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Libken,+ Libkint (lib'ken, lib'kin), n. [Live, A. Sax. libban, and ken, a haunt of low characters.] A house; lodgings. To their libkins at the crackman's.' B. Jonson. [Old slang.]

Libra (li'bra), n. [L.] In astron. the Balance, the seventh sign in the zodiac, which the sun enters at the autumnal equinox in September. It is marked thus. Libralt (li'bral), a. [L. libralis, fiom libra, the Roman pound of 12 ounces.] Weighing 1 lb. Johnson.

Librarian (li-bra'ri-an), n. [In meaning 1 from library; in 2 from L. librarius, a transcriber of books.] 1. The keeper or one who has the care of a library or collection of books. 2† One who transcribes or copies books. Librarianship (li-bra'ri-an-ship), n. The office of a librarian.

Library (li'bra-ri), n. [L. librarium, a bookcase, libraria, a bookseller's shop, from liber, a book. See LIBEL.] 1. A collection of books belonging to a private person or to a public institution or a company. 'A list of his majesty's library.' Walpole.-2. An apartment or suite of apartments, or a whole building appropriated to the keeping of a collection of books.

Librate (librat), v.t. pret. & pp. librated; ppr. librating. [L. libro, libratum, from libra, a balance, a level-whence E. level.] To hold in equipoise; to poise; to balance. Librate (li'brat), v.i. To move, as a balance; to be poised.

Their parts all librate on too nice a beam. Clifton. Libration (li-bra'shon), n. 1. The act of librating or balancing, or state of being librated or balanced; a state of equipoise, with equal weights on both sides. The libration and frequent weighing of his wings.' Jer. Taylor.-2. In astron. a real or apparent libratory motion like that of a balance before coming to rest.-Libration of the moon, an apparent irregularity of the moon's motion, whereby those parts very near the border of the lunar disc alternately become visible and invisible, indicating, as it were, a sort of vibratory motion of the lunar globe. The libration of the moon is of three kinds: (a) libration in longitude, or a seeming vibratory motion according to the order of the signs; owing to this circumstance, that the motion of the moon about her axis is not always precisely equal to the angular velocity in her orbit; (b) libration in latitude, in consequence of her axis being inclined to the plane of her orbit, so that sometimes one of her poles and sometimes the other declines as it were, or dips towards the earth; (c) diurnal libration, which is simply a consequence of the lunar parallax. In this case an observer at the surface of the earth perceives points near the upper edge of the moon's disc, at the time of her rising, which disappear as her elevation is increased; while new ones on the opposite or lower edge, that were before invisible, come into view as she descends towards the horizon. If the observer were placed at the earth's centre he would perceive no diurnal libration.-Libration of the earth, a term applied by some of the older astronomers to that feature of the earth's motion by which while revolving in its orbit its axis constantly continues parallel to itself.

Libratory (li'bra-to-ri), a. Balancing; moving like a balance, as it tends to an equipoise or level; oscillating.

Libretto (le-bret'to), n. [It., a little book.] 1. A book containing the words of an extended musical composition, as an opera, oratorio, and the like.-2. The words themselves.

Libs (libz), n. [Gr. lit. Libyan.] The westsouth-west wind. Shenstone.

Libyan (lib'yan), a. A name given to a group of tongues, otherwise called Berber (which see).

Libyan (lib'yan), a. Of or pertaining to Libya, the ancient name of a large portion of North Africa, and sometimes applied to all Africa.

Lice (lis), n. pl. of louse.

Licensable (li'sens-a-bl), a. Capable of being licensed or permitted by legal grant. License, Licence (li'sens), n. [Fr. licence, from L. licentia, from licet, it is permitted, one is at liberty.] 1. Authority or liberty given to do or forbear any act; the admission of an individual, by proper authority, to the right of doing particular acts, practising in professions, conducting certain


trades; as, a license to preach, practise medicine, sell spirits, receive goods in pawn, &c.; a grant of permission.-2. A written document containing such authority.-3. Excess of liberty; undue freedom; freedom abused, or used in contempt of law or de


License they mean when they cry liberty. Milton. 4. The liberty which an artist takes in deviating from the rules of his art, as in poetry, painting, music; deviation from an artistic standard.-Leave, Liberty, License. See under LEAVE.

License (li'sens), v. t. pret. & pp. licensed; ppr. licensing. 1. To permit by grant of authority; to remove legal restraint by a grant of permission; to authorize to act in a particular character; as, to license a man to keep an inn; to license a physician or a lawyer.-2. To dismiss. Wotton. Licensed (li'senst), p. and a. Having a license; permitted by authority.-Licensed victualler, an innkeeper or keeper of a publichouse who is licensed to sell spirits, wine, beer, &c.

All public dinners, from the Sheriffs' to the Licensed Victuallers', are amusing scenes. Dickens. Licensee (li-sen-se'), n. One to whom a license is granted.

Licenser (li'sens-ér), n. One who licenses or grants permission; a person authorized to grant permission to others; as, a licenser of the press.

Licensure (li'sens-ür), n. A licensing. Licentiate (li-sen'shi-at), n. [From L. licentia, license.] 1. One who behaves in a licentious manner; one who transcends the bounds of due restraint and decorum. Li centiates of disorder.' Bp. Hall.-2. One who has license to practise any art or faculty, or to exercise any profession.-3. On the Continent, an academical dignity between the baccalaureate and the doctorate, and the obtaining of which is necessary to taking the doctor's degree; also, the person who has received the degree. Licentiate (li-sen'shi-at), v.t. To give license or permission to; to encourage by license. We may not hazard either the stifling of generous inclinations, or the licentiating of anything that is Sir R. L'Estrange.


Licentiation (li-sen'shi-a"shon), n. The act of licentiating or permitting. [Rare.] Licentious (li-sen'shus), a. [L. licentiosus, from licentia, license.] 1. Characterized by or using license; indulging too great freedom; overpassing due bounds or limits; excessive.

Where shall we find a parallel in the whole compass of the Bible for such a licentious abuse of personification?

R. Hall.

Specifically-2. Unrestrained by law, religion, or morality; wanton; loose; dissolute; libidinous; as, a licentious person; licentious desires. SYN. Unrestrained, uncurbed, uncontrolled, unruly, riotous, ungovernable, wanton, profligate, dissolute, lax, loose, sensual, impure, unchaste, lascivious, immoral. Licentiously (li-sen'shus-li), adv. In a licentious manner; in contempt of law and morality; lasciviously; loosely; dissolutely. Licentiousness (li-sen'shus-nes), 1. state of being licentious; licentious conduct; want of due restraint; dissoluteness; profligacy; as, his licentiousness is notorious.


Immoderate assurance is perfect licentiousness. Shenstone. Licht (lich), a. [See LIKE.] Like; even; equal.

For both to be and seem to him was labour lich. Spenser. Licht (lich), n. [A. Sax. lic, a dead body; G. leiche, a corpse; Goth. leik, Icel. lik, D. lijk, the body. Hence lichwake, lykewake, watching with the dead; lich-gate, a shed at the church-gate to rest the corpse under; Lichfield, the field of corpses.] A dead body;

a corpse.


