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for letting blood, for the cure of diseases, or the preservation of health.

Phlebotomy is so much practised here, that if one's little finger ache they presently open a vein. Howell. Phlegm (flem), n. [Gr. phlegma, phlegmatos, a cold slimy humour in the body.] 1. Cold animal fluid; watery matter; one of the four humours of which the ancients supposed the blood to be composed.-2. In old chem. the aqueous, insipid, and inodorous products obtained by subjecting moist vegetable matter to the action of heat.3. The thick viscid matter secreted in the digestive and respiratory passages, and discharged by coughing or vomiting; bronchial mucus.-4. Dulness; coldness; sluggishness; indifference.

They judge with fury, but they write with phlegm. Pope. Phlegmagogue (fleg'ma-gog), n. [Gr. phleg ma, phlegm, and ago, to drive.] A term anciently used to denote a medicine supposed to possess the property of expelling phlegm.

Phlegmasia (fleg-ma'si-a), n. [Gr. phlegō, to burn. In med. inflammation.-Phlegmasia dolens, lit. a painful inflammation; puerperal tumid leg; an affection depending on inflammation of the iliac and femoral


Phlegmatic, Phlegmatical (fleg-mat'ik, fleg-mat'ik-al), a. [Gr. phlegmatikos, from phlegma, phlegm.] 1. Abounding in phlegm; as, phlegmatic humours.

Chewing and smoking of tobacco is only proper for phlegmatic people. Arbuthnot.


2. Generating phlegm. Cold and phlegmatic habitations.' Sir T. Browne.-3. Watery. Spirit of wine grows by every distillation more and more aqueous and phlegmatic. Newton.-4. Cold; dull; sluggish; heavy; not easily excited into action or passion; as, a phlegmatic temperament.

As the inhabitants are of a heavy phlegmatic temper, if any leading member has more fire than comes to his share, it is quickly tempered by the coldness of the rest. Addison.

Phlegmatically, Phlegmaticly (fleg-mat'ik-al-li, fleg-mat'ik-li), adv. In a phlegmatic manner; coldly; heavily. 'All the rest is phlegmaticly passed over.' Warburton. Phlegmon (fleg'mon), n. [Gr. phlegmone, from phlego, to burn.] In pathol. inflammation of the cellular tissue, accompanied with redness, circumscribed swelling, increased heat and pain; at first tensive and lancinating, afterwards pulsatory and heavy. It is apt to terminate in suppuration. Phlegmonoid (fleg'mon-oid), a. Resembling phlegmon.

Phlegmonous (fleg'mon-us), a. Having the nature or properties of a phlegmon; being of the same specific inflammation as phlegmon; as, phlegmonous inflammation. Phleme (flēm), n.

Same as Fleam. Phleum (fle'um), n. A genus of grasses, chiefly natives of Europe. Various British spécies are known by the name of cat'stail grass. Among these the P. pratense (meadow cat's-tail grass or timothy grass) is of considerable agricultural value as a fodder plant. It is a general inhabitant of the most fertile pastures, and is very like the meadow fox-tail in appearance, differing from it chiefly in having unequal glumes, and two pale instead of one. It is very productive, especially in the early spring, and is a very general component of hay. It is of the greatest use when the object is to procure a sward of permanent herbage. Phleum (fle'um), n. [Gr. phloios, bark.] In bot. the cellular portion of bark lying immediately under the epidermis. Thus cork is the phlæum of the Quercus suber. It is also termed Epiphlæum. Phlogistian (flo-jis'ti-an), n. A believer in the existence of phlogiston. Phlogistic (flo-jis'tik), a. [See PHLOGISTON.] 1. Pertaining, belonging, or relating to phlogiston. The mistakes committed in the celebrated phlogistic theory.' J. S. Müll.2. In med. entonic or thenic, that is, attended with a preternatural degree of vital energy and strength of action in the heart and arteries.

Phlogisticatet (flo-jis'ti-kat), v.t. To combine phlogiston with.-Phlogisticated air, the name given by the old chemists to nitrogen.-Phlogisticated alkali, prussiate of potash.-Phlogisticated gas, nitrogen or azote. Phlogisticationt (flo-jis'ti-ka"shon), n. The act or process of combining with phlogiston. Phlogiston (floj'is-ton), n. [Gr. phlogistos,


from phlogizō, to burn or inflame-phlegō, to burn.] According to an obsolete theory, the supposed principle of inflammability; the matter of fire in composition with other bodies. Stahl gave this name to an hypothetical element which he supposed to be pure fire fixed in combustible bodies, in order to distinguish it from fire in action or in a state of liberty. Phlomis (flo'mis), n. [From Gr. phlogmos, a flame in reference to the down being used for wicks.] A genus of shrubs and herbaceous perennials, mostly European, and belonging to the nat. order Labiata. The P. fruticosa, or Jerusalem sage, is an ornamental plant common in our shrubberies.

Phlorizin, Phloridzine (flor'iz-in, flo-rid'zin), n. [From Gr. phloios, bark, and rhiza, root.] (C21 H24010-) A substance discovered in the fresh bark of the root of the apple, pear, cherry, and plum tree. It forms fine colourless four-sided silky needles soluble in water. The solution has a bitter, slightly astringent taste. It has been used with success in intermittents.

Phlox (floks), n. [Gr. phlox, a flame, from phlegō, to burn, from the appearance of the flowers.] A North American genus of plants, nat. order Polemoniacere. The species are elegant plants, with red, purple, or white flowers. The trailing kinds are admirably adapted for growing on rock-work. Phlyctana, Phlyctena (flik-te'na), n. [Gr. phlyktaina, a blister, a pustule, from phlyo, to boil or swell over.] In med. a tumour formed by the accumulation of a serous fluid under the epidermis. Dunglison. Phlyctænula (flik-ten'u-la), n. [Dim. of phlyctana.] In med. a small transparent tumour of the eyelids. Dunglison. Phlyctenular (flik-ten'u-lèr), a. Pertaining to phlyctanula.-Phlyctenular ophthalmia, inflammation of the eye, accompanied with phlyctæna on the cornea.

Phobanthropy (fo-ban' thro-pi), n. [Gr. phobos, fear, and anthropos, a man.] A dread of mankind. West. Rev.

Phoca (fo'ka), n. A Linnæan genus of marine mammals, which includes the seals. See SEAL.

Phocacean (fō-ka'she-an), n. A mammal belonging to the genus Phoca; a seal. Brande & Cox.

Phocæna (fō-se'na), n. A genus of Cetacea, family Delphinidæ, comprising the porpoises. See PORPOISE.

Phocal (fo'kal), a. Pertaining to the genus Phoca, which contains the seals. Phocida (fo'si-de),n. pl. A family of cetaceans, of which the seal (Phoca) is the type. It includes only those seals which have no external ears, the eared seals and the walrus being the types of two other families. The three families make up the order Pinnipedia, which answers to the Linnæan genus Phoca.

