Imágenes de páginas


Lampate (lamp'at), n. A compound salt, composed of lampic acid and a base. Lampblack (lamp'blak), n. [Lamp and black; being originally made by means of a lamp or torch.] A fine soot formed by the condensation of the smoke of burning oil, pitch, or resinous substances in a chimney terminating in a cone of cloth. Lamper-eel (lam'pèr-el), n. The lamprey. [Local.]

Lampern (lam'pèrn), n. The name given by fishermen by way of distinction to two species of fresh-water lampreys, Petromyzon fluviatilis (the river lamprey) and P. planeri (the fringe-lipped lamprey). Lampers (lam'pérz), n. See LAMPAS. Lampet, Lampit (lam'pet, lam'pit), n. limpet. [Scotch.]


Lampetian (lam-pe'shan), n. A follower of Lampetius, a Syrian monk of the fifth century, who denied the divinity of Christ and the creation of the world by God. Lamp-glass (lamp'glas), n. The upright glass tube used for lamps burning particular oils; the cylindrical or spherical glass shade for a lamp or gas-burner. Lampic (lamp'ik), a. The term applied to an acid obtained by the slow combustion of the vapour of alcohol and ether by means of a lamp furnished with a coil of platinum wire. It is acetic acid modified by a peculiar hydrocarbon.

Lamping (lamp'ing), a. Shining; sparkling.

Imagination is a brighter and a bolder Beauty, with large lamping eyes of uncertain colour, as if fluctuating with rainbow-light. Prof. Wilson. Lampion (län-pyon), n. [Fr.: dim. of lampe.] A small lamp suitable for illuminations.

At the French Chancellerie they had six more lampions in their illumination than ours had. Thackeray. Lamplight (lamp'lit), n. The light shed by a lamp. Walking in the dim lamplight of the Piazza.' Macaulay. Lamplighter (lamp'lit-ér), n. A man employed to light street lamps.

Lampoon (lam-pön'), n. [Fr. lampon, a drinking or scurrilous song, from lamper, to drink, to guzzle.] A personal satire in writing; abuse; censure written to reproach and vex; abuse.

Satires and lampoons on particular persons circulate more by giving copies. Sheridan.

These personal and scandalous libels, carried to excess in the reign of Charles II., acquired the name of lampoon, from the burden sung to them: Lampone, lampone, camerada lampone'-'Guzzler, guzzler, my fellow-guzzler.' Sir W. Scott.

Lampoon (lam-pön'), v.t. To abuse with personal censure; to reproach in written satire.

Lampooner (lam-pön'èr), n. One who lampoons or abuses with personal satire; the writer of a lampoon.

The squibs are those who are called libellers, lamTatler. pooners, and pamphleteers. Lampoonry (lam-pön'ri), n. The act of lampooning; written personal abuse or satire. Swift.

Lamp-post (lamp'post), n. A post or pillar for supporting a street or other out-door lamp.

Lamprel, Lampron (lam'prel, lam'pron). See LAMPREY.

Lamprey (lam'pri), n. [Fr. lamproie, Pr. lamprada, It. lampreda, A. Sax. lamprede, G. lamprete, Sc. lampert, rampert, ramper, L.L. lampetra-L. lambo, to lick, and petra, a stone: so called from their habit of attaching themselves to stones by their circular suctorial mouths. The generic name Petromyzon has the same meaning.] The popular name of several species of Petromyzon, a genus of marsipobranchiate, eel-like, scaleless fishes which inhabit both fresh and salt water. The lampreys have seven spiracles or apertures on each side of the neck, and a fistula or aperture on the top of the head;

Sea Lamprey (Petromyzon marinus). they have no pectoral or ventral fins. The mouth is in the form of a sucker, lined with strong teeth and cutting plates, and the river lampreys are often seen clinging to stones by it. The marine or sea lamprey


(P. marinus) is sometimes found so large as to weigh 4 or 5 lbs. The river lamprey or lampern (P. fluviatilis) is a smaller species, and abounds in the fresh-water lakes and rivers of northern countries. Lampreys attach themselves to other fishes and suck their blood; they also eat soft animal matter of any kind.

Lamp-shade (lamp'shad), n. A shade or screen placed above the flame of a lamp to mellow or intercept it. It may have a dark exterior and a reflecting interior substance. Lamp-shell (lamp'shel), n. A mollusc of the class Brachiopoda (which see). Lampyridæ (lam-pir'i-de), n. pl. [Gr. lampyris, a glowworm-lampo, to shine, oura, the tail, and eidos, resemblance.] A family of coleopterous insects of the section Malacodermi. The insects of this family have | five joints to all the tarsi, flexible elytra, the body usually elongated and somewhat depressed. The type of the family is the genus Lampyris.

Lampyrine (lam'pir-in), n. A member of the family Lampyrida (which see). Lampyris (lam'pir-is), n. The type genus of the coleopterous family Lampyrida. L. noctiluca is the glowworm (which see). Lana (la'na), n. A close-grained and tough wood obtained from Genipa americana, a South American and West Indian tree of the nat. order Rubiaceæ. The fruit, called genipap, yields a pigment which, under the name of lana-dye, the Indians use to stain their faces and persons. See GENIPA. Lana-dye (lä'na-di), n. See LANA. Lanary (la'na-ri), n. [L. lanaria, a woolstore, from lanarius, belonging to wool, from lana, wool.] A store-place for wool. Lanate, Lanated (la'nat, la'nat-ed), a. [L. lanatus, from lana, wool.] Woolly: (a) in bot. covered with a substance like curled hairs; as, a lanated leaf or stem. (b) In zool. covered with fine, very long, flexible, and rather curly hair.

Lancaster-gun (lan'kas-tér-gun), n. [After its inventor.] A species of rifled cannon having an elliptical bore, of which the major axis moves round till it traverses one-fourth of the circumference of the bore. The projectiles are also elliptical, so that when the gun is fired the projectile follows the twist of the bore, acquiring a rotary motion. This kind of ordnance has not been employed to any great extent. Lancaster-rifle (lan'kas-tér-ri-fl). n. A rifle constructed on the principle of the Lancaster-gun.

Lance (lans), n. [Fr. lance, Pr. lansa, It. lancia, from L. lancea, a lance or spear, which also has given origin to G. lanze, D. lans, Dan. lantse. The L. lancea was itself of foreign origin, and by Varro is said to have come from Spain.] 1. An offensive weapon consisting of a long wooden shaft with a sharppointed head of steel or other metal, used in war by both ancient and modern nations; a spear. The ancient lances were thrown from the hand like the javelin. The tiltinglances, which did not appear until about the thirteenth century, had an indented place in the shaft near the base for the hand to obtain a firm grasp, and were frequently adorned by a pennon fastened below the socket of the lance-head. The lance used in certain modern cavalry regiments has a shaft of ash or beech wood in some cases about 16 feet long, with a steel point 8 or 10 inches in length, adorned, like the tiltinglance, by a small pennon.