Lichen (li'ken or lich'en), n. [Gr. leichen.] 1. In bot. one of an order of cellular cryptogamic plants without stem and leaves, and consisting mainly of a thallus. Lichens, like algæ, are nourished through their whole surface by the medium in which they live, which in the case of the former is air. production generally takes place by spores, but in circumstances unfavourable to the production or development of thecæ and spores they are propagated by gonidia. They appear in the form of thin flat crusts, covering rocks and the barks of trees, or growing upon the ground, or in foliaceous expansions, or branched like a shrub in miniature, or sometimes only as a gelatinous mass


or a powdery substance. They are called rock-moss and tree-moss, and some of the liverworts are of this order. They also

include the Iceland-moss and reindeer-moss; but they are entirely distinct from the true mosses (Musci). Lichens abound in the cold and temperate parts of the world. The greater part are of no known use except in the preparing surface of the earth for the reception of larger vegetables; but some are used as tonic medicines, as Variolaria faginea, and Iceland-moss (Cetraria islandica), when deprived of its bitterness by boiling becomes a diet recommended to invalids. Their principal use is to furnish the dyer with brilliant colours-archil, cudbear, and several others are thus employed.2. In med. an eruption of papulæ, of a red or white colour, either clustered together or disseminated over the surface of the skin, with or without fever, or derangement of the digestive organs, usually terminating in slight desquamation, and very liable to


Reindeer-moss (Cenomyce rangiferina).


Lichened (li'kend or lich'end), a. Relating to or covered with lichens.

Lichenic (li-ken'ik or li-chen'ik), a. Relating to or derived from lichens; as, lichenic acid. Licheniform (li-ken'i-form or li-chen'iform), a. Resembling a lichen. H. Spencer. Lichenin, Lichenine (li'ken-in or lich'en-in), n. (CeH1005.) A peculiar vegetable product, isomeric with starch, sometimes called Lichen Starch. It is obtained from liverwort and Iceland-moss, and is stated to possess the alkaline property of combining with acids. Lichenographic, Lichenographical (li'ken-o-grafik or lich'en-o-grafik, li'ken-ōgraf"ik-al or lich'en-o-graf"ik-al), a. taining to lichenography. Lichenographist, Lichenographer (liken-og'ra-fist or lich-en-og'ra-fist, li-ken-ogra-fèr or lich-en-og'ra-fér), n. One who describes the lichens; one versed in lichenography.


Lichenography (li-ken-og'ra-fi or lich-enog'ra-fi), n. [Gr. leichen, a lichen, and graphō, to write.] A description of the vegetables called lichens; the science which illustrates the natural history of the lichens. Lichenology (li-ken-ol'o-ji or lich-en-ol'o-ji). n. That department of botany which treats of the description and classification of lichens. Lichenous (li'ken-us or lich'en-us), a. 1. Relating to, resembling, or abounding in lichens.-2. Pertaining to or partaking of the nature of the disease called lichen; as, lichenous eruptions.

Lich-fowl (lich'foul), n. A bird of night; a


Lich-gate (lich'gat), n. [See LICH.] 1. A

[graphic][merged small]


part of the service was read before proceeding to the church. Called also a Corpse-gate. 2. A term applied in some parts of the country to the path by which a corpse is conveyed to the church.

Lichi (lich'i), n. The fruit of Nephelium

Litchi See LEECHEE.

Lich-owl (lich'oul), n. [Lich, a dead body, and owl.] An owl, so called because vulgarly supposed to foretell death. Lichroad (lich'rōd), n. Same as Lichway. Licht (licht). The Scotch form of the English word Light in its various meanings. Lichtly (licht'li), v.t. To make light of; to undervalue; to slight; to despise; to slight in love. [Scotch.]

Lichwake, Lichewake (lich'wāk), n. [See LICH.] The custom of watching with the dead.


Written also Latewake, Lykwake,

Lichway (lich'wa), n. [Lich, a dead body, and way.] The path by which the dead are carried to the grave. Licit (lis'it), a. [L. licitus, lawful, permitted, from liceo, to be permitted.] Lawful. Carlyle.

'Licit establishments.

Licitation (lis'i-ta'shon), n. [L. licitatio,

from licitor, to bid for a thing, from liceo,

to set a price for sale.] The act of exposing to sale to the highest bidder. [Rare.] Licitly (lis'it-li), adv. In a licit manner; lawfully.


The question may be licitly discussed. Licitness (lis'it-nes), n. The state or quality of being licit; lawfulness. Lick (lik), v.t. [A. Sax. liccian, D. likken, Dan. likke, G. lecken, Goth. laigon, in bilaigon, represented in the kindred tongues by Ir. lighim, L. lingo, Gr. leichō, Skr. lih, Slav. lisati, lokati, Lith. laizyti, to lick; allied also to L. ligurio, to lick, to feast by stealth. Hence, according to Diez, It. leccare (from O.H.G. leccón), Pr. liquar, lichar, Fr. lécher. Comp. lecher, lickerish, which are also from this stem. Some forms beginning with 8 seem closely allied, as D. slikken, to swallow; Dan. slikke, Icel. sleikja, Prov. E. and Sc. slake, slaik, to lick, to smear. With regard to lick, Gr. leicho, and similar forms, Pott remarks-'It would be useless for any one to say that in the conjunction of 1, the most mobile of the linguals, with a following guttural (1-k, a-x) there is not present -I do not say a conscious, but certainly a kind of instinctive intentionality. By the

is sensuously represented the contact of the lips with an article of food or drink, while the guttural calls up the act of swallowing that follows.'] 1. To pass or draw the tongue over the surface; as, a dog licks a wound.-2. To lap; to take in by the tongue; as, a dog or cat licks milk.-3. [See under noun, 5.] To strike repeatedly for punishment; to flog; to chastise with blows; to beat; to conquer. [Colloq.]

It is not so sure that he licked the François. Ferrold. -To lick up, to devour; to consume entirely.

Now shall this company lick up all that are round about us, as the ox licketh up the grass of the field. Num. xxii. 4. -To lick the dust, (a) to be slain; to perish in battle.

Ps. lxxii. 9.

His enemies shall lick the dust. (b) To act abjectly and servilely. Wit that can creep, and pride that licks the dust. Pope. -To lick into shape, to give form or method to, from the notion that the young bear is born shapeless and its mother licks it into shape.

A bear's a savage beast, of all
Most ugly and unnatural;

Whelp'd without form, until the dam

Has lick'd it into shape and frame. Hudibras. -To lick the spittle of, to fawn upon with servility; to court by flattery or attentions; to be meanly servile to. Need not herd themselves with the rabble, nor lick the spittle of great ones.' South. Lick (lik), n. 1. A rubbing or drawing of the tongue over anything. - -2. A slight smear or coat, as of paint. A lick of court whitewash.' Gray.-3. [Scotch.] A small quantity; as much as can be taken up by the tongue; as, a lick of sugar, of oatmeal.— 4. In America, a place where salt is deposited at salt springs, and where animals come to lick it.-5. [In this sense Wedgwood derives the word from W. llach, a slap; but it is probably the same as in the preceding senses with an extended meaning.] A blow; a stroke.-6. pl. [Scotch.] A beating. An' monie a fallow gat his licks.