Phocine (fō'sin), a. Pertaining to the seal tribe.

Phoebus (fe'bus), n. [Gr. Phoibos, lit. the brilliant one.] A name of Apollo, often used in the same sense as Sol, the sun.

Hark, hark! the lark at heaven's gate sings And Phabus 'gins arise. Shak Phoenician (fe-nish'i-an), n. A native or inhabitant of Phoenicia, an ancient country on the coast of Syria.

Phoenician (fē-nish'i-an), a. Of or pertaining to Phoenicia.

Phoenicin (fe'ni-sin), n. [Gr. phoinix, purple.] Indigo purple. See PHENICIN. Phoenicopter (fe-ni-kop'tér), n. A bird of the genus Phoenicopterus. Phoenicopteridæ (fe'ni-kop-ter"'i-dē), n. pl. The flamingo family. See FLAMINGO, PHOE


Phoenicopterus (fe-ni-kop'tér-us), n. [Gr. phoinikopteros, red-feathered-phoinikos, purple-red, and pteron, a wing.] A genus of palmipede or natatorial birds (the flamingoes), of the order Lamellirostres, and family Phoenicopterida. P. ruber (the common flamingo) occurs abundantly in Southern Europe. See FLAMINGO.

Phoenix (fe'niks), n. [Gr. phoinix, the bird; also the date-palm.] 1. According to the ancient Greek legend a wonderful female bird of great beauty which was said to live 500 or 600 years in the wilderness, when she built for herself a funeral pile of wood and aromatic gums, lighted it with the fanning of her wings, and then consumed herself; but from her ashes she revived again in the freshness of youth. Hence the phoenix


often serves as an emblem of immortality. The phoenix is always drawn by the heralds in flames.

And glory, like the phoenix midst her fires, Exhales her odours, blazes, and expires. Byron. 2. A paragon; a person of singular distinction or beauty.

But, O, my lord, that you could have seen ny phanix, Lovel-the very prince and chieftain of the youth of this age. Sir W. Scott.

3. One of the modern constellations in the northern hemisphere.-4. A genus of palms inhabiting India and the north of Africa. The P. dactylifera, or date-palm, is one of the best-known species. See DATE-PALM. Pholadida (fō-lad'i-dē), n. pl. [See PHOLAS.] A family of lamellibranchiate bivalve molluscs, belonging to the subdivision Sinu-palliata of the section Siphonida, comprising the genera Pholas, Xylophaga, and Teredo. The characteristics are: shell gaping at both ends, without hinge or ligament, often with accessory valves; animal club-shaped, as in Pholas, or worm-like, as in Teredo, with a short truncated foot; mantle closed in front, and siphons long. united to near their extremities. The Pholades, or piddocks, as well as the eminently destructive Teredo navalis, are wellknown types of the family. See PHOLAS, Pholadite (fo'la-dit), n. A petrified shell of TEREDO. the genus Pholas.

Pholadomya (foʻla-do-mi"a), n. [Gr. pholeo, to bore, and mya, the gaper.] A genus of lamellibranch molluscs found fossil in the One lias, oolite, and chalk formations. species only (P. candida) is known to be now in existence, and it frequents the sea around Tortola.

Pholas (folas), n. pl. Pholades (fō'la-dez). [Gr. pholas, from pholeo, to lie concealed.] A genus of marine lamellibranchiate bivalves of the family Pholadidæ, popularly known along our coasts as piddocks. The pholades


Pholades (Pholas dactylus) in their holes.

are found at depths varying to 9 fathoms; they pierce wood, rocks, indurated clay, &c., by rasping with their shell, which is armed in front with file or rasp-like imbrications. They have hence received the name of stoneborers. They are remarkably phosphorescent. See PHOLADIDE. Pholidogaster (fol'i-do-gas-tér), n. [Gr. pholis, pholidos, a scale, and gaster, a belly.] A genus of fossil labyrinthodonts discovered in the coal-measures at Gilmerton, near Edinburgh. From its great resemblance to a fish, the only species found has been named P. pisciformis.

Phonascetics (fo-nas-set'iks), n. [Gr. phonaskeō, to practise the voice-phone, the voice, and askeō, to practise.] Systematic practice for strengthening the voice; treatment for improving or restoring the voice. Phonation (fo-na'shon), n. [Gr. phone, sound, the voice.] The physiology of the voice. Dunglison.

Phonautograph (fo-na'to-graf), n. [Gr. phone, sound, autos, self, and graphō, to write.] 1. Same as Phonograph.-2. Same as Music-recorder. Phonautographic (fō-na'tograf'ik), a. Pertaining to the phonautograph, Phonetic (fo-net'ik), a. [Gr. phonetikos, from phone, sound.] 1. Pertaining to the voice. 2. Pertaining to the representation of sounds; representing sounds; a term applied to alphabetic characters which represent articulate sounds; as a, b, in contradistinction to ideographic characters, which represent objects, or symbolically denote abstract ideas, as in the figurative part of the Egyp

[blocks in formation]

Phonics (fōn'iks), n. [Gr. phone, sound.] 1. The doctrine or science of sounds, especially those of the human voice; phonetics. 2. The art of combining musical sounds. Phonocamptic (fo-no-kamp'tik), a. [Gr. phone, sound, and kampto, to inflect.] Having the power to inflect sound, or turn it from its direction, and thus to alter it. Derham.

Phonogram (fō'no-gram), n. [Gr. phone, the voice, and gramma, a letter.] The sound of the human voice or musical sounds

as reproduced by the phonograph. Phonograph (fo'no-graf), n. [See PHONOGRAPHY.] 1. A type or character for expressing a sound; a character used in phonography.-2. An instrument by means of which sounds can be permanently registered, and afterwards reproduced from the register. It consists essentially of a curved tube, one end of which is fitted with a mouthpiece, while the other end (about 2 inches in diameter) is closed in with a disc or diaphragm of exceedingly thin metal. Connected with the centre of this diaphragm is a steel point, which, when the sounds are projected on the disc from the mouthpiece, vibrates backwards and forwards. This part

of the apparatus is adjusted to a cylinder

which rotates on a horizontal axis. On the surface of the cylinder is cut a spiral groove, and on the axis there is a spiral screw of the same pitch, which works in a nut. When the instrument is to be used a piece of tinfoil is gummed round the cylinder, and the steel point is adjusted so as to be just touching the tinfoil, and above the line of the spiral groove. If some words are now spoken through the mouthpiece, and the cylinder kept rotating either by the hand or clock-work, a series of small marks are made on the foil by the vibratory movement of the steel point, and these markings have all an individual character of their own, due to the various sounds addressed to the mouthpiece. The sounds thus registered are reproduced by approaching the diaphragm and its steel point towards the tinfoil as at first commencing, at the point where it was when the cylinder originally started. The indentations previously made now cause the steel point to rise or fall or otherwise move as the markings pass under it, and the result is that the diaphragm is thrown into a state of vibration exactly corresponding to the movements induced by the markings, and thus affects the air around so as to produce sounds, and these vibrations being exactly similar to those originally made by the voice,necessarily reproduce these sounds to the ear as the words at first spoken. These marked strips of foil may be posted to any person with whom the speaker wishes to correspond, and who must of course have a machine similar to that of the sender. The contents of the strips may be reproduced at any length of time, and repeated until the markings become effaced. Phonographer (fo-nog'raf-ér),n. One versed in phonography.