A braver soldier never couched lance. Shak. 2. A soldier armed with a lance; a lancer. Lance (lans), v.t. pret. & pp. lanced; ppr. lancing. 1. To pierce with a lance or with a sharp-pointed instrument.

Seized the due victim, and with fury lanced

Her back.

2. To open with a lancet; to pierce; as, to lance a vein or an abscess.-3. To throw in the manner of a lance; to launch. Lancet (lans), n. A balance. See LAUNCE. Lance-corporal (lans'kor-po-ral), n. Milit. a private performing the duties of a corporal with temporary rank as such. Lance-gay, Lancegaye, tn. [Fr. lancezagaye; zagaye=assagai.] A kind of lance. Lance-head (lans'hed), n. The head of a


Lance-knight (lans'nit), n. [See LANSQUENET] A common soldier. B. Jonson. Lancelet (lans'let), n. A small fish of very anomalous structure, the Amphioxus lanceolatus or Branchiostoma lanceolatum. See BRANCHIOSTOMA.


Lancelyt (lans'li), a. Suitable to a lance. Sydney.

Lanceolar (lans'ol-ér), a. [L. lanceola, dim. of lancea, a lance.] In bot. tapering toward each end.

Lanceolate Leaf.

Lanceolate, Lanceolated
(lans'ol-at, lans'ol-at-ed), a. [L.
lanceola, dim. of lancea, a lance.]
Shaped like a lance-head; ob-
long and gradually tapering to-
ward the outer extremity; as, a
lanceolate leaf.

Lancepesade (lans-pe-säd), n.
[Fr. lancepesade, lance-pessade,
lance-passade, It. lancia-spez-
zata, a demi-lanceman, a light
horseman.] An assistant to a
corporal; a lance-corporal.
Armi'd like a dapper lancepesade,
With Spanish pike he broach'd a pore.

Cleaveland. Lancer (lans'ér), n. 1. One who lances; one who carries a lance; a cavalry soldier armed with a lance.2. † A lancet.

They cut themselves... with knives and lancers. 1 Ki. xviii. 28, ed. 1611. Lance-rest (lans'rest), n. A projecting support placed on the right side of the breastplate to assist in bearing the lance. Lance-shaped (lans'shapt), a. Shaped like a lance; lanceolate. Lancet (lans'et), n. [Fr. lancette, dim. of lance. 1 1. A small surgical instrument, sharp-pointed and generally two-edged, used in venesection and in opening tumours, abscesses, &c. Lancets are known as gum lancets, vaccinating lancets, &c., and their shapes are various. A common form is that of a small blade fixed in a handle somewhat like that of a knife. Sometimes there are three blades of different shapes fixed in the

handle by one pin.

Lancets of copper have been found at Pompeii in company with other surgical instruments. - 2. A high and narrow window pointed like a lancet, commonly called a Lancet-window. Lancet - windows are a marked characteristic of the early English style of Gothic architecture, and are in a great degree peculiar to England and Scotland. They are often double or triple, and sometimes five are placed together, as in the window called the Five Sisters' at York. The east window of Glasgow cathedral consists of four lancets grouped together.


Lancet-window, Comberton.

The church,-one night, except For greenish glimmerings thro' the lancets,-made Still paler the head of him. Tennyson. -Lancet-arch, an arch whose head is shaped like the point of a lancet: generally used in lancet-windows.

Lancet-fish (lans'et-fish), n. A fish of the genus Acanthurus (which see). Lancet-window (lans'et-win-do), n. Same as Lancet, 2.

Lance-wood (lans'wud), n. [So named from its being suitable for making the shafts of lances.] The popular name of the wood of several trees of the order Anonaceæ, as of the Oxandra virgata, a native of Jamaica. Duguetia quitarensis, a native of Cuba and Guiana, which possesses in a high degree the qualities of toughness and elasticity, and is on this account extremely well adapted for the shafts of light carriages, and all those uses where light, strong, but elastic timber is required.

Lanch (lansh). Same as Launch. Lanciferous (lan-sif'er-us), a. [L. lancea, lance, and fero, to bear.] Bearing a lance. Blount.

Lanciform (lan'si - form), a. [L. lancea, lance, and forma, form.] Spear-shaped; lance-shaped; lanceolate.

Lancinate (lan'sin-at), v.t. [L. lancino, lan cinatum, to tear to pieces, to lacerate.] To tear; to lacerate. Lancinating (lan'sin-at-ing), a. Piercing: specifically applied to a sudden sharp shooting pain, as in cancer. Lancinating pangs


-keen, glancing, arrowy radiations of anguish. De Quincey.

Lancination (lan-sin-a'shon), n.


tion; wounding. Lancinations of the spirit.' Jer. Taylor.

Land (land), n. [Found in the same form in all the Teutonic languages and with only very doubtful connections in the other Indo-European tongues, the Fr. lande, It. and Sp. landa, a heath, a wide extent of waste ground, a plain, being from the Celtic lann, olderland, originally a thorny or spiny bush.] 1. Earth, or the solid matter which constitutes the fixed part of the surface of the globe, in distinction from the sea or other waters, which constitute the fluid or movable part; as, the globe consists of land and water; a sailor in a long voyage longs to see land. 2. Any portion of the solid superficial part of the globe considered as set apart or belonging to an individual or a people, as a country, estate, farm, or tract.

Go, view the land, even Jericho. Josh. ii. 1. 3. Ground; soil, or the superficial part of the earth in respect to its nature or quality; as, good land; poor land; moist or dry land. 4. In law, a generic term comprehending every species of ground or earth, as meadows, pastures, woods, moors, waters, marshes, furze, and heath, including also messuages, tofts, crofts, mills, castles, and other buildings.-5. The inhabitants of a country or region; a nation or people.

These answers in the silent night received,
The king himself divulged, the land believed.

6. The ground left unploughed between furrows. Hence 7. The part of the bore of a rifle between the grooves.-8. In Scotland, a house consisting of different stories, or more especially a building including different tenements, is called a land. --To make the land, or to make land (naut.), to discover land from the sea as the ship approaches it. -To shut in the land, to lose sight of the land left by the intervention of a point or promontory. To set the land, to see by the compass how it bears from the ship. lay the land, to sail from it until it begins to appear lower and smaller by reason of the convexity of the surface of the sea. To raise the land, to sail towards it until it appears to be raised or elevated. Land (land), t. 1. To set on shore: to disembark; to debark; as, to land troops; to land goods.