Licker (lik'er), n. One that licks or laps up; one that beats.

Lickerish (lik'èr-ish), a. [Written also lickerous, licorous, liquorish, &c., and ultimately from the stem lick, probably through A. Sax. liccera, a glutton, or through the allied lecher, lecherous. See LECHER, and comp. G. lecker, lickerish, dainty, delicate, and as noun a dainty person.] 1. Nice in the choice of food; dainty; as, a lickerish palate. 2. Eager or greedy to swallow; eager to taste or enjoy; having a keen relish.

It is never tongue-tied when fit commendation, whereof womankind is so lickerish, is offered unto it. Sir P. Sidney.

3. Tempting the appetite; dainty.

Wouldst thou seek again to trap me here With lickerish baits, fit to ensnare a brute? 4. Lecherous; salacious. R. Browne.


Lickerishly (lik'er-ish-li), adv. In a lickerous manner; daintily. Lickerishness (lik'ér-ish-nes), n. The state or quality of being lickerous; niceness of palate; daintiness.


Lickerous (lik'er-us), a.
Lickerously (lik'èr-us-li), adv. Lickerishly.
Lickerousness (lik'èr-us-nes), n. Lickerish-


Lick-penny (lik'pen-ni), n. A greedy covetous person. [Scotch.] Lick-platter (lik plat-êr), n. A sneaking parasite; a lickspittle. No lick-platter, no parasite." Lord Lytton. Lick-spigot (lik'spig-ot), n. A tapster or drawer. Fill, lick-spigot.' Massinger. Lickspittle (lik'spit-1), n. One who licks or is prepared to lick another's spittle; a flatterer or parasite of the most abject charac


Lick-trencher (lik'trensh-èr), n. Same as
Lick-platter. Cornhill Mag.
Licorice (lik'or-is), n. Same as Liquorice.
Licoroust (lik'or-us), a. Same as Lickerish.
Licorousnesst (lik'or-us-nes), n. Same as

Lictor (lik'tér), n. [L.; from obs. L. liceo, to summon.] An officer among the Romans, who bore an axe and fasces or rods as ensigns of his office. The duty of a lictor was to attend the chief magistrates when they appeared in public, to clear the way for them, and cause due respect to be paid them, also to apprehend and punish criminals.

Lictors and rods, the ensigns of their power. Milton,

Lid (lid), n. [A. Sax. hlid, gehlid, hlith, lid, cover, protection; D. lid, O. Fris. hlid, lid, O.H.G. hlit, G. lid, lied, as in augen-lied, an eyelid; Icel. hlith, a gate or gateway, an interval. Allied to L. claudo, to shut, Gr. kleis, a key; Skr. lud, to cover.] A cover; as, (a) that which shuts the opening of a vessel or box; as, the lid of a chest or trunk. (b) The cover of the eye, the membrane which is drawn over the eyeball of an animal at pleasure, and is intended for its protection; the eyelid (which see). (c) In bot. the operculum or cover of the spore-cases of mosses; also, a calyx that falls off from the flower in a single piece. Lidget (lij), n. Same as Ledge. Spenser. Lidless (lid'les), a. Having no lid; uncovered, as the eye, with the lids; hence, sleepless, vigilant. A lidless watcher of the public weal.' Tennyson.

Lie (li), n. [A. Sax. lige, lige, a lie, from leogan, to lie; Icel. lygi, D. logen, leugen, G. luge, a lie. See the verb.] 1. A criminal falsehood; a falsehood uttered for the purpose of deception; an intentional violation of truth.

It is wilful deceit that makes a lie. A man may act a lie, as by pointing his finger in a wrong direction, when a traveller inquires of him his road. Paley.

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right to know the truth, or when morality requires a just representation.


Inform us, will the emp'ror treat? Or do the prints and papers lie! Lie (li), v.i. pret. lay; pp. lain (lient); ppr. lying [A. Sax. liegan, to lie, of which lecgan, to lay, is a causative; O. and Northern E and Sc. ligge, lig; Goth. ligan, D. liggen, Dan. ligge, Icel, liggja, G. liegen, to lie. See LAW.] 1. To occupy a horizontal or nearly horizontal position; to rest lengthwise, or to be flat upon the surface of anything; to be placed and remain without motion; as, he is lying in bed; the book lies on the table: to this meaning the sense of being dead often attaches.

Her lily hand her rosy cheek lies under. Shak. To lie in cold obstruction and to rot. Shak. 2. To lay or place one's self in a horizontal or nearly horizontal position: often with down.

Lie down; lay thine ear close to the ground and list if thou canst hear the tread of travellers. Shak. 3. To rest in an inclining posture; to lean; to recline; as, he is lying against the wall of the house.-4. To be at rest; not to stir. Shak.

The wind is loud and will not lie.

5. To be situated; to have place or position; as, Ireland lies west of England.-6. To be posted or encamped, as an army; as, the troops lying before Sebastopol.

The English lie within fifteen hundred paces. Shak. Somewhat similar is the meaning to take up a posture of defence.

Here I lay and thus I bore my point.


7. To reside; to dwell; to sojourn; to lodge; to sleep.

The virtuous lady, Countess of Auvergne, By me entreats, great lord, thou wouldst vouchsafe To visit her poor castle where she lies. Shak. Mr. Quinion lay at our house that night. Dickens. 8. To be confined as in prison.

I will deliver you or else lie for you. Shak. 9. To remain or be in some condition; to continue: followed by some word or phrase denoting the particular condition; as, to lie waste; to lie fallow; to lie open; to lie hid; to lie pining or grieving; to lie under one's displeasure; to lie at the mercy of a creditor, or at the mercy of the waves.-10. To be present or contained; to be found; to exist: often followed by in.

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His faults lie gently on him. 13. To be sustainable in law; to be capable of being maintained; as, an action lies against the tenant for waste.

An appeal lies in this case. Ch. F. Parsons. -To lie along, to lean over with a side wind, as a ship.-To lie along the land, to keep a course nearly parallel to the land.-To lie at one's heart, to be an object of affection, desire, or anxiety.

The Spaniards have but one temptation to quarrel with us, the recovering of Jamaica, for that has ever lien at their hearts. Sir W. Temple.

-To lie by, (a) to be reposited or remaining with; as, he has the manuscript lying by him. (b) To rest; to intermit labour; as, we lay by during the heat of the day. (c) Naut. to remain near, as one ship to another at sea. To lie hard or heavy, to press; to oppress; to burden.

Ps. lxxxviii. 7.