Phonographic, Phonographical (fō-nograf'ik, fő-no-graf'ik-al), a. 1. Pertaining to or based upon phonography.-2. Pertaining to the phonograph. Phonographically (fō-no-graf'ik-al-li), adv. In a phonographic manner; according to phonography.

Phonographist (fō-nograf-ist), n. One who is versed in phonography; a phonographer. Phonography (fō-nog'ra-fi), n. [Gr. phone, a sound, and grapho, to write.] 1. The description of the sounds uttered by the or


gans of speech.-2. The representation of sounds by characters each of which represents one sound and always the same sound; especially, a method of writing or graphically representing language, invented by Mr. Pitman of Bath. This system is very complete and simple, and any person who once knows the characters can decipher what is thus written with great facility. In this system, or any similar system, there is of course no disparity between the spelling and pronunciation of words as in the present system.

Phonolite (fo'no-lit), n. [Gr. phōnē, sound, and lithos, stone.] Sounding stone; a name proposed as a substitute for clinkstone. Phonologer (fo-nol'o-jer), n. Same as Phonologist.

Phonologic, Phonological (fo-no-loj'ik, fōno-loj'ik-al), a. Pertaining to phonology. Phonologist (fo-nol'o-jist), n. One versed in phonology. Phonology (fo-nol'o-ji), n. [Gr. phone, sound, voice, and logos, discourse.] The science or doctrine of the elementary sounds uttered by the human voice, which shows how they are respectively formed, the distinctions between them, &c.; phonetics. Phonometer (fo-nom'et-ér), n. [Gr. phone, sound, voice, and metron, a measure.] An instrument for ascertaining the number of vibrations of a given sound in a given space of time.

Phonorganon, Phonorganum (fo-nor'ganon, fo-nor'ga-num), n. [Gr. phone, the voice, and organon, an instrument.] An instrument formed to imitate vocal sounds or speech; a speaking machine. Phonotype (fo'no-tip), n. A type or character used in phonetic printing. Phonotypic (fō-no-tip'ik), a. Pertaining to phonotypy; as, a phonotypic alphabet; pho

Same as

notypic writing or printing. Phonotypical (fo-no-tip'ik-al), a. Phonotypic. Phonotypy (fō-not'i-pi), n. [Gr. phone,sound, and typos, an impression, mark, or type.] A method of representing each of the sounds of speech by a distinct printed character or letter; phonetic printing.

Phoranthium (fo-ran'thi-um), n. [Gr. phoreo, to bear, and anthos, a flower.] In bot. a term sometimes applied to the receptacle of composite plants. Also called Clinanthium. Phorminx (for'mingks), n. [Gr.] An ancient Grecian lute or lyre.

We beat the phorminx till we hurt our thumbs,
As if still ignorant of counterpoint.
E. B. Browning.

Phormium (for 'mi-um), n. [From Gr. phormos, a basket, from the purpose to which the plant is put in its native country.] The flax-plant or flax-lily, a genus of plants belonging to the nat. order Liliacea. The principal species, P. tenax, is indigenous in New Zealand and

Norfolk Island. It grows in great tufts with swordshaped leaves, sometimes 6 feet long. The long spike, bearing a large number of yellow flowers, rises from the centre of the leaves. The thick leathery leaves contain a large quantity of good strong fibre, which is used by the natives of New Zealand for making cloth, nets, &c., and would be very valuable in commerce but for a gummy matter in the leaves which it is difficult to get rid of. It has been introduced into Europe to take the place of hemp. Called also New-Zealand Flax.

Phormium tenax.

Phoronomia (for-o-nō'mi-a), n. Same as Phoronomics.

Phoronomics (for-o-nom'iks), n. [Gr. phoreō, to bear or carry, and nomos, a law.] A term sometimes used to denote that branch of mechanics which treats of bodies in motion; kinematics.

Phoronomy (fō-ron'o-mi), n. Same as Phoronomics.

Phorus (fō'rus), n. [Gr. phoros, bearing, from phero, to bear.] A genus of turbinated, gasteropod molluscs, inhabiting the Javan and China seas. P. agglutinans is remarkable for the singular habit of accumulating, during its formation, different substances, as stones, corals, small shells, &c., which ad

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Phorus agglutinans (Carrier-shells).

are called by collectors conchologists; while those with stones are named mineralogists. Called also Xenophorus.

Phosgen, Phosgene (fos'jen, fos'jen), a. [Gr. phos, light, and gennao, to generate.] Generating light.-Phosgen gas, a gas generated by the action of light on chlorine and carbonic oxide gas. It is composed of carbon, oxygen, and chlorine in the proportions expressed by the formula COCI Phosphate (fos'fat), n. [See PHOSPHORUS.] 1. A salt of phosphoric acid. Several phosphates are met with in nature; as those of calcium, aluminium, manganese, iron, uranium, copper, and lead. Phosphate of calcium constitutes the base of the bones of animals.-2. A mineral found in Estremadura, consisting chiefly of phosphate of calPhosphatic (fos-fat'ik), a. Partaking of the cium. nature of a phosphate; containing a phosphate.-Phosphatic diathesis, a morbid state of the constitution, characterized by the formation of the phosphates of magnesia, ammonia, and lime, which are generally evidenced by being deposited in the urine. Phosphene (fos'fen), n. [Gr. phōs, light, and phaino, to show.] The luminous image produced by pressing the eyeball with the finger. It is doubtful whether this effect arises from the excitation of the retina, or whether it is not rather the result of violence to the fibres of the optic nerve apart from the retina. The flashes seen on receiving a blow on the eye are due to the same cause. A combination of Phosphide (fos'fid), n. phosphorus with a single element; as, phosPhosphine (fos'fin), n. phide of iron or copper. Same as Phosphuretted Hydrogen. See PHOSPHURETTED. Phosphite (fos'fit), n. A salt of phosphorous


Phospholite (fos'fol-it), n. [Gr. phosphoros, phosphorus, and lithos, a stone.] In mineral. Phosphor (fos'for), n. [Gr. phosphorosan earth united with phosphoric acid. phos, light (from phao, to shine), and phero, to bring. See PHOSPHORUS.] 1.† Phosphorus. Of lambent flame you have whole sheets in a handful of phosphor. Addison.

