the industrial situation and the consumptive capacity of the people is indicated by a larger importation of raw stuffs of various kinds, of colonial wares, of machinery, of textile manufactures, and of articles of luxury, and an increased exportation of textiles, paper manufactures, fine leathers, chemical products, etc.

More than half the export and import commerce of the Austrian Empire is with Germany, next to which the chief market is Roumania, which receives 50,000,000 florins of the exports, and furnishes 40,000,000 florins of the imports. Italy and Russia follow, but with a much smaller trade.

Precious Metals.-The movement of the precious metals in 1881, as compared with the previous year, was as follows, in florins:

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1881: Gold Silver


19,800,000 2,200,000 17,600,000 16,100,000 1,200,000 14,900,000

85,900,000 3,400,000 82,500,000 Customs.-The Hungarian Legislature passed a law in 1881, denounced by the Constitutional party in the Austrian House of Deputies as an infringement of the customs-union, which requires a declaration to be made of all goods imported into or exported from the kingdom. According to the statistics collected for the last eight months of 1881 in pursuance of this regulation, Hungary has a balance decidedly in its favor in the trade with Austria as well as with other countries. The returns exhibit the total value of imports as 185,800,000 florins, of which 139,080,000 florins came from Austria; and the total value of exports as 242,800,000 florins, of which 165,250,000 florins were shipped into


Hungary. Although in the social life of Hungary certain vestiges of feudalism survive the development of liberal political institutions, she strives to keep abreast of economical progress; people and Government uniting their efforts to develop all their resources under the pressure of American competition. The great richness of the Hungarian soil is counterbalanced by adverse geographical and climatic conditions which warn them against remaining a purely agricultural state. It is only by gigantic protective works and a more and more intensive culture that they can still hold their own. The invention of the Hungarian method of flour-milling, made necessary by the hard quality of their wheat, which has since been adopted and improved in the United States, marked the beginning of industrial development. A regular line of vessels from

* Excess of exports.

Fiume facilitates the export of Hungarian flour, which is now largely consumed in England. The new beet-sugar culture and manufacture are not sufficient to supply the home demand; but high-wines and refined spirits are exported as far as Spain. The wine production repays the encouragement bestowed upon it by the Government. The wines are produced in greater quantities, and of better and more uniform quality, and are shipped by the cargo to Bordeaux to replace the diminished growths of France. The number of persons engaged in industrial occupations proper increased between 1870 and 1880 from 784,378 to 908,958, or 14 per cent., while the whole population increased only by a small fraction.

Manufactures.-Unable to resort to protection, owing to the customs-union with Austria, Hungary employed other methods of encouraging industry. Hungarian manufacturers have the preference in Government and municipal orders, if they can produce articles of satisfactory quality. In the iron industry there are the imperial railroad works at Oravicza and Resitza, for which the best technical skill in France was imported; the shops of the Hungarian state railroad, which excel in the production of iron bridges; and various private establishments which stand on the highest plane of technical art. Leather, paper, pottery, and glass are also manufactured successfully on a large scale; but the important branch of textile industry is represented only by factories which subsist on the Government commissions for the supply of the army, although the country produces an abundance of wool of superior quality. By a law which went into effect on Jan. 1, 1882, industrial establishments which found new industries, or utilize products previously wasted, are exempted from all public dues and taxes. This and other measures of the kind led to the establishment of some two hundred factories in new branches. In museums, industrial exhibitions, a national school of mechanical drawing, a technical school for wood-workers, industrial evening-schools, etc., the Government has co-operated with private individuals in fostering technical education and industrial art. A review of the industrial progress already attained is to be made in a national exposition in 1885.

Live-Stock. The live-stock census of the empire shows that horned cattle, which decreased between 1857 and 1869, increased between the latter date and 1880 from 7,425,212 to 8,584,077; while sheep, in consequence of the Australian production, decreased from 5,026,398 to 3,841,340. American competition and the German protective tariff are beginning to exercise a depressing effect on the wheat-growing, flour-milling, and cattle-raising interests of Hungary and Austria. There have been actual importations of American wheat.

Mining. The total net value of the product of the mines and furnaces, after deducting the value of the ores, together with that of the sa

lines, was 83,790,373 florins in 1881, as against 79,988,819 florins in 1880.

Railways. The total length of railways in the empire, open to traffic in 1882, was 11,480 miles, of which 7,130 were in Austria and 4,350 in Hungary. There were, besides, 177 miles in Bosnia. The length of railway owned or operated by the state, at the close of 1881, was 2,912 kilometres, or 24 per cent. of the total mileage. To this was added on the 1st of January, 1882, the Empress Elizabeth railroad, 922 kilometres in length, which was taken over into the management of the state under a convention providing for its eventual acquisition. On the 1st of July, 1882, a railroad bureau was created for the direction of the state railroads. The total receipts of the Austro-Hungarian railroads in 1881 were 215,950,000 florins, of which 47,950,000 florins were from passengers, and 168,000,000 florins from freight.

Telegraphs. The length of telegraph lines in 1881 was 21,735 miles in Austria, with 56,862 miles of wires, and 9,032 miles in Hungary, with 32,380 miles of wires. The number of messages carried in 1881 was 8,865,030, including 584,059 official dispatches.

Post-Office. The number of letters forwarded by the post-office in 1881 was 248,509,000, besides 47,858,000 postal-cards in Austria, and in Hungary 74,218,000 letters and 13,623,000 postal-cards.