Moving up the coast they landed him. Tennyson. 2. To bring to or put in a certain place or condition; as, we were landed in difficulties.

One chair after another landed ladies at the Baroness's door. Thackeray. Land (land), c.i. 1. To go on shore from a ship or boat; to disembark.

Landing at Syracuse we tarried there three days. Acts xxviii. 12. 2 To arrive; to reach; as, I landed at his house.

Land (land), n. [A. Sax. hland or hlond, OF also lant; Icel. hland, urine.] Urine. Land-agent (land'a-jent), n. A person employed by the proprietor of an estate to effect the transfer of property by purchase, sale, hiring, or letting, to collect rents, to re-let farms, and the like.

Landamman (land'am-man), n. A chief magistrate in some of the Swiss cantons.

Landau (lan-da), n. [So called from Landau, a town in Germany, where first made.] A kind of coach or carriage whose top may be opened and thrown back.

Landaulet (lan-da-let'), n. [Dim. of landau.] A small landau.

Land-blink (land'blingk), n. A peculiar atmospheric brightness perceived in the arctic regions on approaching land covered with snow. It is more yellow than iceblink.

Land-breeze (land'brēz), n. A current of air setting from the land toward the sea. Land-bug (land’bug), n. A popular name for the heteropterous insects of the section Geocoris (which see).

Land-carriage (land'kar-rij), n. Carriage or transportation by land. Land-crab (land'krab), n. A crustacean whose habits are terrestrial, as distinguished from one whose habits are aquatic; particularly, one of the species of Gecarcinus, which live much on land, and only visit the sea to deposit their eggs. The best known is G. ruricola, found in the higher parts of


Jamaica, which often proves very destructive to the sugar plantations. Landdamn (land'dam), v.t. To banish from the land; to exile.

You are abused and by some putter-on
That will be damned for't; would I knew the villain,
I would landdamn him.

[The reading and meaning of this passage
are, however, doubtful.]
Lande (land), n. [Fr. See LAND.] A heath;
a heathy or sandy plain incapable of bear-
ing cereals. The term landes is specifi-
cally applied to extensive areas in France
stretching from the mouth of the Garonne
along the Bay of Biscay and inward towards
Bordeaux. They bear chiefly heath and
broom, but on the seaward side are largely
planted with sea-pine. The inland plains
are chiefly occupied as sheep-runs. The
landes are dry in summer and marshy in


Landed (land'ed), a. 1. Having an estate in land; as, a landed gentleman.

A house of commons must consist, for the most part, of landed men. Addison.

2. Consisting in real estate or land; as, landed security; landed property. Lander (land'ér), n. 1. One who lands or makes a landing.


As the sweet voice of a bird, Heard by the lander in a lonely isle. 2. One who lands or sets on land; especially, in mining, the man who attends at the mouth of the pit to receive the kibble or bucket in which the ore is brought to the surface.

Landfall (land'fal), n. 1. A sudden transference of property in land by the death of a rich man. 2. Naut, the first land discov ered after a voyage.

A good landfall is when the land is seen as expected. Brande & Cox.

3. A landslip. Land-fish (land'fish), n. A fish on land; a fish out of the water; hence, any one out of his element, and acting contrary to his usual character.

He's grown a very land-fish, languageless, a mon



Landflood (land'flud), n. An overflowing of land by water, especially by inland waters, as rivers and the like; an inundation. Landfloods after rain.' Drayton.

Land-force (land'förs), n. A military force, army, or body of troops serving on land, as distinguished from a naval force. Land-fowl (land'foul), n. Birds that frequent land.

Land-gabel (land'ga-bel), n. [See GABEL] A tax or rent issuing out of land, according to Doomsday-book. Landgrave, Landgraf (land'grav, land'graf), n. [G. landgraf, D. landgraaf-land, land, and graf, graaf, an earl or count.] 1. In Germany, originally, about the twelfth century, the title of district or provincial governors deputed by the emperor, and given them to distinguish them from the inferior counts under their jurisdiction. 2. Later, the title of three princes of the empire, whose territories were called landgraviates.

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mine, weigh, measure, take account of them, and the like.

Landing (land'ing), n. 1. The act of going or setting on land, especially from a vessel. 2. A place on the shore of the sea or of a lake, or on the bank of a river, where persons land or come on shore, or where goods are set on shore.-3. In arch, the first part of a floor at the end of a flight of steps; also, a resting-place in a series or flight of steps. 4. A platform at a railway-station. Landing-place (land'ing-plas), n. Same as Landing, 2, 3, and 4.

Landjobber (land'job-ėr), n. A man who makes a business of buying and selling land, whether on his own account or for others. Landjobbing (land'job-ing), n. The practice of buying land for the purpose of speculation.

Landlady (land'lā-di), n. [See LANDLORD.] 1. A woman who has tenants holding from her.-2. The mistress of an inn or of a lodging-house.

Landleaper (land'lēp-ér), n. Same as Landloper.

Landless (land'les), a. Destitute of land; having no property in land.

A landless knight makes thee a landed squire. Shak. Landlock (land'lok), v.t. To inclose or encompass by land." 'Few natural parts better landlocked.' Addison. Landloper (land'lõp-ér), n. [Land, and O.E. lope, to run; Sc. or Northern E. landlouper, D. landlooper, a rambler, a vagabond --Sc. loup, D. loopen, to run. See LEAP.] vagabond or vagrant; one who has no settled habitation, and frequently removes from one place or country to another; one who runs his country.


He (Perkin Warbeck) had been from his childhood such a wanderer, or, as the king called him, such a landloper. Bacon.

Landloping + (land'lōp-ing), a. Wandering; travelling; vagrant. 'His landloping legates." Holinshed. Landlord (landlord), n. 1. The lord of a manor or of land; the owner of land who has tenants under him; the holder of a tenement, to whom a rent is paid. -2. The master of an inn, tavern, or lodging-house; a host. The jolly landlord.' Addison. Landlordry (landlord-ri), n. The state or condition of a landlord.

Such pilfering slips of petty landlordry. Bp. Hall. Landlouper (land'loup-ér), n. Scotch or Northern English form of Landloper.

Bands of landloupers had been employed... to set fire to villages and towns in every direction. Motley. Landlouping (land'loup-ing), a. Wandering about; vagrant; vagabond. [Scotch.]