2. The morning star or Lucifer; Venus, when it precedes the sun and shines in the morning; Phosphorus.

Bright Phosphor, fresher for the night,
By thee the world's great work is heard


Phosphorate (fos'for-at), v. t. pret. & pp. phosphorated; ppr. phosphorating. To combine or impregnate with phosphorus. Phosphor-bronze (fos'for-bronz), n. alloy of copper, tin, and phosphorus, capable of being made tough and malleable, or hard, according to the proportion of the several ingredients. It has great power in resisting straining, and is made into bearings for machinery, cog-wheels, guns, hammers, cutlery, wire, sheathing for sea-going vessels, &c. E. H. Knight. Phosphoreous † (fos-fō're-us), a. Phosphorescent. Pennant. Phosphoresce (fos-fo-res'), v.i. pret. phosphoresced; ppr. phosphorescing. [See PHOSPHORUS.] To shine, as phosphorus, by exhibiting a faint light without sensible heat; to give out a phosphoric light.

Same as

Arenaceous limestone phosphoresces in the dark Kirwan. when scraped with a knife. Phosphorescence (fos-fo-res'ens), n. The state or quality of being phosphorescent; the property which certain bodies possess of becoming luminous without undergoing combustion. Phosphorescence is sometimes a chemical, sometimes a physical action. When chemical, it consists essentially in slow oxidation attended with evolution of light; when physical, it consists in the emission of light préviously absorbed, or in the transformation of heat rays into light rays. The phosphoresence of the sea is produced


by the scintillating or phosphorescent light emitted from the bodies of certain marine animals, and is well seen on the surface of the ocean at night. See extract.

The diffused luminosity of the sea is mainly due to the Noctiluca miliaris; but its partial luminosity is due to various phosphorescent animals, amongst which are the Physalia utriculus (the Portuguese man-of-war), Medusa, Tunicata, Annelides, &c. The cause of phosphorescence is variously stated, it being supposed very generally to be the result of a process of slow combustion analogous to that which takes place in phosphorus when exposed to the atmosphere. Upon the whole, however, it appears that the pheno menon is a vital process, consisting essentially in the conversion of nervous force (vital energy) into light; just as the same forces can be converted by certain fishes into electricity. H. A. Nicholson. Phosphorescent (fos-fo-res'ent), a. Shining with a faint light or luminosity like that of phosphorus; luminous without sensible heat. Various animals are phosphorescent, as the glowworm, the phosphorescent seapen (Pennatula phosphorea), and the brilliant pyrosome. Fish also possess this property in a remarkable degree. A number of mineral substances exhibit the same property, as chloride of calcium, anhydrous nitrate of lime, some carbonates and sulphates of baryta, strontia, and lime, the diamond, some varieties of fluor-spar, apatite, borax, and many other substances. Some mineral bodies become phosphorescent when strongly heated, as a piece of lime. The same property is observable in decayed wood. See PHOSPHORESCENCE.

Phosphoretted (fosfo-ret-ed), a. Same as Phosphuretted.

Phosphoric (fos-for'ik), a. Pertaining to, obtained from, or resembling phosphorus; phosphorescent.

How the lit lake shines, a phosphoric sea,
And the big rain comes dancing to the earth.

-Phosphoric acid (PH3O4), an acid usually obtained by burning phosphuretted hydrogen in atmospheric air or oxygen. It is also produced by the oxidation of phosphorous acid, by oxidizing phosphorus with nitric acid, by the decomposition of apatite and other native phosphates, and in various other ways. It is tribasic, forming three distinct classes of metallic salts, and the three atoms of hydrogen may in like manner be replaced by alcohol radicals, forming acid and neutral ethers. Phosphoric acid is used in medicine in the form of solution, constituting the dilute acid of the Pharmacopoeia. It is peculiarly suited to disordered states of the mucous surfaces, and also to states of debility, characterized by softening of the bones. Phosphorical (fos-for'ik-al), a. Phosphoric. Phosphorite (fosfor-it), n. A species of calcareous earth; a sub-species of apatite. It is an amorphous phosphate of lime. Phosphoritic (fos-fo-rit'ik), a. Pertaining to phosphorite, or of the nature of phosphorite.

Phosphorize (fos'for-iz), v.t. To combine or impregnate with phosphorus. Dana. Phosphoroscope (fos-for'o-skōp), n. An instrument designed to show the phosphorescence of certain bodies, such as uranium compounds, that emit light but for a very short period.

Phosphorous (fos'for-us), a. Pertaining to or obtained from phosphorus.-Phosphorous acid (H3PO), an acid produced by the action of water on phosphorous anhydride, by exposing sticks of phosphorus to moist air, and in several other ways. Phosphorous acid exists usually in the form of a thick uncrystallizable syrup, but it may also be obtained crystallized. This acid is dibasic, forming two series of metallic salts, named respectively neutral and acid phosphites.Phosphorous anhydride (P2O3), a soft, white, readily volatile powder, prepared by burning phosphorus in a limited supply of air. Phosphorus (fos'for-us), n. [L. phosphorus, Gr. phosphoros, the morning-star, lit. lightbringer, from phōs, light, and phero, to bring. The chemical substance has this name from its character.] 1. The morning-star; Phosphor (which see).-2. Sym. P. At. wt. 31; sp. gr. 1826. A solid non-metallic combustible substance, hitherto undecomposed, occurring chiefly in combination with oxygen, calcium, and magnesium, in volcanic and other rocks, whose disintegration constitutes our fertile soils. It exists also in the plants used by man as food, and is a neverfailing and important constituent in animal structures. It was originally obtained from urine; but it is now manufactured from

