Imágenes de páginas


or practice of dissecting nerves.-2. An incised wound of a nerve. Dunglison. Neurotonic (nü-rō-ton'ik), n. [Gr. neuron, a nerve, and tonikos, from tonos, a stretching or bracing, from teinō, to stretch or brace.] A medicine employed to strengthen the nervous system.

Neurypnologist (nü-rip-nol'o-jist), n. Same as Neuro-hypnologist.

Neurypnology (nü-rip-nol'o-ji), n. Same as Neuro-hypnology.

Neuter (nü'ter), a. [L.-compounded of ne and uter, not either, not one nor the other.] 1. Neither the one thing nor the other; not adhering to either party; taking no part with either side, either when persons are contending or questions are discussed; neutral.

There are very few, if any, who stand neuter in the dispute. Addison.

In all our undertakings God will be either our friend or our enemy, for Providence never stands neuter.


subject of the war.-Armed neutrality, the condition of a state or nation which holds itself under arms prepared to resist by force any aggression of either belligerent between which it is neutral.-2. Indifference in quality; a state neither very good nor very evil. [Rare.]

There is no health; physicians say that we Donne. At best enjoy but a neutrality. 3.† State of being of the neuter gender. Bp. Pearson.-4. In chem. the state of being so combined that the active properties of one constituent counteract or render inert those of the other; as, the neutrality of salts. Neutralization (nu'tral-iz-a"shon), n. The act of neutralizing; specifically, in chem. the process by which an acid and an alkali are so combined as to disguise each other's properties or render them inert. Thus, when sulphuric acid and soda are mixed together the properties either of the one or the other preponderate according to the proportions of each, but there are certain proportions according to which when they are combined they mutually destroy or disguise the properties of each other so that neither predominates, or rather so that both disappear, combining into a salt. When substances thus mutually disguise each other's properties they are said to neutralize each other. The term neutralization is also applied to the decomposition of the alkaline carbonates by the gradual addition of some acid more powerful than the carbonic.


as in never-ending, never-failing, never-dying, never-ceasing, never-fading; but in all such compounds it retains its usual meaning. Nevermore (nev'èr-mor), adv. Never again; at no future time.

Farewell the trees of Eden


Nevew,t n South.

2. In gram. (a) of neither gender: an epithet given to nouns and those forms of the adjective and other parts of speech which are neither masculine nor feminine; in Eng. gram, to all names of things without life. (b) Neither active nor passive; as, a neuter verb. A neuter verb expresses an action or state limited to the subject, and is not followed by an object; as, I go; I sit; I am; I run; I walk. It is better denominated intransitive.-3. In bot. having neither stamens nor pistils.-4. In zool. having no fully developed sex; as, neuter bees. Neuter (nü'tér), n. 1. A person that takes no part in a contest between two or more individuals or nations; a neutral; a trim


Damn'd neuters, in their middle way of steering,
Are neither fish, nor flesh, nor good red herring.

2. An animal of neither sex, or incapable of propagation; one of the imperfectly developed females of certain social insects, as ants and bees, which perform all the labours of the community, called also a worker. —3. In bot. a plant which has neither stamens nor pistils.-4. In gram. a noun of the neuter gender.

Neutral (nü'tral), a. [L. neutralis. See NEUTER.) 1. Not engaged on either side; not taking an active part with one of certain contending parties; not interested one way or another; indifferent.

The allies may be supplied for money from Denmark and other neutral states. Addison.

Who can be wise, amazed, temperate, and furious, Loyal and neutral in a moment? No man. Shak. 2. Neither very good nor bad; indifferent; mediocre.

Some things good, and some things ill do seem, And neutral some in her fantastic eye. Sir F. Davies. 3. In bot. same as Neuter.-Neutral axis, in mech. the neutral axis of a beam is the plane in which the tensile and compressing forces terminate, and in which the stress is therefore nothing.-Neutral colours. See COLOUR. -Neutral salts, in chem. salts which do not exhibit any acid or alkaline properties. Neutral tint, (a) a dull, grayish hue, partaking of the character of none of the brilliant colours, such as red, blue, yellow, &c. (b) A factitious gray pigment, composed of blue, red, and yellow in various proportions, used in water-colours.-Neutral vowel, the vowel heard in the words her, firm, church, &c.: so called from its indefinite character. Neutral (nu'tral), n. A person or nation that takes no part in a contest between others. "The treacherous and the neutrals, and the false-hearted friends.' Bacon. The neutral, as far as his commerce extends, becomes a party in the war. R. G. Harper. Neutralist (nü'tral-ist), n. One who professes neutrality; a neutral. Bullokar. [Rare.] Neutrality (nû-tral'i-ti), n. 1. The state of being neutral or of being unengaged in disputes or contests between others; the state of taking no part on either side. In international law, that condition of a nation or state in which it does not take part directly or indirectly in a war between other states. A neutral state has the right of furnishing to either of the contending parties all supplies which do not fall within the description of contraband of war, which signifies in general arms and munitions of war, and those out of which munitions of war are made. All such articles are liable to be seized. A neutral state has also the right to conclude such treaties with either belligerent party as are unconnected with the

Neutralize (nū'tral-iz), v. t. pret. & pp. neutralized; ppr. neutralizing. 1. To render neutral; to reduce to a state of indifference between different parties or opinions.

So here I am neutralized again. Sir W. Scott. 2. In chem. to destroy or render inert or imperceptible the peculiar properties of by combination with a different substance. See NEUTRALIZATION.-3. To destroy the peculiar properties or opposite dispositions of; to render inoperative; to invalidate; as, to neutralize parties in government; to neutralize opposition. 'A cloud of countercitations that neutralize each other.' Everett. Neutralizer (nū'tral-iz-ér), n. One who or that which neutralizes; that which destroys, disguises, or renders inert the peculiar properties of a body.

Neutrally (nu'tral-li), adv. In a neutral manner; without taking part with either side; indifferently. Neutria (nu'tri-a), n.


Neuvaines (nūʼvānz), n. pl. [Fr., from neuf, nine.] In the R. Cath. Ch. prayers offered up for nine successive days to obtain the favour of Heaven.

Névé (nā'vā), n. [Fr., from L. nix, nivis, snow.] The French name for the coarsely granular snow from which glaciers are formed. It is situated immediately above the line where the glacier commences, and for its formation a certain degree of heat is necessary, so that it is formed during summer when the thermometer rises above freezing-point.

Neve (něv), n. Same as Næve. Neven, tv.t. [Icel. nefna (and nemna), Dan. nævne, to name: the change of m to f and v is common in these languages.] To name; to mention; to utter; to speak. Never (nev'èr), adv. [The neg. of ever; A. Sax. næfre, from ne, not, and afre, ever; comp. neither, either, &c.] 1. Not ever; not

at any time; at no time, whether past, present, or future.

Death still draws nearer, never seeming near.

2. In no degree; not at all; none. 'Never fear.' Sheridan.

Whoever has a friend to guide him, may carry his eyes in another man's head, and yet see never the South.