Thy wrath lieth hard upon me.
He that commits a sin shall find
The pressing guilt lie heavy on his mind. Creech.
[Shakspere has to lie heavy to.

It would unclog my heart
Of what lies heavy to 't.]

-To lie in, to be in childbed.-To lie in a
person, to be in the power of; to belong to.
As much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.
Rom. xii. 18.

-To lie in the way, to be an obstacle or impediment; as, remove the objections that lie in the way of an amicable adjustment.To lie in wait, to wait for in concealment; to lie in ambush; to watch for an opportunity to attack or seize.-To lie on or upon: (a) to be a matter of obligation or duty; as, it lies on the plaintiff to maintain his action. 'As if his life lay on it.' (b) To depend on.


Shak.-To lie on hand, to be or remain in possession; to remain unsold or undisposed of; as, great quantities of wine lie on hand, or have lain long on hand.-To lie on one's hands, (a) to remain unsold. (b) Not to require to be expended in employment; hence, to be tedious; as, men are sometimes at a loss to know how to employ the time that lies on their hands.-To lie on the head of, to come on; to fall to the share of.

What he gets more of her than sharp words, let it lie on my head. Shak.

-To lie over, (a) to remain unpaid after the time when payment is due, as a note in bank. (b) To be deferred to some future occasion, as a motion or resolution in a deliberative assembly.-To lie to, to be stationary, as a ship. A ship is said to lie to when her progress is checked, either by counterbracing the yards or taking in sail. -To lie to one's work, to exert all one's strength or powers in the performance of

one's work.

So many workers; and no mercenary mock workers, bat real ones that lie freely to it; each patriot stretches himself against the stubborn glebe; hews and wheels with the whole weight that is in him.

Carlyle. -To lie under, to be subject to; to suffer; to be oppressed by.-To lie with, (a) to lodge or sleep with. (b) To have carnal knowledge of. (c) To belong to; as, it lies with you to make amends.

Lie, Lay. Lay is a transitive verb, and has for its preterit laid; as, he told me to lay it down, and I laid it down. Lie is intransitive, and has for its preterit lay; as, he told me to lie down, and I lay down. Some persons blunder by using laid for the preterit of lie; as, he told me to lie down, and I laid down. So persons often say, the ship laid at anchor; they laid by during the storm; the book laid on the shelf, &c. It is only necessary to remember, in all such cases, that laid is the preterit of lay and not of le. This would save many respectable writers from a gross error which seems to be increasing among us. Goodrich,

Lie (li), n. 1. The relative position of one object with regard to another, or with regard to a point of the compass; as, I don't know the lie of the country. Hence-2. Situation, position, or state, as of an affair. -3. In geol. the manner in which strata are disposed.

Lie (li), n. Same as Lye. Lie-a-bed (li'a-bed), n. One who lies long in the morning.

David was none of your lie-a-beds. Charles Reade. Lieberkühn (lē'ber-kün), n. [See next article.] A silver concave reflector fixed on the object-glass end of a microscope to bring the light to focus on an opaque object. Lieberkühnian (le-ber-kü'ni-an), a. [After Lieberkuhn, who first observed the glands by aid of a lens.] In anat. appellative of certain simple secreting cavities thickly distributed over the intestines, called Lieberkühnian glands.

Lief (lef), a. [O.E. lefe, leve, A. Sax. leof, loved, beloved; D. lief, Icel. ljúfr, G. lieb, Goth. liubs, loved. Akin love.] 1. Dear; beloved; pleasing; agreeable.

Yet now I charge thee quickly go again
As thou art lief and dear.

2. Willing; pleased; glad.


He up arose, however lief or loth. Spenser. Lieft (lef), n. One loved or beloved; a friend. 'Liefest lief. Spenser.

Lief (lef), adv. Gladly; willingly; freely: used in familiar speech, as in the phrase, I had as lief go as not. Had in such a phrase is perhaps a corruption of would, arising from the two words being both contracted into 'd in such phrases as I'd, he'd; but this is very doubtful. See HAVE.

Myself would work eye dim, and finger lame,
Far liefer than so much discredit him. Tennyson.
I'd much liefer be well-born

Than boast the wealth of Croesus. Prof. Blackie. Written also Lieve, Leef, Leve. Liege (lēj), a. [Fr. lige, Pr. litge, It. ligio, L.L. ligius, legius. Origin quite uncertain.] 1. Bound by feudal tenure, whether to tribute and due subjection, as a vassal, or to protection and just government, as a chief. My true liege man.' Spenser. His liege lord' Baker.-2. Relating to the bond reciprocally connecting vassal and chief; as, liege vassalage. By liege homage, a vassal was bound to serve his lord against all, without excepting his sovereign; or against all excepting a former lord to whom he owed like service.

Liege (lēj), n. 1. A vassal holding a fee by which he is bound to perform certain services and duties to his lord.-2. A lord or superior; a sovereign.


The anointed sovereign of sighs and groans,
Liege of all loiterers and malcontents.

3. A law-abiding citizen; one of the peaceably disposed people; as, to disturb the lieges. Liegeman (lēj-man), n. A vassal; a subject; a liege. Friends to this ground.


And liegemen to the Dane. Liege-poustie (lēj'pous-ti), n. In Scots law, that state of health which gives a person full power to dispose, mortis causa or otherwise, of his heritable property. The term is considered to be derived from the words legitima potestas, signifying the lawful power of disposing of property at pleasure. It is used in contradistinction to death-bed, a liege-poustie conveyance being one not challengeable on the head of death-bed. Lieger (le'jér), n. [See LEGER, LEDGER.] A resident ambassador. Written also Leiger. Lien (li'en), the obs. part. of lie. See LAIN. Lien (li'en), n. [Fr. lien, from L. ligamen, from ligo, to bind.] In law, a legal claim; a right in one man to retain the property of another until some claim of the former

is paid or satisfied. A lien is either particular, as a right to retain a thing for some charge or claim growing out of or connected with the identical thing; or general, as a right to retain a thing, not only for charges and claims specifically connected with the identical thing, but also for a general balance of accounts between the parties in respect to other dealings of the like nature. General liens exist only in three ways: either by express contract, by usage of trade, or where there is some legal relation. Lienteric (li-en-ter'ik), a. Pertaining to a lientery.

Lientery (li'en-tér-i), n. [Fr. lienterie; Gr. leienteria-leion, smooth, and enteron, an intestine.] In med. a species of diarrhoea, in which the aliments are discharged undigested, and with little alteration either in colour or substance.

Lier (lí'èr), n. One who lies down; one who rests or remains.

He wist not that there were liers in ambush against him. Josh. viii. 14. Lierne (lē-ern), n. [Perhaps connected with lien, Fr. lier, to bind.] In arch, an old French term denoting any rib that does not rise from the impost, and is not a ridge rib, but crosses from one boss or intersection of the principal ribs to another. Vaults in which such liernes are employed are termed lierne vaults.

Lieu (lu), n. [Fr.; O. Fr. liu, lou, Pr. luoc, loc, from L. locus, place.] Place; room; stead: preceded by in.