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bones, which consist in part of phosphate of lime. Common phosphorus when pure is almost transparent and colourless. At common temperatures it is a soft solid, easily cut with a knife, and the cut surface has a waxy lustre; at 108 it fuses, and at 550° is converted into vapour. It is soluble, by the aid of heat, in naphtha, in fixed and volatile oils, in the chloride of sulphur, sulphide of carbon, and sulphide of phosphorus. It is exceedingly inflammable. Exposed to the air at common temperatures it undergoes slow combustion, emits a white vapour of a peculiar alliaceous odour, appears luminous in the dark, and is gradually consumed. On this account phosphorus should always be kept under water. A very slight degree of heat is sufficient to inflame phosphorus in the open air. Gentle pressure between the fingers, friction, or a temperature not much above its point of fusion, kindles it readily. It burns rapidly even in the air, emitting a splendid white light, and causing intense heat. Its combustion is far more rapid in oxygen gas, and the light far more vivid. The product of the perfect combustion of phosphorus is phosphorous pentoxide (P2O5), a white solid which readily takes up water, passing into phosphoric acid (which see). Phosphorus may be made to combine with most of the metals, forming compounds called phosphides; when dissolved in fat oils it forms a solution which is luminous in the dark. It is chiefly used in the preparation of lucifer-matches, and also in the preparation of phosphoric acid. It is of all stimulants the most powerful and diffusible, but on account of its activity highly dangerous. It can be safely administered as a medicine only in extremely minute doses, and with the utmost possible caution. Phosphorus presents a good example of allotropy (see ALLOTROPY), in that it can be exhibited in at least one other form, known as red or amorphous phosphorus, presenting completely different properties from common phosphorus. This variety is produced by keeping common phosphorus a long time slightly below the boiling-point. It is a red, hard, brittle substance, not fusible, not poisonous, and not readily inflammable, so that it may be handled with impunity. When heated to the boiling-point it changes back to common phosphorus.Bolognian phosphorus, calcined native sulphate of barytes, one of the most powerful of the solar phosphoric substances. When heated with charcoal, and exposed to the sun's rays, it emits light in the dark for some hours.-Phosphorus bottle, (a) a contrivance for obtaining instantaneous light. The light is produced by stirring a piece of phosphorus about in a dry bottle with a hot wire, and introducing a sulphur match. is now superseded by lucifer matches and similar contrivances. (b) A 1-oz. phial containing 12 grains phosphorus melted in oz. olive-oil. On this being uncorked in the dark it emits light enough to read the dial of a watch, and it will retain this property for several years if not too frequently used. -Phosphorus paste, a poisonous composition for the destruction of vermin, as rats, mice, cockroaches, &c. Phosphuret (fos'fù-ret), n. The name formerly given to phosphide (which see). Phosphuretted (fos'fu-ret-ed), a. Combined with phosphorus-Phosphuretted hydrogen (PH), a gas procured by boiling phosphorus in a solution of a caustic alkali. The gas which arises is spontaneously inflammable; and during its combustion there are formed water and phosphoric acid. It is colourless, and has a disagreeable smell resembling that of onions. When mixed with air or oxygen gas it explodes at a temperature of 300°. It is produced by the decomposition of animal substances. When this gas is cooled below zero (C.) it deposits a liquid phosphide of hydrogen; the gaseous phosphide remaining is no longer spontaneously inflammable.


Phosphyttrite (fos-fit'rit), n. Phosphate of yttria, a very rare mineral substance. Photel (fō'tel), n. A tree nearly akin to and closely resembling the banana-tree. Photics (fo'tiks), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light.] That department of science which treats of light. E. H. Knight.

Photizite (fo'tiz-it), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light.] A mineral, an oxide of manganese. Photo (foto), n. A contraction of Photograph; a photographic picture; as, to sit for one's photo.


Photochemical (fō-tō-kem'ik-al), a. Pertaining to the chemical action of light. Photo-electrotype (fö'to-e-lek-trō-tip), n. A process in which a photographic picture is produced in relief so as to afford, by electro-deposition, a matrix for a cast, from which impressions in ink may be obtained. Photo-engraving (fö'tō-en-gräv-ing), n. A common name of many processes in which the action of light on a sensitized surface is made to change the nature or condition of the substance of the plate or its coating, so that it may by processes be made to afford a printing surface corresponding to the original from which the photographic image was derived. See PHOTOGRAPHY. Photo-galvanography (fő ́tō-gal-va-nog-rafi), n. The art or process of obtaining from a photographic negative on glass, by means of a gutta-percha impression, an electrotype plate, from which may be taken, as in copperplate printing, any number of copies. Photogen (fö'tō-jen), n. [Gr. phos, photos, light, and genein, to produce.] Same as Paraffin-oil.

Photogene (fō'to-jēn), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and genein, to produce.] A more or less continued impression or picture on the retina. H. Spencer.

Photogenic (fō-to-jen'ik), a. Of or pertaining to photogeny or to photogenesis. Photogeny (fo-toj'e-ni), n. The art of taking pictures by the action of light on a chemically prepared ground; photography. Photoglyphic (fo-to-glif'ik), a. Relating

to photoglyphy or to the art of engraving by means of light; as, a photoglyphic engraving. Photoglyphy (fö-tog'li-fi), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and glyphō, to engrave.] The art of engraving by means of the action of light and certain chemicals; a method of engraving by which photographs and other transparent designs can be etched into steel, copper, or zinc plates, by the action of light and certain chemicals. A mixture consisting of a solution of gelatine in water and a saturated solution of bichromate of potash is poured on the plate and allowed to dry. It is then placed in a printing frame with the object it is desired to copy laid on it, and exposed to the action of light. Hydrochloric acid is next poured on the plate. which attacks only the parts which the light has not acted on, thus etching in the design of the object superimposed. It is the invention of Mr. Fox Talbot.

Photogram (föō'tō-gram), n. Same as Photograph. [Rare.]

Photograph (fō'tō-graf), n. A picture obtained by means of photography. See PHO


Photograph (fō'to-graf), v.t. To produce a likeness or facsimile of by photographic


Photographer (fō-tog'raf-èr), n. One who takes pictures by means of photography. Photographic (fo-to-graf'ik), a. Relating to photography or the art of making pictures by the aid of sunlight.-Photographic printing, the process of obtaining positives on sensitized paper from transparent negatives by exposure to light in a printing frame. See PHOTOGRAPHY. Photographical (fō-to-graf'ik-al), a. Same as Photographic.

Photographist (fō-togʻra-fist), n. Same as Photographer.

Photographometer (fō'tō-gra-fom"et-er),n. [Gr. phos, photos, light, graphō, to describe, and metron, measure.] In photog, an instrument for determining the sensibility of each tablet employed in the photographic process, relatively to the amount of radiation, luminous and chemical.

Photography (fō-tog'ra-fi), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and grapho, to describe.] 1. The science of the action of light on bodies; the principles of physics and chemistry which relate to the production of pictures by the action of light.-2. The art of delineating objects by the action of light. The name, however, as applied to the process of producing pictures by the sun's rays, rests on a misconception. The true light-giving rays of the sun have no influence in altering the chemical condition of bodies and thereby of producing those changes in their colour on which photography depends. Recent investigations prove that these changes are produced to some extent by the feebly luminous blue and violet rays of the spectrum, but chiefly by other rays which are absolutely dark or invisible. The epithet actinic, fluorescent, or chemical has been applied to


these rays. (See ACTINISM.) The principle on which photography depends reaches back to the time of the alchemists, who discovered that chloride of silver exposed to the sun's rays became black. Wedgewood and Davy in 1802 attempted to apply this fact to artistic purposes by throwing the shadow of an object on a sheet of white paper, or, preferably, of leather, covered with a solution of nitrate of silver and exposed to the sun's rays, but they were unable to fix the pictures. About 1814 M. Niepce, in France, discovered a method of producing pictures on plates of copper or pewter, covered with a sensitive resinous substance called bitumen of Judea, and also of rendering them permanent. This process he called heliography. M. Niepce associated himself with M. Daguerre, who elaborated from his process the very beautiful one which bears his name. (See DAGUERREOTYPE.) This process has been superseded by two processes, viz. the calotype process of Mr. Fox Talbot, first patented in 1841, who revived Mr. Wedgewood's process of obtaining pictures on sensitized paper (see CALOTYPE), and the collodion process, first suggested by M. Le Grey, of Paris, and introduced by Mr. Archer in 1850. (See COLLODION.) Calotype and collodion photographs may be negative or positive.

