Imágenes de páginas

Mr. OWENS. Thank you, Mr. Mank.

Ms. Kelly Davis will be accompanied by Gwen Sither, and Ms. Davis' testimony will be in the form of a series of questions asked of her by Ms. Sither.

You may proceed.



MS. SITHER. What is your name?

Ms. DAVIS. My name Kelli Davis.
MS. SITHER. How old are you?

Ms. DAVIS. Twenty-four.

MS. SITHER. Where do you work?

Ms. DAVIS. Dynatech Data Systems.

MS. SITHER. Did somebody help you find this job?

Ms. DAVIS. Yes.

MS. SITHER. Who helped you?

Ms. DAVIS. Elena in Training.

MS. SITHER. So people in the vocational services program?
Ms. DAVIS. Yes.

Mr. OWENS. Could you pull the mike a little closer to her?

Ms. SITHER. How many months have you worked at Dynatech Data Systems?

Ms. DAVIS. June.

MS. SITHER. You started in June, so that's about six months.

Ms. DAVIS. Six months.

MS. SITHER. What days of the week do you work?

Ms. DAVIS. Ten hours.

MS. SITHER. What days of the week?

Ms. DAVIS. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.
MS. SITHER. And you work how many hours a day?
Ms. DAVIS. Ten hours.

Ms. SITHER. Ten hours a day. What kinds of jobs do you do at Dynatech Data Systems?

Ms. DAVIS. Well, do cut wire and cable and wax panel and cable and

Ms. SITHER. What about the chassis?

Ms. DAVIS [continuing]. Chassis, and count capacitors, and I help somebody, for help.

MS. SITHER. How much money do you earn each month?

Ms. DAVIS. $350.

Ms. SITHER. $350. What other kinds of benefits do you get that are paid by Dynatech Data Systems? Do you get holidays, paid holidays?

Ms. DAVIS. For holidays, for sick, annual leave.

Ms. SITHER. So you get paid holidays, paid sick leave and annual leave?

Ms. DAVIS. Yes.

MS. SITHER. How does your enclave supervisor, Elena, help you? What does she do?

Ms. DAVIS. Well, Elena supervise my training. Her help show the job and I do them correct.

MS. SITHER. Does she check the quality of your work?

Ms. DAVIS. Yes.

MS. SITHER. And show you how to do the work?

Ms. DAVIS. How to do.

Ms. SITHER. What about the other people in the company? How do they help you?

Ms. DAVIS. New friends help job I do.

MS. SITHER. They train you, too?

Ms. DAVIS. Train me, yes.

MS. SITHER. So you say you have made new friends at Dynatech? Ms. DAVIS. New friends there.

MS. SITHER. What do you do with your friends?

Ms. DAVIS. Well, a friend will work in the day, and will help


MS. SITHER. Do you take breaks with them?

Ms. DAVIS. We will break and will talk to them and say hi.

Ms. SITHER. How has working at Dynatech changed your life, Kelly? What about the money?

Ms. DAVIS. I saving.

MS. SITHER. What else do you do with your money?

Ms. DAVIS. I buy some groceries and go out to dinner and things. MS. SITHER. I was going to say you help in the home, too.

Ms. DAVIS. Yes.

Ms. SITHER. And what about the friends? Has that changed your life, having all those friends?

Ms. DAVIS. I love new friends. Yes, I do.

MS. SITHER. What is your goal? What do you want to have?

Ms. DAVIS. My goal be to hire, somebody, the manager hire somebody——

Ms. SITHER. You want to be hired by Dynatech?

Ms. DAVIS. Dynatech.

MS. SITHER. That's great. Thank you.

Mr. OWENS. Thank you.

Ms. DAVIS. I like them.

[The prepared statement of Kelli Davis follows:]

[blocks in formation]




In March 1987 a special employment program was established at Dynatech
Data Systems, a manufacturer of data communications equipment.
mission of this program is to provide industry-based supported
employment for a small group of individuals with severe disabilities.
Program operations are managed jointly by Dynatech Data Systems and the
Vocational Services Program, a program of the Alexandria Community
Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services Board.

Kelli Davis was referred to the Dynatech "enclave" program following an assessment that revealed her desire for work within a manufacturing environment. Ms. Davis is 24 years of age and has a diagnosis of moderate mental retardation. She began working at Dynatech Data Systems in June 1987, and has since demonstrated significant workrelated and personal growth.

All Dynatech Data Systems production workers, including program employees, work four days each week, ten hours per day. At this time, program employees are assigned to three areas within the Springfield, Virginia plant. Ms. Davis works in the staging areas, where parts are prepared for general assembly. Within the staging area Ms. Davis performs a wide variety of jobs, including automated wire cutting, applying wax to parts, digital chassis assembly and wiring, cutting capacitor leads, wire stripping, and counting/packaging parts. She earns approximately $350 per month, with her wages based upon the quality and quantity of work performed. In addition, Dynatech Data Systems pays Ms. Davis holiday and annual/sick leave fringe benefits.

The Dynatech Data Systems program support staff is composed of an on-site supervisor, administrative staff and substitute/ supplemental trainers. The program supervisor provides intensive training for Ms. Davis on all tasks until she is able to meet the quality and quantity demands of the specific work assignment. In addition, the program supervisor monitors the quality of all work produced and provides additional, as needed. Financial management and administrative support is provided by the Coordinator of Vocational Services. Two staff members provide substitute supervision for program employees, in addition to short-term supplemental training.


Employees of Dynatech Data System have taken great interest in this program and do not hesitate to interact with and offer assistance to program employees. Within the staging area, Ms. Davis receives the

majority of her work assignments from the area line lead and often receives supplemental training from company co-employees. Ms. Davis has befriended numerous Dynatech Data Systems employees. These employees interact readily with Ms. Davis and they usually take lunch and breaks together.

Employment within the Dynatech Data Systems special employment program has had a very positive impact on the life of Ms. Davis. She is very proud of working in an electronics company, since this type of work in generally valued by others. Her earnings, which have increased significantly during the past six months, have enabled her to purchase items, pay for leisure time activities and contribute to routine household expenses. Due to her increased wages, Ms. Davis' SSI has been decreased and she in now a tax paying member of her community.

The most significant impact on her life, however, appears to be within the area of integration. Ms. Davis works amongst a over 200 Dynatech employees without disabilities. She has formed many friendships with Dynatech workers and is accepted by these individuals as a co-employee and peer. All of these factors, when paired with her demonstrated skills and abilities, will make it feasible for Ms. Davis to be hired by Dynatech Data Systems in the future.

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