I canna think it an unlawfu' thing to pit a bit trick Sir W. Scott. on sic a landlouping scoundrel. Landlubber (land'lub-ér), n. [Land, and lubber, a lazy fellow.] A term of reproach among seamen for one who passes his life on land.


A navy which is not manned is no navy. A navy which is recruited mainly from landlubbers is hardly Saturday Rev. Land-lurch + (land'lèrch), v. t. To steal land from.

This was the origin of the landgraves of Thuringia, of Lower and Higher Alsace, the only three who were princes of the Empire. Brande & Cox. Landgraviate (land-gra'vi-ät), n. The territory held by a landgrave, or his office, jur- Landman (land'man), n. isdiction, or authority.

Landgravine (land'gra-ven), n. The wife of a landgrave; a lady of the rank of a landgrave.

Land-herd (land ́herd), n. A herd that feeds on land.

Those same, the shepherd told me, were the fields In which Dame Cynthia her land-herd's fed. Spenser. Landholder (land'hōld-ér), n. A holder, owner, or proprietor of land. Land-ice (land'is), n. A field or floe of ice stretching along the land which lies between two headlands.

Landing (land′ing), a. Connected with or pertaining to the process of bringing to land, or of unloading anything from a vessel, &c. --Landing charges or landing rates, charges or fees paid on goods landed from a vessel. -Landing net, a small bag-shaped net used in fly-fishing to take the fish from the water after being hooked.--Landing surveyor, an officer of the customs who appoints and superintends the landing-waiters.--Landing waiter, an officer of the customs whose duty is to oversee the landing of goods, to exa- |

Hence country louts land-lurch their lords. Warner. Landman (land'man), n. A man who lives or serves on land: opposed to seaman. In law, a terretenant. Landmark (land'märk), n. 1. A mark to designate the boundary of land; any mark or fixed object, as a marked tree, a stone, a ditch, or a heap of stones, by which the limits of a farm, a town, or other portion of territory may be known and preserved.

Thou shalt not remove thy neighbour's landmark.
Deut. xix. 14.

2. Trees, houses, or other prominent fea-
tures of a locality by which it is known.-
3. Naut. any elevated object on land that
serves as a guide to seamen.-4. That which
marks the stage of advancement at which
anything capable of development has ar-
rived at any given period; any phenomenon
or striking event; anything which marks
the end of one system or state of things and
the introduction of a new system or state;
thus, the battle of Hastings and the aboli-
tion of trials for witchcraft are landmarks
in the history of England; the invention of
the steam-engine and of the telegraph are
landmarks in the progress of the arts; the
appearance and disappearance of particular
fossils are landmarks in geology.


Land-measure (land'mezh-ŭr), n. Measurement of land; also the name of a table of square measure by which land is measured. Land-measurer (land ́mezh-ür-ér), n. A person whose employment is to ascertain by measurement and computation the superficial contents of portions of land, as fields, farms, &c.

Land-measuring (land'mezh-ür-ing), n. The art of determining by measurement and computation the superficial contents of portions of lands in acres, roods, &c., as fields, farms, &c. It is properly a subordinate branch of land-surveying, but the terms are sometimes used synonymously. Land-office (land'of-fis), n. An office in which the sales of new land are registered, and warrants issued for the location of land, and other business respecting unsettled land is transacted. [United States and colonial.]

Landowner (land'ōn-ér), n. A proprietor

of land.

Land-pilot (land'pi-lot), n. A guide in travelling by land."

Would overtask the best land-pilot's art. Milton. Land-pirate (land'pi-rāt), n. A highway robber.

Landrail (land'ral), n. The corncrake. See CORNCRAKE and CRAKE. Landreeve (land'rev), n. [Land, and reere, a bailiff or steward.] A subordinate officer on an extensive estate, who acts as an assistant to the land-steward.

Land-rent (land'rent), n. Rent paid for the use of land; income from land. Land-roll (landʼrõl), n. In agri. a heavy roller used for crushing clods and rendering the land friable and smooth; a clod-crusher. Landscape (land'skáp), n. [Originally landskip, A. Sax. landscipe, landscape-land, and scipe, shape, form; D. landschap, Dan. landskab, G. landschaft.] 1. A portion of land or territory which the eye can comprehend in a single view, including all the objects it contains.

New scenes arise, new landscapes strike the eye,' And all th' enliven'd country beautify. Thomson.

2. A picture representing a tract of country with the various objects it contains; such pictures in general, or the painting of such pictures.

The prettiest landscape I ever saw was one drawn on the walls of a dark room. Addison. Landscape (land'skap), v.t. or delineate in landscape.

To represent

As weary traveller that climbs a hill, Looks back, sits down, and oft, if hand have skill, Landscapes the vale with pencil. Holyday. Landscape-gardener (land'skap-gär-dnér), n. One who is employed in landscapegardening.

Landscape-gardening (land'skāp-gär-dning), n. The art of laying out grounds, arranging trees, shrubbery, &c., so as to produce the effect of natural landscape. Landscape-painter (land'skap-pant-ér), n. A painter of landscapes or rural scenery. Landscapist (land'skāp-ist), n. A landscapepainter.

Landscrip (land'skrip), n. A certificate given to a person who has purchased public land in America that he has paid his purchase-money to the proper officer. Land-scurvy (land'sker-vi), n.

An affection which consists in circular spots, stripes, or patches, scattered over the thighs, arms, and trunk.

Land-shark (land'shärk), a. A sailor's term for a sharper: generally applied to a lawyer. Land-skip (land'skip), n. Same as Land


Many a famous man and woman, town, And landskip, have I heard of. Tennyson. Landslip, Landslide (land'slip, land'slid), n. The sliding down of a considerable tract of land or earth from a higher to a lower level; also, the land or earth which so slides or slips.


Like some great landslip, tree by tree, The country side descended. Landsman (landz'man), n. 1. One who lives on the land: opposed to seaman.--2. Naut. a sailor on board a ship, who has not before been at sea. Landspout (land'spout), n. A heavy fall of water, generally occurring during a tornado, and differing from a waterspout in that it is on land instead of at sea. Landspring (land'spring), n. A spring of water which comes only into action after heavy rains.