Far lovelier in our Lancelot had it been, In lieu of dallying with the truth, To have trusted me as he has trusted you. Tennyson. In lieu is exactly equivalent to instead. Lieutenancy (lef-ten'an-si), n. 1. The office or commission of a lieutenant.-2. The collective body of lieutenants. Lieutenant (lef-ten'ant), n. [Fr., composed of lieu, place, and tenant, L. tenens, holding.] 1. An officer, civil or military, who supplies the place of a superior in his absence.-2. (a) A commissioned officer in the army next in rank below a captain. (b) A commissioned officer in the navy, ranking Lieutenant-colonel (lef-ten'ant-ker-nel), n. with a captain in the army.

Milit. an officer next in rank below a colonel. He generally is the commander of the regiment. Lieutenant-general (lef-tenʼant-jen-ér-al), n. Milit. an officer in the army next in rank below a general.

Lieutenant-governor (lef-ten'ant-gu-vérnér), n. An officer performing the duties of a governor. In some British possessions and colonies, jointly under a governor-general, the chief magistrate of a separate district is called a lieutenant-governor. Lieutenantry † (lef-ten'ant-ri), n. Lieuten


If such tricks as these strip you out of your lieutenantry. Shak.


Lieutenantship (lef-ten'ant-ship), n. state or office of a lieutenant; lieutenancy. Lieve (lēv), a. Same as Lief.

Far liever by his dear hand had I die. Tennyson. Lievrite (lev'rit), n. A mineral, called also Yenite (which see).

Life (lif), n. pl. Lives (livz). [A. Sax. lf, lf, Icel. lif, Dan. liv, D. lijf, Goth. libains, life. See LIVE.] 1. That state of an animal or a plant in which its organs are capable


of performing their functions, or in which the performance of functions has not permanently ceased; animate existence; vitality; also, the time during which such a state continues.

Life is a series of definite and successive changes, both of structure and composition, which take place within an individual without destroying its identity. G. H. Lewes.

2. The time during which soul and body are united; the mundane existence of a human being; the period from birth to death; also power or capacity for existence after death. Health and long life to you, master. Shak Thy life is no idle dream; . . . it is all thou hast to front eternity with. Carlyle. Hence-3. Fig. period during which anything continues to manifest its existence, as an institution, a form of government, &c.; as, this constitution had but a short life. 4. Outward manifestation of life; condition or circumstances connected with or surrounding a person, considered as pleasant or painful; mode, manner, or course of living, as morally good or bad.

Such was the life the frugal Sabines led. Dryden. I will teach my family to lead good lives. Mrs. Barker. 5. That which makes alive; cause or source of life; animating or inspiring principle; hence, a person or thing which imparts or excites vigour, spirit, animation, or enjoyment; as, he was the life of every company into which he came.

The Lord of all, himself through all diffused, Sustains and is the life of all that lives. Cowper. 6. Animation; spirit; briskness; vivacity; energy.

They have no notion of life and fire in fancy and in words. Felton.

7. The living form; truth and naturalness: in opposition to a copy or imitation; as, a description from the life.

He that would be a master must draw by the life, as well as copy from originals. Jeremy Collier.

There was never counterfeit of passion came so near the life of passion. Shak.

8. A person; a living being, usually or always a human being; as, many lives were sacrificed; and as a collective term, human beings in any number; as, a great loss of life. 9. Animals in general, or regarded collectively; animated beings in the aggregate; as, the stream of life on the globe. • Lives through all life.' Pope.

Full nature swarms with life.


10. Blood, as the supposed vehicle of animation.


The warm life came issuing through the wound. Pope. 11. Narrative of a past life; history of the events of life; biographical narration. Plutarch, that writes his life, Tells us that Cato dearly loved his wife. 12. The attainment or experience of enjoyment in the right use of the powers; especially, happiness in the favour of God; eternal existence; heavenly felicity, in distinction from earthly death.

To be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritu ally minded is life and peace. Rom. viii. 6. 13. Position in society; rank, as determined by manner of living; social state; as, high or low life.-14. Common occurrences; course of things; human affairs.

But to know That which before us lies in daily life, Is the prime wisdom. Milton. 15. That which is dear to one as one's existence; darling; beloved. My queen, my life, my wife. Shak.-16. An insurance on a person's life; a life-insurance policy. For life, (a) for the whole term of one's existence; as, he got a pension for life. (b) So as to save, or to strive to save one's own life; with the utmost degree of exertion possible; as, to run for life; to swim for life.-To the life, so as to closely resemble the living person or original, as a picture; hence, exactly; perfectly; as, the portrait was drawn to the life.-Life of an execution, in law, the period when an execution is in force, or before it expires. [Life is used in a number of compounds the meaning of which is generally sufficiently obvious; as, life-consuming, lifeharming, life-preserving, &c.] Life-annuity (lif'an-nu-i-ti), n. A sum of money paid yearly during a person's life. Life-assurance (lif'a-shör-ans), n. INSURANCE.


Life-belt (lif'belt), n. An inflated belt, generally made of india-rubber, or a belt made of several pieces of cork fastened together, used to support the body in the water.


Life-blood (lif′blud), n. 1. The blood necessary to life; vital blood.-2. That which is essential to existence or strength; that which constitutes or gives strength and energy. Money, the life-blood of the nation." Swift.

Life-blood (lif'blud), a. Necessary as blood to life; essential. Life-blood laws.' Milton. Life-boat (lif'bōt), n. A boat for saving persons from drowning, constructed with great strength to resist violent shocks, and at the same time possessing sufficient buoy

[blocks in formation]

ancy to enable it to float though loaded with men and filled with water. The boat represented in the accompanying figure is provided with air-cases at the stem and stern, and others at each side, and is 33 feet long and 8 feet broad. The festooned line in fig. 1 shows the exterior life-line. In fig. 2, AA are the side air-cases; BB, relieving tubes through which any water that is shipped is got rid off; c c, spaces beneath the deck placed longitudinally at the midship part of the boat, with cases packed with cork, forming part of the ballast; d, scuttle for ventilation with pump fixed in it. Life-buoy (lif'boi), n. See BUOY. Life-drop (lif'drop), n. A vital drop; a drop of one's heart's blood. Byron. Life-estate (lif'es-tät), n. An estate that continues during the life of the possessor. Life-everlasting (lif'ev-ér-last'ing), n. A plant of the genus Gnaphalium; cudweed. See GNAPHALIUM.

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Lifeful (lif'ful), a. 1. Full of life; lively. While thus he lifeful spoke.' Keats. 2. Giving life.