Ye shall hear nevermore. E. B. Browning. Never-the-later, t conj. Nevertheless. Nevertheless (nev'èr-THē-les"), conj. [The the in this compound is not the article but the old instrumental of the demonstrative used before comparatives; A. Sax. thý læs, the or by that less.] Not the less; notwithstanding; in spite of or without regarding that; as, it rained, nevertheless we proceeded on our journey; that is, we did not the less proceed on our journey; we proceeded in spite of the rain.-SYN. Notwithstanding, yet, however. [Fr. neveu.] A nephew; a New (nu), a. grandson. Chaucer. [A. Sax. niwe, neowe, a word occurring in all the Aryan tongues; O. Sax. niwi, D. nieuw, Dan. and Sw. ny, Icel. nýr, Goth. niujis, Ó.H.G. niwi, niuwi, G. neu; cog. W. newydd, Ir. nuadh, Lith. naujas, L. novus, Gr. neos, Skr. navas-new. haps connected with now.] 1. Lately made, invented, produced, or come into being; having existed a short time only; recent in origin; novel: opposed to old, and used of things; as, a new coat; a new house; a new book; a new fashion. Shoon full moist and new. Chaucer. 2. Lately introduced to our knowledge; not before known; recently discovered; as, a new metal; a new species of animals or plants found in foreign countries; the new continent.-3. Recently produced by change; different from a former; as, to lead a new life.

Put on the new man.


Eph. iv. 24.

4. Not habituated; not familiar; unaccustomed. 'New to the plough, unpractised in the trace.' Pope.-5. Repaired so as to be in the first state; renovated; reinvigorated.

Men, after long emaciating diets, wax plump, fat, and almost new. Bacon.

6. Fresh after any event.

Nor dare we trust so soft a messenger,
New from her sickness to that northern air.

7. Not of ancient extraction; not belonging
to a family of ancient distinction.

By superior capacity and extensive knowledge, a new man often mounts to favour. Addison.

8. Never used before, or recently brought
into use; not second-hand; as, I would
rather have a new copy of this book.-9. Re-
cently commenced; starting afresh; as, the
new year; a new week; a new moon.-
10. Retaining original freshness.

Their names inscribed unnumber'd ages past,
From time's first birth, with time itself shall last;
These ever new, nor subject to decays,
Spread and grow brighter with the length of days.

-New land, land newly brought under cultivation.-New World, a name frequently given to North and South America on account of the fact that that portion of the earth became known to the inhabitants of the eastern hemisphere only in modern times. New is much used adverbially in composition for newly; as in new-born, newNewt'(nu), adv. Newly; lately; recently; made, new-grown, new-formed, new-found.

anew. Weigh them new in pound' (that is, weigh them afresh in the balance). Spenser.-All newe, recently; lately. Chaucer.Of newe, anew; afresh. Chaucer. Newt (nu), v.t. To make new; to renew. The good name of a man is sone gon and passed, when it is not newed. Chaucer.

3. Followed by the indefinite article, not; New-born (nü'born), a. Recently born. not even; not, emphatically.

Hast thou never an eye in thy head? Shak. The poor craven bridegroom said never a word. Sir W. Scott. -Never so, to any or to whatever extent or degree.

Ask me never so much dower and gift. Gen. xxxiv. 12. Which will not hearken to the voice of charmers, charming never so wisely. Ps. lviii. 5. A fear of battery-though never so well grounded, is no duress. Blackstone.

This is a genuine English use of never, but it is now usually replaced by ever. The explanation of the phrase is probably thisAsk me so much dower as never was asked before. Never is much used in composition;

New-come (nú'kum), a. Lately arrived; recently come. His new-come guest.' Spenser. New-comer (nū’kum-ér), n. One who has lately come. Newcreate (nū′krē-āt), v.t. To create anew. Shak.

Newel (nu'el), n. [0. Fr. nueil, noiel, nual, from L. nucalis, like a nut, from nux, nucis, a nut; Fr. noyau, a fruit-stone, noyau d'escalier, the newel of a stair.] 1. In arch. the upright cylinder or pillar, round which in a winding staircase the steps turn, and are supported from the bottom to the top. In stairs where the steps are pinned into the wall and there is no central pillar the staircase is said to have an open newel. The


newel is sometimes continued through to the roof, and serves as a vaulting-shaft from which the ribs branch off in all directions.

Ancient Stair showing the Newel.

2. In engin. a cylindrical pillar terminating the wing-wall of a bridge. Newelt (nu'el), n. [From new. Comp. novel, which seems to have suggested this form.] A new thing; a novelty.

He was enamoured with the newel,
That naught he deemed dear for the jewel.


New-fangel, a. Desirous of new things; new-fangled. Chaucer. New-fangelnesse,t n. Foolish desire of novelty. Chaucer.

New-fanglet (nu-fang'gl), v. t. To change by introducing novelties. To control and newfangle the Scriptures.' Milton.

New-fangled (nu-fang'gld), a. [Formerly newfangle, fangle being from A. Sax. fôn, to take, fangen, taken, whence fangennes, a taking. See FANG.] 1. New-made or newfashioned; formed with the affectation of novelty. New-fangled devices.' Atterbury. "Those who would establish a doctrine on a new-fangled nomenclature.' Sir W. Hamil ton.-2. Taken with novelties; fond of change; easily captivated with what is new. 'Not to have fellowship with new-fangled teachers.' 1 Tim. vi. (heading).

There is a great error risen now-a-days among many of us, which are vain and new-fangled men. Latimer. New-fangledly (nu-fang'gld-li), adv. In a new-fangled manner; as, new-fangledly dressed.

New-fangledness, New-fangleness (nufang'gld-nes, nu-fang'gl-nes), n. The state

of being new-fangled; the state of affecting newness of style or novelty; as, I was struck by the new-fangledness of her dress; he is very prone to new-fangledness. Newfanglist (nu-fang'glist), n. One eager after novelties; one given to change. [Rare.] Learned men have ever resisted the private spirits of these newfanglists, or contentious and quarrelCanon Tooker.

ous men.

Newfangly+ (nu-fang'gli), adv. In a newfangled manner; with a disposition for novelty or change.

Divers young scholars they found properly witted, featly learned, and newfangly minded. Sir T. More. New-fashion (nu-fa'shon), a. Recently come into fashion; new-fashioned. Swift. New-fashioned (nu-fa'shond), a. Made in a new form, or lately come into fashion. New-fledged (nü'flejd), a. Wearing its first feathers; lately fledged.