Negative photographs exhibit the lights and shades contrary to nature, that is, the lights dark and shades white; positive photographs exhibit them in accordance with nature. To produce a positive, the negative is placed on the sensitive surface of a sheet of paper, and a piece of glass pressed on both to insure contact. The sunlight penetrates the negative and darkens the parts of the underlying paper opposite the lights of the picture, whilst the parts opposite the opaque parts of the picture (the lights of nature) are protected. The process for obtaining a positive from a negative is called printing. In the Niepcotype process albumen is used as the basis of the film in place of collodion. Many modifications are constantly being introduced into photography, as the carbon process, popularized by Mr. Swan of Newcastle, whose plan was to prepare a solution of gelatine and bichromate of potash (the latter being the sensitizing agent), mixed with some black pigment, and apply the mixture as a coating to a sheet of paper, and print his positives on the black cake, or tissue as it is called, thus produced. The autotype process, invented by Mr. Johnson, is a more simple and ready method of carbon-printing than the carbon process proper, but the principles involved are the same. Various modes of multiplying photographic pictures by what is termed photo-lithography have been successfully tried. For a mode of multiplying pictures by litho-photography from a hardened tissue, similar to that employed in the carbon process, see under HELIOTYPE. In Mr. Woodbury's engraving process the hardened tissue is brought into contact with a plate of type metal under considerable pressure. The plate takes the impression of the relief, and pictures are printed from it instead of from the raised tissue. Photo-heliograph (fō-tō-hē'li-ō-graf),n. An instrument for observing transits of Venus and other solar phenomena, consisting of a telescope mounted for photography on an equatorial stand and moved by suitable clockwork.

Photo-lithography (fō-tō-li-thogʻra-fi), n. The art of engraving on stone by means of the action of light and of certain chemicals: specifically, the process of producing copies of photographs and other transparent designs on prepared stone, analogous to that of producing such copies on metal, described under photoglyphy. See PHOTOGLYPHY. Photologic, Photological (fo-tō-loj'ik, fōto-loj'ik-al), a. Pertaining to photology, or the doctrine of light.

Photology (fo-toľˇo-ji), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and logos, discourse.] The doctrine or science of light, explaining its nature and phenomena.

Photomagnetism (fō-to-mag'net-izm), n. The relation of magnetism to light. Faraday.

Photometer (fō-tom'et-ér), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and metron, measure.] An instrument intended to indicate the different quantities of light, as in a cloudy or bright day, or between bodies illuminated in different degrees. All such instruments have for essential purpose the determina

ch, chain;


tion of the relatives distances at which two sources produce equal intensities of illumination. One of the most common photometers is that of Bunsen, which consists of a screen of white paper with a grease-spot in its centre. The lights to be compared are placed on opposite sides of this screen, and their distances are so adjusted that the grease-spot appears neither brighter nor darker than the rest of the paper, from whatever side it is viewed. When the distances have not been correctly adjusted, the grease-spot will appear darker than the rest of the paper when viewed from the side on which the illumination is most intense, and lighter than the rest of the paper when viewed from the other side. The intensities of the two lights are to one another as the squares of the distances from the screen at which they must be placed in order that the grease-spot may appear neither brighter nor darker than the rest of the paper.

Photometric, Photometrical (fō-to-metrik, fö-to-met'rik-al), a. Pertaining to or made by a photometer.

Photometry (fō-tom'et-ri), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and metron, a measure.] The measurement of the relative amounts of light emitted by different sources, consisting in determining the relative distances at which two sources produce equal intensities of illumination.

Photo-micrography (fō'tō-mi-krog"ra-fi), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, mikros, small, and graphō, to write.] The art or process of enlarging minute objects by means of the microscope, and projecting the enlarged image on a sensitized collodion film. Photophobia (fō-to-fō'bi-a), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and phobia, dread.] An intolerance or dread of light. It is a disease of nervous irritability, and one of excitement of the visual nerve in particular. Photopsia, Photopsy (fo-top'si-a, fō-top'si), n. [Gr. phos, photos, light, and opsis, sight.] A morbid affection of the eyes, in which sparks of fire or flashes of light seem to play before them.

Photo-relief (fō'tō-re-lēf), n. A term applied to a process for obtaining by photographic means and subsequent manipulations a printing surface in relief to receive the ink and communicate impressions. See PHOTOGRAPHY, PHOTO-ENGRAVING, &c. Photo-sculpture (fō-to-skulp'tür), n. [Gr. phos, photos, light, and E. sculpture.] The process of sculpturing statuettes, medallions, and the like, by the aid of photography. The person whose likeness is to be taken is placed in the centre of a circular room, in the wall of which there are twentyfour equidistant circular holes only large enough to permit the action of a camera lens through each, while in a dark passage outside the wall there are twenty-four cameras, each of which receives the image of that portion of the person towards which its lens is directed. The subject is thus photographed all round. The pictures thus received are then so arranged that in a neighbouring room they can be projected in succession by means of a magic Îantern on a transparent screen. The sculptor works behind this screen on a piece of modelling clay, turning it round as he works, and copying the figures produced on the screen successively by means of a pantograph, which has its reducing point armed with a moulding or cutting tool, so that, as the longer arm is tracing each figure on the screen the shorter one is reproducing it on the clay.

Photosphere (fō'to-sfēr), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and E. sphere.] An envelope of light; specifically, the luminous envelope, supposed to consist of incandescent matter, surrounding the sun. According to Kirchhoff the sun's photosphere is either solid or liquid, and is surrounded by an extensive non-luminous atmosphere, composed of gases and vapours of the substances incandescent in the photosphere.

Phototype (fo'tō-tip), n. [Gr. phōs, photos, light, and typos, a type. ] A type or plate of the same nature as an engraved plate produced from a photograph by a peculiar process, as by photoglyphy or photolithography, and from which copies can be printed; also, the process by which such a plate is produced. Photo-xylography (fō'tō-zi-log" ra-fi), n. [Gr. phos, photos, light, xylon, a log of wood, and grapho, to write.] The process of producing an impression of an object on wood ng, sing; TH, then; th, thin;

ch, Sc. loch; g, go; j, job; b, Fr. ton;


by photography and subsequent processes and then printing from the block. Photo-zincography (fō'to-zing-kog"ra-fi), n. [Gr. phos, photos, light, E. zinc, and Gr.graphō, to write.] The process of projecting an impression on a plate of prepared zinc by photography and then engraving it by etching with acids, so that copies can be printed from the plate. This process was invented by Sir Henry James, and is extensively employed in the ordnance survey department at Southampton. It is in principle the same as photolithography.

Phragma (frag'ma), n. [Gr., a fence.] In bot. a spurious dissepiment in fruit. Phragmacone (frag'ma-kōn), n. [Gr. phragma, a partition, and kōnos, a cone.] The chambered cone of the belemnite within the guard.