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Land-steward (land'stü-érd), n. A person who has the care of a landed estate. Landstreight, Landstrait (land'strāt), n. A narrow slip of land. Landsturm (lant'storm), n. [G., lit. landstorm.] A local militia of Germany, which is never called from its own district but in case of actual invasion. It comprises that portion of the reserve too old for the landwehr. Other continental nations have a force of the same nature. Land-surveying (land'sér-va-ing), n. The art of determining the boundaries and superficial extent of portions of land, as estates, or parts of an estate, by the aid of proper instruments, and of laying down an accurate map of the whole. Land-surveyor (land'sêr-vā-êr), n. One whose employment is to determine the boundaries and superficial contents of portions of land, as estates, fields, &c., and to lay down an accurate map of the whole. Land-tax (land'taks), n. A tax assessed upon land and houses. Land-tortoise (land'tor-tois), n. A genus of tortoises or turtles (Testudo) inhabiting the land. The legs are thick, toes short and united to thick conical nails, five being on the fore and four on the hind foot. They i are widely distributed in warm climates, and feed on vegetables. See TORTOISE. Land-turn (land'tern), n. A land-breeze. Land-turtle (land'tèr-tl), n. A land-tortoise (which see).

Land-urchin (land'èr-chin), a. A hedgehog.

Land-waiter (land’wåt-ér), n. An officer of the customs; a landing-waiter. See LANDING, a.

Give a guinea to a knavish land-waiter, and he shall connive at the merchant for cheating the queen of a hundred. Swift.

Landward (land'wèrd), adv. Toward the land.

Landward (land'wèrd), a. 1. Lying toward the land, or toward the interior, or away from the sea-coast.-2. Situated in or forming part of the country, as opposed to the town; rural

Land-warrant (land'wo-rant), n. An American government security or title authorizing a person to enter on a tract of public land.

Landwehr (lant'vår), n. [G.--land, country, and wehr, defence; the latter word is seen in E. ware, beware.] That portion of the military force of some continental nations which in time of peace follow their ordinary occupations, excepting when called out for ocThe landwehr in some casional training. respects resembles our militia, with this important difference that all the soldiers of the landwehr have served in the regular army. This system has received its fullest development in Germany, in which country it adds enormously, and at comparatively little cost, to the military power of the state.

Land-wind (land'wind), n. A wind blowing from the land.

Landworker (land'wèrk-ér), n. One who tills the ground.

Lane (lán), n. [Sc. loan, a lane, a walk; D. laan, an alley, an avenue; Icel. lön, a row of houses; Fris. lona, lana, a lane or path between houses or fields.] 1. A narrow way or passage, as between hedges or buildings; a narrow street; an alley; a narrow pass. 'The leafy lanes behind the down.' Tennyson.-2. Any opening resembling such a passage, as between lines of men or people standing on each side; a navigable opening

in ice.

He was led into the house, all the lords standing up out of respect, and making a lane for him to pass to the earl's bench. Belsham. Lane (län), a. Alone.-My, thy, his (or him), lane, myself, thyself, himself alone. - Our, your, their lanes, ourselves, yourselves, themselves alone. Lane is shortened for alane, alone, and these usages arose by corruption from the older expressions me lane, him lane, O. E. al him one, &c. [Scotch.] Lanely (lan'li), a. Lonely. [Scotch.] Lang (lang), a. Long. [Scotch.] Langaha (lan-ga'ha), n. The name of two species of tree-serpents, natives of Madagascar, having a fleshy scale-covered projection on the muzzle.

Langate (lang'gāt), n. In surg. a linen roller used in dressing wounds. Langrage, Langrel (lang'graj, lang'grel), n. A particular kind of shot used at sea for tearing sails and rigging, and thus disabling


an enemy's ship. It consists of bolts, nails, and other pieces of iron fastened together.

Langrett (lang'gret), n. A kind of false dice, so loaded that certain numbers come up more readily and frequently than others.

As for dice, he hath all kinds of sortes, fullams, langrets, bard quater traies, hie men, low men, some stopt with quicksilver, some with gold, some ground. Wit's Misery.

Lang-settle (lang'set-1), n. [Sc. lang, long, and settle, a seat or saddle.] A long wooden seat or bench resembling a settee. [Scotch and North of England. ] Langsyne (lang-syn'), n. [Sc. lang, long, and syne, since.] Long since; long ago. A friend, in short, of the happy langsyne.' Lord Lytton. [Scotch.]

Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And never brought to min'? Should auld acquaintance be forgot, And days o' langsyne. Langteraloo (lang'tér-a-lo"), n. A game at


cards. See LANTERLOO, Language (lang'gwaj), n. [O.E. langage, Fr. langage, Pr. lenguatge, lengatge, lengage; It. linguaggio; from L. lingua, the tongue (which takes the form langue in Fr.), and the L.L. term. aticum; allied to L. lingo, Gr. leichō, Skr. lih, to lick.] 1. Human speech; the expression of thoughts by words or articulate sounds; as, language is the peculiar possession of man. 2. A particular set of articulate sounds used in the expression of thoughts; the aggregate of the words employed by any community for intercommunication; as, the English language; the Greek language. - Philologists have classified the languages of the earth on two principles; first, according to the structure of the language or the manner in which its sounds are formed or combined; and, secondly, according to their genetic connection or relationship as to origin. The first kind of classification is called the morphological, the second the genealogical. According to the morphological classification three forms of structure in languages are usually distinguished-the isolating, the agglutinating, and the inflectional. The isolating languages, of which the Chinese is an example, are composed entirely of monosyllabic unchangeable roots, which may indeed be compounded with one another in order to express their mutual relations, but as a rule retain their independence. The agglutinating languages are such as possess certain unalterable roots to which other syllables, which are capable of modification, and which do not retain an independent signification, are affixed to express relations. Of this class are the Mongolic or Turanian languages. A subdivision of this class consists of those languages, such as the American, which attach all the subordinate or less important members of a sentence to the main root as terminations, and which are called the incorporating. The inflectional languages, which are the most highly developed, are those in which all the roots are capable of being modified to express different relations or shades of meaning. Philologists believe that all languages which have reached this highest stage must previously have passed through the other two stages. When classified genealogically languages are divided into families or groups in which a community of origin is distinctly traceable. Such are the Aryan or IndoEuropean family (comprising Sanskrit, Persian, Slavonic, Greek, Latin, Gothic, &c.), and the Semitic family (comprising Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic, &c.), which are the only two families which have reached the inflectional stage of morphological development. 3. Words or expressions appropriate to or especially employed in any branch of knowledge; as, the language of chemistry. -4. Style; manner of expression, either by speech or writing.

Others for language all their care express. Pope. 5. The inarticulate sounds by which irrational animals express their feelings and wants.-6. The expression of thought in any way articulate or inarticulate, conventional or unconventional; as, the language of signs; the language of the eyes; the language of flowers, &c.

The language of the eyes frequently supplies the place of that of the tongue. Crabb.