And as a bird each fond endearment tries To tempt its new-fledg'd offspring to the skies. Goldsmith. Newfoundland (nu-foundland), n. Same as Newfoundland Dog. Tennyson. Newfoundland Dog, n. A well-known and fine variety of the dog, supposed to be derived from Newfoundland, where they are employed by the natives in drawing sledges and little carriages laden with wood, fish, or other commodities. There are several varieties of this dog, the principal being a very large breed with broad muzzle, head raised, noble expression, waving or curly hair, thick and bushy curled tail, black and white colour; and a smaller, almost black, breed. Some breeds seem to be crossed with hounds, mastiffs, &c. The Newfoundland dog is remarkable for its sagacity, patience, good-nature, and affection for its master. No dog excels it as a water dog,

[blocks in formation]

2. With a new form, different from the former. Spenser.-3. Anew; afresh; as before. Shak.-4. In a new and different manner. 'By deed-achieving honour newly named (Coriolanus). Shak.

New-made (nu-mad'), a. Newly made or formed.

And if his name be George, I'll call him Peter; For new-made honour doth forget men's names. Shak. New-model (nu-mod'el), v. t. To give a new form to.

The constitution was new-modelled so as to resemble nearly that of this country. Brougham.

Newness (nu'nes), n. The state or quality of being new: (a) lateness of origin; recentness; state of being lately invented or produced; as, the newness of a dress; the newness of a system. (b) Novelty; the state of being first known or introduced.

Newness in great matters was a worthy entertain

ment for the mind.


(c) Innovation; recent change. 'Happy newness that intends old right.' Shak. (d) Want of practice or familiarity.

His newness shamed most of the others' long exercise. Sir P. Sidney. (e) Different state or qualities introduced by change or regeneration.

Even so we also should walk in newness of life.
Rom. vi. 4.

New-platonist (nu-pla'ton-ist), n. Same as
New Red Sandstone. See SANDSTONE.
News (nüz), n. [From new; perhaps a trans-
lation of Fr. pl. nouvelles, news, but more
probably the old genit. of new, occurring
in such phrases as A. Sax. hwet niwes? what
of new, what news? The latter supposition
is supported by the fact that the word is
almost always joined to a verb or pronoun in
the singular.] 1. Recent intelligence regard-
ing any event; fresh information of some-
thing that has lately taken place, or of some-
thing before unknown; tidings.

Thus answer I in name of Benedick, But hear these ill news with the ears of Claudio. Shak. Evil news rides fast, while good news baits. Milton. It is no news for the weak and poor to be a prey to the strong and rich. Sir R. L'Estrange.

2. A newspaper.

So when a child, as playful children use,
Has burnt to tinder a stale last year's news.

SYN. Tidings, intelligence, advice. New-sad (nu'sad), a. Recently made sad. 'New-sad soul' Shak. News-agent (nüz'ā-jent), n. A person who deals in newspapers; a news-vender. News-bookt (nūz'buk), n. A newspaper. Pepys.

Newsboy (nüz'boi), n. A boy who hawks or delivers newspapers.

News-letter (nüz'let-ér), n. The name given to the printed letters or little sheets, issued weekly, about the time of Charles II., the news for which was collected by the newswriters from coffee-house gossip-in contradistinction to the London Gazette, then the only authorized newspaper, and which contained little more than ordinary proclamations and advertisements.

The people who lived at a distance from the great theatre of political contention could be kept regularly informed of what was passing there only by news-letters. To prepare such letters became a calling in London, as it now is among the natives of India. The newswriter rambled from coffee-room to coffee-room, collecting reports, squeezed himself into the sessions house of the Old Bailey if there was an interesting trial, nay, perhaps obtained admission to the Gallery of Whitehall, and noticed how the king and duke looked. In this way he gathered materials for weekly epistles destined to enlighten some county town or some bench of rustic magistrates. Such were the sources from which the inhabitants of the largest provincial cities and the great


body of the gentry and clergy learned almost all they knew of the history of their own time. Macaulay. Newsman (nüz'man), n. One who sells or delivers newspapers.

Newsmonger (nüz'mung-ger), n. One that deals in news; one who employs much time in hearing and telling news. Many tales devised... by smiling pickthanks and base newsmongers. Shak.

Newspaper (nüz'pa-pèr), n. A sheet of paper printed and distributed for conveying news; a public print that circulates news, advertisements, political intelligence, information regarding proceedings of parliament, public meetings, and the like.-Newspaper reporting, that system by means of which the parliamentary debates, speeches at public meetings, &c., are promulgated throughout the country. Every publication giving original reports of parliamentary debates keeps one of a series of reporters constantly in the gallery of the Lords, and another in that of the Commons. These are at stated periods relieved by their colleagues, when they take advantage of the interval to transcribe their notes, in order to be ready again to resume the duty of note-taking, and afterwards that of transcription for the press. A succession of reporters for each establishment, varying from ten or eleven to seventeen or eighteen, is thus maintained, and the process of writing from their notes never interrupted, till a complete account of the debates of the evening has been committed to the hands of the printer.

Newsroom (nüz'röm), n. A room where newspapers, and often also magazines, reviews, &c., are read. News-vender (nüz'vend-ér), n.


A seller of

newspapers. Newspapers in London are sold to newsmen or news-venders, by whom they are distributed to the purchasers in town or country. M'Culloch. News-writer (nüz'rit-ér), n. One who composed news-letters. See NEWS-LETTER. Newt (nut), n. [A corruption of an ewt. Ewt, evet are old forms. See EFT.] One of a genus (Triton) of small tailed (urodele) batrachians, belonging to the family Salamandridæ. Like the frog, the newt begins its existence in a tadpole state, and is furnished with gills, which give place to true lungs.

Smooth Newt (Triton punctatus).

Two species, T. cristatus (the great waternewt, warty or crested newt) and T. punctatus (also called Lissotriton punctatus), the common or smooth newt, are recognized as natives of this country, each of which has varieties classed by some naturalists as distinct species. The warty newt grows to the length of 6 inches, the smooth newt to the length of 3 or 4. The former is covered with warty excrescences, and during the breeding season the male acquires a very prominent crest along the whole length of the back. The latter has the skin quite

Warty Newt (Triton cristatus). smooth and the crest much less conspicuous. They live in ponds and ditches, and feed on animal food, such as water insects and larvæ, worms, tadpoles, &c. Like frogs they often leave the water, and may be found under stones and in damp situations. They cast their skins very frequently, and when they lose one of their members-a leg, the tail, or even an eye-a new one is not long in being produced in its place. Called also Eft, Asker.


New Testament (nu tes' ta- ment). See TESTAMENT. Newtonian (nu-tōn'i-an), a. Pertaining to Sir Isaac Newton, or formed or discovered by him.-Newtonian system. See Solar System under SOLAR.-Newtonian telescope, a form of reflecting telescope in which the rays are reflected from the surface of the object mirror and intercepted by a small oval mirror placed in the axis of the tube at an angle of 45°. The image which would have been formed in the axis is thereby deflected, and is viewed by an eye-piece attached at right angles to the side of the tube.-Newtonian theory of light. See LIGHT. Newtonian (nu-tōn'i-an), n. A follower of Newton in philosophy.