Shipping. The merchant marine in 1882 numbered 70 ocean-steamers, of 16,145 horsepower and 62,387 tons; 42 coasting-steamers, of 2,179 horse-power and 4,472 tons; and 8,294 sailing-vessels and fishing-smacks of 259,970 tons. The crews numbered 27,187 men. The Austro-Hungarian Lloyd, which owns the large steamers and does the greater part of the carrying trade between Austria and the East through the Suez canal, receives a subsidy of 1,730,000 florins per annum.

The number of vessels entering the Austrian and Hungarian ports, Trieste and Fiume, in 1881, was 47,045, of 5,911,885 aggregate tonnage, of which 19,415, of 4,947,399 tons, were steamers; the number of departures was 46,907, tonnage 5,913,720, of which 19,392, of 4,942,078 tons, were steamers. The tonnage entering Austro-Hungarian ports under the national flag was 5,197,855; under the British flag, 402,164; under the Italian, 201,603.

Finance. The budget estimates of revenue and expenditures for common affairs in 1882 place the total at 117,149,549 florins, of which the contributions from the two halves of the empire make up 113,824,679 florins (one florin


50 cents). Of the total sum, 101,591,380 florins are devoted to the army, 9,177,829 florins to the navy, 4,328,900 florins to the diplomatic service, 1,926,040 florins to the financial administration, and 125,400 florins, to the financial control.

The estimates for 1883 make the expenditures 184,661,988 florins, of which 102,413,318



florins are required for the army, 9,162,224
florins for the navy, 4,246,900 florins for for- Ministry of Finance...
eign affairs, and 1,962,661 florins for the finance
ministry. There are extraordinary expenses
for the army in Bosnia. The contributions to
be assessed on the two parts of the empire
are 99,991,763 florins.

66 Commerce
Board of Control..
Interest on public debt
Pensions and grants

Cisleithan portion of common expenditure.

Total expenditure of 1882.......

Florine. 104,896,814








The Hungarian budgets from 1877 to 1882 show an average annual deficit of nearly 23,The estimated revenue for 000,000 florins. 1882 was as follows:

Direct taxes.

The expenses of the civil administration of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 1883 are estimated at 7,039,809 florins, including the following items: public highways, 239,500 florins; worship, 162,503 florins; education, 91,889 florins; military forces, 251,034 florins; gendarmerie, 1,114,475 florins. The receipts are estimated at 7,217,819 florins, of which the tithes produce 2,250,000 florins; the income-tax, 600,- Miscellaneous receipts 000 florins; sheep-tax, 247,000 florins; customs, 702,000 florins; tobacco-tax, 1,896,000 florins; salt, 867,135 florins; octroi, 43,000 florins; and stamps, 300,000 florins.

Indirect taxes and monopolies .
State domains, mines, and railways
Post, telegraphs, etc..

Total revenue of 1882

Florins. 88,690,000






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The estimates communicated to the Delegations for 1884 call for 4,383,110 florins for foreign affairs, 102,413,639 florins for the army, including 6,876,005 florins of extraordinary expenditure, 9,470,977 florins for the navy, 174,- Ministry of Finance 400 and 125,747 florins respectively for the financial administration and control, and 1,973,450 florins for pensions. The total expenditures are estimated at 115,170,880 florins, the net surplus of the customs applicable to the common expenses at 17,633,570 florins, and the contributions of the two states at 98,107,799 florins. For the army of occupation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 7,307,000 florins are asked. The cost of the civil administration of the occupied provinces is estimated at 7,356,267 florins, and the revenue from the provinces at 7,412,615 florins.

The Austrian Government is very tardy in publishing the accounts of actual receipts and expenditures. The budget estimates in recent years show invariably a deficit, averaging since 1876 some 37,500,000 florins a year. The estimated revenue for 1882 is 448,155,793 florins; expenditures, 485,720,951 florins. The principal heads of revenue are as follow:

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Public debt and pensions...

Guaranteed interest to private railways...
Transleithan portion of the common expenditure
of the empire ...........

Miscellaneous expenses

Total expenditure of 1882..

Florins. 4,650,000 70.592 1,206,013 54,346













The ordinary expenses for 1883 were estimated at 288,800,000 florins, the ordinary revenues at 280,700,000 florins. The budget for 1884 places the ordinary expenditures at 298,200,000 florins, and the revenues at 295,500,000 florins; the total expenditures at 329,200,000 florins, and the total revenues at 308,900,000 florins.

Public Debt.-The public debt of the Austrian Empire was already large at the end of the Napoleonic wars. After 1848 it increased again rapidly from 1,250,000,000 florins to 3,000,000,000 florins in 1868. The war of 1866 added 92,970,000 300,000,000 of new loans, which were offset 29,820,584 by the amount of the Lombardo-Venetian debt assumed by the kingdom of Italy. At the 16,880.000 separation of Austria and Hungary an agree20,222,000 ment was made, in May, 1868, renewed with 88,167,000 certain modifications in 1877, whereby 70 per cent. of the total charges of the debt fell upon 23,078,000 41,628,899 Austria and 30 per cent. upon Hungary. Since 1868 the two kingdoms have kept their finances 448,155,798 separate. The deficits in Hungary constantly



The following are the estimated expenditures recurring since 1867, have been funded in a

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Public Education and Worship.. 17.782,885 320,434,947 florins, and interest-bearing treas11,519,408 ury notes amounting to 91,563,797 florins, into


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