Phragmites (frag-mi'tēz), n. [From Gr. phragmos, a hedge; forming hedges.] A genus of plants including some eighteen species, known as reeds, tall, handsome grasses, with annual stems, and a perennial root, found by the margins of streams and lakes. They occur throughout Europe, and in Siberia, Japan, North America, and Australia, forming thick coverts, and yielding an abundance of strong durable grass, of great value for thatching roofs. P. communis, the only British species, is the largest grass of this country.

Phraise (frāz), v.i. To use coaxing or wheedling language. [Scotch.] Phraising (fraz'ing), p. and a. coaxing; palavering; making long or fine speeches. [Scotch.]


Phrase (frāz), n. [Gr. phrasis, a phrase, from phrazō, to speak.] 1. A brief expression; a single word, or more generally two or more words forming a complete expression by themselves or being a portion of a sentence. Mollify damnation with a phrase.' Dryden.

'Convey,' the wise it call. Steal!' foh! a fico for the phrase! Shak.

2. A peculiar or characteristic expression; a mode of expression peculiar to a language; an idiom. 'Sweet household talk and phrases of the hearth.' Tennyson.-3. The manner or style in which a person expresses himself; diction. Thou speak'st in better phrase.' Shak.-4. In music, a short part of a composition occupying a distinct rhythmical period of from two to four bars, but sometimes extended to five and even more. Two phrases generally make up a sentence closed by a perfect cadence.

Phrase (fraz), v. t. pret. & pp. phrased; ppr. phrasing. To call; to style; to express in words or in peculiar words. These suns, for so they phrase them.' Shak. Phrase (fraz), v.i. 1. To employ peculiar phrases or forms of speech; to express one's self. So Saint Cyprian phraseth. Prynne. [Rare.]-2. In music, to render music properly with reference to its melodic form; to bring into due prominence the grouping of tones into figures, phrases, sentences, &c. Phrase-book (frāz'buk), n. A book in which phrases or the idioms of a language are collected and explained.

Phraseless (frāz'les), a. Not to be expressed or described. Shak.

Phraseogram (frāzē -ō-gram), n. [Gr. phrasis, phraseōs, a phrase, and gramma, a letter.] In phonography, a combination of shorthand characters to represent a phrase

or sentence.

Phraseologic, Phraseological (frā'zē-ōlojik, fraze-o-loj"ik-al), a. Pertaining to phraseology; consisting of a peculiar form of words.

Phraseologist (fra-zē-ol'o-jist), n. 1. A stickler for a particular form of words or phraseology; a coiner of phrases. A mere phraseologist.' Guardian.-2. A collector of phrases.

Phraseology (frā-zē-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. phrasis, a phrase, and legō, to speak.] 1. Manner of expression; peculiar words or phrases used in a sentence; diction.-2. A collection of phrases in a language.-Diction, Phraseology, Style. See DICTION. SYN. Diction, expression, style, language. Phratry (fra tri), n. [Gr. phratria.] In ancient Athens, a section of the people, being a subdivision of the phyle or tribe. Phrenesiac + (fre - ne-si ́ak), a.. Same as Phrenetic. Like an hypochondriac person, or, as Burton's Anatomia hath it, a phrenesiac or lethargic patient.' Sir W. Scott. Phrenetic (fre-net'ik), a. [L. phreneticus, from Gr. phrenitikos, suffering from phreni

w, wig; wh, whig; zh, azure. See KEY.


tis or inflammation of the brain. See PHRENSY.] Having the mind disordered; frenzied; frantic; frenetic. Butler. Phrenetic (fre-net'ik), n. A frantic or frenzied person; one whose mind is disordered.

Phreneticks imagine they see that without which their imagination is affected with within. Harvey. Phrenetically (fre-net'ik-al-li), adv. In a phrenetic manner.

Phrenic (fren'ik), a. [From Gr. phrenes, the diaphragm. ] In anat. belonging to the diaphragm; as, a phrenic vein. Phrenic (fren'ik), n. A mental disease; a medicine or remedy for such a disease. Phrenics (fren'iks), n. [Gr. phrën, phrēnos, the mind. Mental philosophy; metaphysics. R. Parke. [Rare.]

Phrenitis (fre-ni'tis), n. [Gr., from phren, the mind,and-itis, term. denoting inflammation.] 1. In med. an inflammation of the brain or of the meninges of the brain, attended with acute fever and delirium.-2. Delirium; phrensy or frenzy. Phrenologer (fre-nol'o-jêr), n. A phrenologist.

Phrenologic, Phrenological (fren-ō-loj'ik, fren-o-loj'ik-al), a. Pertaining to phrenology.

Phrenologically (fren-ō-loj'ik-al-li), adv. In a phrenological manner; according to the principles of phrenology. Phrenologist (fre-nol'o-jist), n. One versed in phrenology.

Phrenology (fre-nol'o-ji), n. [Gr. phren, the mind, and logos, discourse.] The science of the human mind. But the term is now restricted to a doctrine founded on a presumed knowledge of the functions of different portions of the brain obtained by comparing their relative forms and magnitudes in different individuals with the propensities and intellectual powers which these individuals are found respectively to possess. The doctrine which is the basis of phrenology was first propounded by Dr. Gall, a physician of Vienna, and subsequently by Dr. Spurzheim, Dr. A. Combe, George Combe, and others. The doctrine is based on the idea that the brain is an aggregation of parts or organs, and that each organ has a distinct and separate function in the evolution of mind or mental acts. The faculties are usually divided into two orders feelings and intellect, or affective and intellectual faculties. The feelings are divided into two genera-the propensities and the sentiments; while the intellectual faculties are divided into the perceptive or knowing and the reflective faculties. In the subjoined figures the different organs (most of them double) are marked out and numbered, according to the system of Spurzheim. Frey and Hitzig in Germany and Ferrier and others in England have endeavoured to prove experimentally that certain functions are localized in certain parts of the brain, but their experiments are not conclusive.

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Phrygian (frij'i-an), a. [From Phrygia, in Asia Minor.] Pertaining to Phrygia or to the Phrygians.-Phrygian cap, the red cap of Liberty worn by the leaders during the first French republic.- Phrygian mode, in anc. music, one of the ancient ecclesiastical modes or scales. The Phrygian scale commences on E, and differs from the modern E minor in having for its second degree F flat instead of F sharp.-Phrygian stone, a stone described by the ancients, used in dyeing; a light spongy stone resembling a pumice, said to have drying and astringent properties.

Phrygian (frij'i-an), n. 1. A native or inhabitant of Phrygia.-2. Eccles. one of an early Christian sect, so called from Phrygia, where they abounded. They regarded Montanus as their prophet, and laid claim to the spirit of prophecy. Phthiriasis (thi-ri'a-sis), n. [Gr. phtheiriasis, from phtheir, a louse.] The lousy disease (morbus pediculosus), which consists in the excessive multiplication of lice on the human body in spite of cleanliness. Phthisic (tiz'ik), n. 1. A consumption or wasting away; phthisis.-2. A person affected with phthisis.