Newton's Rings (nu'tonz ringz), n. pl. [From Sir Isaac Newton, who first investigated them.] The name given to a certain series of rings of coloured light produced by pressing a convex lens of very long focus against a plane surface of glass. The rings are due to interference. (See INTERFERENCE, 3.) These rings, or more properly systems of rings, are seven in number, and the order of colour follows that known as Newton's

scale of colours.

New-year (nü'yer), a. Relating to the beginning of the year; as, new-year congratulations.

New-year's Day (nu'yērz dā), n.

The first

day of a new year; the first day of January. New-Zealand Flax (nu-zēland flaks). See PHORMIUM.

New-Zealand Tea (nu-zēland te), n. 1. The leaves of Leptospermum scoparium, a plant belonging to the nat. order Myrtaceae, sometimes used as a substitute for tea, and by some credited with antiscorbutic properties. 2. The plant itself.

Nexible (neks'i-bl), a. [L. nexibilis.] Capable of being knit together. Blount. [Rare.] Next (nekst), a. superl. of nigh. [A. Sax. néhst, nehsta, nyhsta, superl. of néh, neah, nigh.] Nearest in place, time, rank, or degree. 'One next himself in power, and next in crime.' Milton.

Her princely guest Was next her side, in order sat the rest. Dryden. The good man warn'd us from his text, That none could tell whose turn should be the next. Gay. [When next stands before an object without to after it it may be regarded as a preposition. ]-Next friend, in law, a person by whom an infant sues in courts of law and equity, and by whom a married woman also often sues in courts of equity, and who is responsible for costs. In Scots law, a tutor or curator.-Next to, almost.


That's a difficulty next to impossible. -Next door to, close to; allied to; not far removed from anything.

To dispute in a matter of this kind would have been the next door to the being convinced. Rymer. Next (nekst), adv. At the time or turn nearest or immediately succeeding; as, it is not material who follows next. Nexus (nek'sus), n. [L.] Tie; connection; interdependence existing between the several members or individuals of a series.

It is now universally admitted that we have no perception of the casual nexus in the material world. Sir W. Hamilton. Niare (ni-är), n. The native name of the wild ox or buffalo of Western Africa; the Cape buffalo. See BUFFALO. Niast (ni'as). [See EYAS, which is the commoner but a corrupted form.] 1. A young hawk; an eyas.-2. A ninny; a simpleton. B. Jonson.


Nib (nib), n. [A. Sax. neb, nebb. See NEB, the same word differently written.] 1. The bill or beak of a fowl-2. The point of anything, particularly of a pen; a small pen adapted to be fitted into a holder. Nib (nib), v.t. pret. & pp. nibbed; ppr. nibbing. To furnish with a nib; to mend the nib of, as a pen. Dickens. Nibble (nib'l), v.t. pret. & pp. nibbled; ppr. nibbling. [A freq. from nib.] 1. To bite by little at a time; to eat in small bits. he nibbled his toast.' Lord Lytton.-2. To bite, as a fish does the bait; just to catch by biting. Nibbles the fallacious meat.' Gay. 3. To catch; to nab. And a nice job I've had to nibble him.' D. Jerrold. [Slang.] Nibble (nib'l), v.i. To bite gently; as, fishes nibble at the bait. Nibbling sheep.' Shak. 2. Fig. to carp; to make a petty attack: with at. Instead of returning a full answer to my book, he manifestly falls a nibbling at a single passage. Tillotson.

ch, chain;


Nibble (nib'l), n. A little bite, or the act of seizing with the mouth as if to bite, without actually biting.

Nibbler (nib'ler), n. One that nibbles; one that bites a little at a time.

The tender nibbler would not touch the bait. Shak.

Nibblingly (nib'ling-li), adv. In a nibbling


Niblick (nib'lik), n. [Called also nablock, and perhaps from nab, to catch.] A peculiar kind of club used in the game of golf, having a thin flat iron head. It is used to lift the ball out of holes, ruts, rough ground, and the like.

Nib-nib (nib'nib), n. Same as Neb-neb. Nicaragua-wood (ni-ka-rä'gwä-wyd), n. The wood of a tree growing in Nicaragua, supposed by some to be a species of Casalpinia, and by others of Hæmatoxylon. This wood and a variety called peach-wood are sent to this country for the use of dyers. They are similar to Brazil-wood, but are not sufficiently sound for any use in manufacture.

Niccolite (nik'ol-it), n. See NICKELINE. Nice (nis), a. [In meaning 1 certainly from O. Fr. nice, nisce, from L. nescius, from ne, not, scio, to know, and perhaps this may be the origin in all senses, though some of them may have been influenced by O.E. nesh, A. Sax.hnesc, soft, tender, delicate.] 1.† Foolish; simple; silly.

But say that we ben wise and nothing nice. Chaucer 2. † Trivial; unimportant.

The letter was not nice but full of charge
Of dear import.


[blocks in formation]

4. Scrupulously and minutely cautious; delicate.

Dear love, continue nice and chaste. Donne. 5. Tender to excess; easily injured; delicate. With how much ease is a young muse betrayed! How nice the reputation of the maid. Roscommon. 6. Distinguishing accurately and minutely; apprehending slight differences or delicate distinctions; discerning. 'Our author, happy in a judge so nice.' Pope. 'Nice verbal criticism. Coleridge.-7. Formed or made with scrupulous exactness; accurate; exact; precise; as, nice proportions; nice workmanship; nice calculations.

The difference is too nice Where ends the virtue or begins the vice. Pope. 8. Pleasant or agreeable to the senses; delicate; tender; sweet; delicious; dainty; as, a nice bit; a nice tint.-9. Pleasing or agreeable in general; having good or likeable qualities. [Colloq.]

An expression very rife of late among our young ladies, a nice man, whatever it may mean, whether the man resemble a pudding, or something more nice, conveys the offensive notion that they are ready to eat him up! 1. D'Israeli.

Among the most shocking of the unscholarlike barbarisms now prevalent, I must notice the use of the word 'nice' in an objective instead of a subjective sense: 'nice' does not and cannot express a quality of the object, but merely a quality of the subject: yet we hear daily of a very nice letter'-'a nice young lady,' etc.-meaning a letter to a young lady that it is pleasant to contemplate: but a nice young lady means a fastidious young lady; and 'a nice letter ought to mean a letter that is very delicate in its eating and in the choice of its company. De Quincey.

"I should say she was not an agreeable person. Not nice,' added Lady Selina, after a pause, and conveying a world of meaning in that conventional monosyllable. Lord Lytton.

Nice is often used ironically in a sense just the opposite of this. See example under NIBBLE, v.t. 3.-SYN. Dainty, delicate, exquisite, fine, accurate, exact, correct, precise, particular, scrupulous, punctilious, fastidious, squeamish, finical, effeminate, Nicelingt (nis'ling), n. An over-nice man or silly, weak, foolish. critic; a hair-splitter.

But I would ask these nicelings one question, wherein if they can resolve me then I will say, as they say, that scarfs are necessary, and not flags of pride. Stubbes.