7. A nation as distinguished by its speech. Dan. iii. 7.

La Valette was obliged to refuse the application of


twelve knights of the language of Italy, on the ground that the complement of the garrison was full. Prescott.

SYN. Speech, tongue, dialect, idiom, style, diction. Languaget (langʻgwāj), v.t. To express in language.

Others were languaged in such doubtful expressions that they have a double sense. Fuller. Languaged (lang'gwajd),a. 1. Having a language. Many-languaged nations. Pope. 2. Skilled in language or learned in several languages.

The only languaged man in all the world. B. Jonson. Languageless (lang'gwaj-les), a. Wanting He's grown. speech or language. languageless. Shak

Language-master (lang'gwāj-mas-tér), n. One whose profession is to teach languages. Langued (langd), pp. [Fr. langue, a tongue.] In her. a term applied to the tongue of beasts and birds when borne of a different tincture to that of the animal. Langue d'oc (lán-gu-dok), n. The name given to the independent Romance dialect spoken in Provence in the middle ages, from its word for yes being oc, a form of the Latin hoc. It was thus distinguished from the language spoken by the natives of the north of France, which was called Langue d'oui or Langue d'oil, their affirmative being a contraction of Latin hoc illud. The langue d'oe was the language of the Troubadours. Called also Provençal

Langue d'oui, Langue d'oil (län-gu-dwē, lan-gu-doil), n. The language of the north of France, so named from its word for yes (oil, ouil, oui, being contracted from the Latin hoc illud). It was the language of the Trouvères. It became developed into modern French. See LANGUE D'OC. Languente (lan-gwen'tā). [It.] In music, a direction prefixed to a composition, denoting that it is to be performed in a languishing or soft manner.

Languet (lang'get), n. [Fr. languette, a tongue.] Anything in the shape of the tongue.

Languid (lang'gwid), a. [L. languidus, from langueo, to droop or flag, whence also languish.] 1. Flagging; drooping; hence, feeble; weak; heavy; dull; indisposed to exertion; as, the body is languid after excessive action, which exhausts its powers. Languid powerless limbs.' Armstrong.-2. Slow tardy. No motion so swift or languid.' Bentley.-3. Dull; heartless; without anima


And fire their languid souls with Cato's virtue.
Studious we toil, with patient care refine,
Nor let our love protect one languid line.

SYN. Feeble, weak, faint, sickly, pining, exhausted, heavy, dull, weary, heartless. Languidly (lang'gwid-li), ade. In a languid manner; weakly; feebly; slowly; without

spirit or animation.

Languidness (lang'gwid-nes), n. The state or quality of being languid; weakness; dulness; languor; slowness; sluggishness. Languish (lang'gwish), v.i. [Fr. languir, languissant, L. langueo, to languish; perhaps akin to E. lank (which see).] 1. To lose strength or animation; to be or become dull, feeble, or spiritless; to pine; to be or to grow heavy; as, we languish under disease or after excessive exertion.

Sue that hath borne seven languisheth. Jer. xv. 9.
Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one
that dweileth therein shall languish.
Hos. iv. 3.
Parely with of.

What is it... the king languishes of Shak. 2. To suffer from heat, want of moisture, or other prejudicial conditions; to droop; to wither; to fade; as, the flowers languish.

For the fields of Heshbon languish. Is. xvi. 8. 3. To grow dull; to be no longer active and vigorous; as, the war languished for want of supplies; commerce, agriculture, manufactures languish.-4. To look with softness or tenderness, as with the head reclined and a peculiar cast of the eye. Languid Love,

Leaning his cheek upon his hand,
Droops both his wings regarding thee,

And so would languish evermore. Tennyson. SYN. To pine, wither, fade, droop, faint. Languish (lang'gwish), v.t. To cause to droop or pine. [Rare.]

That he might satisfy or languish that burning Batter Florio.

Languish (lang'gwish), n. Act of pining; also, a soft and tender look or appearance. And the blue anguish of soft Allia s eye. Pope.


Languisher (lang'gwish-ér), n. One who languishes or pines. These unhappy languishers in obscurity.' Mrs. Carter. Languishing (lang'gwish-ing), p. and a. 1. Becoming or being feeble; losing strength; pining; withering; fading.-2. Having a soft and tender look or appearance; as, a languishing eye.

With languishing regards and bending head. Dryden. Languishingly (lang'gwish-ing-li), adv. In a languishing manner: (a) weakly; feebly; dully; slowly. (b) With tender softness.

Loose on flowery beds all languishingly lay, Thomson. Languishment (lang'gwish-ment), n. 1. The state of pining.Lingering languishment." Shak.-2. Softness of look or mien, with the head reclined.

Whilst sinking eyes with languishment profess Follies his tongue refuses to confess. Dr. W. King. Languor (lang'gwer), n. [L. languor, Fr. langueur, faintness, weariness, feebleness.] 1. Feebleness; dulness; heaviness; lassitude of body; that state of the body which is induced by exhaustion of strength, as by disease, by extraordinary exertion, by the relaxing effect of heat, or by weakness from any cause.

A languor came
Upon him, gentle sickness gradually
Weakening the man, till he could do no more.

2. Dulness of the intellectual faculty: listlessness.-3. An agreeable listless or dreamy state; voluptuous indolence; softness; laxity.

To isles of fragrance, lily-silvered vales,
Diffusing languor in the panting gales.


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Whom late I left in languorous constraint.

Langure,t v. To languish. Chaucer. Laniard (lan'yard), n. Same as Lanyard. Laniariform (la'ni-a'ri-form), a. [L. lanio, to cut or tear, and forma, shape.] Shaped like the laniaries or canine teeth of the Carnivora.

Laniary (la'ni-a-ri), n. [L. laniarium, a butcher's shop, from lanio, to rend. ] 1. Shambles; a place of slaughter. [Rare.] 2. One of the canine teeth.

Laniary (la'ni-a-ri), a. [L. lanius, a butcher. ] Lacerating or tearing; as, the laniary teeth, i.e. the canine teeth.

Laniate (la'ni-āt), v.t. [L. lanio, laniatum, to tear in pieces.] To tear in pieces. [Rare.] Laniation (lä-ni-a'shon), n. A tearing in pieces. [Rare.]

Lanier (lan'yér), n. [A form of laniard, lanyard, Fr. lanière, a thong, a strap.] 1. A thong or strap of leather; the lash of a whip. [Provincial.]-2. A strap used to fasten together parts of armour; especially, one of the leathern straps by which a shield was held on the arm.

Laniferous (la-nif'èr-us), a. [L. lanifer--lana, wool, and fero, to produce.] Bearing or producing wool.