Like feful heat to numbed senses brought. Spenser. Life-giving (lif'giv-ing), a. Giving life or spirit; having power to give life; inspiriting; invigorating. Life-giving plant.' Milton. Life-guard (lif'gärd), n. A guard of the life or person; a guard that attends the person of a prince or other person; a body-guard: in the British army, the name Life-guards is given to two cavalry regiments belonging to the Household Brigade. Life-hold (lif'hōld), n. See LIFE-LAND. Life-insurance (lif'in-shör-ans). See IN


Life-interest (lif'in-tér-est), n. An estate or interest which lasts during one's life, or the life of some other person. Life-land (lif'land), n. Land held on a lease for lives. Called also Life-hold. Life-leaving (lif′lēv-ing), n. Departure from life. Shak.

Lifeless (lif'les), a. Destitute of life: (a) dead; deprived of life; as, a lifeless body. (b) Inanimate; inorganic; as, lifeless matter. Was I to have never parted from thy side? As good have grown there still a lifeless rib. Milton. (c) Destitute of power, force, vigour, or spirit; destitute of or characterized by the want of any animating principle; dull; heavy; inactive; as, a lifeless style of oratory; lifeless movements.

The other victor-flame a moment stood, Then fell and lifeless left the extinguished wood. Dryden. (d) Vapid; insipid; tasteless, as liquor. (e) Characterized by the absence of living beings.

Statues finished the lifeless spot with mimic representations of the excluded sons of men. Walpole. SYN. Dead, soulless, inanimate, torpid, inert, inactive, dull, heavy, unanimated, spiritless, frigid, pointless, vapid, flat, tasteless. Lifelessly (lif'les-li), adv. In a lifeless manner; without vigour; dully; heavily; frigidly.

Lifelessness (lif'les-nes), n. The state of being lifeless; destitution of life, vigour, and spirit; inactivity.

Lifelike (lif'lik), a. Like a living person; resembling life.

Life-line (lif'lin), n.

Naut. a rope stretched


anywhere in a vessel to secure the safety of the men, especially in bad weather; also, one of several lines attached to a life-buoy or to a life-boat to enable a person the more readily to lay hold of it in the water. Lifelong (lif'long), a. Lasting or continuing through life; as, a lifelong struggle with poverty.

Lifelyt (lif'li), adv. In a lifelike manner; to the life.

Life-mortar (lifʼmor-tär), n. A mortar for throwing a rocket with a rope attached over a ship in distress near the shore. Lifent (lif'en), v.t. To give an appearance of life or reality to. Marston. Life-office (lif'of-fis), n. An office where insurance over lives can be effected. Life-peerage (lif'për-āj), n. A peerage for life only.

Life-preserver (lif'prezérv-ér), n. He who or that which preserves life: especially, (a) an apparatus of various forms, as an air-tight jacket or belt, or a complete dress, designed for the preservation of the lives of persons who, from shipwreck or other cause, are compelled to trust themselves to the water. (b) A short stick with a loaded head, used for defence against assailants.

Figure wearing a Life-preserver.

Lifer (lif'èr), n. One who receives a sentence of penal servitude for life. [Slang.] He was tried for prison breaking, and got made a lifer Dickens. Life-rate (lif'rât), n. The rate or amount for which a life is insured.

Liferent (lif'rent), n. In law, a rent which a man receives for the term of his life, or for sustentation of life; a right which entitles a person to use and enjoy property during life, without destroying or wasting it. Liferenter (lif'rent-ér), n. The person who enjoys a liferent.

Life-rocket (lif'rok-et), n. A rocket discharged from a life-mortar, and which conveys a rope to a ship in distress, so as to establish communication with those on board. Lifespring (lif'spring), n. source of life.

The spring or

Lifestring (lif'string), n. A nerve or string in the body imagined to convey or to be essential to life. The undecaying lifestrings of those hearts.' Daniel. A statistical table Life-table (lif'ta-bl), n. exhibiting the probability of life at different

[blocks in formation]

Lifeweary (lif'we-ri), a. Tired of life; weary of living. Shak.

Lift (lift), v.t. [From O.E. and Sc. lift, A. Sax. lyft, air, sky (or perhaps the noun may be from the verbal stem, as heaven from heave); comp. Sw. lyfta, Dan. löfte, G. lüften, to raise into the air, to lift, from Sw. Dan. and G. luft, air, atmosphere; Icel. lopta, lypta, to lift, and lopt, air, atmosphere. See LOFT, and LIFT, the air or heavens.] 1. To raise; to elevate; to bring from a lower to a higher position or place; to upheave; as, to lift the foot or the hand; to lift the head.-2. To elevate; to exalt; to raise or improve, as in fortune, estimation, dignity, or rank: often with up; as, his fortune has lifted him into notice or into office.

The Roman virtues lift up mortal man! Addison. 3. To cause to swell, as with pride; to elate: often with up.

Lest being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 1 Tim. iii. 6. 4. To bear; to support. Spenser.-5. To remove from its place; to take and carry away; to remove by stealing; as, to lift cattle.-6. In Scrip. to elevate for the purpose of crucifying.

When ye have lifted up the Son of man, then shall ye know that I am he. John viii. 28.

7. To gather; to collect; as, to lift rents; to lift accounts. To lift up the eyes, (a) to look; to raise the eyes.

Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of Jordan. Gen. xiii. 10.


(b) To direct the desires to God in prayer. Ps. cxxi. 1.-To lift up the face, to look to with confidence, cheerfulness, and comfort. Job xxii. 26. To lift up the feet, to come speedily to one's relief. Ps. lxxiv. 3.-To lift the hand, to raise the hand for the purpose of striking; to strike or threaten to strike.To lift up the hand, (a) to swear, or to confirm by oath. Gen. xiv. 22. (b) To raise the hands in prayer. Ps. xxviii. 2. (c) To rise in opposition to; to rebel; to assault. 2 Sam. xviii. 28.

He ne'er lift up his hand but conquered. Shak. (d) To shake off sloth and engage in duty. Heb. xii. 12. To lift up the hand against, (a) to strike. (b) To injure; to oppress. If I have lifted up my hand against the fatherless.' Job xxxi. 21.-To lift up the head, (a) to raise from a low condition; to exalt. Gen. xl. 13. (b) To rejoice. Luke xxi. 28.-To lift up the heel against, to treat with insolence and contempt. John xiii. 18.-To lift up the horn, to behave arrogantly or scornfully. Ps. lxxv. 4.To lift up the voice, to cry aloud; to call out, either in grief or joy.

And she sat over against him, and lifted up her voice, and wept. Gen. xxi. 16.

SYN. To raise, elevate, exalt, elate, erect, hoist, heave.

Lift (lift), v.i. 1. To try to raise; to exert the strength for the purpose of raising or bearing. The body strained by lifting at a weight too heavy.' Locke.-2. To rise, or be raised or elevated; as, the fog lifts; the land lifts to a ship approaching it.-3.† To practise theft.

Lift (lift), n. 1. The act or manner of raising or lifting; elevation; as, the lift of the feet in walking or running.-2. That which is to be raised; a weight; as, 2 cwt. is a good lift. 3. Assistance in lifting; hence, assistance in general, as by giving a pedestrian a seat for a distance in a vehicle, by enabling another to attain some object or to better himself, and the like; as, we gave the farmer a lift with his ploughing; to give one a lift in the world.