Nicely (nis'li), adv. In a nice manner: (a) fastidiously; critically; curiously; as, he was disposed to look into the matter too nicely. (b) With delicate perception; as, to be nicely sensible. (c) Accurately; exactly; with exact order or proportion; as, the parts of a machine or building nicely adjusted;


a shape nicely proportioned; a dress nicely fitted to the body. (d) Agreeably; becomingly; pleasantly; as, she was nicely dressed: a modern sense, but now so common as to threaten to crowd out all the other senses. See the adjective.

Nicene (ni-sen'), a. Pertaining to Nicea or

Nice, a town of Asia Minor.-Nicene creed, a summary of Christian faith composed by the Council of Nice against Arianism, A.D. 325, altered and confirmed by the Council Niceness (nis'nes), n. State or quality of of Constantinople, A.D. 381. being nice: (a) extreme fastidiousness or delicacy; excess of scrupulousness or exactness. The niceness of our modern dames.' Dryden. (b) Delicacy of perception; the quality of perceiving small differences; as, niceness of taste. (c) Accuracy; minute exactness; as, niceness of work; niceness of texture or proportion.

Where's now the labour'd niceness in thy dress? Dryden. (d) Agreeableness; becomingness; pleasantness: a modern sense. See the adjective and adverb.

Nicery+ (nis'èr-i), n. Daintiness; affectation of delicacy. Chapman. Nicetee, tn. Nicety; folly. Chaucer. Nicety (nis'e-ti), n. [O.Fr. niceté. See NICE.] 1. State or quality of being nice: (a) excess of delicacy; fastidiousness; squeamishness.

So love doth loathe disdainful nicety. Spenser. (b) Delicacy of perception. (c) Minuteness of observation or discrimination; precision. Nor was this nicety of his judgment confined only to literature, but was the same in all parts of art. Prior. (d) Delicate management; exactness in treatment; delicacy of execution.

Love such nicety requires,

One blast will put out all his fires. Swift.

2. A minute difference or distinction. The fineness and niceties of words.' Locke.3. A dainty or delicacy for food: usually in the plural. Johnson.

Nichar (ni'kär), n. A plant. See NICKAR


[merged small][merged small][merged small][graphic][merged small][merged small]

deeply recess

ed and are highly enriched, and in the Decorated style they become infinitely varied. Their plans chiefly consisted of a semi-octagon or a semi-hexagon, and their heads were formed into groined vaults, with ribs, and bosses, and pendants. They were projected on corbels, and adorned with pillars, buttresses, and mouldings of various kinds, and had canopies added to them which were flat and projecting in every variety of plan, and elaborately carved and enriched. In the Perpendicular style this variety and elaboration continued. Niched (nicht), a. Placed in a niche. "Those niched shapes of noble mould.' Tennyson.

ch, Sc. loch; g, go; j, job; h, Fr. ton; ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin; w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure.-See KEY.


Nicher, Nicker (nich'èr, nik'ėr), v.i. To neigh; to laugh with broken, half-suppressed catches of voice; to snigger. [Scotch.] Nicht (nicht), n. Night. [Scotch.] Nick (nik), n. [A name given by all the Teutonic nations to a kind of water-goblin; A. Sax. nicor, Dan. nök, Icel. nykr, N. nykk, nök, G. nix, nixe.] Originally, a kind of goblin or spirit of the waters, but in modern English usage applied only to the Evil One, generally with the addition of Old. The origin ascribed to the name by Butler requires no refutation.

Nick Machiavel had ne'er a trick (Though he gives name to our Old Nick) But was below the least of these. Hudibras. Nick (nik), n. [Perhaps the same word as D. knik, Św. nick, a nod, a wink; G. nicken, to nod. 1. The exact point of time required by necessity or convenience; the critical time.

It is strange in the history of Norway, how the right man ever appears in the very nick of time to save the state. Edin. Rev.

2. A winning throw. Prior. Nick (nik), v. t. [From the above noun.] 1. To hit; to touch luckily; to strike at the lucky time.

The just reason of doing things must be nicked, and all accidents improved. Sir R. L'Estrange. 2. To defeat or cozen, as at dice; to make a hit at by some trick or unexpected turn. The itch of his affection should not then Have nicked his captainship at such a point. Shak. -To nick with nay, to meet one with a refusal; to disappoint by denying. 'I trust you will not nick me with nay.' Sir W. Scott. Nick (nik), n. [Comp. G. knick, a flaw, knicken, to crack; also E. nock, O.D. nocke, a notch.] 1. A notch; hence, a score, from the old practice of keeping reckonings on tallies or notched sticks; a reckoning.

I tell you what Launce, his man, told me: he loved

her out of all nick.


2. A notch in the shank of a type to guide the hand of the compositor in setting; nicks also distinguish the class of type, each class having one or more nicks on the body of the type, which range evenly when the types are set.-3. A false bottom in a beer can, by which customers were cheated, the nick below and the froth above filling up part of the measure.

Cannes of beere (malt sod in fishes broth), And those they say are fill'd with nick and froth. Rowlands. Nick (nik), v.t. [See the above noun.] 1. To make a nick or notch in; to notch; to cut in nicks or notches. 'His man with scissors nicks him like a fool.' Shak.-2. To break or crack; to smash. Prior. See NICKER.3. To suit or fit into, as lattices cut in nicks; to tally with.

Words nicking and resembling one another are applicable to different significations. Camden.

-To nick a horse's tail, to make an incision at its root to make him carry it higher. Nickt (nik), v. t. To nickname.

For Warbeck, as you nick him, came to me. Ford. Nickar-tree (nik'är-trē), n. A tree of the genus Guilandina (G. Bondue), which grows in the East and West Indies, and bears a nut of the size of a small nutmeg. The bark of the nickar-tree is a bitter tonic, and its seeds are said to be emetic. Called also Nichar.

Nickel (nik'el), n. Sym. Ni. At. wt. 59 nearly. A metal of a white colour, of great hardness, very difficult to be purified, always magnetic, and when perfectly, pure malleable and ductile. It unites in alloys with gold, copper, tin, and arsenic, which metals it renders brittle. With silver and iron its alloys are ductile. Nickel is found in all meteoric stones, but its principal ore is a copper-coloured mineral found in Germany, and called nickeline or kupfernickel. Since the manufacture of German silver, nickel has become an object of considerable importance, and is extracted from several pyrites, compounds of nickel, cobalt, antimony, arsenic, sulphur, or iron. The salts of nickel are mostly of a grass-green colour, and the ammoniacal solution of its oxide is deep blue.

Nickel-bloom (nik'el-blöm), n. Same as


Nickel-glance (nik'el-glans), n. A grayishwhite, massive, and granular ore of nickel, occurring in the transition rocks of upper Germany, Sweden, Spain, Brazil, and other countries, and on the average consisting of 35 5 nickel, 45 2 arsenic, and 19-3 sulphur,


part of the nickel being replaced by iron or cobalt. Page.