Phthisical (tiz'ik-al), a. [Gr. phthisikos. See PHTHISIS.] Of or belonging to phthisis; affected by phthisis; wasting the flesh; as, a phthisical consumption.

Phthisicky (tiz'ik-i), a. Phthisical (which see).

Phthisiology (tiz-i-ol'o-ji), n. [Gr. phthisis, a wasting, and logos, a discourse.] A treatise on phthisis. Dunglison. Phthisipneumonia (thi'zip-nu-mō"ni-a), n. [Gr. phthisis, consumption, and pneumones, the lungs.] In med. pulmonary consump


Phthisis (thi'sis), n. [Gr. phthisis, a wasting, from phthio, to consume.] A disease produced by tubercles in the lungs, and commonly known by the name of consumption; pulmonary consumption.

Phthongometer (fthong-gom'et-ér), n. [Gr. phthongos, the voice, a sound, and metron, a measure.] An instrument used for measuring vocal sounds. 'We may, however, consider this instrument as a phthongometer, or measure of vowel quantity.' Whe


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texts from the Old Testament, and inclosed within a small leather case, which was fast


ened with straps on the forehead just above and between the eyes, and on the left arm near the region of the heart. The four passages inscribed upon the phylactery were Ex. xiii. 1-10, 11-16; Deut. vi 49; xỉ 1821, The custom was founded on a literal interpretation of Ex. xiii. 16; Deut. vi. 8; xi. 18. – 3. Among the primitive Christians, a case in which they inclosed the relics

Phylactery, from an original of the dead. Phylactolæmata (fi-lak'tō-lē"ma-ta), n. pl. [Gr. phylasso, to guard, and laima, laimatos, the throat.] The division of Polyzoa in which the mouth is provided with the arched valvular process known as the 'epistome,' and in which the tentaculate disc is horse-shoe shaped. Phylarch (fṛlärk), n. [Gr. phyle, a tribe, and arche, rule.] In ancient Athens, the chief or governor of a tribe or phyle, who was specially charged with the command and superintendence of the cavalry.

Phylarchy (fi'lär-ki), n. The state or office of a phylarch; government of a tribe or clan.

Phyle (file), n. [Gr. phylě, a tribe.] One of the tribes into which the ancient Athenians were divided, originally four, afterwards ten.

Phyletic (fi-let'ik), a. [Gr. phyle, a race.] Relating or pertaining to a race or tribe: applied especially in connection with the development of animal tribes. Phyllanthus (fi-lan'thus), n.

[From Gr. phyllon, a leaf, and anthos, a flower; flowers produced from the edges of the leaves.] A large genus of plants, nat. order Euphorbiaceæ. The species are all natives of warm climates, and vary in stature from small prostrate annuals to moderate-sized trees. Some of them


21 15/21


8 19 20 35 34 35/20 198




Fig. 3.


AFFECTIVE FACULTIES. I. Propensities. 1. Amativeness. 2. Philoprogenitiveness. 3. Concentrativeness. 4. Adhesiveness. 5. Combativeness. 6. Destructiveness. 7. Secretiveness. 8. Acquisitiveness. 9. Constructiveness. II. Sentiments. 10. Self-esteem. 11. Love of approbation. 12. Cautiousness. 13. Benevolence. 14. Veneration. 15. Firmness. 16. Conscientiousness. 17. Hope. 18. Wonder. 19. Ideality. 20. Wit. 21. Imitation. INTELLECTUAL FACULTIES. I. Perceptive. 22. Individuality. 23. Form. 26. Colouring. 27. Locality. 28. Number. 29. Order. 30. Eventuality. 33. Language. II. Reflective. 34. Comparison. 35. Causality.

n. The power of exciting the organs of the brain through mesmeric influence. Phrensy (fren'zi), n. [Fr. phrénésie, frénésie; L. phrenesis, from Gr. phren, phrenos, the mind.] An old spelling of Frenzy. 'Demoniac phrensy, moping melancholy.' Mil


Phrensy (fren'zi), v. t. pret. & pp. phrensied; ppr. phrensying. To make frantic; to infuriate. Byron.

Phrentict (fren'tik), n. A phrenetic. 'Phrentics or bedlams.' Woodward.

Phrentict (fren'tik), a. Phrenetic. B. Jenks. Phrontistery + (fron'tis-tér-i),n. [Gr. phrontisterion, from phrontizo, to think, from phren, mind.] A school or seminary of learning.

Phryganea (frī-gā'nē-a), n. [Gr. phryganon,

a dry stick-from appearance of larva.] A genus of insects of the order Neuroptera, of which there are many species. See CADDICE-FLY.

sea-weed, and logos, a discourse.] That department of botany which treats of the algæ or sea-weeds.

Phycomater (fï'kō-mā-tér), n. [Gr. phykos, sea-weed, and mater, mother.] The gelatine in which the sporules of algaceous plants first vegetate.

Phylacter+ (fi-lak’tér), n. A phylactery.

The Pharisees were... skilful expositors of the Mosaical law, weaving the precepts thereof in phy lacters (narrow scrolls of parchment) bound about their brows and above their left elbows. Sandys. Phylactered† (fi-lak'tèrd), a. Wearing a phylactery; dressed like the Pharisees. Phylacteric, Phylacterical (fi-lak-ter'ik, fil-lak-ter'ik-al), a. Pertaining to phylacteries.

Phylactery (fi-lak'tér-i), n. [Gr.phylakterion, from phylasso, to defend or guard.] 1. Any charm,spell, or amulet worn as a preservative from danger or disease.-2. In Jewish antiq. a strip of parchment inscribed with certain

[blocks in formation]

possess medical properties, but few are of any special interest. Phyllary (fil'a-ri), n. In bot. one of the leaflets forming the involucre of composite flowers. Stormonth.

Phyllis (fil'is), v.t. [From
Phyllis, a name common
in amatory poems.] To
celebrate or flatter in
amatory verses. [Rare.]
He passed his easy hours,
instead of prayer,
In madrigals and phyllising
the fair.

Phyllite (fil'it), n. [Gr. phyllon, a leaf, and lithos, a stone.] 1. In geol. a term used for a fossil leaf in which the principal veins converge at both the base and the apex.-2. In mineral. a mineral found in Sterling, Massachusetts, consisting chiefly of the hydrous silicate of alumina, iron, and manganese, and occurring in thin scales or leaves. Phyllium (fil'i-um), n. [Gr. phyllon, a leaf.] A genus of orthopterous insects belonging to the family Phasmidæ, and popularly known by the name of leafinsects or walkingleaves. Some of them have wing-covers so closely resembling the leaves of plants that they are easily mistaken for the vegetable productions around them. The eggs too have a curious resemblance to the seeds of plants.

Phyllium siccifolium.

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