If I find nobody in the road to give me a lift, I shall walk the nine mile back to-night. Dickens.

Much watching of Louisa, and much subsequent observation of her impenetrable demeanour, which keenly whetted and sharpened Mrs. S.'s edge, must have given her, as it were, a lift in the way of inspiration. Dickens.

4. A rise; a degree of elevation; as, the lift of a lock in canals.-5. Anything which assists in lifting, as a device for raising persons or goods from a lower flat or story of a house to a higher one; an elevator; a lifter.6. Naut. a rope descending from the cap and mast-head to the extremity of a yard for supporting the yard, keeping it in equilibrium, and raising the end, when occasion requires.-7. A gate without hinges, and which must be lifted up or removed to let one pass through. Called also Lift-gate. [Local.]- Dead lift, a sheer lift; a lift without any sort of assistance from the object lifted; effort to raise something wholly inert; hence, something which taxes all one's powers or exceeds them; an extreme emergency; as, to help one at a dead lift. Mr. Doctor had puzzled his brains In making a ballad, but was at a stand: And you freely must own you were at a dead lift. Swift.

Lift (lift), n. [A. Sax. lyft, Dan. Sw. and G. luft, Goth. luftus, air.

This word is either

the origin of the verb lift or from the verbal stem (see LIFT, v.t.); it is also closely allied to loft and aloft (which see).] The air; the atmosphere; the sky or heavens. [Old English and Scotch.]

Still the lift gloamed, and the wind roared. Jeffrey. Liftable (lift'a-bl), a. Capable of being

lifted. Lifter (lift'ér), n. 1. One who or that which lifts or raises: (a) a thief; as, a cattlelifter. So young a man and so old a lifter.' Shak. (b) A latch-key. (c) An apparatus for lifting goods or persons; a lift. (d) In founding, a tool for dressing the mould; also, a contrivance attached to a cope to hold the sand together when the cope is lifted. Goodrich. (e) In the steam-engine, the arm on a lifting-rod that raises the puppet-valve. Goodrich.

Lift-hammer (lift'ham-mér), n. A light form of tilt-hammer, in which the hammer is raised by a spring and depressed by a treadle.

Lifting-bridge (lift'ing-brij), n. A drawbridge which is raised to allow vessels to pass, as along a canal or the like.


Lifting-gear (lift'ing-ger), n. The apparatus inside a boiler for lifting the safety-valve. It consists of levers connected with the valve and to a screw worked by a handle outside the boiler.

Lifting-rod (lift'ing-rod), n. In the steamengine, a rod receiving motion from the rock-shaft, and imparting motion to the lifter of a puppet-valve.

Lift-lock (lift/lok), n. A name sometimes given to a canal-lock, because it lifts or raises a boat from one level to another. Lift-pump (lift'pump), n. A pump in which the piston raises the water through the whole height above the barrel by lifting it without the agency of the atmosphere.

Lift-tenter (lift'tent-ér), n. In mach. the governor of a wind-mill driving grindingstones, for regulating the distance between the upper and lower stones, according to the velocity.

Lift-wall (lift'wal), n. The cross-wall of a lock-chamber of a canal.

Lig, Ligget (lig), v.i. To lie. [Old and provincial English.]

Vowing that never he in bed againe

His limbes would rest, ne lig in ease embost. Spenser. Wheer asta bean saw long and meä liggin' 'ere aloän? Tennyson.

Ligament (ligʻa-ment), n. [L. ligamentum, from ligo, to bind.] 1. Anything that ties or unites one thing or part to another; a band; a bond.

Interwoven is the love of liberty with every ligaWashington. ment of your hearts.

The soul, beginning to be freed from the ligaments of the body, reasons like herself, and discourses in a strain above mortality. Addison.

2. In anat. a strong, compact substance, serving to bind one bone to another. It is a white, solid, inelastic, tendinous substance, softer than cartilage, but harder than membrane. Ligaments are divided into capsu lar and connecting ligaments. The former serve to connect the extremities of the movable bones, and prevent the efflux of synovia, while the latter strengthen the union of the extremities of the movable bones.-3. In zool. the dense chitinous structure which connects the valves of a bivalve mollusc, and opens them by the elasticity of its layers.

Ligamental, Ligamentous (lig-a-ment'al, lig-a-ment'us), a. Composing a ligament; of the nature of a ligament; binding; as, a strong ligamentous membrane."

Ligan (li'gan), n. [Contr. for L. ligamen, a band, bandage, from ligo, to bind.] Goods sunk in the sea, but having a cork or buoy attached in order that they may be found again. Also written Lagan. See FLOTSAM and JETSAM.

Ligation (li-ga'shon), n. [L. ligatio, ligationis, from ligo, to bind.] 1. The act of binding, or state of being bound.-2. That which binds; a bond; a ligature; the place where anything is bound.

A bundle tied with tape, and sealed at each fold and ligation with black wax, Sir W. Scott. Ligatura (lég-a-tö'rä), n. [It.] In music, a ligature (which see).'

Ligature (lig'a-tür), n. [L. ligatura, from ligo, to bind.] 1. Anything that binds; a cord, thong, band, or bandage.-2. The act of binding; as, by a strict ligature of the parts.3. The state of being bound; stiffness, as of a joint.-4. Impotence induced by magic.5. In music, a band or line connecting notes. 6. In printing, a type consisting of two or more letters or characters united, as fi, fl, fi, f, in English. The old editions of Greek authors abound with ligatures.-7. In surg. (a) a cord or string for tying the bloodvessels, particularly the arteries, to prevent hemorrhage. (b) A thread or wire to remove tumours, &c., by strangulation. Ligatured (lig'a-tūrd), a. Connected or bound by a ligature; as, 'ligatured letters.' Gent. Mag.

Ligeance, Ligeancy,t n. Allegiance. Liggement (lij'ment), n. In arch. same as Ledgement.

Ligger (lig ér), n. The horizontal timber of a scaffolding; a ledger. Light (lit), n. [A. Sax. leoht, lyht, light, a light; O.Sax. O.H.G. lioht, leoht, D. and G. licht, Icel. ljos, Dan. lys, Goth. liuhath; allied to L lux, lumen, light, luceo, to shine, luna, the moon; Gr. leukos, white, leusso, to see; W. Ulug, Gael leus, light; Skr. loch, to shine, to see.] 1. That agent or force in nature by the action of which upon the organs of sight objects from which it proceeds are rendered visible. The several views which have been

ch, chain; ch, Sc. loch; g, go; j, job;


entertained respecting the nature of light may be ranged under two heads-the system of emission and the system of undulation. The former, adopted and perfected by Newton, supposes light to consist of minute particles emitted by luminous bodies and travelling through space with immense rapidity till they reach the eye; the latter supposes that objects are rendered visible by vibrations excited by luminous bodies in an elastic imponderable medium named ether, pervading all space and filling up the intervals between the molecules of ponderable bodies. The former is called the Newtonian or corpuscular theory; the latter, which is that now universally accepted, the undulatory or wave theory. The language, however, which is employed in treating of light is, for the most part, accommodated to the former. The velocity of light is astonishing, as it passes through a space of nearly 12,000,000 miles in a minute.-2. That from which such an agent or force emanates, or is supposed to emanate; that object or body which renders other objects or bodies distinct, clear, or visible to the eye of the observer, as the sun, the moon, a star, a lighthouse, a candle, a match, and the like.