Nickel- green (nik'el-grën), n. Same as Nickel-ochre.

Nickelic (ni-keľ’ik), a. Pertaining to or containing nickel.

Nickeliferous (nik-el-if'èr-us), a. Containing nickel; as, nickeliferous iron. Nickeline (nik'el-in), n. One of the chief ores of nickel, occurring generally massive, and disseminated in veins in the crystalline rocks, as also in secondary strata, in Germany, America, and Cornwall. It consists principally of nickel and arsenic. It is the kupfernickel or copper-nickel of Werner, niccolite of modern mineralogy. Nickel-ochre (nik'el-ō-kér), n. An arsenate of nickel, consisting of nickel 37 6, arsenic acid 38 4, and water 24; it occurs massive, earthy, friable, and in short capillary crystals of an apple-green colour. Called also Nickel-green and Nickel-bloom. Nickel-plating (nik'el-plat-ing), n. The surfacing of metals with nickel by means of a heated solution or the electro-bath, for the purpose of rendering them less liable to oxidation by heat or moisture. Nickel-silver (nik'el-sil-vér), n. An alloy composed of copper 60, zinc 17, and nickel 224

Nickert (nik'ér), n. [From nick, to break, to flaw.] One of a company of night-brawlers who in the reign of Queen Anne roamed about London by night, amusing themselves with breaking people's windows with halfpence.

Did not Pythagoras stop a company of drunken bullies from storming a civil house, by changing the strain of the pipe to the sober spondæus? And yet your modern musicians want art to defend their windows from common nickers. Martinus Scriblerus.

Nicker-tree (nik'èr-trē), n. Same as Nickar



rustica is green or Syrian tobacco, which grows in the Levant, and is sometimes called English tobacco, from its being the first kind introduced into England for cultivation. It forms the Turkish, Syrian, and Latakia tobaccos. N. repanda is cultivated in Cuba; N. quadrivalvis, by the Indians on the Missouri; N. multivalvis, by the Indians on the Columbia; and N. nana, by the Indians of the Rocky Mountains. One species has been discovered in China, and another in Australia. See TOBACCO.

Nicotianin, Nicotianine (ni-kō'shi-a-nin), n. A concrete oil extracted from the leaves of tobacco. It has the smell of tobacco smoke, and affords nicotine.

Nicotine, Nicotina (nik'ō-tin, nik-o-ti'na), n. (Co H14 N or CH, N.) A volatile alkaloid base obtained from tobacco. It forms a colourless, clear, oily liquid, which has a weak odour of tobacco, except when ammonia is present, in which case the smell is powerful. It is highly poisonous, and combines with acids, forming acrid and pungent salts.

Nicotylia (ni-kō-til'i-a), n. Same as Nicotine.

Same as Nicti

Nictate (nik'tāt), v.i. [L. nicto, to wink.] To wink. Worcester. [Rare.] Nictation (nik-tä'shon), N. tation. Cockeram. [Rare.] Nictitate (nik'ti-tāt), v.i. [From L. nicto, nictatum,to wink, freq. from nico, to beckon.] To wink; to nictate.-The nictitating membrane, a thin membrane by which the process of winking is performed in certain animals, and which covers and protects the eyes from dust or from too much light. It is chiefly found in birds and fishes. Nictitation (nik-ti-tä'shon), n. The act of winking. It is a natural and instinctive action for the purpose of moistening and cleaning the eyes.

Nick-nack (nik'nak), n. [See KNICK-KNACK.1 Nidamental (nid-a-men'tal), a. [L. nida

mentum, a nest, from nidus, a nest.] Pertaining to the nests of birds; relating to the protection of the egg and young: applied especially to the organs which secrete the materials of which many animals construct their nests. Owen.

A trinket; a gimcrack; a trifle. Spelled also Nick-knack, Knick-knack. Nick-nackery (nik'nak-er-i), n. 1. A collection of nick-nacks.-2. Á nick-nack; a trifle; a bauble. Franklin. Nickname (nikʼnām), n. [Probably O.E. neke-name for eke-name (Icel. auk-nefni), Nidaryt (ni'da-ri), n. A collection of nests.

the initial n being that of an, the indef. art., on type of newt for ewt. But the French have nom de nique, a nickname, from G. nicken, to nod, to wink.] 1. A name given to a person in contempt, derision, or reproach; an opprobrious or contemptuous appellation.

He is upbraidingly called a poet, as if it were a contemptible nickname. B. Jonson.

2. A familiar or diminutive name. From nicknames or nursenames came these.. Bill and Will for William, Clem for Clement, &c. Camden. A very good name it (Job) is; only one I know that ain't got a nickname to it. Dickens. Nickname (nik'nām), v.t. pret. & pp. nicknamed; ppr. nicknaming. To give a nickname to; to call by an opprobrious appellation. 'You nickname virtue vice.' Shak. This jargon, which they nickname metaphysics. Whitby.

Nick-stick (nik'stik), n. A notched stick used as a tally. [Scotch.]

He was in an unco kippage when we sent him a book instead o' the nick-sticks. Sir W. Scott. Nickum (nik'um), n. [From nick, the evil spirit.] A wag; one given to mischievous tricks. [Scotch.]

Nicolaitan (nik-õ-la'i-tan), n. One of a sect in the early Christian Church, so named from Nicolas, a deacon of the church of Jerusalem. They are characterized as inclining to licentious and pagan practices. Rev. ii. 6.

Nicolo (nik'o-lõ), n. See ONICOLO. Nicotian† (ni-kō'shi-an), n. [Fr. nicotiane, tobacco. See NICOTIANA.] Tobacco. 'Your Nicotian is good too.' B. Jonson. Nicotian (ni-kō'shi-an), a. Pertaining to or derived from tobacco. Whiffs himself away in Nicotian incense to the idol of his vain intemperance.' Bp. Hall.

Nicotiana (ni-kō'shi-ā"na), n. [Fr. nicotiane, the earliest name given to the tobacco plant in France, from M. Nicot, ambassador of France to Portugal, who sent a specimen of the plant from Lisbon to Catharine de Medicis in 1560.] The tobacco genus of plants. The species generally grown as tobacco are N. Tabacum and N. macrophylla. N. persica is a native of Persia. It is much more fragrant and agreeable than the common tobacco, and furnishes the Shiraz tobacco, so much esteemed in the East. Nicotiana

In this rupellary nidary, does the female lay eggs and breed. Evelyn. Niddicock+ (nid'i-kok), n. A foolish person; a noodle.

They were never such fond niddicocks as to offer any man a rodde to beate their own tayles. Holinshed. Niddle-noddle (nid'l-nod-I), v.i. [Freq. and dim. of nod.] To nod or shake lightly and frequently; to waggle.

Her head niddle-noddled at every word. Hood. Niddui (nid'u-i), n. A kind of minor excommunication among the Hebrews, which generally lasted about a month. Brande & Cox.