Lanifical (la-nif'ik-al), a. Working in wool. Lanifice (lan'i-fis), n. [L. lanificium---lana, wool, and facio, to make.] A woollen fabric. 'Cloth and other lanifices.' Bacon. [Rare.] Lanigerous (la-nij'èr-us), a. [L. lanigerlana, wool, and gero, to bear.] Bearing or producing wool.

Laniidæ (la-ni'i-dē), n. pl. [L. lanius, a butcher, and eidos, resemblance. ] The shrikes, a family of insessorial or perching birds, in which the bill is abruptly hooked at the end, and the notch is sometimes so deep as to form a prominent tooth at each side. They are insectivorous, but some even prey on small birds and mammals. Laniinæ (la-ni-i'nē), n. pl. A sub-family of the Laniidae, having the bill short and the tooth very prominent. It contains the typical genus Lanius.

Lanius (la'ni-us), n. The typical genus of the Laniidae; the shrike or butcher- bird genus.

Lank (langk), a. [A. Sax. hlane; comp. D.

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Lankly (langk'li), adv. In a lank manner; thinly; loosely; laxly.

From my head, a scanty store,

Lankly the withered tresses flow. Sir F. Hill. Lankness (langk'nes), n. The state or quality of being lank; laxity; flabbiness; leanness; slenderness.

There shall be a kind of lankness and depression within thy belly for very famine. Stokes. Lanky (langk’i), a. Lank.

Scarce one of us domestic birds but imitates the lanky pavonine strut and shrill genteel scream. Thackeray. Lanner (lan'nér), n. [Fr. lanier, L. laniarius, lanius, a butcher.] Falco laniarius, a species of hawk, especially the female of the species, found in the south and east of Europe. It is rather less than the buzzard.

The lanner and the lanneret are accounted hard hawks, and the very hardest of any that are in ordinary, or in common use. Latham. Lanneret (lan'nėr-et), n. [Dim. of lanner.] The male of the Falco laniarius, so called from his being smaller than the female. See LANNER.

Lanseh (lan'se), n. [Indian name. ] The fruit of Lansium domesticum. See LANSIUM. Lansium (lan'si-um), n. [From lanseh.] A genus of trees belonging to the nat. order Meliaceae. It comprises two or three species, natives of India, the most important of which is L. domesticum, the large yellowish fruit of which is highly esteemed, and eaten either fresh or prepared in various ways. Lansquenet (lans'ke-net), n. [G. landsknecht, a foot-soldier-land,country, knecht, a boy, a servant.] 1. A German common soldier belonging to the infantry first raised by the Emperor Maximilian in the end of the fifteenth century; a soldier who hired himself out to whoever offered highest for his services; a soldier of fortune.-2. A game at cards much played among or introduced by the lansquenets: vulgarly called Lambskinnet.

Lant (lant), n. The game of loo. Called also Lanterloo.

Lant (lant), n. [See LAND, urine.] Urine. [Provincial English.]

Lant (lant), v.t. To wet or mingle with urine. [Provincial.]

Lantana (lan-tā'na), n. [An ancient name of Viburnum, and applied to this genus by Linnæus by reason of its affinity.] A genus of plants belonging to the nat. order Verbenacer, containing about forty or fifty species. These are mostly natives of tropical and sub-tropical America, a few occurring in Africa and Asia; two tropical American species (L. trifolia and L. aculeata) are now widely spread in the Old World. They are tall or subscandent shrubs (rarely herbs), with opposite, toothed, often rugose leaves, and dense spikes of white, orange, or red flowers on long stalks: the fruit is a small drupe. L. macrophylla is employed in infusions as a stimulant, and L. pseudo-thea as a substitute for tea. Lantanium (lan-tä'ni-um), n. Same as Lanthanium.

Lantcha (lant'cha), n. A Malay boat having three masts and a bowsprit, to be met with especially in the eastern part of the Indian Archipelago. Great numbers of lantchas come to Penang and Singapore at the time of the arrival of the Chinese and Siamese junks, fetching spices and areca-nuts. Lanterloo (lan'tér-lo), n. [D. lanterlu, lanterloo; comp. lanterfant, an idler.] A game at cards, now called loo, sometimes lant. Written also Langteraloo, Langtra. Lantern (lan'tėrn), n. [Fr. lanterne, L. lanterna, laterna, from Gr. lamptër, a light, a beacon, from lampō, to shine.] 1. A case

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&c., named after the places where they are carried. Signal lanterns are those employed for the purpose of directing other ships in a fleet or convoy, or for avoiding collisions at night.

Caprea, where the lantern fixed on high,

Shines like a moon through the benighted sky, While by its beams the wary sailor steers. Addison. 2. In arch. (a) an erection on the top of a dome, on the roof of an apartment, or in similar situations, to give light, to promote ventilation, or to serve as a sort of ornament. (b) A tower which has the whole or a considerable portion of the interior open to view from the ground, and is lighted by an upper tier of windows, such as the towers

Lantern, Boston Church, Lincolnshire.

commonly placed at the junction of the cross in a cruciform church; also a light open erection on the top of a tower.-3. A square cage of carpentry placed over the ridge of a corridor or gallery, between two rows of shops, to illuminate them, as in many public arcades.-4. The upper part of a lighthouse where the light is shown.Chinese lantern, a lantern made of thin paper, usually variously coloured, much used in illuminations.-Dark lantern is one with a single opening, which may be closed so as to conceal the light.-Magic lantern, an optical contrivance by which painted images are represented so much magnified as to appear like the effect of magic. See under MAGIC.

Lantern (lan'tèrn), v.t. 1. To furnish with a lantern; as, to lantern a lighthouse.2. To put to death at or on the lamp-post. [American.]

Lantern-fly (lan'térn-fli), n.

The English name of Fulgora lanternaria, a hemipterous insect of South America which emits a

Lantern-fly (Fulgora lanternaria). strong light in the dark. It is more than 3 inches in length, and 5 across the wings.


The Chinese lantern-fly (F. candelaria) is half that size. Some authorities, however, are sceptical regarding the emission of light by these insects. See FULGORA. Lantern-jawed (lan'tern-jad), a. Having lantern-jaws; having a long thin visage. Lantern-jaws (lan'tern-jaz).n. pl. Long thin jaws or chops; hence, a thin visage. Formerly spelled also Lanthorn-jaws.