Then he called for a light, and sprang in, Acts xvi. 29. And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. Gen. i. 1o. Hence-3. Fig. something which metaphorically resembles such an object in making distinct, clear, or visible; knowledge; information; especially, the source of moral or religious enlightenment; mental or spiritual illumination; also, a person who is conspicuous or noteworthy; a model or example; as, the lights of the age.

He shall never know

That I had any light from thee of this.


4. The physical conditions or phenomena determining the visibility of objects; the phenomena constituting day; the dawn of day; space or area that is illuminated; hence, open view; a visible state or condition; public observation; publicity.

O, spring to light! auspicious Babe, be born! Pope.
The murderer rising with the light killeth the poor
and needy.
Job xxiv. 14.
Why am I asked, What next shall see the light

5. That by which light is admitted to a place otherwise void of light, as a window, pane of a window, or other opening; also, a compartment of a window; as, a window of three lights.

There were windows in three rows, and light was against light in three ranks. 1 Ki. vii. 4.

6. The manner in which the light strikes upon an object or picture; also, the illuminated part of an object or picture; the part which lies opposite the object from which the light comes or is supposed to come.

Never admit two equal lights in the same picture. Dryden. 7. The point of view or position in which or from which anything is looked at or considered; aspect; side or features to which

attention is paid.

Frequent consideration of a thing wears off the and various ways of appearance.

strangeness of it, and shows it in its several lights


8. In law, the right which a man has to have the access of the sun's rays to his windows free from any obstruction on the part of his neighbours. Northern lights, the aurora borealis (which see). The light of the countenance, favour; smiles. Ps. iv. 6.-To stand in one's own light, to be the means of preventing one's own good, or frustrating one's own purposes.-To bring to light, to bring to knowledge, detection, or discovery.-To come to light, to be detected; to be discovered or found. Light (lit), a. 1. Bright; clear; not dark or obscure; as, the morning is light; the apartment is light.-2. White or whitish; not intense or deep, as a colour; not dark in colour; as, a light colour; a light brown or a light shade of brown; a light complexion.

Light (lit), v.t. pret. & pp. lighted, sometimes lit; ppr. lighting. 1. To set fire to; to kindle; to ignite; to set burning either literally or figuratively; as, to light a candle or lamp: sometimes with up; as, to light up an inextinguishable conflagration. 'Since first our loves were lighted.' Dryden.-2. To give light to; to fill or spread over with light; to conduct or precede by light or lights; to show the way to by means of a light; to illuminate.

n, Fr. ton; ng, sing;



Ah hopeless, lasting flames! like those that burn To light the dead." Pope. How the lit lake shines!-a phosphoric sea. Byron. His bishops lead him forth and light him on. SYN. To kindle, ignite, fire, inflame, illumiLight (lit), a. [A. Sax. liht, leôht; OH G. nate, illumine, enlighten. lihti, D. ligt, G. leicht, Icel. léttr, Dan. let, light; Goth. leihts, lightness; allied to L.levis, Gr.elachys, Skr. laghu, light.] 1. Not heavy; having little weight; not tending to the centre of gravity with force; as, a feather is light compared with lead or silver.-2. Not burdensome; easy to be lifted, borne, or carried by physical strength; as, a light burden, weight, or load.

It will be light, my lord, that you may bear it
Under a cloak that is of any length. Shak.

3. Not oppressive; easy to be suffered or endured; as, a light affliction.

Light sufferings give us leisure to complain.


4. Easy to be performed; not difficult; not requiring great strength or exertion; as, the task is light; the work is light.-5. Easy to be digested; not oppressive to the stomach; as, light food.-6. Not heavily armed, or armed with light weapons; as, light troops; a troop of light horse.-7. Not encumbered; unembarrassed; clear of impediments; active; swift; nimble.

Unmarried men are best masters, but not best subjects; for they are light to run away. Bacon.

8. Not heavily or deeply laden; not sufficiently ballasted; as, the ship returned light. 9. Slight; trifling; not important; as, a light error.-10. Not dense; not gross; not strong; not copious or vehement; inconsiderable; as, light vapours, fumes, rain, snow, wind, &c.-11. Easy to admit influence; inconsiderate; easily influenced by trifling considerations; unsteady; unsettled; volatile; as, a light vain person; a light mind.

There is no greater argument of a light and inconsiderate person, than profanely to scoff at religion. Tillotson.

12. Indulging in, exhibiting, or indicating levity; wanting in solidity or steadiness of character; trifling; gay; airy.

Seneca cannot be too heavy, nor Plautus too light. Shak. We may neither be light in prayer, nor wrathful in debate. F. M. Mason. 13. Wanton; unchaste; as, a woman of light carriage.

A light wife doth make a heavy husband. Shak 14. Not of legal weight; clipped; diminished; as, light coin.-15. Loose; sandy; easily pulverized; as, a light soil.-16. Having a sensation of giddiness; dizzy. Light of head for want of sleep and want of food.' Dickens. 17. Adapted for or employed in light work; as, a light porter. To set light by, to undervalue; to slight; to treat as of no importance; to despise. To make light of, to treat as of little consequence; to slight; to disregard.

Light (lit), n. A lung. See LIGHTS. Light (lit), v.t. To lighten; to ease of a burLight (lit), adv. Lightly; cheaply. Hooker. den. To light along a rope or sail (naut.), to assist in hauling it along. Light (lit), v.i. pret. & pp. lighted, sometimes lit; ppr. lighting. [A. Sax. lihtan, alihtan, to descend, alight, from liht, not heavy. "To alight from horseback, to light upon the ground, are probably to be understood from the notion of lightening the conveyance on which the agent was previously borne. Wedgwood.] 1. To fall on; to come to by chance; to happen to find: with on or upon, and formerly with into. They shall light into atheistical company.' South.

A weaker man may sometimes light on notions Watts. which have escaped a wiser.

All my blood danced in me, and I knew
That I should light upon the Holy Grail.

2. To descend, as from a horse or carriage: followed by down, off, or from.

He lighted down from the chariot.
She lighted off the camel.

2 Ki. v. 21. Gen. xxiv. 64.

3. To stoop, as from flight; to settle; to come to rest; as, the bee lights on this flower and that.

On the tree-tops a crested peacock lit. Tennyson. Lightable (lit'a-bl), a. Capable of being lighted.

Light-ball (lit'bal), n. Milit. a ball of combustible materials used to afford light, especially to one's own operations. Milit. an Light-barrel (lit'bar-el), n. empty powder-barrel with holes in it, filled

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