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Public Schools of Manitoba.

REVISED JULY 30th, 1902.


HYGIENE Lessons on cleanliness, proper clothing, pure air, good water, exercise, rest, avoidance of draughts, wholesome food, temperate habits-with special reference to use of alcohol and tobacco; bathing, accidents, poison, disinfectants, digestion, circulation, respiration.

Practical effect should be given to the instruction in this subject by attention to the Physical condition and habits of the children, the ventilation, lighting, heating, and cleaning of the school room, and the supervision and direction of the sports and exercises of the pupils by the teacher.

TEXT BOOK-Child's Health Primer (Pathfinder No. 1).

MORALS (a) Duties to self-Self culture, self respect, self control; purity in thought, word and deed; industry, economy; truthfulness, courage, etc.

(b) Duties to others-Courtesy, including all forms of politeness, in school room, home, society, public meetings, school ground, street; respect for parents, teachers, benefactors and those in authority.

(c) Duties to the State-Civil duties, including respect for law as the means by which the innocent are protected and the guilty punished; tax paying, patriotism, support of Government, etc.; political duties-voting, public office a sacred trust.

(d) Duties to animals-As beasts of burden, as food, as sport.

To establish the habit of right doing. instruction in moral principles must be accompanied by training in moral practices. The teacher's influence and example, current incidents, stories, memory gems, sentiments in the school lessons, examination of motives that prompt to action, didactic talks, teaching the Ten Commandments, etc., are means to be employed.

It shall be the duty of every teacher to make out a Time Table for his school and to post it up in the school room. The Time Table shall be presented to the Inspector at each visit for his approval and signa


The work to be done in the Public Schools is divided into nine grades. as follows:


READING-First Reader, Part I.

COMPOSITION-Ready and correct use of Simple Sentences in familiar conversation growing out of reading and observation lessons.

WRITING-In exercise books with lead pencil.

ARITHMETIC-Numbers 1 to 20, their combinations and separations.

Use and meaning of one-half, one-third, one-fourth, etc., to onetwentieth (no figures).

Relation of halves, fourths, eighths; thirds, sixths, twelfths; thirds, ninths (no figures).

Simple problems and practical measurements introducing gallons in peck, pecks in bushel, months in year, inches in foot, pound current coins up to twenty.

Addition in columns, no total to exceed 20.


1. Plant Life-Study of the plant as a whole. Name of parts— root, stem, leaf. Experiment to determine the use of each part to the plant. Observation of the uses that animals and insects make of the plant.

Leaves (a) Recognizing and naming a few common leaves.
(b) Drawing and describing each leaf as studied.
Noting size, shape, color, margin, veining.
Coloring of some drawings.

(c) Memorizing appropriate poems and reproduc-
ing stories told.

Flowers-(a), (b), (c) Same as under leaves. Observing the parts in each and distinguishing be

tween them.

Seeds—(a), (b), (c) Same as under leaves. Planting many seeds of some one kind, a few of several kinds; some in the light, some in the dark, some in dry earth, some in moist earth, some in cotton. Observing results.

2. Animal Life-Insects, grasshopper, butterfly and allied insects. Birds-Habits of the more familiar birds.

NOTE-A calendar may be made to show changes in climate; the migration of birds; appearance of flowers; ripening of seeds, etc.

SPELLING-Copying words.

MUSIC Singingof songs. Drill on the scale and intervals as found in exercises 1, 2, 3, 4 on second page, first series of Charts Normal Music Course. First four keys of Music Chart. (These four exercises are also printed on four cards, one on each card). Exercises in rhythm as found on 1st time chart, using swinging metronome.


Nature forms: Fruit; vegetables, flowers, leaves, etc.
Objects; Balls, boxes, jars, bowls, etc.

Type solids: Sphere, cube: cylinder, hemisphere, prisms.

Topics-1 (a) THOUGHT OF NATURE-Observation of form and color in familiar things. Illustrating the story; drawing of places, people, living things, fruit, flowers, etc., with freedom as to ways of expressing (chalk, pencil, brush). (b) APPEARANCE OF FORM-From single objects and simple groups. The familiar model or object; cylinder, prism, box, apple, pail, &c., viewed at, below, above, level of eye; seeing the changes of appearances; trying to note the PARTS IN SIGHT; to express IDEAS OF SIZE AND PROPORTION. (Sight drawing, memory drawing). Some picture drawing, freely as in 1, (a), from dolls, toys, etc.

2 FACTS OF FORM-Naming, distinguishing common types: notice of a few plane figures and terms in familiar relation with common objects and types-e.g. circle, square, face, edge vertical, &c.

(Modelling, making.)

3 THOUGHT OF ORNAMENT-Border, Rosette. Ideas of pleasant arrangement; lesson from flower forms; guidance in the use of color. (Pencil painting; brush work).

* (See General Notes, 1, 2, Page 15.)


READING-First Reader. Part II.

Phonic Analysis.

Exercises in Articulation and Pronunciation.
Reading at sight from books used in Grade I.

Reading stories and poetical selections from blackboard.
Appropriate selections of poetry memorized and recited.

COMPOSITION-The substance of the reading lesson, and of short stories told or read to pupils, to be reproduced by them orally. Oral expression in complete sentences of simple thoughts suggested by reading, observation lessons and personal experience.

WRITING-Copy Book No. 1, with lead pencil.

ARITHMETIC-Numbers 1 to 20, their combinations and separations.

Use and meaning of one-half, one-third, one-fourth, etc., to onetwentieth, (no figures).

Relation of halves, fourths, eighths; thirds, sixths, twelfths; thirds, ninths, (no figures).

Simple problems and practical measurements introducing gallons in peck, pecks in bushel, months in year, inches in foot, pound current coins, up to 20, etc.

Addition in columns, no total to exceed 20.

OBSERVATION LESSONS-Simple study of familiar plants and animals as in Grade I.

SPELLING—From Readers only-such words from each lesson as pupils can learn while mastering the reading matter.

MUSIC-Singing of songs. Review. Drill in Interval. All exercises from the Chart in each of the nine keys. Exercises in rhythm. All on the first time chart. Exercise in vowels and humming.


Nature forms and objects: as for Grade I.

Topics-As for Grade I.

Further ideas of form and shape; more expression by drawing; a bolder touch, etc.


READING-Second Reader.

Phonic Analysis.

Exercises in Articulation and Pronunciation.

Appropriate selections of poetry memorized and recited.

COMPOSITION-Brief oral expression in complete sentences of thoughts suggested by pictures, observation lessons, etc.

Narrative of occurrences within pupils' experiences.

Written exercises on the foregoing after oral work has been carefully done.

Oral and written reproduction of the substance of the reading lesson.

WRITING-Copy-books 2 and 3.

Careful attention to penmanship in all written exercises.

ARITHMETIC Numbers 1 to 100.

Their combinations and separations (oral and written).
Use and meaning of one twenty-first, one twenty-second, etc., to
one one-hundredth (no figures).

Addition, Subtraction, Division and Partition of Fractions dealt
with in Grade II.

Roman Numerals I to C.

Simple problems, introducing seconds in minute, minutes in hour, hours in day; pounds in bushel, sheets in quire, quires in ream, etc.


I. Plant Life-Continuation of the work of Grades I and II.
Study of growth, circulation of sap. etc.

Roots--Fibrous and fleshy; comparing, describing, naming.

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