Being very lucky in a pair of long lanthorn-jaws, he wrung his face into a hideous grimace. Addison. Lantern-light (lan'tèrn-lit), n. A domelight; a lantern on the top of a dome giving light to the area below. See LANTERN, 2 (a). Lantern-pinion, Lantern-wheel (lan'térn-pin-yun, lan'tèrn-whel), n. In mach. a kind of pinion having, instead of leaves, cylindrical teeth or bars called trundles, or spindles on which the teeth of the main

wheel act. The Spur and Lantern Wheels. ends of the trundles

being fixed in two parallel circular boards or plates, the wheel has the form of a box or lantern, whence the name. Lantern-tower (lan'tèrn-tou-ér), n. In arch. same as Lantern, 2 (b). H. Walpole. Lanthanium, Lanthanum (lan-tha'ni-um. lan'tha-num), n. [Gr. lanthano, to conceal.] Sym. La. At. wt. 92. A rare metal discovered by Mosander, associated with didy mium in the oxide of cerium, and so named from its properties being concealed, as it were, by those of cerium.

Lanthorn (lan'térn), n. An old spelling of Lantern, due to an erroneous conception of the origin of the word, as if its termination were a corruption of horn, horn being formerly much used in the construction of lanterns.

Lantify (lan'ti-fi), v.t. To moisten with lant or urine; hence, to moisten or mix. Nares.

Lanuginous, Lanuginose (la-nu'jin-us, lanü'jin-os), a. [L. lanuginosus, from lanugo, down, from lana, wool.] Downy; covered with down or fine soft hair. Lanyard (lan'yard), n. [Found also in the forms lanier, laniard, from Fr. lanière, a thong, a strap, originally a woollen band, from L. lanaria, from lana, wool.] 1. Naut. a short piece of rope or line used for fastening something in ships; as, the lanyards of the gun-ports, of the buoy, of the cat-hook, &c.; but especially used to extend the shrouds and stays of the masts by their communication with the dead-eyes, &c.-2. Milit. a piece of strong twine with an iron hook at one end, used in firing cannon with a friction-tube.

Laocöon (la-ok'ō-on), n. In Greek myth. the priest of Apollo or Neptune during the

The Group of the Laocoon.

Trojan war, who along with his two sons was crushed to death in the folds of two enormous serpents, a subject represented by one of the most beautiful groups of sculpture in the whole history of ancient art. It was discovered at Rome among the ruins of the palace of Titus at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and is now placed in the Vatican. Laodicean (la-od'i-se"an), a. Like the Christians of Laodicea; lukewarm in religion. Rev. iii. 14-16.


Laodiceanism (la-od'i-se"an-izm), n. Lukewarmness in religion.

Laophis (la'o-fis), n. [Gr. laas, a rock, and ophis, a serpent.] A fossil serpent allied to the rattlesnake, whose remains are met with in the tertiary deposits. It was about 10 feet long.

Lap (lap), n. [A. Sax. lappa, lappa; D. and Dan. lap, Sw. lapp, G. lappen, a lap, a loose flap, lappen, to hang loose; probably akin to E. lap, to lick up, and lip; G. labbe, a hanging lip, &c. See LAP, to lick.] 1. The loose part of a coat; the lower part of a garment that hangs loosely.

At first he tells a lie with some shame and reluctancy. For then, if he cuts off but a lap of Truth's garment, his heart smites him. Fuller. 2. The part of clothes that lies on the knees when a person sits down; hence, the knees or upper part of the legs in this position. Men expect that... happiness should drop into their laps. Tillotson.

3. The part of one body which lies on and covers a part of another; as, the lap of a slate in roofing.-4. A piece of brass, lead, or other soft metal, usually in the form of a wheel or disk, and which is made to revolve rapidly, used to hold a cutting or polishing powder in cutting glass, gems, and the like, or in polishing cutlery, &c.5. A roll or sliver of cotton, wool, or the like, for feeding the cards of a carding machine.

Lap (lap), v. t. pret. & pp. lapped, sometimes lapt; ppr. lapping. [In senses 3 and 4 comp. O.E. wlap, to wrap, and see ENVELOPE.] 1. To fold; to bend and lay over or on; as, to lap a piece of cloth.-2. To lay one thing partly above another; as, to lap boards or shingles.-3. To wrap or twist round.

About the paper... I lapped several times a


slender thread.

4. To infold; to involve.


Her garment spreads, and laps him in the folds. Dryden.

As lapped in thought I used to lie And gaze into the summer sky. Longfellow. 5. To polish or cut with a lap; as, to lap a


Lap (lap), v.i. To be spread or laid; to be turned over.

The upper wings are opacous; at their hinder ends, where they lap over, transparent like the wing of a Grew. fly.

Lap (lap), v. i. pret. & pp. lapped, sometimes lapt; ppr. lapping. [A. Sax. lupian, lappian, Icel. lepja, O.D. lappen, lapen, L.G. lappen, to lap or lick up; allied to L. lambo, Gr. lapto-to lap or lick. See LAP, part of a coat. The Fr. laper, to lick, is borrowed from this stem.] 1. To take up liquor or food with the tongue; to feed or drink by licking.

The dogs by the river Nilus' side being thirsty, lap Sir K. Digby. hastily as they run along the shore.

2. To make a sound like that produced by taking up water by the tongue.

I heard the ripple washing in the reeds,
And the wild waters lapping on the crag.

Lap (lap), v.t. To take into the mouth with the tongue; to lick up.

They'll take suggestion as a cat laps milk. Shak. Lap (lap), pret. of Scotch loup, to leap. [Scotch.]

Lap (lap), n. 1. A lick, as with the tongue.2. A gentle stroke, as of a ripple against the beach or any hard body; the sound produced by such a stroke: often reduplicated. See LAP-LAP.

Laparocele (lap'a-ro-sel), n. [Gr. lapara, the loins, and kele, a tumour.] In pathol. a rupture through the side of the belly; a rupture in the lumbar regions. Lapdog (lap'dog), n. A small dog fondled in the lap; a pet dog.

Lapel, Lapelle (la-pel'), n. [Dim. from lap.] That part of a garment which is made to lap or fold over; as, the lapels of a coat. Lapelled (la-peld'), a. Furnished with lapels.

Lapful (lap'ful), n. As much as the lap can contain.

The gold and silver which old women believe other conjurers bestow by whole lapfuls on poor credulous Locke. girls. Lapicidet (lap'i-sid), n. [L. lapicida, lapidicida-lapis, a stone, and cado, to cut.] A stone-cutter. Of or perLapidarian (lap-i-da'ri-an), a. taining to, or inscribed on stone; as, a lapidarian record. Croker. Lapidarious (lap-i-da'ri-us), a. [L. lapi darius, from lapis, a stone.] Consisting of stones; stony. [Rare.]

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