Nidet (nīd), n. [L. nidus, a nest.] A brood; as, a nide of pheasants. Johnson. Nidering (ni'der-ing), a. [See NIDING.] Same as Niding. Faithless, mansworn, and nidering.' Sir W. Scott.

Nidge (nij), v. t. [Softened form of nig.] In masonry, to dress the face of a stone with a sharp-pointed hammer in place of hewing it with a chisel and mallet. Called also Nig. -Nidged or nigged ashlar, stone hewn with a pick or sharp-pointed hammer. Nidgery† (nid'jér-i), n. [O. Fr. nigerie. See NIDGET.] A trifle; a piece of foolery. Coles. Nidget (nij'et), n. [From O. Fr. niger, 'to trifle, to play the fop or nidget' Cotgrave.] 1. An idiot; a fool.-2. A coward; a dastard. Camden. Written also Nigeot. Nidificate (nid′i-fi-kāt), v. i. [L. nidifico, from nidus, a nest.] To make a nest. Nidification (nid'i-fi-kā"shon), n.

The act "The feet

or operation of building a nest. of perchers being more especially adapted for the delicate labours of nidification. Owen.

Niding (ni'ding), n. [A. Sax. nithing, an infamous man, from nith, wickedness, Goth. neiths, envy; Dan. and Sw. niding, Icel níthingr, a despicable fellow.] A coward; a dastard. 'He is worthy to be called a niding.' Howell. Written also Nithing. Niding (ni'ding), a. Infamous; cowardly; dastardly. Mallet.

Nid-nod (nid'nod), v.i. [A reduplicative form of nod.] To nod frequently. Nidor (ni'dor), n. [L.] Scent; savour; smell of cooked food. "The uncovered dishes send forth a nidor.' Dr. John Taylor.


Nidorose (ni-dor-ōs'), a. Same as Nidorous. Arbuthnot. [Rare.]

Nidorosity+ (ni-do-ros'i-ti), n. Eructation with the taste of undigested roast-meat. Floyer.

Nidorous (ni'dor-us), a. [From nidor.] Resembling the smell or taste of roasted meat. Sometimes spelled Nidrous. 'Incense and nidrous smells.' Bacon. [Rare.] Nidulant (nid'u-lant), a. [L. nidulans, ppr. of nidulor, to nestle, from nidus, a nest.] In bot. nestling; lying loose, in the form of pulp or cottony matter, within a berry or pericarp.

Nidulariacel (nī'dū-lā-ri-ā”sē-i), n. pl. [See NIDULARIUM.] An order of gasteromycetous fungi, the structure of which is that of the hypogeous fungi reduced to single isolated cells. The species are small and inconspicuous, growing on the ground among decaying sticks, dung, &c.

Nidularium (ni-du-la'ri-um), n. [L. nidu

lus, a little nest, dim. of nidus, a nest.] In bot. the mycelium of certain fungi. Nidulate (nid'ū-lāt), a. In bot. the same as Nidulant.

Nidulate (ni’dū-lāt), v.i. [See NIDULANT.]

To build a nest; to nidificate. Cockeram. Nidulation (nid-u-lā'shon), n. The time of remaining in the nest, as of a bird. Sir T. Browne.

Nidulite (ni'dü-lit), n. [L. nidus, a nest, and Gr. lithos, a stone.] A fossil organism, possibly akin to the Bryozoa, but of larger size. They occur in the Silurian, and have their name from being at first taken for egg


Nidus (ni'dus), n. [L., a nest.] 1. Any part of a living organism where a parasite finds nourishment.-2. In med. the seat of a zymotic disease; the part of the organism where such a disease is developed.

The poison of small-pox has its nidus in the deep layer of the skin; hence its characteristic eruption. Dr. T. J. Maclagan. Niece (nes), n. [Fr. nièce, O. Fr. niepce, from L neptis, a granddaughter, allied to nepos, nepotis, a nephew (which see).] 1. A relation in general, but especially a descendant male or female. In the following passage Shakspere applies it to a granddaughter. My niece Plantagenet, Led in the hand of her kind aunt of Gloster. Rich. III. iv. I. This word (niece)... is now applied to the female sex alone, to the daughter of a brother or sister, being once used... for children's children, male and female alike.


2. The daughter of a brother or sister; also, the daughter of a brother or sister in law. Nieft (nef), n. A fist. See NEAF. Niello (ni-el'lō), n. [It., from L.L. nigellum, a blackish enamel, from L. nigellus, dim. of niger, black.] A method of ornamenting metal plates much practised in the middle ages, and which gave rise to copperplate engraving. The lines of a design were cut in the metal, and filled up with a black or coloured composition, which gave effect to the intaglio picture. Niest (nest), a.


order Ranunculaceæ. The seeds of N. sativa and N. arvensis were formerly used instead of pepper, and are said to be still extensively used in adulterating it. The seeds of the former are supposed to be the black cummin of the ancients, and the cummin of the Bible. N. damascena, a native of Southern Europe, is cultivated in gardens for its pale blue flowers. Nigeotf (nij'ot), n. Same as Nidget. Niggard (nig'érd), n. [From Icel. hnöggr, niggardly, stingy, with term. -ard; Sw. njugga, to hoard.] 1. A miser; a person meanly close and covetous; a sordid, avaricious, parsimonious wretch; one who stints or who supplies sparingly.

We should serve him as a grudging master,
As a penurious niggard of his wealth. Milton.
Be niggards of advice on no pretence. Pope.

2. A false bottom for a grate. Grose. NigNiggard (nig'erd), a. Miserly; meanly covetgards, generally called niggers.' Mayhew. ous; sordidly parsimonious; sparing; stinted. "To our demands niggard in his reply.' Shak. to supply

Niggard (nig'èrd), v.t. To stint;
sparingly. [Rare.]

The deep of night is crept upon our talk,
And nature must obey necessity;
Which we will niggard with a little rest. Shak.


Niggard (nig'erd), v. i. To be miserly. Shak. Niggardise (nig'èrd-iz), n. Niggardliness; avarice. "Twere pity thou by niggardise shouldst thrive.' Drayton. Niggardish (nig'erd-ish), a. covetous or niggardly. Niggardliness (nig'érd-li-nes), n. The quality of being niggardly; mean covetousness; sordid parsimony; extreme avarice manifested in sparing expense. 'Niggardliness is not good husbandry.' Addison. Niggardly (nig'èrd-li), a. Meanly covetous or avaricious; sordidly parsimonious; extremely sparing of anything.

Where the owner of the house will be bountiful, it

is not for the steward to be niggardly. Bp. Hall. I do it like a niggardly answerer. Sir P. Sidney. SYN. Covetous, parsimonious, sparing, miserly, penurious, sordid.

Niggardly (nig'èrd-li), adv. In a niggard manner; sparingly; with cautious parsimony. Sir T. More.

Niggardness + (nig'ėrd-nes), n. NiggardliSir P. Sidney.


Niggardship+ (nig'ĕrd-ship), n. Niggardli-
ness; stinginess. Sir T. Elyot.
Niggardy (nig'ėrd-i), n. Niggardliness.

Nigger (niger), n. 1. A negro: in depreciation or derision.-2. A term often applied to other coloured race; more particularly to the natives of the East Indies. [Vulgar.] Though he be a nigger, he seemed to me a right gracious and noble sort of monarch.

W. H. Russell.

3. A species of Holothuria, so called by the Cornish fishermen. It is very common in deep water off the Deadman.-4. A local name for the larva of the saw-fly Athalia spinarum, so destructive to the turnip-crop. Nieve (nev), n. [A Scandinavian word. See Niggett (nij'et), n. Same as Nidget. ChangeNigger (niger), n. See NIGGARD, 2. NEAF.] The fist. [Scotch.]

Next. Niest day their life is past enduring.' Burns. [Scotch.]

Nievefu' (nev'fü), n. A handful. Burns. [Scotch.]

Niffer (nif'er), v.t. [From Sc. nieve, the fist] To exchange or barter. [Scotch.] Niffer (nif'ér), n. An exchange; a barter. [Scotch.]

Niffy-naffy, Niff-naffy (nif'i-naf'i, nif'naf-i),

a. Fastidious; conceited; troublesome about trifles. 'Thae niff naffy gentles that gie sae muckle fash wi' their fancies.' Sir W. Scott. [Scotch.]

Niflet (nif'l), n. [Norm.] A trifle. 'He served hem with nifles and with fables.' Chaucer.

Niflheim (nefl'him), n. [Icel. nifl, mist, and heim, home.] In Scand. myth, the region of endless cold and everlasting night, ruled over by Hela.

Nifling (nifling), a. [From nifle.] Trifling; of small importance or value. 'A poor nifling toy, that's worse than nothing.' Lady Alimony, 1659.

Nig (nig), v.t. [Older form of nidge, perhaps from Prov. E. nig, a small piece, a chip.] In masonry, same as Nidge (which see). Nigard, n. A niggard. Chaucer. Nigardie,tn. Niggardliness. Chaucer. Nigella (ni-jella), n. [A dim. from L. niger, black, from the black seed, which is the part of the plant known in cookery.] Fennel flowers, a genus of annual plants, nat.

ling, 1653.

Niggisht (nigʻish), a. Niggardly; stingy; mean. A most niggish and miserable man." Copley.

Nigglet (nig'l), v. i. [From a root seen in A. Sax. hnyglan, hnygela, parings, shreds; Prov. E. nig, to clip money.] 1. To trifle; to be employed with trifling; to work pettily like one that trifles or plays.

Take heed, daughter, You niggle not with your conscience and religion. Massinger. 2. To act or walk in a mincing manner. Halliwell. [Provincial English.]-3. To fret or complain of trifles. Halliwell. [Provincial English.]

Nigglet (nig'l), v.t. 1. To play on contemptuously; to make sport or game of; to mock. I shall so niggle ye And juggle ye. Beau. & FL. 2. To draw out unwillingly; to squeeze out or hand out slily.

I had but one poor penny, and that I was obliged to niggle out, and buy a holly wand, to grace him through the streets. Dekker. Niggle (nigʻl), n. Small cramped handwriting; a scribble; a scrawl.

Sometimes it is a little close niggle. T. Hook. Nigglert (niglėr), n. 1. One that niggles or trifles at any handiwork.-2. One that is dexterous. Grose. [Provincial English.]


Nigh (ni), a. compar. nigher, superl. next. [A. Sax. neah, néh, nigh, near; O.Fris. nei, D. na, Icel. ná-, G. nah, nahe, Goth. nehva— nigh. Near is a comparative form from this.] 1. Near; not distant or remote in place or time.

The loud tumult shows the battle nigh. Prior. Now learn a parable of the fig tree; when his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh. Mat. xxiv. 32.

2. Closely allied by blood.

He committed the protection of his son Asanes to two nigh kinsmen and assured friends. Knolles. 3. Closely related in any way; ready to aid. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart. Ps. xxxiv. 18.

SYN. Close, adjacent, contiguous, proximate, present.

Nigh (ni), adv. 1. Near; at a small distance
in place or time, or in the course of events.
For indeed he was sick, nigh unto death. Phil. ii. 27.
Meet displeasure farther from the doors,
And grapple with him ere he comes so nigh.

2. In a near or touching manner; coming home to the heart.

Freeze, freeze, thou bitter sky,
That dost not bite so nigh,

As benefits forgot.

3. Almost; nearly.


Was I for this nigh wreck'd upon the sea? Shak. Nigh (ni), prep. Near to; at no great distance from. But was not this nigh shore.' Shak.

Nigh this recess, with terrour they survey, Where death maintains his dread tyrannick sway. Garth. Nigh (ni), v. t. To come near to; as, to nigh the shore. 'Love gan nigh me nere.' Chau


Nigh (ni), v.i. To approach; to advance or draw near.

Now day is done and night is nighing fast. Spenser. Nighlyt (ni'li), adv. Nearly; within a little; 'A cube and a sphere of the same metal and nighly of the same bigness.' Locke.


Nighness (ni'nes), n. The state of being nigh; nearness; proximity in place, time, or degree. "The nighness of her father's house.' Wood.

Night (nīt), n. [A. Sax. niht, neaht, a word spread through the Indo-European languages; Icel. nótt, nátt, Sw. natt, Dan. nat, Goth. nahts, D. and G. nacht; cog. Ir. nochd, W. nos, Armor. nôz, Lith. naktis, L. nox, noctis, Gr. nyx, nyktos, Skr. nakti, nakta-night. Supposed to be from a root nak (Skr. naç), to vanish, to perish.] 1. That part of the natural day when the sun is beneath the horizon, or the time from sunset to sunrise. See DAY.-2. Fig. a state or time of darkness, depression, misfortune, and the like; as (a) a state of ignorance; intellectual darkness; as, the night of the middle ages. (b) Obscurity; a state of concealment from the eye or the mind. Nature and nature's laws lay hid in night: God said, 'Let Newton be,' and all was light. Pope. (c) The darkness of death or the grave. She closed her eyes in everlasting night. Dryden. (d) A time of sadness or sorrow; a dreary period. In the night of fear.' Tennyson. His inner day can never die,

His night of loss is always there. Tennyson. Night is much used in composition as a first element in compounds, many of which are self-explanatory.

Night-angling (nit'ang-gling), n. The angling for or catching fish in the night. Night-bell (nit'bel), n. A door-bell, as at the house of a physician, to be rung at night.

Night-bird (nīt'bėrd), n. 1. A bird that flies only in the night. Hammond.-2. The nightingale. Shak. [Rare.] Night-blindness (nit'blind-nes), n. A disease in which the eyes enjoy the faculty of seeing whilst the sun is above the horizon, but are incapable of seeing by the aid of artificial light. See HEMERALOPIA and NYCTA

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